Chapter 1: Shadow, Always A Teacher

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~Five months prior, Nagisa's classroom, Your POV~

I talked to the kids for a little while getting them to calm down. Once I put the phone away Karma grabbed my shoulders. "Are they okay!?" He questioned panic in his eyes. I was laughing my a*s off mentally at how worried he was. "They're fine. But...I'm so proud!" I said tears in my eyes. "WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!" He roared. "What's going on?" Nagisa asked looking at Asano and Itona as they both shrugged. "Phoenix and Natsu have manifested their powers." I said cheerfully. Karma stood there in absolute shock. He smiled wider than I had seen him do in years. "OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted jumping up and down a few times. "Wait..." He trailed off. He grabbed my shoulders again. "What powers did they get? Mine or yours?" He asked. "Phoenix seems to have our combined powers, black fire. And Natsu seems to just have normal dragon fire." I explained. Karma's smile grew. "HELL YEAH! Both my boys have my powers! Ha! They really do take after me don't they?" He questioned. "They do. They really do. It's liking having three of you running around." I joked. Causing him to laugh. Then I realized something. "We missed them using their powers for the first time." I deadpanned. Karma grew silent. "F*CK!" He and I shouted. "OKAY BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP FOR FIVE SECONDS!" Asano, Nagisa, and Itona all roared silencing me and Karma. Nagisa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Excuse us hour." He said pushing us all out the door. He pointed a finger at me and Karma. We held up our hands in mock surrender as he glared at us with bloodlust in his eyes. "Not even ten minutes and I feel like I never left. I thought I asked you to not curse in front of my class. Also who the hell is Caramel, Natsu, and Phoenix? This is not how I wanted our reunion to go." He growled. He then turned to Asano and Itona. "If you two can explain something explain it now before I go fully viper on your a*ses." He threatened. "Okay, okay. Chill Blueberry." I said. "Don't you 'chill Blueberry' me." Nagisa spat. "I want answers and I want them now. Spit it out." He hissed. "Caramel is a new member. Let's start with that." Karma said. "Yeah. She joined us about a year ago. She's still training to be a Phantom. But she wants to train to be a Phantom Assassin afterwards. She's shorter than you, and she's really kind and sweet and overall just a lovely gal." Itona said. "But in some cases she's a lot like those two." Asano said pointing at me and Karma. "She's innocent. Legitimately innocent. But she is such a trickster at times it's easy to forget." I said. "She's actually an old childhood friend of mine. After Shads over here disappeared she was the first kid to actually talk to me and worry about me." Karma added. I nudged him a little with a smirk. "Someone was depressed after his 'best friend' disappeared." I said. He blushed and smacked my head. "Enough of that." He growled. "Someone's embarrassed." Itona teased. Karma threw a knife at the silver haired boy. "Moving on." Nagisa growled as Asano rolled his eyes. "Now who's the other two? And I swear if you say what I think you're going to say I'm going to murder you both on the spot." Nagisa growled his eye twitching. Me and Karma both shivered at the icy cold bloodlust that we sensed from the blue haired male. "W-well...." I trailed off. "Karma will tell you! I' watching the class." I said quickly walking back in the classroom. I heard Karma shout for me a few times but I sighed in relief once he went silent. Probably because of Nagisa. I coughed a little awkwardly and walked over to Nagisa's desk. "Okay then." I said looking at the class. I sweat-dropped seeing that they looked like delinquents. "Welp I just fed my husband to the wolves so let's not talk about that anymore." I said chuckling nervously. I caught a knife in between my fingers stopping right in front of my nose. "SORRY MISS!" A student apologized. I lowered the knife and put it on the desk. "So...What's Nagisa been teaching you kids? That knife was really on point surprisingly." I said. A red headed female in the front row raised her hand. "Ah yes?" I questioned. "Basically he's been teaching us to be assassins if you want the simple answer." She said. I nodded. "I see. Koro-sensei 2.0 okay then." I said humming to myself. "She doesn't even care." The class deadpanned while sweat-dropping. "I'm going to assume that if you 'assassination your teacher'." I said using air quotes. "You get something out of it right? Let me guess, straight A grades for the first one to 'kill' him?" I questioned they all nodded. "Wow she is seriously good." They all mumbled. "I see. I'm not surprised. He did look up to Koro-sensei a lot." I mumbled to myself. A female with white hair in the back row raised her hand. "Yes?" I questioned. "Are you really the one who trained Nagisa-sensei?" She questioned. I chuckled a little bit sitting down. "Being honest I was only one of his teachers. But I was his main fighting instructor yes. In fact everyone you just saw in our little group has or still is being trained by me." I said in a matter-of-factly tone. A male with black hair and green highlights raised his hand. "Just one second." I said. "I'm gonna need to learn your names real quick so if you ask a question tell me your name." I said. I looked at the red head in the front row. "Nagisa directly addressed you. It was Akane right?" I questioned. She nodded eyes wide. The white haired female smiled ever so slightly. "Tori." She said. "And now back to you. What was your question?" I asked. "Umm. My name's Midori. I wanted to ask why Nagisa-sensei speaks so highly of you." He said. I smiled slightly. "It's hard to explain really. But if I had to guess it's probably because I told him to follow his own path and not let others dictate his future." I said. They all tilted their heads to the side a little. I waved my hand dismissively. "It's not important." I said. Another hand was raised by a boy with a head of really light blue hair. "Yes em'?" I questioned. "My name is Shinrin. And I was just curious. If you trained Nagisa-sensei you must be hella strong. Do you have any pointers on how to beat him?" He questioned. I smirked ever so slightly. "Ohoho going to ask the teacher to take down the student eh? I guess I can tell you a few things." I said. They all leaned in closer to hear what I had to say. "Well out of all of us Nagisa has always been the more silent fighter. He's good at surprising people. I can't count how many times he's gotten punched by Karma, judo flipped by me, and nearly stabbed by Itona." I said rolling my eyes. 

