Karma Akabane/Red Devil

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Name: Karma Akabane

Code name: Red Devil

Gender: Male

Stats: MAX

Magic: Fire

Blood: Red

Blood Type: Z

Bloodlust(animal): Red Dragon

Bloodlust(effects): Causes his opponents to feel intimidated and truly fear for their lives. Makes them feel like they're on fire and need to run away. It's a sharp and deadly bloodlust that he'd been sharpening for years without even meaning too. It can even make the room itself seem fiery hot.  

Occupation: Phantom Assassin

Position: Second in Command

Catchphrase: May The Fire of Justice Have Mercy On You.

Quotes: "I don't suffer from insanity, but I enjoy every second of it." "I don't need to control my anger. Other people need to control their habit of p*ssing me off!" 

Favorite Food: His own cooking and/or Shadow's strawberry cookies. 

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Book: Unknown

Favorite Sweet: Anything strawberry flavored. 

Species: Hybrid/Neko

Hybrid Type: Dragon

Relationship: Currently dating (Y/N) (L/N) (see previous profile)

Family: Ruby Akabane (mother), Drake Akabane (father), Gakushuu Akabane/Asano (long lost twin brother)

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

His past: Karma's parents were always out on business trips so he tended to cut loose and do whatever he wanted. He was always the delinquent of the school but maintained top grades and his skills were often unmatched. He made a friend in Nagisa Shiota in his first year of Jr. High but the two quickly drifted apart due to Karma feeling always on edge around Nagisa. Who in his eyes was just a little innocent blueberry that could do no wrong. Yet something always put him on edge forcing a split between the pair. During his second year Karma injured a student that was top of his class for harassing someone from E-class. When Karma was called in by his teacher. Things quickly turned hectic and the teacher's worth died in his eyes. After that he was suspended and had to commence his third year in E-class. However when he was suppose to be at home he went onto the 3-E campus to scout out the place since he had already been informed of it's purpose. That's when he met a girl there sitting at the edge of the cliff. She noticed he was there before he even said anything and spoke vaguely whenever he asked questions, or didn't speak at all. She left soon after using some weird power and Karma felt himself being drawn to the odd female. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.

Abilities, powers, and skills:

Bloodlust: Karma's bloodlust was one of the most powerful I had seen in a long time. Whenever he was watching it felt like a dragon stalking his prey. His bloodlust does indeed take the form of a giant blood red dragon and it doesn't appear as often as Shadow's and Python's bloodlust animals do. Karma hides the fact that he's a dragon hybrid a little too well. His bloodlust in the words of Shadow, 'It's sharp like a searing hot blade.' It makes you want to move, to run, to get away from him although it's pointless. It makes you feel like you're on fire and that he's going to kill you slowly and painfully. If he was on the opposite side of a war I'd run and hide. Karma's bloodlust is that of a combat based assassin. A rare type in my opinion considering that hand to hand combat is a skill 99% unnecessary in the world of assassination. Karma prefers to drag out fights longer and torment his opponent. This feeds his bloodlust making his blows and mind much sharper and stronger. Karma's bloodlust has an overbearing and powerful feel. It can easily dominate most other types of bloodlust. However his bloodlust was only able to out do Shadow's bloodlust once and she was using it in small amounts to try and make herself look more intimidating. Karma's bloodlust is scary, and he has the mind and body to back up the more dominant type of bloodlust. His bloodlust type as a combat assassin is rare, which only makes it more scary. 

Magic/powers: Karma's magic is fire, the complete opposite of (Y/N)'s shadow magic. Abilities include: Turning into fire (he uses this sparingly for fear of setting something on fire), can produce fire from almost anywhere on his body, Fire Souls (little fires that look like the souls from Soul Eater, the intent and temperature depends on the feelings that Karma has for the person he's using them on), control manipulate fires, can control the temperature of fire (but he's not very good at it because he can't control his temper), can make items out of fire, can turn other people into fire, has the ability to make fire clones but doesn't do this often, can walk through and touch fire without getting burned, can breath fire, can make small flames appear in his hands to act as light in a dark area, control his own body temperature, his fire can also double as a way to capture someone or something, even in it's most basic form his fire can be used in a variety of ways in battle. (Side notes: Karma's fire can be used in many ways but is way more of a offensive magic. If his flames are powerful enough he can actually force Shadow out of her Shadow Mode. He has an elemental advantage over most of the Phantoms.) He doesn't know any powerful fire dragon spells he can use unlike Shadow but does keep an eye out for anything that could help him learn new techniques to use with his fire. Typically he does this by copying other fighting styles and using his fire in them, creating his own kind of fire dragon style.

Skills: Karma has many skills that he can use in battle. Some of his better skills are ones you wouldn't expect to be all that helpful. He knows his way around blackmail and never enters a fight without a plan and backup plan unless he's feeling cocky. He finds it easy to trick and manipulate others no matter who they are nor how smart they are. He's very crafty with his hands and after Shadow's lessons about making things like lock picks, smoke bombs, normal bombs, and many other infiltration tools he only improved. He's skilled at making traps and tends to stick to underhanded tactics when it comes to fighting. But if he's fighting an opponent that he respects like Shadow or Nagisa he tends to use as less dirty tricks as possible. Unless his opponent does something similar. In which case it is on, fight fire with fire. Karma is a sadist and prefers making his opponents suffer and embarrassing them in front of everyone. He has a way with words that can either tear someone apart or build them up to new heights. His words and his mind are probably some of his most lethal blades. Karma is sharp for being so young. He understands how to use words exactly to his advantage, and he can come up with a devious plan in no less than a minute once he gets his hands on something he can work with. He's smart, deadly, and not afraid to go there. He knows what buttons to push, how to make you tick, and exactly how to exploit every weakness to his advantage. Meeting him on the battle field is a mistake on its own, but never meet him on his own turf. But he's not just powerful when it comes to intellect which is off the charts just like mine and Shadow's. But he's just as powerful on the battle field. Honestly half the time he won't even take you seriously. But if he doesn't it's only because he's confident that he can win. However if he does take you seriously you're probably in for a beating. To borrow Shadow's words again, 'He's the living embodiment of hell'. And this isn't far from the truth.

