Chapter 3: Nagisa's Phantom Classroom, Part 1

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~Your POV~

I woke up with a yawn in the familiar warm embrace of Karma. I smiled slightly glad for lazy weekend mornings. I heard banging of pots and pans together and groaned. "EVERYONE GET UP BEFORE I DRAG YOUR A*SES OUT OF BED!" Asano shouted from all the way downstairs. Karma groaned slightly hugging me tighter. "Tell him to shut up." He whined. "Would if I could." I grumbled back. "I SAID GET UP!" Asano yelled. "Ugh." Karma groaned grabbing one of our pillows and covering our ears. "How can we even hear him from all the way down there when we're on the top floor?" I questioned. "Don't know. Don't care. Sleeep." Karma whined. "(Y/N)! KARMA! YA'LL ARE THE ONLY TWO NOT UP YET!" Asano shouted. "FINE I'M F*CKING UP SHUT THE F*CK UP!" Me and Karma shouted back. Me and Karma got out of bed and stretched. "Love. Is it possible to get my annoying twin brother a muzzle?" Karma questioned with a monotone expression. "Don't you think I would have done that by now if we could?" I questioned while sweat-dropping. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE IF YA'LL DON'T HURRY YOUR LAZY A*SES UP!" Asano shouted. "LATE FOR WHAT!? IT'S THE DEMON GOD D*MN WEEKEND!" Me and Karma shouted. "IT'S MONDAY YOU IDIOTS!" Me and Karma both froze. We shot eachother a look, then back at the door, then back at eachother, then back to the door. "S*IT!" "F*CK!" We ran around starting to get dressed and do our basic morning routine. We came tearing down the stairs shouting our designated curse words until we finally reached the end of them. Asano tossed Karma the keys. "Your driving!" He said. "I DROVE LAST TIME!" Karma growled. "BULLS*IT! Shadow got us there last time ya' moron!" Itona argued. "GUYS IF I'M LATE CAUSE OF YOU I SWEAR I'M GONNA MURDER ALL OF YA'!" Nagisa shouted. "Okay. Blueberry p*ssed, let's get a move on." I said, breaking out into a nervous sweat. I turned slightly to see Caramel on the couch flicking through TV channels. "You have everything to take care of Phoenix and Natsu I hope?" I questioned. She nodded, giving me a bright smile. "Of course (Y/N). Relax. They may have their powers now but I can still take care of them." She reassured me. Karma shot her a glare. "If anything happens to them-." "Yeah, yeah. Get a move on before you're late. It's not like I've not heard that song and dance before." Caramel said, rolling her eyes. "BYE CARAMEL!" We all shouted, rushing out the door.

