Chapter 42: Getting Ready For The End

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~March 9, Three days til deadline, Your POV~

I stepped out of my room and stretched. The week was finally over and me and Karma were free! Asano smiled tiredly. Nagisa smiled awkwardly, still confused about why me and Karma had to be separated for a week. And Itona just stood there with an unamused expression on his face. "Should we release the red head? Or let him suffer for a little while longer?" I questioned. "LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE!" Karma shouted currently trying to break his own door down. I snickered lightly. "Or else what?" Itona questioned. "C'mon guys we should let him out now." Nagisa said sweat-dropping. "I'm tired as f*ck keeping a force field on his door for almost a week straight. I'm letting him out." Asano grumbled sleepily. Karma opened his door after Asano lowered the force field and shot us all a nasty glare. Then he proceeded to hug me tightly from behind. "Don't do that again I won't hesitate to stab someone next time." He growled. We all laughed at him. The sun was setting slowly and Asano just crashed in his room while the rest of us celebrated me and Karma being back to normal. But even as we laughed and celebrated our minds reverted back to one thing. The deadline. Ugh. My birthday is such a pain in the a*s.  

Night quickly fell and we were still having a good time. Until Asano got a little p*ssed off. "GO TO SLEEP BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" He shouted from upstairs. Me and the others burst out laughing at his outburst. We heard stomping and all looked at the stairs. Asano walked over, grabbed me by the back of my shirt, and dragged me back to my room. He slammed the door to my room shut. "GO TO SLEEP!" He shouted before storming back off to his room. I chuckled lightly and went back downstairs. Though we were quieter this time. Asano eventually came back down and joined us for some unknown reason. We talked for a little while and just joked around. That is until it happened. We heard a large bang and felt a massive surge of power. That's when I remembered. The Final Assassination the government was working on. "S*IT I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THAT!" I shouted. The others looked at me in shock. I flung the front door open and started running as fast as my legs would carry me. Why I didn't just turn into a shadow I'll never know. I felt the others closing in behind me. Karma being the closest to me and Nagisa trailing behind to stay close to the newbies. I stopped and panted right in front of the E-class building. Karma ran up right behind me. Then an orange light came down around the area cutting us off from Nagisa, Itona, and Asano. Me and Karma turned back around and ran up to the barrier. I stopped in front of it and looked at the other three on the other side. "What is this thing?" I questioned placing my hand on it. Lightning sharp pain shot up my arm. I retracted it quickly while hissing under my breath. Karma noticed this but the others didn't. I took a breath. "Okay. Nagisa, take Itona and Asano and go find the rest of E-class. Don't do anything rash but get them up here as fast as you can. See what else you can do while you're down there. Me and Karma won't be able to get pass this barrier." I said. Karma nodded tapping the barrier. He hissed in pain and retracted his hand just like I did. "Yep. No way are we getting pass this thing." He confirmed. Nagisa stuck his hand through the barrier. "What the? Apparently I can get through." Nagisa said. Asano and Itona were able to stick their hands through as well. "Maybe it has something to do with us being half dragons." Karma said. "Well me being half dragon. You're one third dragon." I corrected. They all gave me looks. "Just get out of here and find the others. That's an order." I growled. Nagisa and the other two just nodded and fled back into the forest. I turned to Karma. "Let's find Koro-sensei." I said. "Right." He responded. 

We spotted him fly up and test the barrier himself. It made his finger melt off. He then flew back into the building. Me and Karma shared a quick glance before rushing inside. We found Koro-sensei in the teachers lounge. "Karma? (Y/N)? What are you two doing here?!" He asked his face turning dark blue. Me and Karma sat down across from him and Karma told him everything. "I see." He said his face turning back to normal yellow. "So you two can't go past the barrier either." He said. I sighed slightly feeling guilty. "This is my fault we're in this situation. I'm sorry you two." I said. "What do you mean this is your fault?" Karma questioned. I explained how I had found the files for the Final Assassination on Karasuma's computer after the space mission. "I was so p*ssed off because I knew he was playing dumb. Karasuma is a government official and even if he didn't have access to the files he would have been notified of it." I ran a hand through my hair. "I got so p*ssed off that I ended up drunk when I got home and passed out soon after in my room." I explained. "That explains why you were so p*ssed off." Karma said. "Once again I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it with all the drama and what not that's been happening recently." I said. "It's fine Shads." Karma said in a laid back tone. He leaned back in his chair with his arms behind his head. "I would have been just as p*ssed off so don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes remember? And besides it's not your fault it's the government's for being a*sholes. So just chill. What's done is done. What's in the past is in the past." He continued in his normal lazy tone. "I see you've taken her lessons to heart." Koro-sensei said. "Why wouldn't I?" Karma questioned raising an eyebrow. "She gives good advice and honestly it's helped me in the long run. Hell the only reason I was able to make it so far this year is because I had her helping me along the way." He smiled. "She's my leader. Of course I'd listen to what she has to say."