"To beat him in a fight me and Karma always isolated him in an area where he couldn't easily get away from us or hide from us. Cuz trust me kids. You let Nagisa get the drop on you you'll never even be able to get close to him." I said. They all exchanged looks with eachother. I then smirked. "However." I added causing them to look back at me. "I know how hard it is to not let him get the drop on you with how well at sneaking he is so I'll teach you a little something, something, that'll help you see him coming." I said snickering to myself. They all looked excited. I made a small shadow sound bubble around the area so that they couldn't hear us front out in the hallway. "Now listen." I said lowing my voice out of habit. "A long time ago I taught Nagisa how to hide his presence, basically the aura a human or animal puts out. But it's been seven years since he's had to hide his presence from someone, at least, that I know of. But I'm pretty sure he doesn't have his guard up all the time, especially around you." I said pointing at them. "Sure he'll be wary but at the currently level you're at now he won't be hiding his presence. You've made attempts on his life sure, but have any of you come really close?" I questioned. They all exchanged looks. "One time we put harmless poison in his drink, it didn't have a strong scent either. While one of us distracted him with a question someone else got up and put the poison in his tea." One started explaining. Tori then sighed. "He stopped short of drinking, and smirked before setting the cup down." She said. "And he then went on to say, 'Did you really think I was going to drink that? Trying to poison me is a good idea and all but I'm a little to advanced to fall for such an easy trick. I can already tell this poison isn't lethal but be a little more creative when doing stuff like this.'" Midori finished while shrugging. "He was able to sense you." I said bluntly. "Huh?" They all questioned. I rested my head on my hand leaning forward a little. "Nagisa was always sharp around me and Karma. He could smell one of our pranks from a mile away if we weren't careful. I taught him many things but the reason he was one of the first to stop training with me was because he had natural talent. I just sharpened that blade of his. Nagisa can sense anything moving around him because I taught him how to not only hide his presence, but to sense them as well. He was able to sense you moving around behind him while his back was turned. Not only that but he could probably hear you footsteps, breathing, and he could probably smell you too." I said equally as blunt. "Either that or he smelt the poison in his cup. Even the smallest scents he's been able to catch in the past." I added. They all looked worried. "Back on topic." I said smiling. "I'm going to teach you three things to help you get to drop on the python alright?" I questioned holding up three fingers. They all nodded eagerly. "Number one." I said holding up one finger. "Silence." I said shocking a few of them. "The key to getting the drop on Nagisa is to be as silent as possible so that he can't hear you. Nagisa can hear your heart beating, your footsteps, your breathing, even the sound of your clothes ruffling. So you need to be quiet." I said holding the finger to my lips.                          

