(Y/N) (L/N)/Shadow

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(These profiles were made by Koro-sensei but anything in bold is me adding onto it. These will be updated in the next book after the seven year time skip. Koro-sensei learned most of this stuff through observations (and spying) as well as questioning Karma and Shadow over the three days they had together. Some of the spells have not been used in this book but will most likely be used in the second book.)

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Code name: Shadow

Gender: Female

Stats: MAX

Magic: Shadows (more on that later)

Blood: Black (more on that later)

Blood type: Z (more on that later)

Bloodlust(animal): Giant Black Dragon

Bloodlust(effects): Causes her victims to have short flashes of insanity. She can control what they see and what they see others as. (More on this later)

Occupation: Phantom Assassin (more on them later)

Position: Leader

Catchphrase: The Show's Over

Quotes: "A good leader doesn't bark orders at their people. The best kind of leaders put their people before themselves. That's the kind of leader I aim to be. Which is why if anyone on my team is going to die first, it's going to be me." "I know everything." 

Favorite Food: (F/F)

Favorite Color: (F/C)

Favorite Book: (F/B) and/or Tales Of The Dragonhearted (she can't decide on one)

Favorite Sweet: Chocolate

Species: Hybrid (half human, half animal)

Hybrid Type: Dragon (more on that later)

Relationship: Currently dating Karma Akabane 

Family: No known alive family (Or so they think)

Age: 17

Height: 5'9 (I made you the same height as Karma in this story)

Her Past: At the age of five years old (Y/N) was torn away from her family and experimented on as a part of the 'Hybrid Project' (will explain later). However with the help of Ruby and Drake Akabane, who knew her mother and were old friends, she was able to escape. However she didn't come out fully human. The 'Hybrid Project' was a project run by Kotarō Yanagisawa, where they would kidnap children and experiment on them. Their goal was to create the perfect half human, half animal, super weapon known as a hybrid. (Y/N) was the only successful one (at least of my knowledge). The project was shut down after her escape, however there were still many dead children because of this project and poor (Y/N) had to witness it all when she was only five. She went home only to find it burned down and her entire family killed. She was later found by the assassin known as The Reaper. The Reaper, feeling sorry for the little girl, brought her back to his team and from then on they raised her. The leader of this team, Phantom, and The Reaper personally took (Y/N) under their wings and trained her to become a Phantom Assassin. Of course as said earlier she was now a hybrid, but not just any hybrid no, she was a dragon hybrid. Somehow Yanagisawa had made it so the serum had a 45% chance of turning the receiver half dragon. Also (most likely unintentional) the serum also gave the perfected hybrids magic powers. This made training (Y/N) very difficult because not only was she a dragon hybrid, but she was also a user of shadow and dark magic (more on that later). However training went just fine (she taught herself how to use her shadow power), and after a while she was the most powerful Phantom on the entire team. But she always respected The Reaper and Phantom because they were the ones she looked up to the most. Age didn't matter for any of them. They saw her as their teammate and equal so she did the same. In fact she tended to scold them for being reckless or dumb. Even if she was only five at the time her I.Q was off the charts, literally. As she grew older this only proved itself more and more. (Y/N) was not only intelligent, however. She was strong, fast, and just as fierce and terrifying as the rest of them. But despite all of this, no matter how much they tried, the Phantoms couldn't do that much to help her. The poor girl's time in the lab shattered her mental state, and she was haunted by nightmares of her family and her time in the lab every single night. This caused her bloodlust to be powerful, very powerful. 

Abilities, powers, and skills(this includes bloodlust, magic, Dragonoid form, and basic skills):

Bloodlust: Bloodlust is like a power that any human can have. It's, as it sounds, a lust for blood. Everyone has it, they just don't know how to use it. The most powerful types of Bloodlust however, are those seen in assassins. Those who have fully weaponized their bloodlust, and/or have a natural talent for using it, can make their bloodlust take the form of an animal. Whether it be supernatural or not is up to the person they truly are inside. Bloodlust isn't just a lust for blood though, often times it can be formed through pent up frustration and anger. And in some cases people sharpen their bloodlust without even realizing or meaning too. Bloodlust can be seen as an aura that people put out around themselves. In (Y/N)'s case she didn't have strong bloodlust at first. But it was still there, and it still posed a threat. Her parents were overbearing and she, being the oldest daughter, was who they forced their expectations on. Her mother wasn't nearly as bad as her father however, but either way this still made the young girl very upset. This caused her bloodlust to start forming. But after the incident with the lab, her being a hybrid only made her bloodlust grow stronger. And it got even worse once she found out her family was dead. She loved her family even if she didn't agree with them most often. This caused rage and anger to fully get its hooks into the young girl. Her bloodlust has the power to cause people to have short bursts of insanity. Basically making them hallucinate, see things that aren't there. She can control what they see and what they see other people as. She can even make things look less scary or single out certain people to make them look normal to the person her bloodlust is effecting. She calls her bloodlust ability Nightmare. Her bloodlust takes the form of a Giant Black Dragon that always appears behind her, making her look more intimidating. But only those who have had experience with bloodlust before can actually see this though. She can also control how much bloodlust she uses so long as she has a level head and stays calm. However there have been cases where her bloodlust has not effected certain people in small amounts. That's because the people she was trying to effect had equally as strong bloodlust, to a point where small amounts simply put would not effect them. However this has only happened in two cases before. When she was around ten and trying to use her bloodlust against Phantom for a prank. And against Karma Akabane when she was trying to make herself look a little bit more intimidating when she was sixteen. 