~Akane's POV~

I sat at my desk waiting when Nagisa-sensei finally came in. "Alright everyone. Homeroom will now begin. However I will be handing out new schedules. Some of your classes have been changed around since we have new staff members." Nagisa-sensei explained. I sighed and rolled my eyes as everyone else groaned. New teachers aren't exactly a welcomed thing here. Especially since we had Nagisa-sensei teaching all our classes before hand. He did just fine on his own. After taking roll Nagisa-sensei started handing out papers when someone threw a knife at him. It was nothing but a lazy throw. No real meaning behind it. "What did I say about throwing knives during class?" Nagisa-sensei questioned, catching the knife between his fingers like it was nothing. "Yes sir." The person who threw it grumbled. "Hey, cheer up guys. I personally know these new teachers of your's. And I think you'll find their classes enjoyable." Nagisa-sensei said with a bright smile. We still weren't buying it but Nagisa-sensei's smile is contagious at times. This was one of those times. Once I got my new schedule I looked over the weird set up. Homeroom, PE, History, Math, Lunch, Science/Lab, Language, and Home EC. Weird line up, but I'll roll with it. At least the day ends with something easy. I thought. Everyone else seemed just as confused by the new line up but didn't bother questioning it as Nagisa-sensei walked back up to his desk. "Now then. Does everyone remember what happened on Friday when my old team came to see me?" He questioned. Everyone nodded smiling at the odd memory of their weird interactions. "Well, there's something about us that you should all know. I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a while now, but I never found the right opportunity. You have to promise not to tell a soul about this unless I give you permission to do so. This is all highly secretive and classified." Nagisa-sensei said. We all shot eachother looks. "You mean like the whole you training us to become assassins thing?" Tori in the back questioned. "Bigger than that." Nagisa-sensei said. "Now then. I'm sure some of you have been wondering, what brought us all into the Phantoms. What classified us as one. And why each of us are in the group when no one else from our class of assassins are. Well there are certain things that brought us together. Whether it be we had no where else to go, or we wanted to improve and got dragged into the madness. But each of us shared one or two things in common. And I have a few theories about why we're the only Phantoms in our class." Nagisa-sensei said. "You're all familiar with the term Bloodlust yes? I think I've explained it once or twice?" He questioned. We all nodded. "Well, what I didn't mention was that their are different types of bloodlust. And some people have more powerful bloodlust than others. Me and the other Phantoms were drawn in by eachother's bloodlust." He began explaining. "You see, people with powerful bloodlust are drawn to eachother like moths to a flame. Shadow used a term for people who are drawn to eachother by strong bloodlust. She said that they are Bloodlust Bonded. They're bonded by their bloodlust. And that's why Shadow expressed so much interest in me and Karma when she first came to the classroom. Because out of everyone in the class, we had by far the strongest bloodlust. And no matter what I always seemed to find myself wanting to talk to Shadow and Karma more than I did my other classmates. I brushed it off as Shadow being supportive and friendly, and because me and Karma used to be best friends. Each person in our class eventually found their own small groups to hang out in. And that was based on bloodlust type. People are typically drawn to one another based on their bloodlust type. If you have weak bloodlust, you'll find yourself around others like you. If you have strong bloodlust, well, you can see where I'm going with this." Nagisa-sensei trailed off, letting us soak it all in before continuing. 

