Chapter 43: Roll Call

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He stuck his tongue out at me before turning a scary glare at Shiro and Reap as did I. We snapped our fingers in unison causing black spikes made of shadows and fire souls to surround the two of them. "Alright then class is in session. Let's get started shall we?" I questioned with an insane look in my eyes as a sword formed in my hand. Karma smirked and nodded red wires coming from his talons. "We shall." He answered his voice quaking with power and excitement.

Present: (You may play the music) 

Me and Karma stood still watching for any movement from Reaper or Shiro. My tail swished behind me as I slid into a stance holding my sword in a defensive position. Clearly this will be a battle of intelligence and reflexes, not just speed and strength. Me and Karma are powerful in this form sure but many things will decide this battle. Things like experience which unfortunately me and Karma don't have that much of. At least compared to these two. Not only that but Karma has never been in this form so I have no idea how fast he'll be able to go or what kind of abilities he'll be able to use. My max speed in this form is mach twenty nine. But my stealth shoots through the roof. Either way I'm not built for head to head combat. But I do have 'Shadow sight' so let's hope that'll be able to give me an edge. Karma's abilities are still unknown to me currently. And it's been almost ten years since I've been in this form so I might have some new abilities. There is no clear winner. My best bet is to try and draw out the fight so that I can learn their attack patterns and hopefully wear them down. I thought. Just as I nodded to myself confirming my plan I saw a shadow version of the Reaper's tentacle coming right at me. I jumped up just in time to avoid the real thing and slashed down with my sword severing the tentacle. Karma shot forward a sonic boom following soon after him as he grabbed Shiro by his face and slammed the white clad warrior into the fire souls and shadow spikes. The fire souls exploded on contact and Karma flew up just in time to avoid the explosions. I closed my free fist causing the shadow spikes to impale the Reaper but Shiro managed to dodge them just in time. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for me as I watched Karma's movements. I noticed how his wings were massive and looked powerful. I did a few calculations in my head as I dodged the Reaper's tentacles. Karma went from zero miles per hour to mach twenty in no less then a second. And something tells me this isn't even him going at his fastest. You can a lot from the way his form looks as well. His talons are slightly curled but look more fit for slashing and slicing. His wings are obviously powerful and something tells me he could get to speeds like mach forty one without breaking a sweat. I thought. I then turned my gaze to the Reaper. Reap's tentacles are moving from mach twenty to forty. Very fast. I'm only dodging them by the skin of my teeth thanks to 'Shadow sight'. I thought blocking one tentacle with my sword before dodging another one. I flew up higher still dodging tentacles. To beat him, I'm going to have to immobilize the tentacles and strike a weak spot. Either that or force him back into the shield. Think (Y/N), think. I thought clenching my teeth as one of the tentacles struck me knocking me back to the ground. I lost my sword at some point and just barely dodged another tentacle that went to strike me while I was down. I jumped away and kept one hand on the ground as I flared my wings open and jumped into the sky again. My eyes darted around looking for anything that I could use. I flew higher and higher avoid his tentacles when something came to mind. I quickly pulled into a dive going head on at the Reaper. He tried to strike at me with his tentacles but I started spinning making it impossible for him to hit me. Shadows formed around me and I flared my wings open halting my movements. The shadows formed sharp spikes around me and my slitted (E/C) eyes were glowing with bloodlust. "SHADOW SLICER!" I shouted flapping my wings downward towards the Reaper. The spikes when flying right at him sonic booms following each of them. He dodged but it kept him distracted long enough so that I could quickly fly in front of the class. They all started at me in shock. "Someone give me your anti knife right now!" I shouted. Kayano gave me hers. I nodded to them and returned to the fight at sonic speed. 