Magic/Powers: (Y/N)'s magic is shadows/darkness. But thanks to her dragon half we have a lot of ground to cover here. So let's start with basic abilities. She can turn herself into a shadow (or just certain parts of her body if she feels like it). Can turn other people into shadows (though she rarely ever does this). Control and manipulate shadows. Use the shadows to create and make different kinds of things, ranging from weapons to her own house (but she cannot create life). Can travel through the shadow void (or as Karma likes to call it the shadow realm), a dark space that connects all shadows in the world. Can make clones of herself and of other people using the shadows (keep in mind these are only clones they do not have minds or feelings of their own). She can also use a variety of spells that she's learned from a shadow dragon spell book she received from the owner of a book store. Only she and one of her teammates can read the book however. Spells include Black Crystals: A spell that summons black crystals from the ground. She can use them to form a cage around someone and or impale someone if she so chooses. If one of the crystals is destroyed two more take its place. Shadow Nova: An ability that consumes her foes in darkness allowing her and her allies to sneak up on them and go in for an all out attack. Nightmare: Basically the same thing as her bloodlust only it can make her opponents see things that they regret. Sometimes this means people they've killed. This ability is ten times as powerful as her bloodlust because it can make them see things she wouldn't even know about. But a good half the time she combines them together to make it even more powerful. Shadow Spirits: Allows her to summon the spirits of shadow dragons from the past. She doubts that this spell actually works though so she never uses it. Shadow Fimiliar: Allows her to summon a fimiliar that can use all the same powers that she does. World of Darkness: Forces her opponents into a world that she creates and controls so long as she can touch them. However if her opponent is strong willed and can tell that the world isn't real they can easily break out of it. And finally Shadow Queen's Judgement: This is the ultimate spell of the shadow user allowing the caster to see their victims past all the way up to the present and cast judgement upon them accordingly. This spell can only be used by a female shadow user in her most powerful state however. The spell can leave the caster drained and could possibly kill them if not used properly (Karma was p*ssed when he heard this and proceeded to scold Shadow for being reckless). She told me herself that she'd only ever use this spell if she was in her Dragonoid form (I'll explain that later because with that form comes all new abilities and strengths. Therefor it is like a different her.)

Skills: These are just basic skills that she has. She's an amazing pickpocket. Has a knack for sneaking around and past people. And she's an impressive fighter that can learn new moves in no more than a glance. Her mind moves and lightning fast speed when she's engaged in combat of any form. Physical or otherwise. She's fast, strong, and fierce. Your best chance at defeating her is to wait for an opening or to catch her off guard with a strong and fast move. Of course her defense is just as strong as her offense. She combines multiple skills and styles into her own as well as using a few things that only she can do. Making a 'spiked wall' if you will, that works just as good with defense as it does offense. She also has very high pain tolerance. A very strong will. She's also incredibly clever. And she has the strength to back up her plans. She's not easily scared either. She's got the courage to do whatever she wants. And she's got the intimidation factor to back it up. Put in simpler terms she's scary and she's determined. She's also a great leader. Firmly believing that leaders should be the first to sacrifice themselves in battle to save their people. She really knows how to light a fire under her team and her class. She's also great at honing in on weaknesses. She sees what makes you tick and how to exploit it. But above all else she's a teacher. She teaches what she knows to her team/students and they take what she says to heart. She doesn't just teach them how to fight, or speak other languages. She teaches them life. How to live. By bringing out the worst in her team she's helped them except all parts of themselves. 

Most Powerful Attacks: This is just a short list of her most powerful attacks and spells. Nightmare, Shadow Queen's Judgement, Shadow Mode (turning herself into a shadow. This is very overpowered for reasons obvious.), Stunner Clap (borrowed from Nagisa), Axe Kick (borrowed from Karma), and finally Black Flare Burst (a very powerful unison attack between her and Karma.)

Dragonoid form: This is the secret technique of the dragon hybrid. Being a hybrid (Y/N) already took on some dragon like features and behaviors, but in her Dragonoid form she takes on even more dragon like features and behavior. The first time I experienced her Dragonoid form I was honestly shocked about how fast she was able to go. She reached mach twenty with easy and according to her she can go mach twenty nine at her max. All her powers and abilities become ten times stronger then normal. She gains wings, horns, talons, and a tail. Her eyes start to glow and turn into slits. Her clothes are also switched out for strong and sturdy armor that fits her new form. The sheer power she radiates in this form is enough to make an army of fully grown men tremble in fear. With this form she also gains new abilities that she didn't have before. These include Shadow Sight: The ability to see a shadow version of her opponent moving before the actual thing. This allows her to easily predict and dodge the moves her opponent throws at her. You could say she can see the direct and immediate future. Shadow Mist: She can temporarily turn into black shadowy mist like fog. A lot like her shadow form only if she's like this she can actually faze through people. Shadow Slicer: By flaring her wings open she can summon sharp shadows and by flapping her wings in the direction of her opponent she can send these shadows flying at them and high speeds. Dragon Tail: By gathering shadows around her tail she can make it a lethal weapon that can shatter the earth underneath it in one blow. But it's just as dangerous with out the shadows adding the extra power. If she put enough force behind it she can easily shatter a man's skull. And finally Dragon Sword: When she first transforms into this form a sword made of, not shadows, but her own Bloodlust forms with her extra features. This sword's power depends entirely on how much bloodlust she's using or she feels. If she's experiencing massive amounts of bloodlust this sword becomes just as lethal as a fully powered nuclear bomb. It can cut though anything, even putting Dragonsteel to shame. 

Occupation, Position, and Co Workers: 

Her job: She's always been different from others so it's no surprise she'd have an unusual job. She's what's known as a Phantom Assassin. An assassin that kills with style and precision. She learned a lot of her skills from being a Phantom Assassin, originally trained by two of the strongest Phantoms there ever was. Phantom Assassins are pretty rare in the assassin world but in a league of their own. Phantom Assassins are flashy, making them a lot more likely to get caught. But they enjoy the rush of being pursued by others and running from the law. Typically Phantoms will have some kind of hide out where they meet up and live double lives unlike normal assassins who go off the map. They enjoy the challenge and if anything they only seek the blood of criminals. When I gave her a few suggestions on what she could do besides being a Phantom I'm pretty sure she didn't even look at the list. She loves work as a Phantom, enjoying the rush of it just as much as anyone on her team. Phantom Assassins also use code names. Her's is Shadow. They also have catch phrases that they come up with, mostly for the fun of it. (Y/N)'s catch phrase is The Show's Over.  

Position: She's the leader of her team currently and one hell of leader if you ask me. She trained her team herself and even now they still learn and study under her. She's got all the traits of a great leader and then some. Not only that but she's willing to sacrifice herself for her team. She'd rather put herself in the line of fire instead of letting anyone on her team take the hits. She truly does believe that a good leader protects and serves their people, not the other way around. 

Co Workers: Original Team Phantom: Phantom(Leader), Reaper(Recon Assassin), Blade(Weapons and Tech Specialist), Heart(Second in Command), Forest(Hacker), Kage(Wild Card). New Team Phantom(her team): Herself(Leader), Red Devil(Second in Command), Python(Recon Assassin), Nav(Hacker), Silver(Weapons and Tech Specialist), Kitsune(Wild Card). 

Side Notes: She actually posses as a normal assassin instead of a Phantom Assassin. Something about being cautious when meeting new possible Co Workers. But she always sticks to basic stealth over any of her other skills. She stays hidden on a mission until, as she calls it, its 'show time'. That's when the Phantom Assassin flashiness starts to show. 