"But now I'm sure your wondering how this ties in to what I was talking about earlier. Well, me and the other Phantoms have always had a strong connection with certain animals. Whether others would perceive us as such, or we just found them cool animals. And if you do happen to have a strange connection to some kind of animal, then you very well might have some of the strongest bloodlust there is. If your bloodlust can take the form of an animal, that means it's very powerful, and every single one of the Phantoms has animal based bloodlust. And you can probably see why it's the most powerful since animals have far more bloodlust than humans. Now, does anyone want to take a crack at what animal each Phantom represents?" He questioned. Me and Tori's hands shot up. "My. You two were quick about that. Go ahead." Nagisa-sensei said, gesturing at us. "Karma and Shadow are both dragons." I said. "You're a snake and Itona is a wolf." Tori picked up. "And while Asano would be the hardest to guess, his is kinda simple." I added. "He's a Kitsune. A nine tailed fox." Tori concluded. Nagisa-sensei clapped his hands together once with a big grin. "Very good. But Asano isn't the hardest to guess. Karma is." He said. I tilted my head to the side a little. "Most people don't think mythical creatures can count as bloodlust but they do. People often mistook Karma's bloodlust animal as a fox, cat, or snake. Thanks to his mischievous personality. But he's a dragon. Just like Shadow. Which is why out of the entirety of Team Phantom, they get along the best. Not only do their personalities match up, so does their bloodlust. And, let me give you clear warning right now. Dragon Bloodlust is the strongest kind there is. No questions asked. No denying it either. There's a reason Shadow's the leader and Karma's her second in command. Hell even Asano questioned it when he first came to the group. But no matter what, Dragon Bloodlust dwarfs all." Nagisa-sensei explained. "Anyway, back on topic. Our bloodlust is what brought us together. But it isn't what solidified us as members of Team Phantom." He continued. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Keep in mind, you can't tell anyone about this. I'm trusting you all with the secret of Team Phantom. Something that not even our own class knew about until the truth came out in an incident." Nagisa-sensei reminded. He took another deep breath before taking his thumb and running it over his neck. Wiping away concealer to reveal light icy-blue scales. When he opened his eyes, the pupils were now slits. The class all gasped in unison except for me who's eyes twinkled in wonder. "After we joined the Phantoms, we got the option to take a vial of this serum. The serum turned us into what's known as hybrids. The changers are permanent. And once you became one, well, there was no turning back. I was one of the first to become a hybrid. In fact, I became a hybrid before Karma did. And that's no lie." Nagisa-sensei said. I raised my hand. "Yes Akane?" He questioned. "Are you a hybrid of your bloodlust animal?" I questioned. He chuckled. "Keen observation Akane. But no. Technically, that is. Because there are only two types of hybrids that we know of currently, while a bloodlust animal can be anything. Those hybrid types are snakes, and dragons. Most of Team Phantom are snake hybrids. But you can already guess the two that aren't." Nagisa-sensei said rolling his eyes. "Karma and Shadow." The class responded, already over the whole hybrid thing. We've seen worse and weirder being honest. "Yeah, Shadow it's no surprise. She was the first one and she didn't get a choice in the matter. She was turned into a hybrid forcefully as part of an experiment. But Karma over there is nothing but a lucky b*stered. I think fate pitied to both of them because of their pasts but still, strongest bloodlust and strongest hybrid type? Imma just call BS right there." Nagisa-sensei grumbled. "Nagisa-sensei you sound like a salt mine, stop it." I said with a snicker. He shot me a look before sighing. "Anyways. We gained plenty of different abilities, and I can't really explain some of the things that happened because hey, we honestly don't understand it much ourselves. Not even Shadow knows the whole of it. But one of the things that happened, was our powers." Nagisa-sensei explained. He lifted his hand so all could see as icy mist started forming around it. "We each gained elemental abilities, in correlation with how our bloodlust feels to other people. My bloodlust feels icy cold and freezes people in place, ice. Karma's is fiery hot and makes others want to run away from him, fire. Shadow's is self explanatory she has shadow magic. Asano's bloodlust is ever changing, he's a pure elemental. Itona's is sharp and piercing, metal. And before you ask, we either refer to it as magic or powers. One or the other depending on our mood but we're talking about the same thing." Nagisa-sensei explained. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down chief." Shinrin said, holding up a hand. "This is an awful lot to take in." Midori said, sweat-dropping. "First you're going on about bloodlust, then animals, then hybrids, then f*cking magical powers? The hell. I can't be the only one lost here." Shinrin said. I rolled my eyes. "Really? I'm following it well. People with strong bloodlust are attracted to eachother. The strongest type of bloodlust is when it takes the form of an animal. That's how the Phantoms came together but it isn't what solidified them as a team. Becoming hybrids is what did that. There are two types of hybrids, snake and dragon. Shadow and Karma are dragon hybrids and have by far the most powerful combination of bloodlust and hybrid type. Becoming hybrids gave them all unique and special abilities. Karma is fire. Shadow is shadows. Nagisa-sensei is ice. Itona is metal. And Asano is everything. Any questions?" I asked with a smirk.