I smiled at him. "Anyway. We need to talk about that shield." I said. Koro-sensei nodded. "Yes. Do either of you have any idea how it's keeping you two trapped?" He questioned. Me and Karma shared a look. "We had a feeling it might have something to do with us being hybrid dragons." Karma said. I nodded. "But I don't think it was on purpose. That is most likely a side effect of them trying to keep you in." I said looking at the yellow octopus in front of me. He nodded seeming to have come up with something. "In that case you two might be in danger. That laser might be able to effect you just like the shield." He said. I shrugged. "So? Death isn't something that can easily scare me. If I die so be it. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't take someone down with me." I said mostly to myself. Karma shot me a questioning look while Koro-sensei sighed knowing what I meant. "Just forget about it." I said waving my hand dismissively.  "Moving on." Koro-sensei said. He pulled out a large book and some pictures. "I wanted to dedicate a few pages to you two and the evolution of Team Phantom. May I pick your brains for a minute or two?" He questioned. I smirked to myself and crossed my legs. "Alright. Is this an integration?" I questioned. Karma snickered slightly. "If you see it like that." Koro-sensei said.

"First question: Why did you first come here?" He asked. I thought back. "I actually didn't come on a mission like most would assume. I had heard of rumors of a yellow flying octopus seen in the area and came to see if people were just going crazy. You can imagine my shock to find a classroom of assassins in training." I answered. "Yeah. Honestly when I first heard we had to kill our teacher I was shocked. Even more so when I found out what you were. I thought the government had finally gone off the deep end. But low and behold everything they told me was true." Karma responded.

"Next question: (Y/N) what's the real reason you decided to train Nagisa and Karma?" Koro-sensei questioned. I laughed slightly. "Being honest at first I considered staying on the sidelines and just watching Nagisa. But then Karma showed up. I was going to continue with my original plan of just staying on the sidelines but that changed quickly because of Karma's assassination plot. Because I saved him I put myself in the spotlight and couldn't back off of stage. Now that I was apart of the class I was able to interact with them more. Because of this I felt their bloodlust first hand. And seeing that kind of potential inspired me to train them. But..." I trailed off smiling slightly. "Whenever I fight someone I get to know them better through their fighting style. And I could sense sadness and pent up rage from Nagisa. And I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness and fear from Karma. Being a Phantom Assassin helped me get the confidence and strength I have now. Somewhere deep in my heart I felt that the training I went through would help them just as much as it helped me. Even if I was cold and distant at first I still cared about others." I explained. I smiled to myself sadly. "I also knew what it felt like. To be afraid and feel alone. To be sad and yet still quake with rage that I couldn't release. I guess you can say I saw some of myself in them. I could relate to them." I finished. "Awwww." Karma and Koro-sensei said in unison. I shot both males a death glare getting them to shut up. Koro-sensei coughed slightly. "I see. So in the end you were only trying to help them. But in turn you helped yourself." He said. I nodded. "Yeah. I guess you're right about that. If Karma and Nagisa didn't worm their way into my life I'd still be that same cold loner that I was." I said. "My past would still haunt me every night. I wouldn't know feelings like joy and love. So I guess I really do need to thank you and Nagisa. Like a lot." I said smiling at Karma. He returned the smile.

"Next one: When did you two realize you had feelings for eachother?" The octopus questioned. Me and Karma both blushed at that one and looked away from eachother. "W-well being honest I first started crushing on him on the train for the school trip a few weeks after midterms." I said. "Same here being honest. I guess it mostly started when Kayano called us the King and Queen of games." Karma said. My blush started growing. "Y-yeah. I actually thought that I wouldn't mind being Karma's Queen. I proceeded to mentally slap myself for thinking that but I guess I really started falling harder after seeing more of his fighting skills. Not only that but his intelligence was another thing. He impressed me at first. But it eventually just started piling on to his charm. And then during that hide and seek training exercise after the baseball tournament. He actually outsmarted me and caught me off guard. That's when I truly started falling for him. I was just good at hiding it." I said my entire face flushed black. "I see. So no love at first sight cliche?" Koro-sensei questioned. Me and Karma gave him matching monotone expressions. "No. Love at first sight is bulls*it." We deadpanned. "Our relationship is mostly built on respect and trust. But even if it was only a few months after meeting we also took time to know eachother instead of falling for a stranger." Karma said. I nodded in agreement.