Blood, Hybrid, and The Hybrid Project:

Hybrid Project: We don't know much about The Hybrid Project seeing how it was terminated after (Y/N)'s escape. But we do know what it was for and the results. The Hybrid Project was run by Yanagisawa, and his goal was to create the perfect half animal, half human, super weapon. In order to satisfy his own greed The Hybrid Project experimented on children kidnapped from their families in order to do this. And that's how (Y/N) became a dragon hybrid. 

Blood: Becoming a hybrid changed her blood drastically, making it unlike any other type of blood. So she came up with a new blood type, specifically for hybrids. Blood type Z. All hybrids have blood type Z regardless of the blood's color or their blood type before becoming a hybrid. A hybrid's blood changes color from usual red. (Y/N)'s blood is black.

Hybrid: Now so far there are only two known Hybrid Types. Snake and Dragon. Dragon Hybrids are a lot more rare, and tend to be a lot more powerful than Snake Hybrids. But based on Hybrid type, each hybrid has a special power unique to their Hybrid Type. Dragon Hybrids, being more powerful and more rare, have the Dragonoid form as their secret power. Snake Hybrids, have venom, but each venom is different based on the Snake Hybrid. But all hybrids are extremely powerful, no matter what type they are. We don't understand how the hybrids gained the magical powers that they have, or how Yanagisawa created Dragon Hybrids, but they now live in their own little group. (Y/N) doesn't know if any of the other Hybrids got out of the lab, she hopes that some of them did. She had met a few of them and really does hope they're alive somewhere. 

Personality: (Y/N)'s sassy, sadistic, slightly cocky, can be a little snappy, and has a bad habit of teasing and blackmailing others. But she's emotionally scarred, secretive, and distant. But thanks to her team she's also very sweet and just wants her friends to be happy. She's very caring once you get to know her.  

Likes: Quiet places, Karma, books, games, training, her team, her class, warm places, singing, teaching, being a Phantom, and chocolate. 

Dislikes: Traitors, loud noises, extremely high pitched noises, electricity, the cold, being alone, nightmares, people like Yanagisawa, things that are annoying and get on her nerves, things that are creepy, jumpscares, and getting teased(even if it's just playful teasing from Karma). 

Fears: She's afraid of losing her team and other people close to her, promises being broken, and has a strange fear of tasers and controlled shocks. (She's not afraid of jumpscares and creepy things she just hates them with a passion.) 

Weaknesses: Not many weaknesses are known with Shadow but she does have a few of them. I have no idea why I'm writing this down but something tells me I should. Just as a reminder that she's still human. Electricity is one weakness. For some reason she's terrified if it can shock her. I've only seen her get shocked once and when she did she curled up in a ball and cried for almost an hour. This happened when she was seven and Heart decided to pull a prank on her. After she recovered she went back to her normal and emotionless self, completely denying that it ever happened. High pitched noises or frequencies. I'm not sure if you can consider this a weakness but if a noise hits the right pitch or frequency it sends her into a frenzied state. It makes her wish to target something and rip it limb from limb. She goes completely savage for lack of a better term. Losing all hold on her humanity. The scales on her neck. Surprisingly enough these scales are highly sensitive to touch instead of being cold and hard as diamonds like most would expect from dragon scales. When touched she goes completely submissive but she overall hates her scales being touched by anyone, even those who she trusts. Call it an actual combat weakness because if too much pressure is put on the scales she goes completely limp and can't move at all (no one except me knows this however. Not even Karma or the other Phantoms are aware). And her last weakness...is Karma himself. As cheesy as it sounds Karma is actually a fatal weakness to Shadow. Karma may not win half the time but he is able to match her in combat, using trickery and underhanded tactics to get the upper hand. She sees this coming a mile away however which is why she wins so often. But either way Karma is fully aware of any and all of Shadow's secrets (she keeps a few things hidden but it's because she doesn't want to trouble him with her problems not because she doesn't trust him. If anything he's the only person she'll entrust her life too). Karma is undoubtedly the closest to her and is her boyfriend, meaning they share a special bond unlike any of the others. He's able to make her go weak in the knees and the sheer though of losing him has made her bawl her eyes out. But she doesn't consider Karma a weakness. If anything he's also her greatest strength, being able to support and help her out whenever she needs it. Yes, he's a weakness, yet also a strength.         

Overall: (Y/N) is a powerful force to be reckoned with, with barley any chinks in her armor. But just like everyone she too has fears. She's not invincible, but she's d*mn well close to being invincible. She's incredibly crafty with her hands and deviously clever. Her mind is as sharp as the blade she wields to kill. She can be happy and cheerful at times, but she's terrifying when someone messes with her friends. Her IQ is off the charts, and when she's fighting someone her mind moves miles a minute. And she's got some incredible survival instincts, most likely because of her being a hybrid. Not only that but her skills of perception are off the charts. She can tell exactly what kind of person you are just by looking at you. And, one of her more terrifying skills, she tell how many times she's seen you or you've seen her by your facial expression alone. She can tell if someone is male or female despite appearance through scent and breathing patterns. She can also tell how powerful you are just by the way you walk and carry yourself. Using the same methods she can tell how powerful your bloodlust is. And she can tell almost instantly when someone is lying. She's a very determined young girl who, in order to become stronger, trains others and fights strong opponents. While she prefers knives and other types of blades as her weapons of choice she is deadly accurate with a gun. Her pain tolerance and stealth are through the roof. She's been able to take multiple wounds and injuries and still get up fighting. Not only that but she's trained herself to be immune to most poisons by taking some lethal poisons in small doses. Eventually being able to down an entire bottle of poison without anything happening to her. (Y/N) skills are extensive and almost endless, I could go on and on about her capabilities and physical, as well as magical, talents for ages. But one of her most terrifying skills isn't things that she can do to an opponent. It's what she can do to herself that's truly fear inducing. She went through lots of mental as well as physical torture, and has built up a mental fortitude that not even bringing her to the Grim Reaper's door step would break. She can hide her emotions and her intentions until the very last millisecond. And has never been open about anything. If she wants something to stay locked in the closet forever, it's staying in the closet. Her mental state was shattered long ago, and occasionally she slips and she goes completely psycho. But she's learned to except and use that side of her. She's mastered her insanity. And has a tendency to drag others into insanity with her. She has a foot hold on her mental state, and can change her very own personality. She's a great actress, and that's what's truly terrifying about her, the fact that she can hide her emotions from everyone, except one person. She has a serious hatred of things that are annoying, she doesn't like being disturbed or being bothered unless it's important. And she's terrified of things that use electricity. Or at least when it's directed at her. In simple terms if it can shock her she's scared of it. She won't show that she's afraid however, she'll make some kind of excuse to avoid it and walk away with a blank expression. But either way you look at it she's an amazing leader, friend, student, teacher, and girlfriend in Karma's case. She cares about those close to her and will lay down her life for those she trusts, although she never trusts easily. Her time in the lab broke her, but she reformed herself. And although she's broken, and claims that she can't be fixed, every time I see her with her team, with Karma specifically, she always seems so much brighter and happier. She's putting herself back together piece by piece. And I couldn't be prouder to call her my student, in the past, and now. 