I appeared right between Karma and Shiro shocking both males. "Ding, dong, wanna play?" I questioned sending Shiro flying with my tail right into the Reaper knocking them both into the shield. "Should I be worried?" Karma questioned. I looked back at him. He was covered in cuts and bruises. I felt my bloodlust grow. "When I give the word I want you to charge at the Reaper and hit him were his heart is. That will finish him off. Toss the body into the shield once you're done. Don't forget to smile." I said. He looked at the knife in my hand his tail swishing behind him. "Tactic number 4?" He questioned. I smirked evilly. "Yep." I said turning back to the villains as they were getting up. "How are you going to distract them?" He questioned. "A little skill called nightmare and taking a page from Nagisa's book." I explained. He nodded understanding what I meant. I flared my wings open causing a powerful gust of wind forcing them to cover their eyes while also hiding Karma from view. My eyes started glowing brightly as I started walking towards them slowly. My bloodlust shot out catching them off guard and trapping them in an insane state. They now saw me as a vicious monster with a black dragon following her movements. Back when I was younger I couldn't control what people saw. But after a little fine tuning and training I was able to fully control and weaponize my bloodlust. Their eyes kept darting from me, to the knife, and to the dragon they thought they saw behind me. Slight trembling was seen in their forms, specifically Shiro's. Because I was also making him see twisted versions of all the people he has caused harm to and or killed. All of them calling him murderer, a monster, a freak. All things that I have been called by him and the scientists that followed him. 

"You both have caused pain and suffering to those around you." I said my voice dark and threatening. My bloodlust was oozing all over the place, even from my words. "The assassin known as Reaper. You have committed crimes such as murder and kidnapping but you have also betrayed those that you once called friends and teachers, stolen the name of your teacher, kidnapped a Jr. High student as well as his teacher, and much much more. I hereby sentence you to death. Though as an old friend and fellow Phantom Assassin Apprentice I will not punish you in the ways I aim to punish Shiro. So feel grateful that your death will be quick." I growled walking forward. My glare turned to Shiro making him nearly freeze in place and whimper. "Yanagisawa, you have committed many crimes ranging from murderer, to kidnapping, as well as illegal experimentation and manipulation of the government. For these crimes and for attempting to hurt my classmates, teachers, and teammates, as well as kidnapping and experiment on children ripped away from their families, I hereby sentence you to death by Shadow Queen's Judgement the most powerful and painful spell I have learned. The darkest pits of hell await you. So don't keep the devil waiting for too long." I growled getting up closer to their faces. Shiro threw a few knives at me as a last ditch effort to hurt me before I threw the anti knife up. They're eyes followed it as I pulled out the stunner clap on them both making them freeze. Karma flew over our heads at lightning speed catching the knife and stabbing the Reaper's heart and throwing him right into the shield causing him to melt. Shiro glared at me but fear was clear in his eyes. Karma landed behind me with a terrifying glare of his own. My bloodlust only making the red haired sadist even more terrifying than normal. Shiro started to back away, feeling Karma's bloodlust. I wrapped a shadow around him holding him in place. "I-I'm not scared of you! You're nothing but a monster! Just a scared little girl that has powers she can't even begin to comprehend! Let me go!" He shouted. I smirked evilly walking closer to him. His eyes widened in fear and he started struggling against the shadow holding him in place. "Oh I'll let you go alright..." I said placing my hand on his forehead as massive power gathered in the area. 

"To hell."    

He screamed as a black beam of light struck him down from above. He continued to scream in absolute agony. He was also crying as well. "What you're experiencing right now is all the physically and emotional pain that all of your victims have felt. That's how Shadow Queen's Judgment works. By looking at your past this spell forces you to feel everything that anyone you have ever hurt have felt. And because I'm using it in Dragonoid form it's ten times stronger than it normally is. Seems like a fitting end for you." I explained. He continued screaming. "Oh. I forgot to mention." I added as his body started to turn into ash. "The spell finishes you off by burning you and turning your body into ash so that no traces of you are left. So goodbye Yanagisawa. I hope you burn in hell for the rest of eternity. I'll see you there." I said as the beam died down leaving nothing of him in it's wake.                        