Everyone gave me a look of shock, even Nagisa-sensei. Silence dragged on for a while. That's when the bell rung causing everyone to jump in slight shock. Nagisa-sensei coughed a little bit. "That concludes homeroom. Everyone please head out to the gym field to meet your new PE teacher." He said, his eyes going back to normal as he applied concealer to the spot where his scales were visible. "Remember don't tell anyone about this. Have a nice day." He added as we all picked up our gym bags and made our way to the locker rooms. Once we got changed into our PE clothes we walked out to the track and field. But no one was there. We all shot eachother looks until we heard the thumping of shoes walking closer. A tall female figure stopped in front of us. "Hello kids, remember me?" She questioned. We all stared wide eyed in shock. It was Shadow. She was wearing a black track suit and black combat boots. "Now then, as Nagisa has probably already informed, you have new teachers starting today. I'm one of them. I'm your new PE and Language teacher." She said with a smile, keeping her hands firmly grasped behind her back. "Now then, I know what most of you are probably thinking. 'Pfft! A female PE teacher!? Oh this'll be good!' Am I right? Well, hate to inform you, not really actually, but I'm probably the worst person to have for a PE teacher. Because one: I'm a sadist. Two: I'm a professional assassin. And three: If I've trained Karma, Nagisa, Asano, and Itona all how to be assassins and they still can't catch up to my level, then you kids are in for a hell of a ride." Shadow said with a smirk. "Now while normally I wouldn't take it easy on the first day, I think I will this time. So instead of drilling a few moves and/or doing a bunch of work outs, we're going to be playing a game. The entire class, versus me." She said. A few kids that were actually smart began to back up in slight fear. "A-and what game will we be p-playing?" Someone stuttered. Shadow's smirk grew sinister. "We'll be playing dodge ball." She said, holding up a red rubber ball. Her (E/C) eyes began to glow slightly as more dodge balls rose into the air, being carried by black things. Nagisa-sensei's words echoed in my head. 'Shadow's is self explanatory she has shadow magic.' "I'm sure you all know what to do next." Shadow said with a dark smirk. "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I shouted as the shadows flung the balls at us. I quickly dodged one letting the kid behind me get hit. I jumped over another one and snatched a ball from the ground, blocking another one coming right for me. Eventually Shadow ran out of ammo letting us breath. I looked around to see the damage from Shadow's onslaught. "Are you f*cking kidding me?" I questioned, seeing everyone on the ground except for Midori, Tori, Shinrin, myself, and one kid wearing a hoodie, having the hood over their face, and headphones as well. Shadow raised an eyebrow as she smirked. "Ah, the four from Friday. Tori, Akane, Shinrin, and Midori if I'm not mistaken." She said. She gave the other kid a confused look. "Who's the other one? I don't think I've met them yet." Shadow said, aware that the kid wouldn't be able to hear her. I shrugged. Tori did as well. Midori sighed. "That's just Hoshiko. Ignore them." He said. "Okay then." Shadow said, sweat-dropping. She then returned her eyes back to us. "Now then. Are you gonna throw back? C'mon kids, its not that hard to chuck something at someone. I should know I chuck everything in the room at Karma when he wants to be a b*tch." She said with a small laugh. I threw the ball quickly nearly hitting her as she dodged to the right by a hair. She shot me a look and smirk. "See? Akane has the right idea. Attack, defend, attack, defend. It's the basic steps on any battle field. And for an assassin, it's important to know when to attack, and when to defend. She went on the defensive earlier during the onslaught, allowing her the chance to attack while I was distracted. The makings of a true tactician." I knew very well she was trying to get me to lose focus with praise. I just crossed my arms and shot her a glare. "I know very well you're trying to get in my head. Cut the s*it and play the game." I growled. She laughed a little. "And I think I have a favorite already. Alright Akane. We can play the game." Shadow said, picking up the ball I had thrown at her.  She chucked it at me at speeds I wasn't expecting and I just barely dodged it by the skin of my teeth. I started barking order to Shinrin and Midori, retreating back to Tori's side. "Hey Tor, I have a plan. While me and the guys distract her I want you and Hoshiko, if you can convince them that is, to sneak around the sides and flank her." I said to her quietly. She nodded. "Right." She said with a bright smile. I looked away quickly with a small blush. D*mn cute a*s smile. I thought. I picked up a ball and threw it at Shadow. She dodged of course but Midori and Shinrin threw in unison right after I did, catching her in a slight pincer attack. She smirked quickly ducking beneath the balls as I picked up another one and threw it at her feet. She side stepped out of the way picking up a few balls with the shadows and began launching them at us. I dodged before picking one up and blocking a few of the projectiles. "Sword and shield tactic eh?" Midori questioned, slight smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes a little. 