Theme Songs: 


Angel of Darkness-Alex C: She lives in darkness and controls it, yet she still fights against anything that threatens to hurt those she cares about. She's powerful, and refuses to give up, even if it means fighting with the power of the dark or laying down her life in the process. Most would call her a demon, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. All she wants is to protect her loved ones and those close to her. Yes, the title Angel of Darkness suits her.  


Fighter-Glee: Yanagisawa broke her, he put her through hell. But she came out of it stronger. He was a greedy man but he's the one who gave her the power she now uses to fight him. She hates him, but still smirks and thanks him. Because he's the one who made her who she is today. She's stronger, wiser, she works harder, she learned faster, her skin grew thicker, she become so much stronger, so now she thanks him, for making her a Fighter. 

BONUS CONTENT! Includes: When Karma is sick, Karma's Five Nights At Freddy's Jumpscare, and Shadow's Mom Is A Bada*s!

When Karma is sick (cuddle warning):

I woke up with a yawn but was instantly pulled down by a fimiliar warm red head. "Karma let me go. We've got class today." I groaned, still groggy from just waking up. I didn't get any response. "Karma?" I questioned. Typically when I said stuff like that he'd just groan, whine, or say 'no school today'. "Karma?" I questioned again. This time I turned to see that Karma was awake. But his eyes were droopy and he was slightly red faced. He just pulled my closer to him nuzzling my neck slightly causing me to flinch back. "KARMA I WILL BREAK YOUR ARM IF YOU DON'T LET ME GO!" I shouted. "You're so loud. But you smell nice. Five more minutes." He grumbled hugging me tighter. "KARMA!!!!!" I screamed. "Fine." He grumbled pushing me out of the bed and stealing all the blankets. I got up about to kill the red head when I noticed he typically didn't act like this. Even in the mornings. Typically Karma would sigh and get up, not push me out of the bed. I also noticed that he shivered every now and then. I walked over to the other side where he was facing and put my hand on his forehead. He leaned closer to my hand releasing a small sigh or relief. He was burning up, pun intended. "Karma are you sick?" I questioned pulling my hand away. "I don't get sick love. I just need a few more minutes and I'll be up k?" He questioned closing his eyes and snuggling into the covers more. "Oh my Demon Gods you're sick." I said. "I am not. Also you're way too loud this morning." He grumbled lazily. "Ugh. I'll be right back." I said. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I got in the kitchen and made some soup and got some fever medicine. Itona and Nagisa walked in. "Whoa. Soup for breakfast, that's odd." Nagisa said. "It's not for you. Karma went and got his stupid a*s sick." I growled. Itona and Nagisa were used to me being grumpy in the mornings. So they didn't think to much at my tone of voice and instead were concerned for their teammate. Making me proud. "Is he alright?" Itona questioned. "Yeah, he'll be fine." I said. I looked over to the stairs with a sigh hearing the door to my room open. I walked over to the stairs and turned Karma back around. "Nope. You're staying in bed today." I said walking him back up the stairs. "No complaints here." He said with a smirk, although his smirk was more lazy and droopy than normal. That's how I knew there was something off with the red head. Once I got him settled back into bed he pulled me right next to him cuddling me. "I demand cuddles." He said. I tried prying him off of me but to no avail. I sent a shadow clone downstairs to fix the food and bring the medicine since I couldn't get Karma off of me without hurting him a little, and honestly I couldn't bring myself to hurt him while he was sick at least. The rest of the day was spent with me trying to get Karma off of me and when I failed having to use shadow clones to get him food and medicine. At some point Itona and Nagisa came in questioning who this red head was because they were d*mn sure it wasn't Karma. "Is that Karma?" Nagisa asked walking inside with a confused expression. "No it's a strawberry." I said in the most monotone voice I cold muster. "Ah, so it's both." Itona said peaking his head inside the door. "Yep." I responded just as monotone. The boys helped pry Karma off of me so I could actually do stuff but I made sure to tend to Karma in between my daily routine. Once I was done with stuff I had to do I sat down with Karma and watched anime with him. He felt a lot better after that. He really hates being alone. But oh boy, I am going to ignore him for a month after the s*it he pulled today and for the rest of the week until he was better. Best part is he didn't even know why I was ignoring him. The pitiful look on his face was priceless. Hone in on your prey's weaknesses. For Karma, that's being ignored and being left alone. Also cherries. For some reason he's scared of cherries. Don't ask me why I don't know. 

Karma's Five Nights At Freddy's Jumpscare: 

"Hey Karma. I want you to come play a game with me!" I called setting up my computer and the face cam. He walked over rubbing his hands together. "What do you got this time?" He asked sitting in his chair next to mine. "Okay. So this game is called Five Nights At Freddy's. The goal is to survive all five nights without getting stuffed into a suit. Or so I've heard. I've never played this game before." I lied. I had played this game before, multiple times actually. I loved it being honest. The lore was so complicated and yet the game play so simple. It was enjoyable. The only thing I didn't like is the jumpscares. But I'm going to see if I can get Karma with one of them. And catch it on video. "What's with the face cam?" He asked pointing to the small screen in the corner of the computer screen, displaying our faces. "Eh, it's just there. I can't get it to go away. Just ignore it." I lied again. He shrugged putting on his headphones, grabbing the mouse, and starting up the game. A few minutes later he passed the first night. "Too easy." He said with a cocky smirk. Oh just you wait. I thought, hiding my own smirk. Pretty soon on the second night Karma had entered Gamer Mode. Leaning in closer to the screen, flicking the lights on and off quickly, flicking the camera up quickly looking for the animotronics, and so on so forth. When all of sudden his power gave out. "S*it." He cursed once the lights went out. Then the Trodgen March started playing. "Why is there music?" Karma questioned starting to panic a little bit. He turned to his left in the game and jumped back seeing Freddy's eyes flickering on and off. "WHAT THE F*CK!? GO AWAY!!!" He shouted. He got closer to the screen. Big mistake. His eyes kept traveling from Freddy to the clock and back again. "Turn to six, turn to six, turn to six, turn to six!" He shouted, repeating it until everything went dark and went silent. "Did I win?" He questioned. Freddy jumped at the player with a screech and Karma screamed like a chick, throwing his headphones and falling out of his chair. I burst out laughing and fell out of my chair just laughing. That reaction was perfect. And I got it on camera. I pulled myself up and quickly shut the lid on my computer tucking it under my arm. "I think that's good enough for today. Thanks for the video Karma." I said starting to walk off. "Wait..." He trailed off pulling himself out of the floor. I started running to my room. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE S*IT HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared chasing after me. 