"Okay then. Follow up question: How did Karma ask you out? We're all dying to know." Koro-sensei said. I sat there frozen on the spot my face flushing a very dark black. "W-well it happened during a weekend about a week after the baseball tournament. I had spotted Karma running around in his Phantom uniform. He hadn't told me he was coming over so I decided to follow him." I started.


I followed the red headed devil until he turned behind a tree and I lost him. "What the f*ck? Where did he go?" I questioned. "How the f*ck did I lose him? He's literally a red headed fireball that smells like strawberries and blood. Seriously I need to tone back on his training he's getting too good at this." I grumbled to myself. Speak of the f*cking devil, said red head now hung upside down in front of me with a smirk on his face. "Aww don't tell me you're getting worried~." He said in that teasing tone of his. I just stared at him with a blank expression. "Me? Worried about you? Sure keep telling yourself that devil." I said chuckling slightly. A cracking noise was heard and Karma paled slightly. "S*it." He mumbled before letting out a yelp as the branch he was hanging from snapped. He sat up from the ground. I started snickering then just laughing. Little known to me at the time he was blushing under his mask. I offered a hand to help him stand. He took my hand in his and pulled me onto the ground instead. "Ow!" I yelped slightly. "Hehehe pay back." Karma said chuckling to himself while standing up. I pouted slightly sitting up. "Cheep trick ya' freaking devil. Now help me up." I commanded. He extended his hand to me and I took it hoisting myself back up.

I gave him a look. "Alright now explain why you're out here in uniform." I said deciding to ignore that he was still holding my hand. He scratched the back of his head with his free hand, a habit he had when he was nervous about something. I smiled evilly. "What're you nervous about?" I questioned. "Nervous? Who said anything about being nervous?" He questioned. "You have a nervous habit." I deadpanned. "I do not!" He protested. I laughed at his pout. He just blushed madly in embarrassment. "Anyways can you answer my question? Or were you just sneaking around to try and get my attention?" I questioned. He shrugged. "I wanted to show you something." He said. I titled my head to the side. "Show me what?" I questioned. With my hand still in his he led me off. "Come on this way." He said tugging me along. He led me out to the cliff which was covered in black and red roses. "What the f*ck?" I questioned looking around. I didn't even notice that Karma's fiery presence had left my side. "Black roses? I've never seen this before." I said bending down the examine one. Then I heard a small murmur. "Fire souls." Small balls of fire swirled around the area. Each one giving off a mischievous yet warm feeling. I stood up and held out my hand to one. It landed in my hand but it didn't burn. It just felt warm. I could feel so many things from them. Warmth, protectiveness, joy...and love. But I could also feel mischievousness, bloodlust, killer's instinct, and just a flicker of insanity. I looked to my side to see that Karma had returned. "Cool aren't they?" He questioned holding out his hand. All of them gathered in the palm of his hand and disappeared. "I learned I could do that a little while ago. I call them fire souls since they're made of fire but look like the human souls from Soul Eater. They're really useful too. If I wish to harm a person they attack based on my intent. But if I only care about a person my emotions are expressed through them." He explained. I smiled a bright and actual smile. "They're so pretty!" I said. He laughed a little and pet my head. I swatted his hand away. "Don't pet me!" I scolded. He smirked. "Oh? Then can I do this?" He questioned taking my hand in his. I started blushing slightly. He chuckled a little and mumbled 'cute' under his breath. I didn't say anything because of embarrassment. "I didn't hear a no." He said. "Shut it devil." I growled. He laughed again and spun me around before dipping me. The blush on my face grew as I gazed into his bright gold eyes. 

~End flashback~                 

"After that he confessed and what not. I double checked and he had already gotten level five charm by that point. That's why it was so effective." I said with my cheeks tinted black. "She thought I was just pranking her so I had to actually kiss her to get the message across." Karma added. I smacked him. "He doesn't need to know that!" I shouted. "I see. So that's why you always say 'd*mn you and your level five charm'." Koro-sensei confirmed. I nodded tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Yeah. It's kind of an inside joke." I said shaking my head slightly with a smile. "F*cking devil over here used my own tactics against me." I said shooting a glare at him. He just stuck his tongue out at me like normal. "What part of that was your tactics?" He questioned. I looked at Koro-sensei. "You were originally a Phantom Assassin. Shouldn't you know?" I questioned. "Nufufufufufu~ Fair enough." He said. 