I stood up and carefully made my way around the classroom. Silencing my breath, slowing my heart beat, and walking like I was a ghost. Oh correction, Phantom. Barely anyone actually noticed I had gotten up. All except for the four that had asked me questions. Akane, Tori, Midori, and Shinrin. Their eyes all followed me. I clapped my hands suddenly causing everyone to look at me. A lot of them were in shock. "See you didn't even notice me get up did you?" I questioned. "Akane, Tori, Midori, and Shinrin." I said. The people flinched when they heard their names being called. "You guys have potential. You're eyes still followed me even though the rest of your class didn't notice. Nice work." I said. Akane looked surprised, Tori was blushing a little, Midori was just sitting there in shock, and Shinrin had his mouth hanging open. I hummed a little then focused on Tori. "Tori come over here please." I said. "A-aye ma'am." She stuttered getting up and standing next to me by Nagisa's desk. "Alright. If I had to guess you haven't made any attempts on Nagisa right?" I questioned. She nodded. I smirked and placed a hand on her shoulder. The moment I did however everything froze and I saw a bunch of spiders crawling around. One came right up my arm and Tori looked sinister. I didn't freak out however. I was disturbed and wanted to kill every single spider in the room but I knew it was just bloodlust. Powerful bloodlust. But it didn't effect me to badly. In fact this caused my eyes to light up. "Excellent. I have something to work with here. You seem like the shy one that stays in the background taking notes right?" I questioned. She nodded again which caused the bloodlust haze to disappear. "Good. Nagisa shouldn't be expecting anything from you. Or maybe he does? I could see him actually focusing on you most of all." I said shocking her and the rest of class. "Why?" She questioned. "Because you're like a female version of him." I said half lying. "WHAT!?" She shouted. "Let me explain." I said holding up a finger. "When I first saw Nagisa and Karma I deemed them the most dangerous in their class. Do you know why?" I questioned. Akane raised her hand. "Akane." I said. "You mentioned earlier that Nagisa had natural talent right?" She questioned. I snapped my fingers and pointed at her. "Correct. Nagisa, without any prior training, was able to keep up with me during a sparring match and was completely silent when he walked up to his target. But it's no surprise. Everyone underestimated him because he looked and, to an extent, was innocent. But when you least expected it, he would pounce. There was an old joke with me and Karma about how Nagisa was 'the viper who thought he was a bunny'." I said. "The viper...Who thought he was a bunny?" Tori questioned. 

"Right. He saw himself as a nobody. Someone that everyone would over look. He used that to fly under the radar half the time. That is until me, and the teacher that inspired him, drew out his talent and began to help him sharpen his blade. We didn't over look it. We didn't choose to ignore it. We saw, and we trained him." I explained. The class was spell bound by my words. "Has any here noticed anything odd with Tori here? Sensed anything when you're around her?" I questioned. A few looked around meeting the eyes of their friends. Except for one. Akane. My gaze was drawn to her as I sensed restrain, and guilt. "Akane." I called out causing said girl to flinch. "Is their something you want to tell me?" I questioned. "W-what do you mean?" She questioned starting to sweat. "Alright. What is it. Tell me." I growled. She sighed a little. Then looked me in the eyes. Her eyes were an unusual dark, dark, purple. Almost black. "Fine I'll tell you." She growled. I nodded. "Come with me." I said. I held out my hand and she stood up. Walking over she eyed my hand nervously. I sighed grabbing her hand and Tori's. "You two are coming with me." I said. I kicked open what was left of the door and stared at Karma. He looked...ummm. Me and the two girls laughed at him being cornered with a completely terrified expression on his face. "S-Shadow! HELP ME!!!" He shouted. "Oh hell no. You ain't getting out if it this time." Itona growled. I could sense major bloodlust from all three of them. "G-guys look I'm sorry." He said backing into a corner. I leaned down towards the two girl's ears. "Okay gals. Here's a learning opportunity. Right now Nagisa, Asano, and Itona are using their bloodlust to be more intimidating because they know Karma can easily over power them if they don't keep him in check. In other words their presences are easier to sense now. Close your eyes and tell me what you feel." I instructed. They both followed my instructions. "Good. Now just breath. Don't even bother hiding your breath. Take deep breaths and focus. Now find a target. Itona. He's the easiest to sense right now because he's the most angry. It should feel like a raging wolf eyeing up it's prey. Sharp, it should feel like a sharp blade cutting through your senses." I said my voice guiding them. "I can feel it. Sharp, threatening, deadly." Tori said. Akane nodded. "Me too. But it also feels hot. Like a blade heated up to like a thousand degrees. I can see a wolf. I can see a silver wolf with bright gold eyes." She said. I nodded and smirked. So Akane can see it too. Perfect. I thought to myself. "Good. Now try Nagisa." I said. Almost instantly they shivered. "C-cold." Tori mumbled hugging herself. "I can see snakes. Why do I see snakes!?" Akane whisper shouted. "Nagisa, we called him Python for a reason." I said. "C-can we back away now?" Tori questioned. "Y-yeah. If you don't mind this is giving my flashbacks." She said. "Try Asano." I said. "I feel...lots of things." Tori said. "Nine tailed fox. It's hot, no cold, no threatening, kind? I'm confused." Akane said. "Asano is an unpredictable wild card. He does whatever the hell he feels like when he feels like it. He doesn't stick to one tactic he uses them all." I explained. 

