Chapter 2: The Official Reunion of Team Phantom

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~Your POV~ (Remember bold is them talking in English)

" the only reason you two have kids because Itona and Asano left the house and put up a force field with out checking if you had left or not during mating season?" Nagisa asked me. "Yep." Karma said hugging me from behind. Nagisa turned a glare on Asano and Itona. "YA'LL TWO ARE IDIOTS!" He shouted. Itona and Asano both flinched slightly. "Hey, it's not like we didn't know that she hadn't left yet! Typically she's gone by the time the week is around the corner!" Itona said. Nagisa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "But hey I'm not exactly complaining. It's been nice to have a full family again." I said blushing a little under the concealer. Karma nodded slightly. "Natsu and Phoenix are adorable. And I couldn't be prouder to be called their father." He agreed. "But still you two are mates now? Geez." Itona said. Karma's entire face flushed red and I swear the concealer might as well not be there at this point. "Itona you're embarrassing them, stop." Asano growled. "Yeah, but I'm curious. How does dragon mating season work exactly?" Itona questioned. "CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT THIS!" Me and Karma shouted in unison. Asano paused for a minute. "Now that I think about it the wedding was kinda weird, less like a normal wedding and more like a celebration party. And then you two just ran off out of nowhere." He said. "Yeah. And why were you so insistent on the wedding taking place under a full moon?" Itona asked directing it at me. I was just quiet slightly fiddling with my gloves. Karma sighed slightly and started playing with my hair, a habit he had formed. "It was a combination of Fire and Shadow dragon mating rituals. Most of it we knew instinctively but we needed to use this for some guidance." He said holding up a book with a brown cover. "Wait...isn't that...?" Asano trailed off. "Yep. The book about dragons that you gave (Y/N) all those years ago." Karma said. "Typically dragons don't mate for life, but when they do they tend to have some kind of special ritual before actually becoming mates. However because of you two being dumba*ses we had to do all this stuff after actually becoming mates. Shadow dragon rituals and Fire dragon rituals are pretty different but we found a compromise." Karma explained. "I still don't see how you can say all that without being embarrassed." I mumbled. "Says the sadistically dominant Shadow Dragon." Karma mumbled. "Says the slightly masochistic sadist." I grumbled with a smirk. He blushed violently. "We don't talk about that!" He hissed. "What wait was that? I didn't catch that last bit." Itona said. "NOTHING!" Karma spat. The others looked at us in confusion. "Don't you have a class to teach?" I asked Nagisa. He started panicking and asked Asano and Itona to help him out for a minute. They all left, leaving me and Karma to ourselves. "Did you have to call me a masochist?" Karma questioned nuzzling my neck slightly. "Well it's true isn't it?" I shot back with a smirk. Karma just sat there blushing for a minute while I chuckled to myself. "Aw. Is my little Strawberry Kitten embarrassed?" I questioned. Karma looked down mumbling something to himself. "What was that?" I questioned. "Don't make me get the handcuffs again." He grumbled shooting me a smirk. I swear my face was as black as the f*cking fur of a black cat under the concealer. I looked away from him. "Aw.~ Does my little Phantom not like role play anymore?" He questioned. "Shut up you d*mn sadist." I grumbled. Karma chuckled a purr rising in his throat. "Quit purring at me!" I shouted. He just purred louder, knowing that it bugged me because his cuteness was the one thing I had no resistance too. "Karma!" I whined. He chuckled more. "I'll stop if you kiss me." He said. I sighed, why did he have to be like this? Oh wait, because he's Karma, don't answer that. "Do we have a deal?" He questioned. "You and your d*mn deals. F*cking Devil." I grumbled. "Well?" He questioned. "Fine!" I spat crossing my arms with a pout. I turned my head and pecked his cheek. "Hey! No fair Shads!" He whined pouting again. "You just said kiss. You never specified where." I shot back with a smirk. Karma continued his pouting. Yeah...he hasn't changed at all. After a while we stood up and walked back to the classroom. Me and Karma slammed the door open and I quickly blew an air horn scaring the s*it out of Nagisa and the others. This caused me and him to burst out laughing. "You two haven't changed." Nagisa grumbled. I stuck my tongue out at him and Karma gave him his signature 'devil smirk'. 