"Next question: Explain why you decided to train Itona and Asano as well as let Ritsu on the team. What was your intentions and how did Itona and Asano become hybrids?" He questioned. "Well with Ritsu she actually asked us directly to keep helping her understand humans and what not. Eventually we counted her among our ranks." Karma explained. I nodded in agreement. "With Itona he just fit in and seemed to be a useful addition. Which he has proven to be. But just like with Karma and Nagisa my only intention was to help. As for the hybrid thing we found a vile of the stuff that turned us into hybrids on our doorstep. Literally. We later found out it was Karma's parents who had left it and that they worked in the old lab that was originally experimenting with it." I explained. "As for Asano that was more of an over time thing." Karma said. "Right." I said while nodding. "We seemed to have been influencing him and we didn't like how the principal was treating him. Around the time of the Masquerade he had found out about Karma being his twin and was trying to get closer to us so that he could get to know Karma as a person and not what the rumors and s*it said." I explained. "A little while after that Asano snuck up behind me and tapped my shoulder. Thinking it was Nagisa since I felt cold and chilling bloodlust I judo flipped him over my shoulder." I added. "So the boy has bloodlust." Koro-sensei said. "Yes. Albeit weak currently. But his bloodlust is just as unique as his powers. His bloodlust is always changing but it takes the form of a Kitsune. That's where we got his code name." I said. Karma nodded. "After that (Y/N) over here gave him a vile of the stuff that turned the rest of us. She never explained where she got it though." Karma added. "Where did you get it?" Koro-sensei questioned. "Well when I was experimenting on the serum I found at our door to make sure it would have the same effect I copied the recipe incase it was a fake and I wanted to know what it was. But since it was the real deal and would have the same effects I had the recipe and started experimenting with that. I just so happened to have a finished serum when Asano came along. Just incase I got it wrong however I also had some form of antidote that would stop the transformation so long as it was still happening. However when used on myself I found that it can't undo effects that have been in place for a long period of time." I explained. "Why did you use it on yourself?" Karma questioned knowing full well that my powers and scales are a part of me. "I'm pretty sure none of you would let me experiment on you. Besides I had the recipe incase I wanted to transform back. Also I had experimented on animals before. So I had some form of insurance." I said. Karma and Koro-sensei both scolded me for being so reckless. "While this raises quite a few more questions let's get back on track." Koro-sensei said. 

"Question number six: What is every Phantom's powers and abilities? As well as blood color, position, and hybrid type?" Koro-sensei asked. "Well mine is fire." Karma said lighting his hand on fire. "Abilities include, complete control over fire, being able to turn into fire, I can make clones of myself made of fire, controlling the temperature of fire, being able to make stuff out of fire, and being able to withstand both hot and cold temperatures by controlling my body heat." He continued. He closed his hand extinguishing the flame. "I'm Shadow's second in command. I'm a dragon hybrid so I have dragon like senses and since that's my hybrid type I get the special ability of the dragon hybrid. And my blood is still red despite going through the same changes as (Y/N) and the others." He finished. Karma nodded to me. "Mine is shadows. But you already know that. You also already know about my position, hybrid type, abilities, and blood color." I said. Koro-sensei nodded. "Nagisa's power is ice. He can make things out of ice, control his body temperature just like me, control ice and snow, make clones just like me and Shads, and if you're trying to sneak up on him while it's snowing or there's snow on the ground you have no chances. He can sense you because of the temperature around him changing. His position is recon and under cover specialist being the one pure assassin of the group, his hybrid type is a snake hybrid so he gets snake venom, and his blood color is blue." Karma explained. "Itona's element is metal. He can make weapons and control anything that is made out of any form of metal. He can also turn his body into different types of metal if the situation calls for it. He's our tech and weapons specialist, he's a snake hybrid so he also gets the venom though his does have somewhat different effects than Nagisa's, and his blood is silver." I explained. "And lastly Asano." Karma started. "Asano's power is quite unique. He's an elemental. He can use all of our powers and then some. Although he is still learning he seems to favor using earth and water elements. Both of which give him an elemental advantage over Karma. Thank the demon gods for that. I was getting sick and tired of Karma having an elemental advantage over everyone else on Team Phantom." I said sweat-dropping. "Anyways. Asano's powers we're still learning about but basically anything you can think of element-wise, he can do. So basically he can literally do anything we can do but better." Karma said rolling his eyes. "Don't be too sure about that." I said drawing both of the boys attention back to me. "He's powerful sure but he's still a snake hybrid and he's still learning. You and me are both dragon hybrids so we have more magic power in our one element than he has in all of his elements. Not only that but so long as you can be smart about how you're fighting the rest of us still have more experience in anything fighting-wise. Sure he knew martial arts before he started his training but the rest of us still have assassin experience and Itona has tagged along on a few of my missions remember? All of us have more field experience. And I have the most experience out of all of you." I reminded. Karma nodded in agreement. "True. You are right. Anyways back on topic." He said turning back to Koro-sensei. "He's more or less the wild card of the group. He can do anything the rest of us can so he more or less just helps out where he can. His hybrid type is, as she said, a snake so he too has venom only, just like his powers, the effects of which depend on his emotions. His blood remained red however which the rests of us find odd but we've just stopped questioning it at this point." Karma said. Koro-sensei nodded. 