Midori may seem shy when you first meet him and to some credit, he is. But he's great under pressure surprisingly and when it comes down to it there's no one better to have by your side in an intense battle. He can be a completely different person at times. And that's a great skill to have when facing an enemy. I thought. Shinrin retreated to my right side handing me a ball. Shinrin isn't great at throwing but he can dodge like no tomorrow. And he's great at watching our blind spots. He's childish at times and a little rash when making decisions. But that's a good thing in situations where you don't have time to think things through. I thought. I smirked a little. Then of course Tori. She may not seem like it, may not even realize it herself, but she's one sneaky b*tch. And more loyal than a wolf to their pack. If I'm gonna have anyone at my side during this, it'd be her. I shook my head, refocusing on the game. It's a good thing I have a team of people I'm familiar with. Minus Hoshiko of course. But I'm aware of what everyone is good at, which means I can make plans easy enough. I thought. We ended up loosing. Of course, even I wasn't shocked about that. But hey, at least I went down fighting. "Alright. Every Friday from now until the end of the year we'll play a dodge ball game so I can see if any of you have made progress. Both as a team, and as individuals. I'm also gonna ask you to continue calling me Shadow. And not Shadow-sensei or any BS like that. I may be your teacher, and I may be older than you, but first and foremost I'm a friend and ally. So no bulls*it formality with me. PE will be a little more difficult than normal. But that's because I can sense strong bloodlust from everyone in font of me. And to sharpen those blades you're gonna have to work harder than other classes. And I'm gonna give you a phrase that my teacher always told me and the rest of my team." Shadow smirked a little. "Work hard, play hard, kill hard. That's the motto for any good assassin. Take it to heart. Oh, and one more thing." Her smirk grew as her eyes glowed. "Nagisa set up a prize for anyone who can quote unquote 'kill him' correct? I'm doing the same thing. You see, being the leader, and the one who trained them, I've helped each Phantom grow and devolve. However, there are somethings that they were never able to overcome. Each of my Phantoms has one or two small weaknesses. And if you can quote unquote 'kill me' then I'll let you know the weakness of one Phantom of your choice. Besides myself of course." Shadow said. The bell sounded. "And that's the end of PE ladies and gents. See you in Language, and I bid you adieu." She said, placing a hand on her chest and bowing to us before melting into the shadows and disappearing.

~Time Skip, Next Period, History~

We entered the classroom and all sat down. I was still in slight pain from dodge ball. We heard the tapping of dress shoes and eventually the door slid open. We all looked and stared in shock. Asano smiled at us. "Good morning class. I'll be your new history teacher." He said, walking in and sitting at the desk. "But before we can get to world history, well, we're all assassins in training we can see where this is going. Basic assassination skills. You'll learn most of this with Nagisa and Shadow, but each classroom has something to do with assassination or something that may help you on the field." Asano explained. "Now, some quick trivia. What's the difference between assassination and murder?" He questioned. Everyone shot eachother looks. "Um, sir, aren't they the same thing?" Someone questioned. Asano crossed his fingers into an x. "Bzzt! Wrong. There is a big difference." He said. "There are actually many differences. While technically assassinating someone is just murdering them, the terms refer to different arts. One difference being that assassination is typically paid work, while murder is typically done out of revenge or spite. Another difference is that assassins can be perfectly sane people that live normal lives. Murderers are typically insane and beyond reason. Not to say that all assassins are sane. I mean look at Shadow and to some extent Karma. But then compare that to me and Nagisa. Another difference is that assassins tend to be more neat and orderly when killing someone. A murder scene well..." Asano trailed off, sweat dropping. "Blood. Lots of blood." I cut in. Asano nodded. "Yes. That." He agreed. "More trivia, are assassins and thieves different?" He questioned. "Yes." Shinrin said. "Bzzt! Incorrect. There is no difference between assassins and thieves. It's just that assassins steal lives. Not art or jewelry." Asano said. "Alright. Now inside this classroom, who knows and understands the terms 'sticky fingers' and 'feather hands'?" He questioned. "Sir, are you referring to pick pocketing?" Tori asked. Asano clapped his hands together once with a bright smile. "Ding, ding, ding! Yes. I am referring to pick pocketing. Because as assassins, you have to be just as skilled with your hands as thieves are. If you want to steal lives, well." In the blink of an eye Asano was gone. Quick as a snake he returned to the desk, dumping wallets, jewelry, and other valuable things onto it. My hand instantly shot to my pocket, only to find it empty. "You're going to have to be able to steal other things first. And skills with your hands will also help you make infiltration tools. Things like bombs, lock picks, stun grenades, etc. A key part of the assassin's tool belt, is going to be the tools themselves. But if you can't make them yourself then steal what you need from someone else. That's where pick pocketing comes in handy as a skill." Asano explained. "Now then, each of you should have a piece of paper on your desk, I want you to make origami. It'll help you to be more skilled with your hands. As you're doing this, I'll continue talking. Learn to listen and work." Asano said. "You have til the end of class. Place your work on my desk and retrieve your stuff as you leave. Now then about why I chose this method. Shadow explained to me that this was how she was trained. And I saw it as a great way to raise the proficiency of the class." Asano started. What should I make? Maybe one of the Phantom's bloodlust animal? Nah. I'm sure lots of other people are already going to do that. Hm. I got it! Once the thought hit me I began folding the paper. I'm glad Tori taught me how to do this in prep school. I smiled slightly. Origami was actually a favorite pass time of mine. But I sucked at it before Tor taught me. I found the art of paper folding to be relaxing. And distracting from other things. But Tori has and always will be better at it than me. "Oh. Just like Shadow and Nagisa, if you can 'kill me' I'll do you one favor. If it's in my power, it can be anything. Information on another Phantom. Something you want. A distraction. Anything." Asano added. And just like that, a devious plan came to mind.

