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~Seven Years later, Phantom Household Basement, Your POV~ 

I smiled brightly as Asano finally completed his Phantom trial. Having mastered all his elements before the year was done. The strawberry blond male was sweating a lot but had a look of determination and accomplishment in his eyes. "Very good Asano. You've passed your Phantom Trial. Took you long enough." I said rolling my eyes. He still had us call him Asano for old times sake. Though I don't know why he doesn't just let me or Karma call him by his first name. Whatever doesn't matter too much. "You have the rest of the year to think about if you want to continue becoming a Phantom Assassin. I expect your answer to be decided by the end of the year or sooner just to clarify." I said. He nodded grabbing a towel and walking back upstairs probably to get some food. So that makes four that have passed their Phantom Trials. I thought. Karma and Itona decided to continue their training, Karma now fully a Phantom Assassin. Nagisa never gave his answer but I'm sure he's doing something else at this point. I thought while sighing. I wonder what Asano will choose. He is the most unpredictable out of us all. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice my red headed husband sneaking up behind me. I quickly sidestepped sensing him last minute causing him to fall and land on his face. He sat up his cat ears twitching a few times. "OW! You are so mean." He whined. I smirked and booped his nose. We haven't changed nearly as much as you'd think. Sure we've grown stronger and a little more mature but we're still the same Phantoms we were seven years ago. I helped Karma to his feet and smiled at him since he was pouting. "What were you trying to do anyways?" I questioned. "Surprise hug. Duh." He said rolling his eyes. I pet his head lightly. That's when I noticed he had slicked back his hair again. I messed it up back to his original Jr. High style. "Why? Every time Shads. Can't you let me try different hair styles for once!?" He questioned. "That slicked back style doesn't fit you at all. Besides it bugs you so never." I responded sticking my tongue out at him. He returned the gesture. 

My phone rung suddenly shocking both me and him. Why were we shocked you ask? Because the ring tone was Echo. Nagisa's ring tone. I got my phone out and answered it quickly. "H-hello?" I stuttered putting it on speaker. "Hey Shadow. It's been a while huh? Did you miss me?" Nagisa questioned on the other end. His voice was a little deeper but it was still the same Nagisa from seven f*cking years ago. "NAGISA!!!!!!!" Me and Karma both shouted, happy tears in our eyes. I started crying uncontrollably. Karma stole my phone. "NAGI F*CKING SA WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Karma shouted. Asano and Itona came running down the stairs. "What the hell is going on down here?" Itona questioned still as monotone as ever. I smiled brightly. "It's Nagisa." I said still crying. They both stood there mouths agape before running over with tears in their eyes and bright smiles on their faces. "Nagisa! Where have you been you f*cking Blueberry! We've been worried sick about you." Asano said. "Where do you get off not contacting any of us if over seven years? You better explain yourself." Itona said. Nagisa chuckled a little. "Can you stop cursing please? I'm in front of my class right now." He said. "YOU HAVE A CLASS!?" We all shouted. "That's it I'm coming over there. Where the hell are you?" I questioned. "Ummmmmm...." Nagisa trailed off most likely contemplating whether or not to tell us. Ritsu appeared on my phone giving me her signature salute before showing me his location. Tracking him through his old phone was easy. He must have just now activated it seeing how we weren't able to track him down before. "Forget it we've got your location. Be there in a few." I said. "WAIT NO NO NO NO NO N-." I hung up cutting him off. "He's lost his touch." Asano said. "Let's go." Itona said. 