~Time Skip~

After that he was very determined to beat the game. He never once tried to delete the video surprisingly. I was now sitting with him late at night as he tried to defeat Twenty, Twenty mode. "C'mon, c'mon. Turn to six." He growled at the clock with Freddy at his door. Then, the chime rang out. The clock turned to six. Karma jumped out of his chair doing a victory dance. "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! IN YOU'RE FACE YOU ELECTRONIC MONSTROSITIES!" Karma shouted pointing at the computer. I let him have his moment. Not going to spoil the mood by telling him there were more games. He sat down taking a few breaths. "But....Now I'm just curious." Karma said suddenly. "It feels like there's more to the lore. I feel like I'm missing something. I mean, look at all the easter eggs and the posters, and that Golden Freddy thing! I feel like I'm missing something here and it bugs me." He said glaring at the screen. I sighed slightly. "Karma...Just letting you know this because I know you'll keep pestering me if I don't tell you now but....There are more games." I said. He looked at me, then to the screen, then back to me, then back to the screen. This continued until he closed the screen slowly, stood up, and walked away with bright Bloodlust in his eyes. "I'm not doing all that s*it again just for lore. I'll just look it up later." He growled before leaving my room. Slamming the door behind him. I was confused slightly by that reaction. A few days later I walked into Karma's room to find him playing Fnaf four while muttering curses and saying things like, 'stupid nightmares. Worse than the Phantom Animotronics in Fnaf three'. He then noticed me standing there and just sat there until his character died. He turned back to the screen with a glare. "S*IT I DIED!" He shouted. I just slowly walked back out closing the door behind me. Leaving him to do his own thing. 

(Oh my Blaze that was so fun to write. Now I wish I could've put it in the book somewhere. Pfft, gamer Karma.)

Shadow's Mom Is A Bada*s: 

"Hey Shads I've got a question." Karma said walking up to me. "Yeah what is it?" I asked. "So I know this is weird to ask, but I can barely remember her myself and my mom keeps avoiding the question. But, out of curiosity, what was your mom like?" He asked. I was confused why he was suddenly so curious but snickered slightly. "For lack of a better term, a complete and utter bada*s." I said. "How so?" He asked. "Well from what I could remember she could easily snap at any of us. Mostly my Father though. Mother was just overprotective of me and my siblings. But I remember this one time Father had thrown a party and it got a little out of hand. When Mother came home to see all of us outside the mansion and asked. 'Who's fault is it this time, and do you want me to handle it?' Me and the others nodded, pointing at Father. He just explained the situation. She walked in and didn't have to do anything but snap her fingers to get all the party guests to look at her. When one dude challenged her after she had given them direct orders she grabbed him by the neck and glared into his eyes. It looked like she drained the soul out of him I tell you. He started crying and once he did Mother released him. He ran and got a broom and started cleaning, all the other guests following suit not wanting what had happened to him to happen to them. Pretty soon the house was spotless, she took one step to the guests with a glare and sent them packing." I said. Karma looked at me dumbfounded. He sat down in one of the swivel chairs. "Continue please." He said. I laughed slightly pulling a chair of my own. I spun a few tales of my Mother's bada*s moments. Karma hung on every word. "At least that's what I remember anyways. Things seen in the shadows are easily misunderstood in the mind of a child." I finished. Also referencing Karma's new favorite video games. He huffed slightly. "I still don't believe in the dream theory. But wow. You're mom sounds awesome. Now I know where you get your bada*sness from." He said. I chuckled. "Anyone who's met my mom tells me I look exactly like her and act like her when she was younger. Honestly I really do miss her and my siblings most of all. They were the ones I truly relied on back at home." I said sadly a few tears starting to fall. Karma leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Easy now. Don't go getting all sappy on me. So about this time your mother nearly killed your father tell me more about that." He said. I chuckled. "So yeah she basically turned into a demon before our very eyes and chased father around the mansion. Me and my siblings stopped running when we realized she was after father so we just sat down with popcorn, cheering mother on." I explained. Karma started laughing slightly. "That sounds hilarious." He said. "It was." I said. After that I needed a lot of cuddles and anime binge watching. But I felt a lot better afterward. I eventually passed out on Karma's shoulder and he had to carry me back to my room before returning to his own room.

End of bonus content. 

If you've made it this far you've reached the hidden content. This will be in the squeal but it's here in this profile for any of you who want to know. Keep in mind this is spoilers somewhat for the next book but this is something I'm sure a lot of readers are curious about. Shadow's time in the lab. She's very tight lipped about it and only speaks about it vaguely. This isn't because I was lazy and didn't come up with anything. She speaks about if vaguely because she doesn't want to remember it. This gets dark and really descriptive. No precious little snowflakes allowed understand. Turn back now if you don't want spoilers. LIKE I SAID THIS GETS VERY DARK AND DESCRIPTIVE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Keep in mind this is about Shadow's time in the lab. Don't expect it to be all puppy dogs and rainbows. 

~(Y/N)~ Day 1

For the longest time, I couldn't see. I could hear, feel, and smell, but never see. I could hear voices and movement around me, but never see the faces. I don't know where I am. Everything is just dark right now, and I can't move either. Then, out of nowhere, a blinding light is shun in my face. "Eyes are reacting normally. All other test results have come in." Someone in a white coat said shining the light in my face. A bunch of lights came on at once. I was in a room. But I couldn't see much. There was a bunch of men in white coats surrounding me. One had a needle in their hand. It was full of a clear white substance. "Test subject is ready. Proceeding with the serum." They said. They jabbed the needle in my neck. I tried to struggle but I was held down by these...things on my wrists and ankles. The other people in white coats held me steady as the person with the needle injected the liquid into my neck. I let out an ear piercing cry that turned into a roar of pain half way through. I managed to throw the people off of me all the while freeing myself from the shackles that held me down. But the moment I was free I felt something jabbed at my side, and let out a fierce shock. I screamed in pain as the electricity burned my skin and made my senses numb. I fell unconscious once again. When I woke up I was in a cage. Next to me on my left were more cages with other people in them, on my left were even more. But my throat hurt. Everything burned. I felt like my head was trying to pound out of my chest I just curled up in a ball and cried silently. Wanting this nightmare to end. Wanting to go home and sleep in my bed after reading Ember a bedtime story with Mother helping me read the words. Home...Mother...Ember. Why? Why am I here why are they doing this? I didn't know the answer. And that scared me to no end. 