Once the bell rung and we each got up to submit our work I noticed lots of the others didn't get finished. But just as I had thought it looked like lots of people were trying to make paper dragons, nine tailed foxes, snakes, etc. I looked on the desk and spotted four other paper animals that caught my attention. Origami spider, hawk, cat, and horse. I listed in my head. I smiled a little placing my Origami Lion with that line up. Already knowing the creators behind the animals. Asano chuckled a little as I grabbed my wallet and house keys. Me being the last person to leave. "A lion huh? Before you leave, do tell. Why'd you pick that animal?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow, smiling a little. "Lions are symbols of strength and pride. I find them great creatures. And well, it just kind of came to me. Everyone else was going to do an animal that they knew a Phantom represented. I wanted to be different. Seems like a few people had the same idea." I explained looking at the other animals next to my lion. "Anyways, later teach." I said. Giving a small wave and heading for the door. What class did we have next? I thought, about to go for my schedule. I shot a look at Asano who had it in his hands. "Math next huh? I almost feel sorry for you." He said with a sigh. Handing me the schedule back. "You're really good at that." I said. He laughed a little. "Slight of hand, it's very useful in school and in assassination. But Nagisa is the best pick pocket in all of Team Phantom." Asano said. He waved his hand in a circular motion, a deck of cards appearing. I gave him a look. He smirked a little, I could definitely see the resemblance to Karma now. "What? We Phantoms have actual powers, but we know a few magic tricks as well. Slight of hand. It's very useful on the field. One minute, you're preforming magic for a crowd. The lights flicker, then boom." He said tossing away the cards as they each popped into confetti, Asano now holding an orange knife. "You can go for a target." He added. I smirked a little. "You're gonna have to teach me that one day." I said. He laughed a little, ruffling my hair. "Maybe some time." He said. "Now run along to your next class. I'm serious though. Try your hardest in that class, and if you don't know the answer, don't speak." He said. I tilted my head to the side in confusion. He sweat dropped. "The teacher you have in that class is ruthless when it comes to his subject. Math is his domain. It's scary honestly. Just trust me on this." Asano said. I nodded. "Alright sir." I said. He waved a hand dismissively. "Akane, please don't call me 'sir' and things like that. It gives me flashbacks." He said. I laughed a little. "Alright. Later Asano." I said, leaving the room.    

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