~Nagisa's POV~ 

I slid down in my chair at my desk knowing full well they'll be here any second. I shot a glare at Akane. The red headed female was one of my students and she and the others all convinced me to call my old team. I've been wanting to contact them, for a long time, don't get me wrong. It's just I didn't know how too. I always thought they'd be p*ssed off that I hadn't contacted them in forever but the seemed...happy to hear from me. "What kind of people did you grow up with Nagisa-sensei?" The entire class asked while sweat-dropping having heard our conversation. "The crazy kind." I responded looking at my watch knowing full well that they'll be here in about five minutes or so. "Well might as well tell you all what they're like before they get here, so we've got about five minutes. So pay attention please." I said picking up a piece of chalk. I drew a quick sketch of Asano. "This is Gakushuu Akabane. He was the newest member to our group and definitely the most unpredictable." I explained. "He always had us call him Asano and was one of our best strategists. Asano is strong, fast, smart, and clever. Just like his twin, one of our other members, he was also somewhat sadistic. Not nearly as bad as his twin or as our leader mind you. He always denied that it was true but he let stuff slip every now and then." I said while erasing his picture. "He looked tired." Midori said. I chuckled. "Asano always looked tired. And when he didn't sleep for days on end we was like a zombie I tell you. There was this one time me and the others were parting downstairs in the house we shared when he suddenly shouted 'GO TO SLEEP BEFORE I MAKE YOU'!" I said mimicking his voice and grumpy tone causing my students to laugh. "When we laughed it off like normal he came downstairs, grabbed our leader by the back of her shirt, and dragged her upstairs into her room before slamming the door in her face and shouting 'GO TO SLEEP!' before returning to his own room." I said starting to draw Itona. Once I had finished I smiled a little. 

"Itona Horiba. He was our tech specialist. But out of the entire group he was the one we poked fun at the most. It was like poking a sleeping wolf I tell you. The moment he got really mad he would chase us around the forest for hours on end." I said laughing at the old memories. "He looks mad in the picture." Tori pointed out. I chuckled slightly. "Oh trust me he was mad twenty four seven. Get this. One time when he had left home me and the others were all messing with his tech and what not. When he came in...oh boy. We all darted instantly but Asano's twin was the one he was focused on." I said erasing the picture of Itona. I started sketching Karma continuing with the story. "So when he darted he shouted 'IT WAS NAGISA'S IDEA!' and proceeded to jump out the window." I finished. "Was it your idea?" Akane questioned. "Nope. It was our leader's idea but we'll get to her in a minute." I said. I finished my drawing of Karma. "Karma Akabane. This is Asano's twin. And our second in command." I said smiling slightly. "Karma was basically the male version of you Akane. Sadistic, clever, mischievous, but all in all he was also a great leader, a tactical genius, and always had some of the sharpest senses out of all of us. Karma had the foresight, and know how, to plan out battles before they even happened. But we've seen some of his more sweat and weird sides thanks to our leader. Being honest you give the dude something strawberry flavored and he'll love you forever." I said causing the class to laugh. "I remember one time when Karma was sick and our leader had to take care of him he was so clingy it wasn't even funny. Me and Itona were coming in to check on him and our leader to make sure she hadn't gotten sick to find him clinging to her arm refusing to stop cuddling her. The look on her face was one of pure annoyance. We actually walked in on her about to smack him with her book." I said laughing slightly, remembering the completely annoyed and 'totally done with Karma's s*it' look she had on her face. "Since Karma never acts like that we were confused about who this red head was. So I asked, 'is that Karma?', our leader response with, 'no it's a strawberry', since that was one of her favorite nicknames for him, and Itona walks in behind me, 'ah so it's both'." I finished making them all laugh as I started drawing (Y/N)'s picture next to Karma's.