"That's all the questions for now. But I will be asking you two to help me with pictures for the year books and class scrap book." He said. Me and Karma both smiled and nodded. I yawned slightly. "Well it's getting late so I'm going to sleep somewhere. Later." I said getting up and walking out the door. 

~Koro-sensei's POV~ 

Me and Karma watched her leave. Once she was gone I got to work on the books. "Teach can I ask you something?" Karma questioned. "Sure thing. What is it Karma?" I questioned still focused on my work. "You used to be one of  (Y/N)'s teachers right? What was she like? After you all found her I mean." Karma asked. I stopped what I was doing momentarily. "Have you asked her about this directly?" I questioned looking at the red haired male in front of me. "I've tried but she always dodges the question. I want to know how you found her and everything too. Why did you all take her in? I'm just curious." Karma responded. I sighed slightly. "Fine. I'll tell you. But I tell you this only because I know you have no ill intent to her and because you are her boyfriend. Got it?" I questioned pointing at him with one of my tentacles. He nodded. I sighed again and looked back on it all. "It all started when the (L/N) mansion burned down. I was assigned by Phantom to go and see if there was anything worth noting. Even now I still believe that he somehow knew that (Y/N) would be there. That man was always one step ahead of everyone." I said. I chuckled a little. "I wish I could have spoken to him one last time. But the deadline is right around the corner so there's no hope of that." I said. 

~Flashback (underlined text is Koro-sensei and Karma talking in the present)~     

I spotted the black scorch mark that was once the (L/N) manor through the treeline. I jumped out of the trees and began walking up the hill to where the mighty building once sat. I sighed slightly feeling somewhat sorry for the family. I looked over the massive black structure. Some of it hadn't fully come down yet but was close to it. 

"Being honest Phantom had actually had me watching the (L/N) family for sometime at that point. So as I was looking around I could see the children playing and (Y/N)'s mother and father watching them. It was truly saddening. Especially since I knew about (Y/N)'s disappearance. But what happened next I wan't expecting in the slightest."

I then heard something move. I whipped around pulling out my knife with a fierce glare. "Who's there!?" I called. I spotted something moving like lightning in the corner of my eye. I spun around to see a little girl covered in ash and cuts. She just stood there stareing at me with hate-filled eyes. She had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She also had pitch black scales on her neck and arms. She wore nothing but a (F/C) baggy T-shirt. Her eyes were slitted and bloodshot as if she had been crying. Her nails were also long and looked like talons. "W-who are you!? Did you do this!?" She shouted at me. 

"I was shocked at this girls appearance. But despite the unnatural claws and scales I instantly knew who this was. (Y/N) (L/N). But her appearance and attitude is what caught me off guard the most. The (Y/N) I had watched grow up was polite and friendly. This one however was only full of hatred and distrust. But I had loved watching her grow since she was a baby. So I was happy to see that she was alive." 

"(Y-Y/N)? Is it really you?" I questioned. "Answer the question! Did you do this!? Are you the one you killed mom, dad, and the others!?" She screamed. "Wait. How'd you know they were dead?" I questioned. "I can tell from the ashes." She responded sadly. "I-I can sense it. I don't know how but I can sense that they're dead." She said starting to tear up. That's when I noticed that some of the cuts she had were bleeding black blood. This shocked me to no end. I put my knife away and got on her level. "Are you alright? What happened to you?" I questioned. Her eyes widened and she backed away. "S-s-stay away! I'll hurt you! Don't touch me!" She shouted. Her hate-filled eyes now radiated pure fear. She covered her ears and crouched down. Her entire form was trembling. I was now more worried than I could say. I reached over and touched the pressure point causing her heart rate to slow back down. "It's alright I'm not going to hurt you." I said pulling her hands away from her ears. She glared back up at me. For some reason that one glare was enough to make me freeze but want to run away in fear at the same time. And as a cool headed assassin that's quite the feat. Everything around me turned black and now I was only able to see the girl in front of me. Something black started moving behind her. A black dragon stood behind her glaring at me with intense (E/C) eyes just like (Y/N). This fierce animal reared back and roared all while flaring it's wings open to look ten times bigger than it already was. I fell back on my butt and just stared at it with fear filled eyes. All of it faded in an instant. And I now was just stareing at, not a dragon, but little (Y/N) smirking at me. Her eyes knowing fully well what I was so afraid of. "What's the matter? You look scared."                