They nodded. "Now for those who aren't using their bloodlust. We aren't hiding our presence either. Me and Karma. I'm in direct physical contact so I should be easier. Try sensing my presence alright?" I questioned. They both nodded. "It feels cold...But not like Nagisa's. A numbing cold. That's relaxing?" Tori questioned. "But I sense chaos. Fierce determination. And a need to protect?" Akane said in a questioning tone. "Right now if I was using my bloodlust you'd be shaking in fear right now. Bloodlust for us Phantoms is a weapon that we use to scare others. Right now you are only sensing my presence. And this is the aura I put out around children. My presence can be terrifying sure. But that's only in the eye of the beholder. If someone like Karma sensed my presence after he did something that would p*ss me off he'd be scared out of his wits. But other's find comfort in knowing I'm there." I said smiling slightly. "I see. The reason their...bloodlust? Isn't too scary to us is because we aren't in the direct line of fire. And right now you're presence is welcoming to us because we've never seen you p*ssed before." Akane said. "You're getting the hang of this." I said. They opened their eyes and Tori smiled while Akane smirked. "But our bloodlust and presence should give of a familiar feel. Nagisa's will be cold and chilling, Itona's will give off an intimidating feel, and Asano's should feel ever changing." I said. "Question: What about Karma?" Tori asked. I smiled. "Karma's is a warm fiery presence. But his presence is just warm and pleasant. At least to me. I feel safe around him. But others, not naming names, would be on guard or p*ss their pants if they sensed him coming." I said making them giggle a little bit. Nagisa turned around his bloodlust disappearing causing Karma to release a shaky breath. "Shadow, Tori, and Akane. This is an interesting trio. What brings you out here?" Nagisa questioned. "I'm just teaching them stuff. I was wondering if I could talk to them in privet." I said. Nagisa nodded and did something I wasn't expecting. Hand signals. 'Did you sense it too? About Tori. The spiders....And Akane...She's like the female version of Karma.' Nagisa signaled. I released the children's hands puzzling them as I signaled back. 'I saw Tori's bloodlust. I wanted to murder every spider I saw but I didn't let it show I was slightly disturbed. But Akane. What about her?' 'Her bloodlust has some of the same effects as Karma's. I always see a lion with fire shooting up from where it walks. It feels like I'm constantly being watched by the both of them and it's freaking me out!' He signaled his signs getting more frantic. "Calm down genius I got this." I said aloud causing him and everyone else to stop what they were doing. Nagisa sighed. "Fine. I trust you Shads." He said. "Don't call me Shads." I growled. "Shads." He said while smirking. I grabbed his arm and threw him back inside his classroom. Akane burst out laughing and Tori ran inside to check on him. 