"They sound close." Shinrin said. "They were actually dating." I said shocking them all. "Of course we only found out they were dating five weeks after they started. Their relationship was far from a normal one though." I said remembering all of the good times. "Karma and our leader were both violent people. And our leader was very emotionally awkward. Of course Karma thought it'd be a good idea to tease the totally insane and crazy female. That ended up with him nearly getting his arms broken or being 'clocked into next year' in the words of our leader." I said finishing my drawing of (Y/N). "This, is our leader. We always called her Shadow. She was scary, sadistic, fierce, and strong all wrapped into one. She's the one who taught me how to fight and how to take my life into my own hands. She brought us all together and saved us more times than I can count. She taught us, not only how to fight, but how to live. How to be confident and strong. She's the only reason that I'm standing here now. Well. Her and my other teacher who inspired me." I said. Tears gathered in the corner of my eyes remembering Koro-sensei as well as (Y/N). "When I said that she saved us more times than I can count I mean it. She saved us from crazy psychos who were out for blood by teaching me and the others how to fight, she saved me from my mother who always forced her ideals onto me, she saved Karma from himself and from the jaws of death that one time, she saved Itona from a crazy scientist who wanted nothing more than fame, proceeding to save our entire class from that same scientist at the end of the year, and she saved Asano from his fake father who was only using him to spread his ideas." I explained. I smiled brightly. "I owe a lot to Shadow now that I think about it. And this doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of what she's accomplished in no more than a year." I said my eyes clouded with memories. "Ah sorry. I'm ranting. I guess I missed her more than I realized." I said wiping my eyes. I started erasing her and Karma's pictures. "She was my teacher, friend, classmate, and a d*mn near perfect leader. Yes, she had her flaws. Yes, she needed emotional support every now and then. And yes, she tended to snap at someone easily. But she was always there when we needed her. She always took charge when times were tough and we wanted to give up. And she'd never even think of leaving one of us behind. She trusted us just as much as we trusted her. She took the time to help us learn and grow. She spent time with us and did something not even my own family would ever do...Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eyes and say that she was proud of me. That woman truly was a master with words and without even trying manages to touch the people around her. Everyone who comes in contract with her changes for the better. She's impacted everyone in our class. And the weirdest thing is....She changed us for the better...By igniting the rebellious flames deep within us and bringing out our worst." I said. My entire class sat there mouths agape. I sweat-dropped realizing I had gone overboard. "But don't think that highly of her. She was just as silly and weird as the rest of us. Seriously there was this one time where she bought twenty chocolate cakes and didn't share any of it with us. She downed all of them in the span of two days! And she always tried blackmailing a majority of us, even Karma, the living embodiment of hell, her words not mine. And a good half the time she always had this confident s*it eating smirk on her face that just screamed cockiness. And she lectured Karma about cockiness. Take a piece of your own advice why don't ya'?" I questioned rolling my eyes. I sat back down after completely erasing the board and checked my watch. "Strange they should have been here by know. I wonder what's taking so long." I said. 

As if to answer my question a red blur was thrown right in front of my face landing right below the window by my desk. "WAY TO GO YOU F*CKING SADISTIC B*STERED YOU GOT US LOST!" Itona shouted. I looked to see the door had been knocked off it's hinges. I sighed slightly and looked at the red blur. It was a tall as f*ck Karma, I'd say somewhere around 6'1. He was wearing the Phantom uniform only without the gloves and mask. He rubbed his head sitting up slightly. "Ouch. Why did I think it would be a good idea to p*ss off the hedgehog, fox, and Blackberry in a f*cking school?" He questioned. "YOU BETTER TRACK DOWN THE BLUEBERRY OR SO HELP ME I WON'T LET YOU CUDDLE ME FOR A YEAR!" (Y/N) shouted. Karma paled instantly hearing that. "Whhhhhhy is it always meeeeeee!?" He whined. He then looked around noticing me. His eyes widened upon seeing me. "GUYS I FOUND THE BLUEBERRY!" He shouted not taking his eyes off of me. I covered my face in embarrassment thanking my lucky stars for the concealer. I heard three sets of footsteps running into the room then felt myself get tackled by four people. "PYTHON!" They all shouted happily. We all fell to the ground but I was currently trying to not die because of everyone's death grip. "Guys....Oxygen...." I said. They all released me as I took in air in massive amounts. I looked around the circle of friends from my past. They all looked roughly the same as they did back in Jr. High except Itona's hair was slightly longer and Asano had his hair slicked back. Both Karma and (Y/N) towered over the others at 6'1 while Asano appeared to be the same height he was back in Jr. High and Itona being 5'7. I felt short next to them seeing that I only grew like a centimeter. They all wore their uniforms only without the gloves and masks. "Now I feel stupid because I don't have my uniform." I dead-panned. (Y/N) slapped me then hugged me. "YOU MADE ME WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU NAGISA! DON'T YOU EVER F*CKING DO IT AGAIN!" She shouted. I hugged her back trying to get the tall female to calm down. "Easy there Shads calm down." Karma said petting her slightly. She coughed slightly pulling away from me. She dusted herself off. "Sorry about that. It's been what? Seven years and that's how I act? Geez where has the time gone?" She questioned. I laughed slightly. I then bowed to them all. "I'm really sorry for not contacting you in seven years. I really am. I understand how worried you all must have been." I said. Karma scoffed. "Shads over here nearly tore up the world looking for you. Luckily I was there to stop her." He said. "HE DOESN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!" (Y/N) shouted. I stood up straight laughing slightly. "You all haven't changed. I'm relieved. I was worried you know?" I questioned. "Shadow wouldn't let us change." Itona dead-panned. "No seriously. Karma trys changing his hair style and she messes it back up to what you see now." Asano said rolling his eyes. Karma looked away while blushing and (Y/N) just smirked. That's when I noticed something on Karma and (Y/N)'s hands. I shot forward gripping their wrists faster than lightning and examined the rings. "You've got to be s*iting me." I growled in a low tone. Both of them looked guilty and Karma's entire face was red. "How dare you two get married and not f*cking invite me! The f*ck!?" I shouted. "YOU WERE OFF THE MAP!" They both shouted in unison. "SO!?" I questioned. "I know very well that you two could've tracked me down easily! You're the f*cking Phantoms after all!" I shouted. They both looked away with guilty expressions on their faces. "Don't worry Python. I got the entire thing on video." Asano said holding up his phone. I sighed in relief. "Thank the demon gods...Speaking of does she still do that?" I questioned nodding towards (Y/N). "Yep." They all dead-panned.