Most Powerful Attacks: Fire Souls, Breathing Fire, Turning Into Fire (this is very overpowered for reasons obvious), and Black Flare Burst (a very powerful unison attack between him and Shadow)

Dragonoid Form: Being a dragon hybrid, Karma can also use the Dragonoid Form. Just like Shadow he gains more dragon-like features including wings, horns, a tail, and talons. We don't know much about his Dragonoid form currently seeing that he's never used it before, he's only aware that it's powerful and to be used as a last resort. (Lucky for all of you I know a lot about his Dragonoid form. Karma's Dragonoid form is meant to be more attuned for speed fighting as was as strength but he does get new abilities. Red Wires: This is the weapon of choice for his Dragonoid form. Think of them like Error Sans's blue strings...or puppet strings if you will. He can also set them on fire just for a little extra power boost. Karma's Dragonoid form can reach up to mach 45 if he puts his mind to it. And if he used fire in this form it becomes ten times more powerful and destructive than it is normally. You thought he was deadly before? Honey you ain't seen nothing yet.)

Occupation, position, and co workers: 

Occupation: Karma is now a fully fledged Phantom and is also beginning true Phantom Assassin training. He decided that he want's to continue his training and stay by Shadow's side despite the risks. Training under Shadow, he remains her student until he passes the final test of a Phantom Assassin, managing to kill 100 targets in a month with no failures. Until then he will continue training. 

Position: Karma became Shadow's second in command from the moment the Phantoms were formed. If anything happens to Shadow he's the next one to take charge. Whether it be she got captured, or if she's simply just sick or away on a trip. Shadow trusts that Karma can take the helm if need be, he's got the makings of a leader, and he's a great strategist if the situation calls for it. Shadow knows he can handle it, and Karma knows what he has to do. 

Co Workers: Although Shadow doesn't associate with them that much Karma is the one who has connections in the E-class roster. Not only that but has socialized with the Original Team Phantom as well. Along with those in his own team. Karma has connections just about anywhere which is why he's skilled with blackmail and controlling the flow of information. If you want to know something most likely Karma's heard a rumor somewhere. Karma can work with just about anyone which is another reason why he's second in command. Shadow is skilled with language and the art of people, but because of her hatred of the human race she doesn't like to socialize if she can avoid it. That's where Karma comes in. He has a way with words and he's the one to negotiate and gather allies. Therefor he has many people working with him, as well as with the Phantoms. The dude's got connections. And some of those connections are to powerful people.

Side notes: Although Karma can be scary and great when it comes to other people he does have plenty of enemies. He's earned the respect of some but many others feel a strong hatred for the red headed sadist. Of course no one is able to take the devil down because of some of his connections. People like Shadow and the rest of the phantoms, both new and old, always have his back. And Karma himself is being trained to withstand just about anything. Whether it be poison or getting stabbed. Karma is still a hybrid, and a phantom no less. The dude is untouchable unless your Shadow. 

Blood, Hybrid, and The Hybrid Project:

Hybrid Project: Karma knows very little about the Hybrid Project besides what Shadow has told him, but his parents did play a role in Shadow's escape. Under the disguise of her power surge they planted bombs which covered Shadow's escape. But no one knows if other hybrids got out or not.

Blood: Odd enough Karma's blood remained red as oppose to the other Phantoms who's blood changed colors. Just like Shadow his blood type became blood type Z and gained all the special qualities of hybrid blood after he became a hybrid. The only thing that didn't change was his blood's color. He's one of the only Phantoms that doesn't need to wear concealer on his face when he goes out into public places. 

Hybrid: Karma is a dragon hybrid but he's also a third neko due to a prank that Nagisa and Itona pulled on him. So far they haven't found any cures to turn him back to his normal self. Leading Shadow to believe that it might be permanent. Karma however doesn't want to believe this. His cat ears are red, same with his tail. His personality slightly changed when he became a neko, becoming only slightly submissive and a little shy, but also bumped up his curiosity and need to cause mischief (also slightly more flirty for some reason). His dragon third, however is a good balancing act for the neko half. His dragon side being more dominant and aggressive as well as logical but still mischievous (also becoming really overprotective). His eyes turn into slits and his scales are bright ruby red. But he has a problem when it comes to hiding his fangs.  

Personality: Mischievous, sadistic, clever, as well as logical. He's also easily annoyed and easy to p*ss off, both his neko and dragon sides being very hostile,  aggressive, and temperamental. Hates it when others ignore him, slightly petty. But around those he trusts he's sweet and caring, as well as just extremely overprotective. Very lazy, both sides of him just being lazy a*ses, but demands cuddles from Shadow on a daily basis. Is suspicious of other people but not nearly as much as Shadow. And is very prone to gamer rage. Sassy, sarcastic, and overall just doesn't like getting involved if he doesn't have to. Also very cocky at times, and tends to look down on his opponents. But also very joking, loves to pull pranks and is just a trickster in general.

Likes: Chaos, Shadow, anime, reading over Shadow's shoulder, video games and board games, strawberries, loyal people, his team, his class, and those he considers family. 