~End song if it hasn't already~                            

I just stood there panting for a little while before falling backwards, completely worn out. Karma caught me. I hissed a little as the cuts from Shiro's knives started bleeding and burning. "Are you okay?" Karma asked his voice somewhat weak. I smiled over my shoulder at him. "I'm fine don't worry." I said. He turned me around so that he could face me and brought me closer to him wrapping his wings around me in a hug. I leaned into the warm embrace letting out a small sigh of relief while wrapping my tail around his. Instantly feeling a little better. "Welp that's two tentacled assassins down. One to go." I said sadly. He kissed me passionately. "It's okay. I'm here for you." He said once he had pulled away running a hand through my hair slightly. I smiled at him warmly. "It's finally over. Isn't it?" I questioned. He hummed in response still playing with my hair. "Can you stop playing with my hair for like five seconds?" I questioned in an annoyed tone. "Nope." He said chuckling at me. "Can you stop pulling scary and crazy s*it like that out of no where?" He questioned. I laughed slightly. "Nope never." I said. Karma picked me up bridel style despite my protests and started carrying me back to the classroom. Being honest he made the right move. If I had walked or flown I most likely would have passed out. Once we got back I noticed Karasuma and Irina standing there looking at us in shock. We were pelted with questions almost immediately. Some about our new forms. Some about if we were okay. Some about what we did to Reap and Shiro since we were hidden from few and none of them dared come any closer. But most were about what would come next. That was the unspoken question everyone was asking. The final bosses were gone. But the time limit wasn't. Koro-sensei collapsed on the ground. "Oh my. I was holding my breath through the entire fight. I'm so relieved to see that you two are alright." He said sounding out of breath. The entire class was silent. 

"Your target is laying on the ground overrun with the relief that two of his students are okay." Phantom said suddenly. "Come now. What kind of assassins would pass up this opportunity." Kage added from behind him. We all clenched our teeth and flinched at those words. "I'm sorry children/guys. But all good things must come to an end." Me and Koro-sensei said in unison. Karma put me down a shadow covering his eyes since he knew I was right. I flared out my wings to balance myself out since I was about to fall. The others eyed my wings with confused and wonder-filled looks. "Guys...We have to make a decision one way or the other." Isogi said. "We could stay out of it...Leave Koro-sensei's fate up to them..." He said. He then looked around. "Let's take a vote." He said. "Who here...Doesn't want to kill him?" He questioned. Slowly but surely everyone's hand rose. Even my own much to everyone except Karma's shock. "Alright thank you. Hands down." He said as everyone lowered their hands. "Who wants to kill him?" He asked. A few fists clenched and everyone gritted their teeth as shadows covered their eyes. I sighed slightly raising my hand. "That's not the question you need to ask." I said drawing everyone's attention. "Who wants to kill him...Because we're the only ones who have the right to?" I questioned. I saw a few people start crying, either that or were on the verge of crying. I even heard Karma's breath hitch a few times. Reluctantly and slowly everyone's hand was raised. Everyone slowly started moving and pinned down Koro-sensei's tentacles so that he wouldn't be able to move. Except for me, Nagisa, and Karma. All the adults stood off to the side. Knowing that this was between us...and our target. Koro-sensei called out that everyone's grip was lose so they tightened their hold despite their emotions protest. Then they questioned who was going to kill him. Nagisa was about to say something but I stepped forward instead silencing everyone. "As his student here, and his apprentice in the past, it is my duty to do this. No one else will be able to unfortunately." I said. Karma nodded and held down one of Koro-sensei's tentacles next to Asano. He curled in his tail and folded in his wings as to not accidentally smack someone. Nagisa nodded to me before holding down the same tentacle. All the Phantoms were on that one tentacle. I walked over with the knife and positioned myself right in front of his heart. I folded in my large wings just like Karma. That's when I noticed it. "There's a hole in you tie." I pointed out. "Sharp as ever my dear. You're right. I left it there for...sentimental reasons." He said. "I learned from the best....On both ends." I said smiling slightly. My smile turned into a frown as I cleared my throat and took a few deep and shaky breaths. "Ah I almost forgot. I'd like to say farewell to me fellow teachers and my old Teammates if you don't mind." He said. "Of course not." I said. "Karasuma, Irina. It's been fun. Thank you for helping me teach these children." He said. "It was our pleasure...Koro-sensei." Karasuma said finally using the name Kayano gave him. "Phantom, Blade, Heart, Forest, Kage....Thank you...Thank you for excepting me as one of your teammates. I want you to watch over Shadow in my absence understood?" He questioned. Phantom smiled. "Of course." He said. Blade nodded. "It was nice knowing you Reap-I mean Koro-sensei. God that's weird to say." He said to himself. "See you on the other side." Heart said smiling brightly like she always did. "You better wait for us you hear me you dumb snake ya' hear me?" Forest questioned. "Don't even think of trying to get away from us." Kage said smiling sadly. Although they hid it well they were all fighting back tears. This was their teammate. That they thought died on a mission. And now he's going to be killed right in front of them. Right after they were just reunited. Koro-sensei smiled at his old team. "I'll be waiting, right here for you all. Phantom, Blade...You two better not drink yourselves into an early grave." He said. They all started laughing slightly as did I. This was a sad moment for all of us old Phantoms. "If you children don't mind I'd like to take roll one last time." Koro-sensei said. We all nodded. 