Nagisa sighed before shooting me a look. "Hey Shadow. Can you come here and help me explain the importance of language? I can't seem to get it to click for them." He said. I nodded. I walked over and erased everything off the bored before grabbing a piece of chalk. "Nagisa has been teaching you kids to be assassins right?" I questioned. "Aye ma'am." The entire class said in unison. I quickly wrote a sentence in English on the bored. "Can you all read that?" I asked. "Yes." Everyone chorused. "Read it outloud then." I said. "The blade was poisoned, but the question remained would it work?" They all recited. "Very good." I said. I turned around to face the class. "As assassins language is a very important skill. Think, if you could not communicate with eachother, how would you make plans? If you couldn't convince your target to drink a poisoned substance how would you poison them? In order to understand language you have to understand and see how it works. Say if I was to poison Asano how do you think I'd go about it?" I questioned. No one gave an answer. "Come on. I know someone must know something." I prompted. Tori raised her hand. "Tori." I said pointing to her. "You'd offer it as a drink maybe?" She tried. "Very good." I said nodding with a smile. "And in order to offer it to him what would I have to do?" I questioned. "Communicate." Akane said. "Yes. But what if Asano spoke a different language? What if he spoke English? French? Latin? As an assassin I'd have to know how to speak that language and how to appeal to him in order to convince him to drink it. Anyone would find a stranger offering them a drink odd. Especially if they had reason to be targeted by an assassin and is trained to be on the look out for things like that." I said. "Language makes the world function. Imagine if no one could speak to eachother, if no one could communicate. That everyone in the world spoke some kind of bizarre language and we had no idea what anyone was saying. Everything would be in chaos and anarchy." I said. "But its not enough to just know the language though." Karma added stepping up. "If you are to be fluent in the ways of language you have to be fluent in the ways of people. Know what your target likes, understand how they think, learn how they talk and act and appeal to them in their own way. Get close, close in, assassinate." He explained. I nodded. "Karma's right. If you just know the language that's the first step. Congrats you've made your way to stage one. You've passed the beginner stage." I said clapping sarcastically. "But the hard part comes next." Asano added. "It may seem hard at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature." Itona said. "Sometimes it helps if you think, 'How would I word this to a friend?' because you have normal conversations with your friends everyday right?" He continued. "It isn't that hard, because you use language every day. And everyone has their own way of doing it." I said. "Its a unique skill, but one that has been known to change the world. Words can start wars, build someone up, break them down, tear nations apart, build new and long lasting friendships. The term actions speak louder than words does hold truth to it. But words are equally as powerful. And most don't even realize this." I said. "And I understand. Language doesn't click for some like it does for others, but that just adds to its importance. Because its up to the people around to help eachother. Because while you may be different human beings, and some of you get along with one or two people more than you do others, you are all one team. One group. One class of assassins." I said. "Teamwork will be your greatest weapon in the future. And while most assassins work alone, those that have others watching their back are more likely to survive." Karma said. "So work hard." I said. "Play hard." Karma added. "Kill hard." We all said in unison. Nagisa smiled sadly. "Remember how Koro-sensei used to tell us that all the time?" He questioned. We all smiled sadly at the memories. "Yeah. Best d*mn teacher anyone could ask for." Asano said. "And I only knew him for like a month or so." He added chuckling to himself. I teared up a little. "I'm glad to see you again Nagisa." I said. "Yeah dude. Don't lose contact with us anymore." Itona said smacking the blueberry's head. Karma walked over and pet him with a smile. Asano nodded. "Trust me. Its a nightmare for me because they've moved on from teasing you about being girly to teasing me about being girly." He said. Nagisa snorted. "They did what now?" He questioned. "Why?" He added starting to laugh. "Because apparently I'm 'fabulous'." Asano said using air quotes. "Asano is the sassy coffee mom of the group now." Karma said snickering violently. "CAN IT STRAWBERRY!" Asano shouted. "No seriously. You remember that shirt Shadow got for him during the Christmas thing all those years ago?" Itona questioned. "Yeah." Nagisa said nodding. "He wears it every single f*cking morning and is sassy as f*ck when we don't wake up on time." I said snickering. "You're kidding." Nagisa said. "Nope. Not in the slightest. Hang on, Itona you've got it on video right?" Karma questioned. "Yep. Hang on." Itona responded pulling out his phone. Asano just walked away with his hands in the air. "Nope. I'm done. I'm not doing this." He said. I just started laughing. I looked at each of them and saw their Jr. High selves. I gave a small smile. Everyone's changed so much, and yet stayed the same. I shook my head slightly. Each Phantom gave me a look. "Umm....Shads are you crying?" Karma questioned. I shook my head violently before wiping my eyes. "Sorry. I'm getting a little nostalgic over here. I mean, too me it seems like only yesterday you were all just starting your training. I can still remember the day I saved Karma because he was a f*cking moron and tried to jump off the cliff for assassination plot." I said. "HE DID WHAT NOW!?" The class shouted. Karma sweat-dropped while shrugging. "Eh, I was always determined back then. But I'm glad that now I don't have to worry about dying if I jump off the cliff again. One because Shads over here is always like two steps behind me, and two, because I have full control over-." I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. "Unless we're sure those kids aren't going to spill your not aloud to brag about your powers." I hissed. He pouted. I continued smiling as I turned to Nagisa. "I can still remember when I first asked you and Karma to train with me. You were freaking out about it." I said. Nagisa laughed slightly. "Glad I choose to do it though. I hold our friendship close, and the time we spent with eachother, laughing and training." He said. "Friendship? B*tch no, you were my son f*ck that noise." I said, laughing. Nagisa and Karma laughed. "King and Queen of games." Nagisa said with a small smirk. Me and Karma froze before bursting out laughing. "Oh my Demon Gods! Nagisa I can't believe you still remember that!" I said. "How could I forget! You two beat everyone on the d*mn train!" Nagisa said. Karma just shook his head with a smirk before throwing both arms around me and Nagisa. "We were the core three Phantoms. The first ones to ever be members of the new Team Phantom. It was just me and you two back then. Remember the Takaoka incident?" Karma questioned. I smirked wickedly. "Nagisa handed his a*s to him how could I forget? I literally could not have been prouder that day!" I said. Nagisa smiled cutely. "Aw, I still feel great every single time I think of that day." He said. Nagisa then grew pale. "Wait.....How's Kaede doing?" Nagisa questioned. Me and Karma smirked. So did Asano and Itona. "OHHHHHH! You mean to tell me you haven't contacted your girlfriend in the entire seven years you've been gone!?" Karma questioned. "W-well I-I uh, well you see umm." Nagisa stuttered. "Oh my Demon Gods, Nagisa you are dead!" I laughed.