Dislikes: Traitors, really high pitched noises, cherries, Shadow's nightmares, nightmares in general, being ignored, being looked down on, his friends getting hurt, water, cowards, unfair games, being forced to do something, getting teased(but is fine if it's just Shadow messing around), and crying. 

Fears: Afraid of losing Shadow, losing his team, getting left behind, has a slight fear of Nagisa's bloodlust, water, and for some reason he's afraid of cherries. 

Weaknesses: Once again I have no idea why I'm writing these down. Water: Being a neko and a fire dragon Karma has built up a hatred and fear of water. It weakens his fire powers and it's just flat out annoying for his neko self. High pitched noises: Shadow tested him herself and found out that he has the same reaction to high pitched noises that she does. It sends him into a frenzy. The scales on his neck: Turns out Karma's scales are just as sensitive to touch as Shadow's are, she has yet to test if it'll make him go limp however. His cat ears: His ears are very sensitive to touch much like his scales. Cherries: For some reason Karma hates cherries and anything involving them. He avoids them like the plague. No one knows why. Not even Shadow. Trust me I checked. His cockiness: This can apply to anyone and Karma has Shadow to keep him in check but if he gets too cocky he will most likely end up losing in the end. 

Overall: Karma is a fierce opponent with few list-able weakness and has absolutely earned his spot as Shadow's second in command. Being one of the first people out of E-class to even come into contact with her, he has long since impressed the (H/C) haired female. Karma is skilled in many forms of combat but his sharpest blades are his intellect and people skills. Sure Karma is great with hand to hand combat and most certainly knife smart, but he knows how to talk and understand people. As well as stores a great deal of information in the confides of his brain. There's a reason he's able to copy other fighting techniques after seeing someone fight only once. His strongest subjects being math of course, but after training with Shadow all the other subjects came naturally. He's a fast learner and can adapt to any situation on a dime. While Karma isn't that good in language arts class he does have a way with words that have touched the hearts of many. And he most certainly is way above average on all fields. Out of the Phantoms he's only outdone by Shadow, and out of E-class he's outdone by no one (except myself of course). But on both fronts he's challenged by Nagisa a little (more on that in later profile). Although Karma is both book smart and knife smart he is still young. And if anything a delinquent. Karma is the rebel of the class and has been known to both blackmail and prank others both in his team and his class. Just as much as he does to strangers. His core skills are all built from his need to cause mischief and his manipulation skills. Karma may be good with people...but it's not always for good reasons. Karma is a sadist and enjoys watching other suffer, mostly from things that he's done. But he knows what's too far and what's all fun and games. On that topic Karma, being quick to adapt and having many strategies, is excellent when it comes to any kind of game. While he does prefer more layed back RPG's much like Shadow, his talents shine most in more competitive strategy based games that involve quick thinking and a strong desire to win. That's why RPG's that involve strategy are his bread and butter. Both combining what he prefers and what his talents shine most in. So far his favorite video game is Persona 5, something he played with Shadow once, recommended by Asano. And his favorite card game is something that Shadow introduced to him and the other Phantoms, The Phantom Game. The Phantom Game is basically your average game of Poker, only you form alliances through slight hand signals, subtle moments, and other seemingly innocent things that at a glance wouldn't seem like all that much. This game is all about getting people on your side and helping one person in your alliance win that way you all win. And as for board games Karma has been known to be great at things like Chess, Battle Ship, and Checkers. However his favorite out of those would be Battle Ship, one of the only things he's been able to beat Shadow in. While Karma's talents have helped him before on his own his talents have grown to be a big help to Team Phantom. His leadership talents as well as people skills have been a powerful addition to the Phantom roster. And puts Shadow at ease slightly, knowing that her team has someone powerful to fall back on if anything happens to her. And Karma's combat skills are nothing to sneeze at either. And all of his talents have been sharpened by Shadow and the on going rivalries between Nagisa and Asano. But out of the entire Phantom roster Karma is the only one able to compete with Shadow. Sure he's barley ever won against her, but he has had victories against her. And in the words of Karma himself, 'It's not about outdoing someone, it's about outsmarting them'. And that's precisely what he does. I asked Shadow for some details about times that Karma has outdone her and she mostly references this one time during a training exercise in which he outsmarted her. The exercise was a mix between hide and seek and tag in which Karma and Nagisa had to find her and tag her in order to win, but the thing is that she's not easy to catch nor find. There's a reason that her code name is Shadow. Karma knew that he couldn't catch her off guard, and catching her on guard was never an option, so what did he do? He stormed around the forest, making his presence known so that Shadow knew where he was at all times in order to lore her into a false sense of security. Shadow wasn't all that worried about him being able to outdo her back then. And then when Nagisa attempted to tag her for like the fifth time and she ran off to rest Karma hid his presence and followed her. While she was recovering he pounced before she realized that she couldn't sense his presence anymore. Karma knew how her mind worked at this point and knew that he could take advantage of the time it takes her to go from escape mode back into stealth mode. Although Karma's element may be fire, he knows when and how to be stealthy. And its been proven, over and over and over again, that his skills only grow and become stronger every single day. Borrowing Shadow's words again, 'If he was on the opposite side of a war, I would run away and hide'. And trust me, she has good reason to say that. It's both a blessing, and a curse that Karma's on our side. Mostly a blessing though. Karma's cockiness is only proof that he's long since been a winner and that he has confidence in his skills. Even of that confidence can be stretched a little. It's a good thing Shadow's around to keep him in check. Karma is a powerful force in the ranks of The Phantoms. And no one can deny it. 