"Yuma Isogi." "Here." "Taiga Okajima." "Here." "Hinata Okano." "Here." "Manimi Okada." "H-here."  "Meg Kataoka." "Here." "Kaede Kayano." "Here sir." "Yukigo Kanzaki." "I'm here." "Justice Kimura." "Here." "Hinano Kurahashi." "Here." "Sosuke Sugaya." "Here." "Tomohito Sugino." "Here." "Kotaro Takabayashi." "Here." "Ryunosuke Chiba." "Here." "Ryoma Terasaka." "I'm here d*mmit." "Rio Nakomura." "Like you can get rid of me." "Kirara Hazama." "You're buying your time.......Here sir." "Rinka Hayami." "Here." "Sumire Hara." "Here." "Yuzuki Fuwa." "Here." "Hiroto Meahara." "Here." "Koki Mimura." "Here." "Takuya Muramatsu." "Here." "Toka Yada." "H-here." "Taisei Yoshida." "Here." 

Me and the other Phantoms were a little surprised about what happened next. "Now for the Phantoms. This roll call will be a little different. I felt like each of you deserved something special. And being a Phantom myself I decided what better way than this? When I call your name please state your code name, position, and your catchphrase. And don't pretend you don't know what that means." Koro-sensei said. We all nodded tears in our eyes. Even Karma and Asano. "Karma Akabane." Koro-sensei called out. "Sir. Red Devil. Second in command. May the fire of justice have mercy on you." Karma recited weakly. "Very good. Fits you very well. Gakushuu Akabane." He said. Asano chuckled. "You had to use my real last name huh? Sir. Kitsune. Wild Card. The elements have come." Asano recited firmly. Koro-sensei nodded. "Nagisa Shiota." He called. Nagisa was crying somewhat. "H-here. Python. Recon and undercover specialist. Ice to meet you." He said in between sobs. "Ritsu." Koro-sensei called. "Sir. Nav. Hacker and support. Mission Accomplished." She responded with a said expression on her digital face with tears in the corners of her eyes. "Itona Horiba." He called. "I'm here. Silver. Weapons and tech specialist. It was fun while it lasted. Goodbye." He said. "A very unusual catchphrase but I think it works well." Koro-sensei said. He then looked up directly at me. "And finally (Y/N) (L/N)." He said. I fought back tears. "P-present and accounted for. Shadow. Leader. The Show's Over." I said weakly. He nodded. "All present and accounted for. No one is missing congratulations." He said his face turning orange with a red circle. Most of us started crying. I looked up at the sky taking one last deep breath. "Sir. There's a few things I want to say before I do this. If you will allow me a little of your time." I said shakily. "Of course (Y/N). But quickly now. Time is of the essence." He reminded. "I know." I said weakly. 