Day 3

I'm already losing track of time with how long I've been here. Something I didn't notice when I first woke up a few days ago was my sudden change in looks. I had fangs, slitted eyes, and scales on my neck and arms. I didn't think much of it at the time. Still thinking I was trapped in some horrific nightmare. Boy was I wrong. Everyday the people in white coats brought me to this room while I was in my cage. There was this high pitched noise in the room that was always just buzzing. Nothing happened. They just left me in that room. The room was pitch black beyond the confides of my cage. Then the small high pitched noise became a sharp loudly pitched noise at the same frequency. This caused me to panic instantly for some reason. I started thrashing around in my cage trying to get out and make whatever the noise was to stop. It's just the way it assaulted my eardrums made me want to rip it apart. Eventually the noise stopped, back to the low buzz it was before. I stopped moving and just curled up into a ball again letting out a few small whimpers. But then I felt something prod my side sharply causing me to recoil. It poked me again, harder this time. I uncurled myself and was poked in the stomach harshly causing me to cough and sputter. The prodding ceased with I was doing this. But then there was another electric shock. Worse this time. I let out another scream, and instinctively rolled away. I hit the bars of the cage hard making my head fuzzy. But more prodding stopped me from falling unconscious. Eventually I snapped. The darkness around me formed a shell around me. A shield if you will. This is the only time I remember doing this. I heard murmurs and then a voice I would come to hate said. "Experiment successful. Put her with the others." A male voice growled. The others didn't protest and took my cage out of the room. But we didn't go down the same turns as before. I was rolled into some other area. When the shield fell I was in a similar set up as before only there were different people here. Less people this time. But they all looked around my age or a little older. There was one girl who noticed me immediately. "Hi stranger." She said cheerfully. I only whimpered in response. "Not good for talking yet are ya'? Well don't worry first few times will do it to ya'. You've just got to ride it out." She said. I still don't respond, just stayed curled in my little protective shell. She continued talking, she told me her name was Draco. I never responded to any of her questions or comments. If she addressed me directly I'd let out a small whine or whimper. But she didn't mind. She just kept talking. And I didn't find this annoying at all. She talked, I listened. I remembered everything that she said, or at least I tried too. It was good mental excise.

Day 7

It's been a while since they first started experimenting with me. I've still yet to talk with Draco. She's actually been worried that I'd gone mute. Everyday they take me into the dark room and assault my eardrums with loud noises, prodding from the sharp sticks, and getting electrocuted. Everyday. They do it every.Single.Day. I want it to stop. The prodding isn't even the worst parts. It's the electrocutions and noises. My ears are so sensitive. More than they've ever been before. That much I can tell. And the electrocutions hurt worse than any pain I've experienced before. The electric shocks course through my body. It makes me helpless. I hate it. I hate it. I never thought I'd say this, but all the people who do this deserve to die. I want them dead. I want them do die by my hands. But I'm weak. There's no way I'll ever accomplish that. They rolled me back to my spot next to Draco. She lit up seeing me again. Most of the other people that are trapped here ignore her or think she's annoying. But I listen intently to her stories. Her voice drowned out my thoughts. I couldn't think about my family or the pain that my body was it. I was just absorbed in her calming yet excited voice. "Welcome back. Nice to see you. Everyone here is so boring." She said rolling her eyes. The ghost of a smile appeared on my face. "Aw. That smile looks cute on you little one." She said. She then thought for a moment. "I never caught your name little one. Do you even remember your name?" She asked. I nodded. "Can you tell me?" She asked. I shook my head. She sighed. "Well I need to call you something other than little one..." She trailed off looking deep in thought. "Hey. If you're here that means they got a successful reaction out of you. Can you do anything like this?" She asked, a little flame appearing over her finger. I nodded turning my hand into shadows. It took great deals of mental stress but it was successful. Once my hand returned to normal she nodded. "You have shadow powers. In that case how about I call you Shadow?" Draco questioned. I looked at my hands a small smile spreading. I nodded. Yeah...I think I like the sound of it. Shadow. It makes me sound all mysterious and sneaky. I thought. Draco smiled brightly. "Shadow it is then." She said. That's how I got my code name. Giving to me by my first real friend ever since I'd been brought to the lab. I didn't know how much that name would stick with me in the future. Even becoming the inspiration for one of my favorite nicknames ever. But it all came from her. 

Day 15

The shocking, prodding, and noises almost felt like routine at this point. I'd figured out what the people in white coats wanted. They wanted me to use my power. So I did in order to stop with the poking and shocking. I would turn into a shadow and stay like that until I was rolled back next to Draco. I tried escaping the cage a few times by turning into a shadow but the cage itself blocked me from getting out. Even as a shadow. It was some kind of force field around the cage that kept me and the others trapped inside. I returned to normal greeting Draco with a smile. I had begun to talk again but only to her. She was slowly helping me regain my speech. "Shadow! Nice work out there. You feeling okay? You look like you're tired." She pointed out. Truth is I haven't been sleeping much. My own screams and the pain of the shocks and poking kept me up at night. Not only that but the haunting smiles of my family creeping into my mind every so often. Then I had an idea. "Sleep hard. Nightmares keep coming." I said. She nodded reaching through the bars of her own cage and through mine to pat me on the head, calming my slightly. "Favor?" I questioned. She chuckled. "What can I do?" She asked. "Keep talking. Until asleep. That way no memories or pain can fill head." I said. She nodded and begun talking while I layed down. And it worked. The comforting tone in her voice lulled me to sleep as she told a story. Even talking about her powers for a time and how she always read that fire was one of the most powerful elements. Even though my mind was foggy with tiredness it stored everything she said in my memory. That's how I learned about all the abilities of a fire user. And everything she can do with them. It was only until later that it fully registered just how powerful Draco was. Draco was an odd person to say the least. Her appearance something to behold. She had bright orange hair that just screamed fire, and her eyes always glowed a nice comforting green. I found myself always thinking about her when I was in pain. And it helped ease the pain a little. She was like an older sister to me. Even if she was only a year older than me. 