I sighed and released their wrists. "Karmaaaaa." (Y/N) said raising her voice. "I see it too." Karma said placing his hand over his wrist and melting the ice that had formed their. He did the same for her. "Phew." She said wiping imaginary sweat off of her forehead. "Sorry about that." I said smiling nervously. "It's fine Blueberry." She said patting my head slightly. I turned back to my class. "Ah right. Class, this is my team." I said gesturing to the Phantoms next to me. I pointed to Karma. "Karma Akabane. I must ask that you to not p*ss him off otherwise he might throw you off a cliff." I said. "Yo." Karma said with an evil smirk, waving slightly. I pointed to (Y/N). "Shadow. She's our leader. Don't p*ss her off either she won't hesitate to stab you." I said. She smiled brightly letting her bloodlust seep out. "Very nice to meet you." She said in a sickly-sweet tone. The class shivered sensing the evil power from Karma and (Y/N). I pointed to Itona. "That's Itona Horiba. Like I said he's got anger issues but he's in the background most of the time so don't worry about him." I said. Itona nodded slightly. "Just don't touch my stuff like these dumba*ses did." He said glaring at me and the others. I pointed at Asano. "Gakushuu Akabane. He's chill most of the time but just like his twin and our leader don't p*ss him off. Akane, Midori, I'm looking at you two." I said glaring at them. He smiled kindly. "Please just call me Asano." He said. "You know what? Scratch that. Just don't p*ss any of them off. I'm the most sane one in this group." I said sweat-dropping. They all exchanged looks. "Eh, it's the truth." Itona said. "I won't deny it." (Y/N) said shrugging. Karma nodded. "But he did have those moments. Remember the great 'Blueberry Has Blackmail' incident?" Asano questioned. They all visibly shivered. "Never again." Karma mumbled, eyes wide in fear. (Y/N) shivered. "I never thought I'd ever be that scared of a f*cking Blueberry. He truly is our undercover Python." She said her eyes clouded with memories. Itona raised his hands in surrender. "Note: Never, EVER, give Nagisa blackmail." He said. Asano shook his head. "We all learned that week." He said. I smirked slightly at them. "Aww, what's the matter? Scared?" I questioned in a teasing tone. (Y/N) smacked Karma. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT CORRUPTING THE BLUEBERRY!?" She shouted. Karma and I started laughing remembering that old memory. "Is that Karma?" I questioned. She smiled. "No it a strawberry." She responded. "Ah so it's both." Itona added. Karma blushed at the rest of us started laughing. "Hey Nagisa, wanna know something cool I found out after you left?" Karma questioned. "What?" I asked. "I found out dragons make a sound similar to purring." He said while smirking. (Y/N) just gave him a blank glare which made us all be quiet. She pulled out a water gun and started shooting Karma with it. He hissed and darted out the door. "Bad Strawberry Kitten." She dead-panned. "DON'T CALL ME THAT IN PUBLIC!" He shouted. We all started laughing again but that was interrupted by her phone ringing. She picked it up to see who was calling. "Ah sorry. Got to take this." She said answering it as Karma walked back it. "Yes Caramel what is it?" She questioned. "Really? Put them on the phone for me. I'll get them to calm down." She said after hearing the response. Some shifting was heard and (Y/N) sighed. 

"What is it kids? Mommy is busy right now."                                                         

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