"Sir...I first met you years back when I was only five years old. You took me in and trained me to become a Phantom Assassin alongside Phantom, Blade, Heart, Forest, and Kage. You changed my life back then. When you disappeared along with Reaper 2.0, I don't dare say his name, I was beyond upset. Because out of every single one of the Phantoms you were the one I grew closest too. Out of everyone you and Phantom were the ones I saw as my father figures. You were gone for two years. In those two years my activity skyrocketed...But the reason for that was because I was looking for you." I said shocking everyone. "I had heard that you had been captured and killed but I didn't believe that. Just like when I was five and I knew my family was dead I somehow deep in my gut knew that you were alive somehow. That's when I heard the rumors of yellow flying octopus spotted around the class 3-E building. I was curious and decided to look. And unknown to me at the time I had found you. And low and behold you changed my life again." I said. I smiled slightly a shadow covering my eyes as memories flashed in my vision. "You convinced me to join the class, it's because of you that I met Karma, Nagisa, and everyone else. And because I met them I was able to feel truly happy again." I frowned as tears rolled down my face. "And it's because of them that I was able to love again." I added. "...And it can all be traced back to you. If it weren't for you finding me that day I wouldn't have become a Phantom in the first place. If you hadn't been pestering me to join the class non stop everyday I never would have been able to meet my team. It's all because of you." I said my voice and breath getting shaky. "Thanks to you I was able to make friends that I cherished. Thanks to you I met the guy that I grew to love with all my heart. And thanks to you I was able to find people like me. People that understood me. And people that truly cared about me and my feelings." I said. "But now...I'm just scared." I added. "I know that the government is watching this right now. I've been revealed. They now know who, and what I am. So now I'm scared. Scared of losing those people I cherish. Scared of not being able to protect my friends and my new family. But most of all...I'm scared of promises being broken." I said clenching my teeth and shaking my head. I forced a smile and looked at Koro-sensei with tears streaming from my eyes. "But thanks to you I have the strength to look past my fears and think about the future. Thanks to you I can continued doing what I love and then some. It's all because of you!" I shouted. "I owe you so much...So...I'll pay you back in full...The way I was taught...And the way you truly deserve." I said my voice breaking as I continued crying. "What I'm trying to say is....Thank you......Thank you for everything you have done....And thank you for making me who I am today.....And so I thank you like an assassin-no. A Phantom Assassin. I thank you as your student, your apprentice, and......your daughter. Because you weren't just some teacher to me. You were my father in a way. So I thank you...With my blade." I finished stabbing Koro-sensei's heart through his tie. 

"(Y/N)...You've come so far from the small little girl I met all those years ago. You have your own team. You've master your Dragonoid form. And you've finally finished off the man who killed your family. I couldn't be prouder of what you've become and of what you've accomplished. I'll miss you...My daughter huh? That has a nice ring to it." And with that he started disappearing in bright yellow orbs. I started screaming out for him while sobbing. Nagisa and a few of the others doing the same. "GOD D*MN IT YOU DUMB OCTOPUS YOU CAN'T F*CKING DO THAT! YOU CAN'T JUST CALL ME YOUR DAUGHTER AND THEN UP AND DIE!" I shouted. Once he was fully gone and all that was left was his clothes everyone started crying and sobbing. I closed my eyes tightly and grit my teeth while staring down at the ground where he used to be. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked forward to see Karma...actually crying. I chuckled slightly and wiped my eyes despite the tears still coming. "W-what's this? The Great Karma Akabane crying? I didn't think that was possible." I said trying to laugh it off like always. But for once the joke didn't work. The tears kept coming. I stood up slowly and looked up at the sky with rage in my eyes. "WHAT'S PHANTOM ASSASSIN RULE NUMBER FIVE!?" I shouted at the top of my lunges. All Phantoms new and old stopped crying and stared at me. "WELL!?" I shouted. I then forced a smile. "ALWAYS SMILE! NO MATTER WHAT! DO YOU THINK KORO-SENSEI WOULD WANT US TO JUST SIT HERE CRYING LIKE BABIES!? NO! SO EVEN IF IT'S FORCED SMILE LIKE A PHANTOM ASSASSIN! NEVER WAVERING! YOU HEAR THAT YOU DUMB OCTOPUS!? I'M GOING TO KEEP SMILING UNTIL I DIE! I REFUSE TO BE TORN UP ABOUT YOUR DEATH BECAUSE I KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU'D WANT! YOU BETTER BE LISTENING D*MNIT!" I shouted at the top of my lunges. My shouts silenced everyone. I looked down clenching my fists as tears continued to streak down my cheeks. Karma stood up and hugged me. He wrapped his wings around me hiding me from view and wrapped his tail around mine. He pet me slightly. "It's alright. You don't have to be strong right now. Just let it out." He said softly. Those words sent me over the edge as I started sobbing on his shoulder. I punched his armored chest lightly. "D*mnit. D*mnit. D*mnit." I cursed over and over again with every punch. "Shhh. It's alright." He said tears running down his face as well. "I...I need sleep." I said to myself. Karma nodded knowing that I hadn't slept much in the past three days. He raised his head lowering his wings slightly so that he could see the other Phantoms. "I want you all to go inside and see if Koro-sensei left anything for the class. I'm taking (Y/N) home now that the barrier is gone. If you find anything for me and (Y/N) bring them over to the Phantom household." He said his voice strong and commanding. I made the right choice making him my second in command. 