Theme songs:


Monster: Although Karma is both smart and logical he has his violent tendencies and has problems controlling his temper, something I didn't address much. There has been moments where he's lost his cool and just...lost it in general. He isn't afraid of the darkness, for he is the darkness. Karma is a force to be reckoned with. And he truly lives up to his name sake. When people ask why he likes his name, anyone who knows him will reply with something along the lines of, 'it fits him'. Karma's violent, and can be very terrifying at times. And although he has strong control of it, he has snapped once or twice. His quick thinking and strength only add to the fear factor. And although he thinks he has to control it, control that evil, Shadow encourages it. Run wild, be yourself, don't let others control you. That's what she tells him. She may be insane, but she knows that being insane has its perks. Karma is at his strongest when his bloodlust snaps and runs out of control. That's why when they're fighting she trys to provoke him in order for it to be a more fair fight. Yes...monster suits him well. At least in his bloodlust rage. 


Strike Back: Karma and Shadow love watching Fairy Tail, and Karma himself has always been more partial to the Strike Back opening. Karma's a fighter, and he mostly fights to protect. Karma may be sarcastic and cocky, but he does care for people, and although its rare if he truly does care for someone he'll do anything in his power to help them. But no matter how many times you knock him down, he'll get right back up again a keep fighting. And although he's easily annoyed and easily ticked off he can have patience with anyone so long as he has reason. Karma's purpose in the Phantoms is too lead and be the strength behind the Phantoms courage and heart. If anything Karma is the heart of the Phantoms. Karma can unite others under his leadership and has the courage to back up his decisions. He won't back down and won't leave any of his teammates behind either. They're his family just as much as his actual family. And he has confident in his team's skills just as much as he's confident in his own skills. Although it's hard to see and he'll rarely ever admit or show it, he believes in his team. And knows that in tough situations they'll be able to pick up their feet and keep at it. Karma puts extra effort into helping anyone in his team, and his words have been able to help many of his friends through their troubles. Yes...Karma is both the heart and strength of the Phantoms. Strike Back is worthy to be called a theme song.

BONUS CONTENT: Includes, Shadow's First Nightmare, Karma's Reaction To High Pitched Noises, Shadow and Karma Play Undertale (if you want the Shadow and Karma plays series let me know. Ask and thou shall receive), Journals(this'll come into play in the next book)

Shadow's First Nightmare (Karma's POV):

I woke up suddenly with a bad feeling. Shadow always told me to trust my instincts so I was on guard almost immediately. I slowly got up and out of bed. There was nothing nor no one in my room so that's good. I reached over and picked up my knife that I always kept on my nightstand. I walked out the door, careful when opening the door so I didn't wake anyone up. Once I got out the door I began looking around the house. Nothing. "Okay...? Then what woke me up?" I questioned walking back up stairs. That's when I caught it. It was faint and hard to miss but I could smell the scent of fear. I looked over and (Y/N)'s room. The one room I hadn't gone in. I opened the door and saw...(Y/N) twisting and turning in her sleep. I walked over, she was mumbling something in her sleep as well. But I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. I was worried since she had a look of pure terror on her face. I shook her awake, hating seeing her that afraid. She shot up panting heavily with sweat rolling down her face. Her eyes darted around frantically until they locked with my golden gaze. She stopped for a minute and released a breath seeming to relax. "You're okay." She mumbled quietly. "Are you okay? What happened?" I questioned. "I'd rather not talk about it. But thanks for waking me up." She said. I shook my head slightly with a sigh. I could obviously tell that she was upset about something. It was in the way she was breathing and how her eyes kept darting around. I sat next to her and pulled her into a hug. I was expecting her to push me away or tell me to let her go but no. I looked and saw that she actually relaxed a little bit. She buried her face in my shoulder and hugged me back. Now I was really worried. I sighed slightly. "I'm not going to ask anything, because it's obvious that you don't like nor want to talk about it. But just remember I'm always here, one door away. You've got me now. You've got Nagisa and the class too." I said playing with her hair a little bit. I didn't see it at the time. But (Y/N) cracked a small smile. "Okay." She said. 

~The next morning~

"KARMA WHY ARE YOU IN MY BED!!!!!" "...Crap." 

Karma's Reaction To High Pitched Noises:

I watched (Y/N) carefully as she moved around the basement looking for something. That's when she found it. She pulled out some heavy duty earphones. "Okay Karma. We're gonna try a little experiment today." She said. I eyed the earphones. "Should I be worried?" I questioned. She sighed. "Not even going to lie, this might hurt...A lot. But I need to know if it works on you too." She said. "If what works on me?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "You'll see." She said. Now I was scared. She walked over somewhere else and got a remote control. "Umm. What exactly are you going to do?" I asked nervousness creeping into my voice. She sighed. "Karma, listen and listen closely. This, if it works on you, is going to hurt a lot, so brace yourself for it. I'm not sure if it'll work on you, but I need to know incase its ever used on us in the future. I already tested it on Asano and myself. It doesn't seem to effect snake hybrids. But it works on me, I'm not sure if its designed specifically for me or just dragon hybrids in general so I need to check so me and Ritsu can start working on a counter measure. Understand?" She questioned. I nodded. "But what should I be bracing myself for?" I questioned. She looked me dead in the eye. "A very high pitched noise." She responded. Now I was confused. How could a high pitched noise hurt? "Ready?" She called putting on the earphones. I nodded and gave her a thumbs up. She took a deep breath and I saw major concern flash in her eyes before she clicked the remote. A loud, high pitched noise rung out and good God did it hurt. I dropped almost instantly clawing at the sides of head. I felt my eyes tear up slightly. "MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!" I shouted feeling my eyes turn into slits. The sound was gone and (Y/N) was at my side instantly. "Karma!? Karma are you alright!? Look at me." She said. I couldn't move. I was stuck in the fetal position on the ground. Just trying to calm my own heavy breathing. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry." She said over and over again. I slowly began to uncurl myself and sit up with her help. When she saw my eyes she sighed slightly. She hugged me tightly but my eyes continued to dart around. "I'm so sorry. That's never happening again." She growled. After a while she helped me stand up but my legs nearly gave out like five times. She helped me up the stairs and into my room. My eyes returned to normal once I was in my turf. I sat down on my bed and gave her a small glare. My confidence and most of all anger returning to me. "What...The actual f*cking hell...Was that?" I growled. She sat next to me with a look of guilt. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that." She said. I sighed slightly and pet her head. "Calm down. You needed to know right? Now you know. Just don't do it again." I said with a nervous smile. "Still though. I know what its like to hear that noise. I know what its like, I know what effects it has. If I had left it on seconds longer you would have gone into frenzy mode. I should know they used it on me over and over and over again in the lab." She said covering her ears with her hands. I paled slightly. They used that noise on her multiple times!? How sick were those b*stereds! I hugged her almost immediately. "Umm...Karma...?" She questioned. "Hush now. Talk later." I said. Surprisingly enough no arguments from her. She just sighed slightly and leaned closer into my embrace. 