"Y'know she was asking for you at Karma and Shadow's wedding. We told her that we hadn't heard from you and she looked both p*ssed and worried all at once. Nagisa man, you're dead meat." Itona said. "YEAH I KNOW THAT!" Nagisa shouted. "Wait, hold on, freeze." Akane said, standing up. "Nagisa-sensei, has a girlfriend?" She questioned. "Correction, had. Not sure if their relationship is official still since this one went off the d*mn map." I said, jabbing a thumb at Nagisa. "But still, I have pictures from the first time they kissed, like holy s*it." Karma said, pulling out his phone. "WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE THOSE!?" Nagisa shouted. Karma smirked. "I still have every single picture I took from Jr. High. All the way back to when we got our first uniforms. Just me, you, and Shads." He said. Nagisa froze for a minute, a small smile creeping onto his face. "You still have that picture..." He trailed off. "Yeah I had the same reaction. I never knew Karma was one for old memories but geez he holds that year close to his heart." I said. "It was the best d*mn year of my life! Not only did I get my best friend back but I also got a wonderful girlfriend, a twin brother, a team that cared about me, and a f*cking teacher that actually gave a d*mn about my opinions and thoughts." Karma said. We all smiled. "It really was our best year huh?" Itona questioned. I nodded. "We all came together that year. You all helped me feel again. And hell we each tossed off chains that had been holding us back that year. Koro-sensei truly did change all of our lives." I said. We all hung our heads slightly. "I do miss that stupid octopus." Itona said. "The Idiotic Octopus of The Perverted Chicken." I said with a small chuckle. This caused the others to laugh too. "Right the code names the class chose." Itona said. "By the way, it was my suggestion to call you 'Devil's Girlfriend'." Nagisa said. "THAT WAS YOU!?" I shouted. Karma just laughed. Nagisa shook his head and turned to his class. "Sorry all of this happened in the middle of class everyone." He said. "Nope. No problem this has all been very entertaining to watch." Akane said. The class all nodded in agreement. "Well anyways, class will be ending soon so you've all got ten minutes to do your homework before leaving. Let any of us know if you need help with something." Nagisa said. His class nodded taking out their books and homework. I smiled at Nagisa as he smiled at his class. He seems so much like Koro-sensei. I thought. Nagisa turned and shot me a look. "Hey, can I talk to you guys for a little bit?" Nagisa asked. We all shot eachother looks before nodding to the blueberry. He led us out into the hallway before leading us to the teacher's lounge. We all filed in seeing that no one was there. Nagisa closed the door behind him. "Should we be here? What if some other teacher shows up?" Asano questioned. "Everyone should still be teaching class right now. We're fine for about..." Nagisa trailed off checking his watch. " 8 minutes." He said. "Alright." Me and Karma said in unison. I sat on the table and crossed my legs as Karma leaned on the wall, Asano sat down in a chair. And Itona just sat down next to Asano. "What did you need to talk about?" Itona questioned. Nagisa took a deep breath. "I need your help with something." He said. 