He picked me up bridel style only this time I didn't fuss about it. He flapped his wings a few times taking off into the sky with me in his arms. He brought me home but I had already fallen asleep on the way there just listening to his heart and wing beats. 

~Third person POV~                          

The aftermath of Koro-sensei's death impacted everyone in 3-E. And not just them either. The original Team Phantom, staying true to their word, moved in with (Y/N) to look after her. A form of alliance was made between the old and new team Phantoms. Karasuma and Irina deleted any footage of Koro-sensei's assassination and Karma and (Y/N)'s Dragonoid forms. Anyone who was watching had a gag order put on them as well. Basically anything that happened on the mountain stayed on the mountain. Nagisa and Asano brought Karma and (Y/N) three large books. One was Koro-sensei's guide to life. The other one was the class 3-E year book. And the last one was a scrap book/full documentary of the Phantoms Evolution from the beginning of the year to March 13. Using the information he had gotten from Karma and (Y/N) as well as pictures taken by himself and some from Ritsu as well we had made a large book that showed all their adventures, milestones, and even specific profiles for each of them. Each of the the Phantoms got one of these. It also fulled documented the relationships each of them had formed and how they grew. And the book wasn't even finished. There were still plenty of blank pages that he had left open, as if he had known the Phantoms would continue training and working. 

After graduation Karma, staying true to his promise, stayed and continued training under (Y/N), becoming her apprentice and remaining her second in command. Asano and Itona decided to keep training under her until they passed their Phantom Trials. Afterward they would decide whether or not to keep training to become full fledged Phantom Assassins. Nagisa disappeared off the map for quite some time leaving everyone on the team to wonder where the little Blueberry had gone off too. His sudden disappearance worried (Y/N) greatly but luckily Karma was there to keep her from tearing apart the earth to look for him. Ritsu remained with Team Phantom as their hacker and support. Just as they thought (Y/N) and Karma's powers only grew as they got older. (Y/N) began experiment with her powers by expanding her house. It was now a fully fledged mansion at this point with each Phantom having a floor to themselves. However her and Karma share a floor. Karma's powers became more and more destructive and powerful. But no matter how much he trains he hasn't been able to beat (Y/N) once since Koro-sensei's death. 

Nova and Flare, Karma and (Y/N)'s familiars, began to grow as well. Both of them now being up to Karma and (Y/N)'s shoulders in height. Nagisa's familiar, Guardian, disappeared along with him. But (Y/N) estimated that the snake fimiliar would be about six feet in length by this time. Asano's fimiliar, Amber, still only was one tail but has grown to about the same size, if not bigger, than your average fox. Fang, Itona's wolf fimiliar, is slightly bigger than an average male wolf, despite Fang being female. Two years after Koro-sensei's death (Y/N) discovered that she actually had a long lost twin. Of course said twin remained elusive until about five years and three mouths later. For a total of seven years none of the Phantoms had managed to get in contact with Nagisa.......Until now that is. 

Karma and (Y/N) have truly bonded over the seven year gap. Even going as far as to getting married. The two are happy. But they haven't changed all that much. And any new danger that may approach them will have to deal with the powers of the two most powerful elements. Shadows and fire are truly unique. And they seem to be unstoppable when combined. But even so they remained unchanged. Them and their Red and Black Blood are eternal.  ~Flame Dragonheart Draco/Author-Chan     

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