Shadow and Karma Play Undertale:

A camera flicked on now recording Shadow and Karma. "Is the camera on Nagisa?" Shadow questioned. "Yep. We're rolling." The male in question responded. "Hello viewers!" Karma greeted. "Karma I don't think anyone is going to watch this." Shadow deadpanned. "You never know!" He protested pouting slightly. "Anyways...Guys want to tell them what you're doing today?" Nagisa prompted. "Ah right! Today we're playing a little game called Undertale. Nagisa himself recommended this to us so any comments?" Shadow questioned turning to Karma. "Well I can't make any calls yet but I hope its good. Nagisa we have high expectations." Karma said glaring at the blue haired male holding the camera. Nagisa gulped a little. "A-anyways I really do think you guys will like this game. Its like your basic RPG but trust me when I say, you've never played anything like Undertale before." He said. Shadow nodded and smiled. "Alrighty then. Lets get started shall we?" She questioned rubbing her hands together. And with that they started the game. "Name the fallen human huh?" Karma questioned. "Chara." Nagisa said. "What?" Shadow questioned. "The actual name is Chara. Short for character. There are a lot of debates about how the name is pronounced but there you go." Nagisa responded. "Well I guess that's what we'll go with then." Karma said typing it in. "The true name? Guess it wasn't BS then." Shadow said reading off the comment on the name. They fired up the game for real this time instead of just the intro. Karma was controlling the character walking around. "These are some weird movements." He said. Shadow was studying the design of the game so far. "I like the design. Its sweet and simple, nothing to complex." She said. Then they ran into Flowey. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower." He greeted. "I don't trust it." Shadow growled. "Flowey the flower." Karma snickered to himself while shaking his head. "Say you're new to the Underground aren'tcha?" Flowey questioned. "I DON'T TRUST THIS! THAT THING IS EVIL I CAN ALREADY TELL!" Shadow shouted pointing at the screen. Geez foresight much? She just saw through a video game character for crying out loud! Nagisa thought while sweat-dropping. "Remind me to never give you flowers." Karma joked. Shadow punched him lightly as he chuckled. "Still though...I don't like this its too...innocent. It's like Nagisa back there when you least expect it WHAM!" Shadow said. Karma laughed slightly. "Oh c'mon Shads its just a flower. What harm can it do?" He questioned running into Flowey's attack. Their HP dropped to 1 and Flowey showed his true colors. "I am never trusting anything in this game again." Karma growled. "What did I tell you? Flowers are evil." Shadow said. Nagisa sweat-dropped at their weirdness again. 

~Time skip to meeting Sans~

Shadow and Karma stared at the skeleton for a minute. "WAS THAT A WHOOPEE CUSHION!? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Shadow shouted falling out of her chair. Karma started snickering a lot. "Oh my God I already love this guy. That was a good one!" He said. "Oh just wait. He isn't even done yet." Nagisa said as Shadow sat back up. They continued and laughed at his puns almost instantly. "Okay new favorite character." Karma said clapping. "You would like the punny one wouldn't you?" Nagisa questioned then slapped a hand over his own mouth as Shadow and Karma smirked at him. 

They continued playing until they finally beat the game. "So final thoughts on the Pacifist and Neutral Runs?" Nagisa questioned. Shadow and Karma now sat facing the camera, both with tea cups in their hands. "The Pacifist Route was my favorite. The characters are likable, the bosses were challenging but fun, and most of all it gives you that warm fuzzy feeling at the end when you comfort Asrial. I also really liked the reveal of the human's true name. Frisk is an odd name but for some reason it fits." Shadow said. "Neutral Run was fun too. I liked the challenge that was Omega Flowey. You were right when you said we'd never played anything like Undertale before. Not many games have characters that break the fourth wall and directly address you as the player. Overall, ten outta ten, would play again." Karma said taking a sip from the cup. "Oh you're not done yet. There's still one route left." Nagisa said. Shadow smiled. "Really? What is it?" She asked. "Genocide Route." Nagisa responded darkly. Karma slowly put his cup down. "I'm sorry what?" He questioned. 