Day 17

My speech has improved drastically, and I was able to talk just like how I used to back at home. The shocks and prodding had become old news, I was building up a resistance to it. But the noises I never could. That loud, high pitched noise, still sent me into a frenzy. Every time I hear it I grab the closest thing to me and try to rip it apart. Eventually they started using sharp, metal sticks instead of the dull wood ones that I was used to. I would hiss like a cat every time one of them came close to me. But once one cut deep enough the people in white coats quickly opened the door to my cage and held me down while one of them took some of the black substance that leaked from the wound. They started jabbing me with needles, some filling up with a black substance, other's emptying something into my bloodstream. My body feels like it's on fire and my vision becomes blurred. The edges of my vision starting to turn red. Stop it. I thought as energy coursed through me. "STOP IT!!!!" I roared loudly. I flung all of them off me at once as the buzzing started to get louder. I growled and launched at the people in white coats. But they all escaped my grasp before I could reach them. They slammed the door to the cage in my face and continued to talk among themselves. I hissed, growled, and reached for them through the bars of the cage. But nothing worked. I heard a few of them laugh at my attempts. But for some reason, I laughed too. I slowly sank back into the corner of my cage. Laughing to myself. I don't know why, but the edges of my vision were still blurred red. I growled to myself thinking of all the things I could do to these people once I got out. For some reason, when I was like this, I knew I could get out. I'd just have to wait. Wait until their guard is weak and slip in...Like a Shadow. 

Day ???

Time has become foreign to me. My personality changing rapidly. Draco was worried about my sudden change, but I didn't pay attention to it at first. Every time the took me to that room they'd poke me more and more. Trying to force some kind of reaction. But I didn't give it to them. They'd poke me. They'd shock me. But the shocks I'd ignore, the poking became numb. Instead of screaming and crying I growled and laughed. Although they never noticed my laughter. That's when it hit me. I wasn't laughing on the outside. Just growling with my mouth sealed shut. But I was laughing my a*s off on the inside. They didn't know. They never knew. But then it happened. I was in the room, silently laughing in my head again, when they came in with new metal sticks. And it was sparking on the ends of them. Fear consumed my soul since I wasn't used to these new weapons. And the fact I had no idea how powerful these new shocks would be. They jabbed one into my side and the searing pain shook my very being. I bit my lip drawing a little blood, refusing to scream. They continued this until I grabbed one of the sticks and pulled the human closer to my cage. A*shole didn't even see it coming. Wait...Human? Why did I refer to it...as just human? My thoughts were quickly cut off as in a swift motion I grabbed the human's shoulder. I squeezed it tightly hearing a satisfying crack and shout of pain from the human. The edges of my vision blurred red again. More jabbing, more shocks. I let go reluctantly and retreated to my corner of the cage. The noises returned. I tried covering my ears and clawing at my head and face, leaving a few claw marks on my face that would heal overnight. I tried to control myself. I tried to not go into a frenzy like last time. But failed as they finally got me and my powers to react. One of them nodded slowly to the shadows of the dark room swirling around me and starting to go crazy. "We're done here. Experiment over. You there! Get your shoulder taken care of!" They barked. The human I had hurt nodded and walked out with the help of one of it's comrades. I was put back in my place next to Draco. "Why are they doing this?" I questioned whimpering slightly. "They want weapons." Draco said. I looked at her confused slightly. She sat down leaning against the bars of her cage so she could get closer to me. She explained the Hybrid Project. What they were after. But she herself didn't know who was in charge. She explained a lot of things. And I stored it in my memory. Keeping it there. 

Day ???

The next few days were just as bad as the one previously. The sound was just as loud as always only this time, there was a way to stop it. The humans in white coats would bring in another human. It had a target on it and looked terrified. It's scent was riddled with fear. A red dot would be set on the human with a low buzzing sound. They would give me a knife through the cage. I would run after it the moment my cage door was swung open. But then a loud, so loud it made my head feel like it was exploding noise rang out. It made me drop to the ground and cringe at the sound. Once it clicked off I rose to my feet. The red light would shine on the human, when it was like that I crept up to it. Once the light went off I charged again only for the sound to go off again d*mnit! After a while of this song and dance I figured it out. When the low buzzing is there I can stalk the human. But I couldn't kill it. But then that sound. The one that always makes me frenzies would play. I would pounce on the human and rip it to shreds. Using the knife to stab it over and over and over again in the chest. By the time I was done with the human it was barely recognizable. But I realized something. The moment I had ended the humans life, something wonderful happened. Silence. Beautiful silence. The humans constantly used noises to make me frenzy and panic. But I was always afraid of the silence. Because that's when the memories would come back, the pain would resurface. But in that moment, I realized just how lovely the silence is. It let's me think, plan, and scheme without a high buzzing ringing in my eardrums. I returned to my cage out of instinct and curled up. Just glad to be left in silence. 

Day ???

I've grown. Only slightly though. I feel...stronger too. They've made me kill all kinds of humans in that room. Some weak, some small, some big, some tall. Some of them ran. Some of them fought back. But I always won in the end. I had learned that ripping humans apart...was fun. Their soft and squishy flesh tearing underneath your knife. Hearing them scream and beg for mercy was amazing too. The blood....the blood was the real kicker. Well that at the scent of fear and the screams of fear. It was...what's the word I'm looking for? A turn on.  Ripping them to shreds just to be left in silence. But when I returned one day. Draco wasn't there. This worried me because she was always there, no matter what. I turned to the kid in the cage next to me. He had blank eyes, completely void of emotion. "Where's Draco?" I asked. He didn't respond, just sat in his corner staring blankly into nothingness. That's when I noticed a small note in the corner of my cage. I picked it up, straining my eyes to try and make it out. Shadow, if you're reading this I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you like normal. If I don't come back just know that I've always thought of you as my little sister. Love you. ~Draco. I was...confused. Where had she gone? Why was her writing so frantic? So many questions, yet no answers. I waited, days passed yet she never came. Until one day I heard the doors open, and saw a fimiliar head of orange hair. I was happy to see she was alive...but...Something was wrong. Once she was back in her normal place I stood up and tried to get a better look at Draco. I called her name once, twice, three times yet no response. This was unlike her. That's when I noticed it. Her eyes. Those beautiful green eyes that used to comfort me were now as dead and lifeless as all the others in this room. "Draco? Come on you're messing with me right?" I questioned. She sat down in her cage, not responding. I grabbed the bars of my cage and shook them a little. "Answer me d*mnit! You're alright aren't you!?" I asked, getting more desperate. Still no answer. I back away from the bars and curl up in a ball like I used to do when I first started here. Before Draco helped me. I cried for the loss of her. Draco was dead in my eyes. The only thing left in her place is a lifeless husk that used to be my friend. So I just cried. Until my tears were all gone and I feel asleep. Haunted by the memories and the pain in my nightmares. 