"This little girl, only five years old, knew that she had just used bloodlust. Very powerful bloodlust. So powerful it made me see the animal that it represented. And she smirked. She smirked at my fear of her. She was happy about the power she now had. The power to scare and terrify others with no more than a glare. This girl was not normal. Something had happened that had broken her spirit. Only for it to be replaced with the dark and sick joy of having power over others. I could tell that she knew what she was capable of, but she didn't know how to control it. Being honest I had considered killing her right then and there. But something stopped me. I couldn't bring myself to kill a kid. So instead I knocked her out and brought her back to the others. After I explained what happened they questioned her themselves. Only for all of them to fail one by one. Until it was my turn to try and pry something out of her." 

I walked into the interrogation room. (Y/N) smirked at me. "Well hi there mister. Nice to see you again. All of your friends seem terrified of me. I wonder why?" She questioned. I growled slightly. I thought. "Alright listen kid. If you don't start answering the questions we're asking we aren't going to put up with you anymore you understand? Tell us what happened to you. Or else." I growled. Her smirk fell and she looked downward. "Do it." She hissed. "Huh?" I questioned looking at her in shock. "I said do it. I know what 'or else' means. You're going to kill me aren't you? Well then do it. See if I care." She barked tears running down her cheeks. "Mom and dad died because of me! So did Ember and Storm! They didn't need to die! I'm the only one who needs to die! I'm nothing but a monster who couldn't even die alongside her family! Look what they did to me!" She shouted pointing at her scales and eyes. "They did this. They turned me into this freakshow. So just do it. Just kill me and get it over with. Don't think that I won't take you down with me though!" She shouted. 

"Why does she keep saying that if she dies she'll take someone down with her?" "It's something to do with her bloodlust. If she dies in those last few moments of being alive she can focus all her bloodlust on someone. Either that or it will kill the closest person to her on its own. So either she targets someone or her bloodlust targets for her. And from what she's said by focusing all her bloodlust on someone to kill them it's very painful. Like killing them through making them relieve stuff that they regret. Or through fear of what they see. She calls this ability 'Shadow Dragon's Nightmare' named after her being half dragon and the effect her bloodlust has on someone." "That is scary." "Indeed." 

I looked at this girl in shock. She...Wanted to die? She blames herself for her family's death. Why? "Okay slow down kid." I said holding up my hand to silence her. "We aren't killing you. Let's get that straight. None of us could stomach killing a kid. But why the hell do you blame yourself for your family dying? It was an accide-." "Don't you dare say it was an accident." She growled cutting me off. I once again looked at her in shock. "They were murdered. That wasn't a house fire. MY FAMILY WAS KILLED AND IT'S MY FAULT FOR TALKING BACK TO THEM! IT'S MY FAULT FOR TRYING TO ESCAPE! AND IT'S MY FAULT FOR NOT WILLINGLY LETTING THEM USE ME IN THEIR EXPERIMENTS! YOU HEAR ME? IT'S MY FAULT! MY Fault. MY Fault. My fault. It's all because of me..." She trailed off seeming to run out of air in her lungs. I stood with my back to the wall because of her out burst. After I had finally processed her words and slowly but surely pieced together what had happened to her she had passed out. I sighed walking over and picking her up. I carried her out of the interrogation room. I set her down on the bed in the guest room of our hide out before walking back out to the others. "We need to talk." I said.                 

~End of Flashback~   

"After that we all reached out to her more and more. Eventually getting her to open up to us. She started training with us and we taught her all she'd need to know. Her IQ was off the charts much like mine and she always seemed like she wanted to learn. Me and Phantom were her direct teachers. And we both could tell that she saw us as father figures. At least after we had spent so much time with her. It was hard to train her when she had such large amounts of supernatural power, but we taught her what we could and then she taught herself. But no matter what her eyes always lacked a shine to them. When she ways on a mission even at such a young age she was just as deadly as the rest of us. But during her first few missions she was silent. Slipped in and out without any emotion at all much like a normal assassin. It took a while before she actually started doing stuff like a Phantom. When she had become around 14 is when I got captured. By that time she had already been counted in our ranks. But it seems after I had been captured she broke off from the others and started doing her own thing. It took me quite a while to recognize her as the (Y/N) I had trained. Even after she showed her powers I had my doubts about her. That is until I got on the assassin's website. I'm confident you know what that is." I said looking at Karma. The red head nodded. "I was able to quickly figure things out thanks to all the rumors and conversations on the website. I was able to tell fact from fiction quite easily. I had told the class a few of the rumors about her and pretended to not know her at first. I pretended to only know rumors about her and well you know the rest." I finished. He nodded. "Thanks for telling me this. We'll talk to you later sir. Bye." Karma said getting up and leaving. I sighed getting back to work on the scrap book and year books, my mind now filled with memories of my time in the Phantoms. I chuckled a little. "I wonder if Blade and Phantom still get drunk off their rockers whenever they party." I wondered aloud. 