They both booted up the game with looks of pure terror on their faces. "Nagisa do we have to do this?" Shadow asked. "Aren't you the least bit curious?" Nagisa questioned, trying to prompt them. Karma shook his head slightly. "Not really I'd like to just leave them with the happy ending." He said. "C'mon! You remember your favorite character? Sans. He's a lot more active during this route." Nagisa said. That's when they both remember the judgment hall and Sans's role. "Karma...what happens when we get judged after killing everyone?" Shadow questioned slowly. Karma smiled nervously. "Let's find out." He said. And with that they began the game again. Let me tell you when Undyne the Undying came into play Shadow was basically screaming for Undyne to stop them meanwhile Karma was pumped up because he finally had a worthy rival to fight in the game. Nothing less from Undyne. But in the end she lost. Both were disappointing by Mettaton Neo. And by the time they reached the Judgment Hall both of them had stone cold expressions on their faces. "Let me ask a better question...Do you wanna have a bad time?" Sans asked. Shadow's stone cold expression turned into one of worry. "Karma I don't think he's joking." "Cause if you take one more step forward...you are really not going to like what happens next." Sans said. Chara took a step forward. "Shads I didn't move. SHADS THAT WASN'T ME!" Karma shouted. "Welp, guess you like doing things the hard way." They entered the battle screen and Karma refocused. "It's a beautiful day outside." "Karma I may or may not have been looking this up earlier. I think we're screwed." Shadow said. "Birds are singing, flowers are blooming." "C'mon Shads. He's the weakest character in the game what can he do?" Karma questioned with confidence. "On days like these kids like you..." "Use your head. Why would he be the last line before Asgore if he couldn't hold his own? Karma...we're about to have a bad time." "Should be burning in hell." And with that Sans unleashed his attack. Karma died instantly. He sat there for a minute staring at the screen with a blank expression. He took a breath and glared at the game over screen. "Oh it's on now." He growled. Shadow sighed. "This is gonna be a long fight." She said. 

They died, over and over and over again until finally they came to the intermission. Sans sparring them. "Spare him." Nagisa said. "What?" Karma questioned. "Trust me." He responded. "I want off the Genocide train I don't want to do this anymore!" Shadow said. "You know what? You've got a point! I don't want to kill Sans he's a good character I like him! I don't want to keep fighting because I can already tell it's gonna get worse! I'm done!" Karma shouted sparring the skeleton. And then they got dunked on. Nagisa was laughing at the shocked expressions on their faces. And now both Karma and Shadow were p*ssed. Though Shadow smiled slightly with a sigh and shook her head. "Sans you little troll you." She said. And with that they continued. And eventually they beat Sans. "Papyrus, do you want anything?" And at that line they both broke. "KARMA I FEEL AWFUL WHY DID WE DO THAT!?" Shadow shouted full blown sobbing. Karma was actually tearing up surprisingly. "I don't know but I feel awful." He said. "I need cuddles." He added. They both just sat there recovering for a little bit. Then they finished the Genocide Route. 

"Final thoughts on the Genocide Run?" Nagisa questioned. "I hated it. I hated seeing all my favorite character dying it hurt. But the amount of feeling that went into it and the fact that it actually guilt tripped me is impressive in its own right. And I loved how Sans, no matter what still tried to warn us before we killed Papyrus. He told us we would have a bad time, tried to tell us to stop and when the time finally came we really did regret it and have a bad time." Shadow said. Karma nodded slowly. "The boss fights in this run, at least the ones that could survive long enough for it to count as a fight, truly were impressive. And it gave a feeling of hope that isn't very common in games like this. I really didn't like this run, to many feels for my liking, but it was a great run none the less. And I really liked Sans as a character in all the runs. In fact I could list off five reasons why Sans is a bada*s right here right now. I noticed lots of things with his character and spotting all those little details was a challenge in its own right. And I'm impressed that all those little details were even there in the first place. Truly, although I hate it, the Genocide Route is where Sans shines most as both the Judge, and the Executioner. And although I found fighting him really annoying the battle music itself is impressive as well. I never got tired of it." Karma said. "Yes. I could gush on and on about the characters and story alone but can we take a minute to appreciate the music in this game." Shadow agreed. "During the Pacifist and Neutral Runs the music was alive, and gave off a bright feeling. And yet when you clear the Underground of life it turns dark and empty. It makes you feel terrible which I'm sure is what the creator was aiming for. And yet Megolovaina and Battle Against a True Hero were some of the best in the entire game. Conveying the feel of hope and the need to fight and protect what's left. Battle Against a True Hero told a story of the heroin of the Underground. It was powerful and screamed that 'I am protecting those I love from this monster, this creature, that wishes them harm'. It gives that feeling of power, the power to protect. And Undyne wouldn't even let us enjoy the victory. She continued smiling and knew that someone would stop us. That someone would take us down. And she was right." Shadow said. She nodded to Karma as he smirked. "Megolovaina. The true final boss music. I could gush about it for hours on end if I was allowed. The music itself is amazing and never lets the fight be dull. It conveys that meaning of 'I am the final line of defense, I won't let you get past me'. It gives the feel of final fight all to well. Megolovaina isn't just impressive I'd say its the best d*mn song in the game. Because no matter how many times I heard it while fighting Sans, no matter how many times it repeated itself I never got sick of it. In fact I found myself humming along to it during the fight. It fits Sans in the Genocide Run all to well. Being the final music for the true final boss of Genocide. And that's what's important. It fits the final fight. Most of the time final boss music is bigger, louder, it thunders above anything else and tends to get boring after a while. But Megolovaina was tense. It felt like the embodiment of Sans and his struggle against the human. It shows that the character is only trying to hold you off for as long as he can, trying to hold out against your determination to win so that he can stop you. But he knows that he can't dodge forever, that at some point you'll win. And that's what's great about this song. It manged to make me feel all those emotions at once and more." Karma ranted. Nagisa nodded. "Did you know some people know about that song before they even know about Undertale? The popularity of Megolovaina is what caused Undertale to boom in the first place." Nagisa said. Shadow chuckled. "I can see that." She said. Karma nodded. "Overall Undertale is an amazing game. And as much as I love Megolovaina I would never do Genocide ever again. But as for playing Undertale itself, yes. Ten outta ten would play again." He said. Shadow nodded. "Agreed. I think that's everything right?" She questioned. Nagisa nodded. "Unless you want to go secret hunting but you can do that off camera." He said. Karma smiled. "As much as I love this game I need some time to recover emotionally from that blow." He said. Shadow nodded. "I need chocolate." She said getting up and leaving. "Anything you have left to say Red Devil?" Python questioned. "Nope." Karma responded, getting up and following Shadow. The camera cut off. 