~Time Skip, Akane's POV~

The bell rung so I put away my book along with all my other stuff. I slung my bag over my shoulder before walking for the door. "Hey Akane." I turned and looked at Midori and Shinrin. Tori poked her head out from behind them smiling at me slightly. "What is it?" I questioned. Shinra shot a look at Midori before shoving him forward a little. "You ask her." He growled. Midori fiddled slightly. "Um. We wanted to know what you thought of Nagisa-sensei's old team and what not." He said. I raised an eyebrow before sitting on the desk with a smirk. "They're great. I want them around more." I answered honestly. "Really? That Karma dude seems real scary to me." Shinrin said. "Aw, b*tch, hell nah. Karma and Shadow are the best of the bunch." I said. "You would like those two." Midori said. Tori smiled. "Asano is cool. He didn't say much but still." She said. "I like Shadow. She's kick a*s." Shinrin said. Midori sighed a little. "Well Imma head out now. Later." I said. I walked out of the classroom and then began walking down the hall. "So that's the gist of it. Think you can help?" Nagisa-sensei questioned. I was walking past the teacher's lounge when I heard them talking. "Hell yeah! This should be awesome!" Karma said. "I'm all for this. It'll be great to be in this setting again." Shadow agreed. "I wouldn't mind." Itona added. "Sounds like a plan to me." Asano concluded. "Oh thank the Demon Gods." Nagisa-sensei said. "Now then. Nagisa Imma kidnap you for a little bit. You're coming back home with us for the evening." Shadow said. "Wait! Nononononononono-." Silence. I tilted my head to the side at the sudden silence before slowly and quietly opening the door to the teacher's lounge. "No one's here?" I said in a questioning tone, looking at the empty room. The hell. I thought backing away from the door. "Ketsuki-san?" A random teacher questioned, turning the corner. "A-ah. Kobayashi-sensei." I said. I looked at the long haired female as she glared at me with suspicion. "What are you doing by the teacher's lounge?" She asked. I laughed slightly as sweat rolled down my forehead. "I was looking for Nagisa-sensei but it appears he already went home." I said. The female teacher sighed in annoyance. "Akane I'm not in the mood for your lies. What are you doing here?" She asked again. "I already told you, I was looking for Nagisa-sensei!" I said, my voice raising in annoyance. "Don't take that tone with me. I will call your parents. You may not be my problem anymore but I'm still one of your teachers!" Kobayashi-sensei threatened. I felt a growl rising in my throat as that familiar feeling grew inside me. "Akane!" A voice called. I looked down the hall to see Tori running at me. She gasped for air once she reached me. "Did you find Nagisa-sensei?" She asked. What the-. "Is he here? Did you talk to him?" Tori questioned. I opened and closed my mouth a few times before shooting a quick look at Kobayashi. "Umm...No. I think he already went home." I said quickly. "That's too bad. Hey, maybe we can catch him on our way out! Let's hurry! Come on!" Tori said, grabbing my hand and tugging me along. Once we had gotten outside she gave me a look. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah. Thanks for saving my a*s Tor." I said, smiling at her. She blushed a little. "Y-you're welcome Akane. Anything for a friend." She said. I flinched slightly at the word friend. Oof. Got friend zoned again. I thought. "Well I'll see you Monday." Tori said, walking off. "Hm? Weekend already?" I questioned aloud. I sighed. "Welp. Back to hell with me I guess." I mumbled to myself.                                                               

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