~Time skip March 12, three hours til deadline, Your POV~     

Me, Karma, and Koro-sensei were all standing outside the front of the E-class building. We were watching the rest of the class take out soldiers through my phone. I had it connected to all the cameras in the forest and oh boy was I proud. Asano, Nagisa, and Itona were leading the charge with Nagisa, the most experienced, barking orders to the rest of E-class. "I'm so proud right now." Karma said. He was hugging me from behind watching over my shoulder. "Indeed. My students have grown so much since the beginning." Koro-sensei said tearing up ever so slightly. "Your students?" I questioned shooting him a glare. "Pardon me. Our students." He corrected. "Thank you." I said returning to the cameras. "We've got incoming!" Nagisa shouted looking behind him. My eyes were glued to the screen. Five figures jumped over Nagisa's head one of them doing a flip mid air. They landed in front of Nagisa, Asano, and Itona. All three seemed to recognize the person standing in front of the other four. "PHANTOM?" They all shouted. "WHAT!?" Me, Karma, and Koro-sensei all shouted. "Long time no see. Nagisa, Itona. And I think I remember you. You were talking to that Karma kid's parents right?" He questioned looking at Asano. Asano nodded. "That's correct. But now isn't the time for greetings. Why are you here?" He questioned. "Well we were coming to visit Shadow but then we noticed all this crazy s*it happening." Blade said. "So we might as well help out a little." Heart said. "Right." Nagisa said nodding. Now with the help of the original Team Phantom E-class was making their way up here faster than ever. You would not believe how proud I was when Nagisa pulled out a stunner clap and Asano copied Karma's axe kick to finish the guy off.

When they all got in here me and Karma got tackle hugged by the other three in out team. Phantom and the others stood in front of Koro-sensei. Phantom tilted his mask up so it sat on his forehead. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He questioned. "Nufufufufufu~ I doubt it." Koro-sensei responded. "I'm not the only one who feels like I know this guy right?" Phantom questioned looking back at the others. "Nope I feel it too." Blade confirmed as the others nodded. Everything seemed to be happening so fast for me. Then of course Koro-sensei started lecturing the class. And being honest I was touched. "I swear the way he talks..." Heart mumbled from behind Phantom. "I know it's bugging me too." Phantom and Blade said in unison. "Ah. I almost forgot. Blade, Phantom, I hope that while I was gone you didn't influence (Y/N) too much. I'd prefer it if my star student wasn't taught how to drink under aged." Koro-sensei said pointing a tentacle at the two males. Me and Karma laughed uncontrollably at their faces. Phantom and the others tackled Koro-sensei instantly knowing who it was. "YOU SNEAKY B*STERED! HOW DARE YOU DISAPPEAR ON US AND NOT EVEN SAY HELLO!" Phantom shouted. They talked for a little while after getting up. Then of course me and Koro-sensei called out Rio since she was carrying a cake. The others were about to start singing when a Okada, Kayano, Karma, and Nagisa all pushed me next to Koro-sensei. "What are you doing?" I questioned as the backed away. "It's your birthday too isn't it?" Rio questioned. I blushed slightly, luckily it was dark so no one noticed. "Aw! Shads is embarrassed that someone actually remembered!" Heart said. "SHUT IT GOLDEN HAIR!" I spat throwing a knife at her. They all laughed at me. "You're turning 17! Geez loosen up will ya'." Phantom said winking at me. "17?" I questioned. "You are so bad at remembering your age why am I not surprised?" Blade said sweat-dropping. "True. She always forgot it. And whenever we tried to celebrate she'd throw a knife at us because we surprised her." Forest said her brown her blowing in the wind. "You'd think we'd learn by this point to not do s*it like that." Kage said. "Shut up." I growled at them. The others just started laughing about it. Then they started singing to me and Koro-sensei. I don't know why but I felt so happy. Happy to be a part of this class. Happy to have found my long lost teacher. Happy to know that Karma won't ever leave me. Once they were done we were about to blow out the candle. That is until the two a*sholes showed up. And by a*sholes. I mean Shiro and his friend. Who is now apparently the new 'Koro-sensei'. 