Journals (slight teasers for the second book, but mostly about things that happened over the seven year time skip. Major spoilers have been removed from the logs. Keep in mind these are taken directly from Karma's Phantom Assassin Daily Log. Yes he got one from Shadow. Have fun.):

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 1: Today Shads gave me a Journal. She said to update it daily, or at least often when a big even happens. I have no clue why she's having me do this. Oh well. It's been almost a year since the death of Koro-sensei. Still no word from Nagisa though. (Y/N) has been worried sick about him and I keep telling her he'll be fine. I've continued training with her in order to become a Phantom Assassin. It's been tough but I've managed so far. Of course mostly we've been going over basics. Things like hand signals, knife skills, magic usage and control, things like that. At this point its become like second nature to me. But she says I'll be going into advanced Bloodlust Control Lessons soon. I have no clue what she's planing but she seems excited about it. My magic has been getting stronger, and my senses have grown tremendously since Jr. High. It's getting easier and easier to tell when people are lying and when someone's behind me. I miss Nagisa though. Sure (Y/N) is stronger and a great teacher but I miss my little Rival. Python better call soon. 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 5: Bloodlust training is fun! I'm getting better at summoning my bloodlust animal and using it in combat. Also Flare and Nova, me and Shad's familiars have been growing a lot. And they're starting to use magic too. Speaking of magic I'm officially able to control the temperature of fire! Not that well but I'm improving. Training's been getting harder but I like a challenge. Oh, and Shadow thinks that it's about time I start getting used to my Dragonoid form too! I can't wait for that one! I still remember what it was like when I first transformed. I feel like there's so much we don't know about those forms and I want to know more about it. I feel so powerful like that. Like I'm unstoppable. Asano and Itona are getting ready for their Phantom trials. Well Itona is at least. Asano is still trying to figure out what all he can do. Shads asked me to help plan out Itona's trial. I'm glad that she still looks to me for help in some things, even if I am considered her apprentice in this. Ritsu has been able to gather many targets for me and (Y/N). I feel like I'm getting better at this. 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 11: Welp I'm beat. Today was long and full of training. Ugh, everything hurts. But still I feel stronger. A lot stronger. And my Bloodlust has only been growing. It's fun really. Shads said we're taking a break tomorrow to just hang out. Maybe play some video games? God it's been forever since it's just been me and her hanging out. Ah, news on the Original Team Phantom, they actually live close by. And by close by I mean like twenty miles away but still with (Y/N)'s shadow mode it's pretty easy to get there quick. I really like Phantom and Blade, those two are fun. Of course whenever they party they get drunk as f*ck. ...I miss Koro-sensei. I can tell that the loss of him is still heavy on (Y/N)'s heart. And it's even worse for Phantom and the others. They only just got reunited with them and then he was gone again. I can sympathizes slightly. But what was done had to be done in order to preserve the dignity of E-class. Even I know that. Y'know believe it or not Koro-sensei was the firs person I've actually ever cried for. Sure I've teared up before but to actually cry? That's only happened once. And that was for him. I guess I really did care about that dumb octopus huh? I miss Nagisa too. He always looked up to Koro-sensei the most out of all of us. And was the most like him. I still miss my rival. But I can tell he must be doing something he loves. I don't know why. Call it intuition. 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 15: Today me and Shads visited little Sakara. The girl from the prep school that we go to help out. She's grown a lot since the last time we saw her. She was happy to see me and Shads since it's been a while. We got tackle hugged for crying out loud. Seeing her again reminded me of the moments we shared with E-class. We miss them. We've stayed in touch and we get to see Kayano, Rio, Kirara, and a few of the others every now and then but it's been a while since we've all seen eachother as a class. When I find Nagisa I'm going to see if I can get the rest of E-class back together. Y'know, for old times sake. Also...I think I want to propose to (Y/N). I know it's kinda sudden but I can't help it. My mind wanders there every so often. Especially since we've been getting a lot closer recently. As if we weren't already close before. Insert eye roll here. I can basically tell exactly what's on her mind now. And every single time she's been upset about something I know about it almost instantly by her facial expression alone, even if she's fake smiling. Things are going great so far. 

Red Devil's Log, Entry Number 30: Today was Koro-sensei's death. Otherwise (Y/N)'s birthday. I had to keep her knocked out all day because the guilt of killing him was too much for her. Every time she was awake she was crying or completely and utterly irrational. I wish I could do more to help her. I'm currently writing this by her side. She's asleep and I'm here to make sure that she doesn't wake up and start blaming herself again. She missed her birthday for crying out loud. More sad news, one of the original members of the Phantoms, Kage I think his code name was. He recently passed. Died on a mission. Phantom, Blade, and the others took it hard. Doesn't help (Y/N)'s case either. I feel upset about it too. I got to know Kage a little before he passed. He was a smart and intelligent member. A devastating loss to the Phantoms, both new and old. Asano and Itona are taking it hard too. They were real close with him before his passing. Everyone's been real down lately. I wonder how Nagisa would feel right now. Everyone misses him. I think I'm the only one not feeling depressed and down. Sure I feel sad but I'm the only one that doesn't have a cloud over my head. I've got to do something to bring up the mood, and fast. I don't like seeing everyone like this. Especially (Y/N).