Day ???

I've learned how to smile again. But its empty, fake. Nothing but pretend. I was good at pretending. Really good. I curled up as they rolled me to that room. After my daily killing of some human I sat alone in my cage. Just enjoying the silence. Then two humans came in, laughing and snickering. I noticed their steps were wobbly and unsteady. Those two tormented me a lot whenever I was suppose to be rewarded with silence. Today just like normal they poked me with sticks and tormented me. All the while laughing. They hadn't got much reaction though. Until...an idea came to mind. One of them was dangling a mouse in the cage, treating me like I was some kind of animal. I stood up slowly and walked over to the human. He smirked, feeling like he had won something. Unaware...that I was about to kill him. I wrapped both my hands around the bars of the cage slowly getting my face as close to the bars as possible. I looked him dead in the eyes. Then...I smiled too. Wait, no....It wasn't a smile...It was a smirk. I smirked as the edges of my vision began to blur red. Quick as lightning I reached out with my right hand and grabbed this man's neck. Squeezing it tightly and cutting off his air flow. His friend ran away screaming as I choked this b*stered. He kept clawing at my wrist but every time he did my grip tightened. This was so funny! A five year old girl choking a grown man with just one hand! I started laughing. Crazy laughter that echoed in my head and the room we were in. "Listen here pal." I said keeping my voice low and threatening in the form of a growl. "I'm giving you one chance here. You tell me the name of the person in charge here and I'll think about letting you go. You've got five seconds....one." I growled. "O-okay! J-j-just let me go!" He said. "Two." I growled. "Yanagisawa!" He shouted. My grip loosened. "Hmm?" I hummed tilting my head to the side. "Dr. Yanagisawa. He's the one in charge of the Hybrid Project. I don't know anything else but that. P-please...don't kill me." He pleaded. Tears escaping from his eyes. I was smart enough now to recognize fake tears and fake smiles by this point. And this man was actually in fear for his life. I smirked, feeling so happy right now. To be in a position of power. To be the one in control. It felt amazing after Satan knows how long I've been in this hell hole. I didn't say anything as I slightly loosened my grip with a kind smile. He let out a sigh of relief. I closed my hand around his neck again even tighter. "I-I thought you said-." I cut him off squeezing tighter. "I said I'd think about it." I said with a sinister smirk. "And after the hell you put me through here. All of this here right now. I think it's time for some pay back. You know what they say...karma's a b*tch." I said. Seeing him suffer slowly like that sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. I loved this rush. But I didn't want to hear his stupid voice anymore. I squeezed so tightly and absolutely destroyed the man's windpipe. His disgusting and rotten blood had gotten on my face, hand, and clothes. I dropped the body, flinging it towards the door for someone to find. I looked at my bloodied hand with a confused look on my face. "Oops. Did I do that?" I questioned in an innocent tone as a dark and evil laugh erupted from my throat. I covered my face with my bloodied hand my smirk staying in place. "Yanagisawa huh?" I questioned with a crazy smirk and insane look in my eyes. I slowly pulled my hand off of my face. "Guess I know who to target now." I said licking some of the blood off of my hand. That was the first time I'd activated my bloodlust. It gave me new energy. And it gave me hope. Seeing that man beg me for his life made me realize. I was just as dangerous, if not more than Draco was. The thought made me laugh even more. The sheer though of escaping this place and killing every human in a white coat made me so unbelievably joyous.  

Day ???

Ever since I killed that man the humans in white coats were more wary around me. Anytime I took a step closer to one in my cage they'd flinch. Now whenever they tried to poke me with the sticks I dodged carefully and gracefully. They all grew annoyed quickly but I was enjoying myself. My smirk had never left my features after that man's death. Eventually they gave up and just moved onto my daily chore of killing a human. But something was unusual to me. The setting was different. This time the room had things like walls and bushes as well as other things to hide behind. My smirk grew, me feeling a little cocky. The man on the other side of the place looked well built and looked like a fighter. Maybe I can have a little fun this time. I thought. I held my trusty knife in hand, the blade dull but stained red from the blood of the total twenty humans I had killed. After I had played and tormented the man by using the things in the room to my advantage I was quickly put into my cage. But still, silence. The humans had left leaving me to myself. It was later that day that I realized that was the big test that apparently every other hybrid had failed. But I had passed. I was Yanagisawa's first successful experiment. After long days of torture and practice I had passed the big test. The test that Draco failed. I don't know why but later that night I had a sudden spike in my power. This happened but none as powerful as this. It caused the cage that kept me locked up to break. It also broke the other cages too. The moment my cage was broken I rushed out with a wild smirk. "Finally. FINALLY!!!" I shouted. The other hybrid's eyes lit up. Coming back to life after seeing me free. But I didn't pay attention. I was booking it. I could get away. I could leave. I could go home. Ember, Mother, Father, Storm, everyone! I was coming home! My thoughts traveled to a small red headed boy that I played with every now and then. But I had to focus on escaping. The twists and turns were hard to navigate but I found a way. Any human in a white coat that tried to get in my way I'd either kill or just shadow past them. Most of it was killing though. When I was passing by the lab area I noticed two viles of the same stuff that turned me into a hybrid. I don't know why I felt the urge to take them but I quickly threw them in a suitcase and brought it with me. 

"And that's how I escaped the lab. And ever since anything that could shock me I've avoided. I've built up a fear of things like tasers. I'm sorry to worry you, but they cornered me with tasers. I was frozen on the spot. I'm sorry." "*sigh* It's fine. I don't blame you. But still I wish I could resurrect Yanagisawa and kill him all over again after hearing that story." "*laughs slightly* I know you do strawberry. Now can I have cuddles? I think I need it after reliving all that." 

HOLY FRICK FRACK THE WORD COUNT IS-IS!!!!!! 11781. HOLY S*IT THAT'S A NEW PERSONAL BEST! Also the Koro-Q version of Red and Black Blood is published.                                                                                                                   

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