I chuckled slightly. Silencing everything around me. Causing everyone to freeze. "Wooooooow. You most be really good at limbo! I honestly didn't think you could go any lower. But then again you are the scum of the earth that killed my family so I'm not even going to pretend to be shocked." I said rolling my eyes with a shrug. Everyone steered clear as I started walking forward. "Heya reap how've ya' been?" I questioned eyeing the tentacled monster that I thought died by my hands. I noticed the slight flinch he had at my presence. The obvious fear he had for me making my evil smirk only grow. "Now listen here. I'm trying to have a nice birthday for once and I'd rather not have to kill three things today so if you could kindly leave before I go full genocide mood on you two b*ches I'd really appreciate it." I said in a cheerful tone. Karma, Nagisa, Itona, and Asano all paled realizing just how p*ssed I was. Koro-sensei and the rest of the old Phantoms all gave me worried looks than gave Shiro and Reap pity-filled looks. "Yep. As you can tell from the Phantom's new and old reactions you're as good as dead if you don't bail. So seriously back the f*ck off before I kill you in the most painful way I can think of." I said, growling the last part with the deadliest glare I could muster. "It's almost sad how scared you are. Tell me...Is that what your family felt when I burned down their mansion?" Shiro questioned. I didn't move I didn't speak. I started laughing. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Karma. "Mind if I help? These two are really starting to p*ss me off. And I owe mister Reaper Peeper over there a good a*s kicking for kidnapping me." Karma said. I looked over at him and noticed his eyes slitted, shining with bloodlust. As well as a few veins popping on his forehead. "Consider this your first battle as my apprentice. Lesson one: It's perfectly fine to go all out when you're fighting an a*shole." I started. I looked up my eyes slitted and glowing. "So don't f*ck around. Get your a*s in gear and use that." I said darkly. He smiled brightly and looked excited. "You mean...?" He trailed off leaving it as that. I smirked and nodded causing him to brighten up even more. "Now remember. This is very painful at first but just suck it up and ride it out. Trust me the pay off is worth it." I reminded. "Yep got it." He said. "Are you even paying attention?" I questioned. "Nope." He said. I sighed. "Fine then. Just don't say I didn't warn you." I said. 

~Play song~

We both stepped forward in unison as spiting pain shot through my skull. I let out a loud scream as I felt my bones breaking apart and reforming. My hands shot up clutching my head as I continued to scream in pain. My body felt like it was being torn apart. I felt like I was burning. Shadows swirled around me as I continued to scream. I could hear my heart beat in my ear. Pounding. My head felt like it was being split in two. My back was burning as were my hands and lower back. The shadows dissipated I looked up while panting and sweating. I then smiled and started laughing as my (F/C) wings with black membrane unfurled on my back. My black and (F/C) armor clinked slightly as my (F/C) tail with a black underside swished behind me. I looked at my hands now covered in (F/C) scales and my nails now black talons. I reached up and felt my slightly curved (F/C) and black horns. "It's been a while since I've been in my Dragonoid form." I said looking at Karma. He was getting up slowly. His wings fluttering slightly as he opened his slitted eyes. His wings were red with gold membrane. His horns were red and gold, curved slightly like mine. His tail was red with a gold underside and swishing behind him dangerously. He wore bright gold armor that made him look like a king. His hands were covered in red scales and his fingernails were now deadly black talons just like mine. He smirked slightly looking over his appearance. "Holy s*it this is awesome." He said flapping his wings slightly. He examined his new talons with a curious look in his eyes. He felt his horns slightly and turned to get a good look at his tail. "This is so cool!" He said like an excited child. "You done admiring yourself?" I questioned. He just stared at me with a curious look in his eyes. He flicked his tail knocking my feet out from under me. I fell with a yelp as he laughed. My wings started flapping lifting me in the air slightly. I hovered just above the ground. "Haha, very funny. Can we kill him now?" I questioned in a bored tone. He nodded and smirked at me. "You look cute like that." He said winking at me. I blushed and smacked him with my tail. "Now's not the time to be flirting you d*mn moron." I growled. He stuck his tongue out at me before turning a scary glare at Shiro and Reap as did I. We snapped our fingers in unison causing black spikes made of shadows and fire souls to surround the two of them. "Alright then class is in session. Let's get started shall we?" I questioned with an insane look in my eyes as a sword formed in my hand. Karma smirked and nodded red wires coming from his talons. "We shall." He answered his voice quaking with power and excitement.   

Dragonheart explains the appearance!     

Tail and wings look like that. Only a little less ice like and with the colors I described. Also Karma's wings are a lot larger. They're built for powerful flight and speed.  

Horns look like that. 

Armor looks like that. 

There you go and sorry for the cliff hanger! And sorry for any spelling or grammar issues. Song and art are not mine! Bye!

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