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 40: Me and Shads are married now! I finally did something to cheer everyone up and it was worth it. We couldn't reach Nagisa unfortunately but we'll find him one of these days. Everyone's mood has improved drastically since we announced the proposal. And training has gotten back on track as well. Everything's been going great so far. But...Shads has been acting...odd lately. Not in a bad way, just out of character. She's been slightly more clingy with me. And has been getting sick a lot, which is unusual because she has a great immune system. Also her chocolate sweet tooth has gotten worse. I wonder if it has anything to do with !#$%^&*&^%$#!&&*^%&$$#^^^&^$.... (Line deleted due to spoilers). 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 48: !!#$%^&*&^%$#$%^&*&^%%%$$^&&**&&&^^!! (Log deleted due to spoilers.)

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 59: !#$%^&****&^%$%^&&^%^&^%$%^&^%^&^!!!! (Log deleted due to spoilers.) 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Entry Number 67: I've almost completed Phantom Assassin Training! Key word almost. (Y/N) still says I've got a ways to go but I think I'm close. Itona completed his Phantom Trial finally. Geez it took him forever! It's been five years man speed it up! Oh! And Caramel, my old childhood friend that I mentioned in log twenty has become a Phantom! Or at least she's training to become one. She's a snake hybrid and uses earth magic. I think Itona might be crushing on her. Also (Y/N)'s expanded the house to better compensate all the new Phantoms and Phantom Assassins. Now everyone basically has a floor to themselves! Well me and her share a floor but that's to be expected. Also she may have a twin that wasn't caught in the fire when her mansion burned down! It's a possibility that she has surviving family! That's great! She was excited when we found that out. Almost as excited as when she found out that she was !!!$%^&&*&&^%$&&&! (Line deleted due to spoilers). Oh, speaking of ***** and ****** they'll be *&^&&^%%$^%#!#!$%^&*! (Names and line deleted due to spoilers). And Asano's almost done with Phantom training! Things are looking up for everyone recently. But things have been a little morbid recently. Heart and Forest, two more of the original Phantoms have passed. More casualties on a mission. They took some bullets for Phantom and Blade. And the bookstore owner, Mable, died of old age. Her daughter now runs the store. Her and Shads have a good relationship but not as close as she had with Mable. It's been hitting everyone hard that we've had three deaths of those close to us this year. Five years since Koro-sensei's death. Things have been up and down but mostly up thankfully. Heart and Forest were kind souls, and like older sisters to (Y/N). And Mable was really kind, knew all of us Phantoms pretty well too. In fact we were all invited to her funeral surprisingly. (Y/N)'s been trying to help Phantom and Blade cope without Heart and Forest. Kage and Koro-sensei was a devastating enough loss for them. Phantom has had to watch a good majority of his team fall apart little by little. And it doesn't help that (Y/N) is in a completely different Team Phantom now. A lot of old wounds have resurfaced and reopened this year. But we're all doing okay surprisingly. Though we all still miss Nagisa. It's been forever since we've heard from him, and we all miss our little Python. Ah, this log is a lot longer than I intended, guess I've picked up Shadow's ranting habits. 

Red Devil's Daily Log, Number 71: Six years. It's been seven years since Koro-sensei's death, Nagisa's disappearance, and the death of Yanagisawa and Reaper 2.0. Asano has been saying that a new era is coming, that change is coming at all of us soon. His been practicing with his more physic magic lately. Everything's been so tense lately. Like we're all waiting for something. It feels like we're on the verge of change again. Koro-sensei's death was the start of a new era sure, but for some reason Asano claims that an even bigger change is coming in another year. Itona has started training to become a Phantom Assassin. And honestly life of the Phantoms hasn't changed much. We're still all as weird and silly as we always were. But it isn't just Asano, it's (Y/N) and Phantom too. Being Phantom Assassin leaders themselves they have a sixth sense for change. And even they've been saying it. "Change is coming." "A new era is ready to dawn." What does it mean? I'm still training to become a P.A. and I'm still confused as f*ck about what they're talking about. But...I don't know what it is...But something inside me. Some kind of...voice, yeah, that's what it is. A voice is telling me the same thing. "Be prepared, a new dawn is upon us." New dawn, change, a new era huh? Does it have something to do with Nagisa? Or possibly something with Koro-sensei? Who knows. Change is coming at us huh? Bring it on. We're all ready and waiting. Waiting for whatever might come our way. We will stand strong, for we are Phantoms, not just any Phantoms either, no. Phantom Assassins. I've been waiting for some action anyways. 

Hope I'm not disappointed.                                                                                                   

You feel that? Chills, literal chills. I'm getting excited too y'know! Just a few more profiles and it's sequel time baby! Anyways, Red and Black Blood Koro-Q is out. Just letting you know in case you don't know yet. Also for those of you waiting for the sequel there are other Karma x Reader's on this profile you know. Also also do you think I should change the books cover to that picture up there at the top of the chapter? Yay or nay. Please excuse any errors I may have made or if I forgot something. Don't forget to soar high and roar and as always may the stars light your paths my dragon army! BYEEEEEE!!!!!!

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