Me and everyone else ran back inside to see Nagisa on the ground with Tori bent down next to him making sure he was alright. "Oops." I said. "Went a little overboard there Shads." Karma said hugging me from behind. "Nagisa don't call her that." Asano warned. "Could've told me that beforehand." Nagisa said rubbing his head as he got up slowly with Tori's help. "Thank you Tori you can go sit down now." He said. She nodded and went back to her seat. She was questioned immediately by her class. "Akane you too." He said. Akane stuck her tongue out, looking strangely similar to Karma. "Nah. Imma skip today. Later teach." She said walking out the door. Nagisa's eye twitched. Me and Karma burst out laughing and fell on the ground laughing. Akane stopped at the door and watched us with amusement in her eyes. "You two would find that funny wouldn't you?" Nagisa questioned pinching the bridge of his nose. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm-I'm sorry." I stuttered pulling myself up into a sitting position fighting back more laughter. "But that was way to similar to me and Karma whenever we skipped. Just-hahahahhaha!" I started laughing again. "That wasn't similar that was exactly. I like that kid." Karma said sitting up as he pat my back lightly trying to get me to calm down. I took a few breaths. "I'm okay. I am okay." I said. I then felt a hand grab mine. Akane dragged me and Karma out of the room. "And I'm taking these two with me." She added. "AKANE!!!!!!" Nagisa roared. "ASANO BABYSIT ITONA FOR ME!" I called back. "I DO NOT NEED A BABYSITTER!" Itona ragged making me and Karma laugh as well as earning a chuckle from Akane. The little red head dragged us all the way to the roof. She sat down in a lawn chair and grabbed a drink from a cooler. Me and Karma whistled. "Nice digs." Karma said. I noticed the umbrella sitting by the chair and the mini fridge close by. "Well stocked too." I added. "Take a seat somewhere. I come up here most of the time instead of sitting in class." She said. I nodded. "Understandable. The chairs and desks can be very uncomfortable." I said. Karma nodded. "Agreed. Though me and the others would just book it to Shadow's house." He added. I nodded smiling. "Did Nagisa-sensei skip too?" Akane questioned. Me and Karma shook our heads no, while sitting down. "He was the only one of us that didn't skip." I said rolling my eyes. "The rest of us would go study in the field and most likely ended up falling asleep." Karma added. "But trust me Karma over here nearly kidnapped him what? Five times?" I questioned looking at Karma. He shook his head. "Seven." He corrected. Akane snickered a little. "You nearly kidnapped him seven times just so you could bring him skipping. Why?" She asked. I groaned as Karma smirked. "Because I wanted to corrupt the Blueberry." He said. "He regrets it though." I said. "I do not." Karma protested. I pulled out my phone and pulled up a picture of his neko form stealing the strawberry cake from the 'strawberry ghost' incident. I showed it to him and he started to panic. "You sure?" I questioned with a smirk. 

Karma just sat their blushing for a minute before pulling out his own phone. After clicking away at it he showed me a picture of me stealing chocolate. "So? That's my thing. I always steal chocolate." I said. He looked at his phone quickly. "D*mn wrong picture." He growled scrolling through his pictures. He then stopped for a minute and smiled at something. He showed me an old picture of me, him, and Nagisa in the old Phantom uniforms smiling at the camera with Nagisa on my left and Karma on my right. I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. I lowered my hand and smiled. "That was so long ago...You still have that picture I can't believe it." I said. "Of course I still have it. It was the first team picture we took. Just you, me, and Nagisa back then. The core three phantoms." He said smiling slightly. I punched his shoulder lightly. "Aw, you're a sentimental b*stered aren't you?" I questioned. He blushed bright red. "I AM NOT!" He protested. He hadn't noticed Akane snatching his phone out of his hand. She looked at the picture and smiled. "Awwwww. This is adorable." She said sitting down in front of us. "I know right?" I questioned as Karma took his phone back. "So can I ask you something?" She questioned. "You just did but sure." I responded. Karma was still looked through his phone. "What was Nagisa-sensei like back then?" She asked. Karma smirked. "I'll show you." He said. He handed her the phone. "Hit play." He said. The moment she did so a shrill voice shouted.  

~Akane's POV~              

 "I DON'T WANNA!" Nagisa-sensei shouted in the video. "NAGISA YOU CAN'T LIVE HERE! I WOULD GET ARRESTED FOR KIDNAPPING!" Shadow shouted trying to pry him off of her leg. "But I don't wanna!" Nagisa-sensei protested. "Karma help me!" She yelled at him but he was to busy taking a video. "I KNOW YOU ARE NOT VIDEOING THIS!" She shouted. You could hear Karma snickering to himself before the video cut off. 

I laughed at this as did Shadow and Karma. "I remember that." Shadow said. Karma smirked. "Glad I kept that video." He said. "Why does Nagisa-sensei look like a girl?" I questioned. Their expressions turned dark. They exchanged a look before looking back at me. "His mom." They both growled. Shadow hugged herself, slightly shivering. They told me everything about Nagisa-sensei's mom. "Excuse me?" I questioned after they finished. "Permission to stab a b*tch." I growled. Karma laughed slightly and pet my head. His hand felt hot. Shadow chuckled and placed her hand on my shoulder. Her hand was cold. "You don't have to worry about her. We took care of it." She said. Karma nodded retracting his hand. "I would've dealt with it sooner if Nagisa wasn't protecting her." He mumbled. Shadow retracted her hand and hit him lightly on the head. They both smiled at eachother. I could see a lot of love behind those smiles. Their smiles were different from my parents. Shadow and Karma care about eachother. A lot. I reached up where Karma pet me and rubbed a little. That warmth. It was full of strength and power. But it didn't feel scary to me. It felt nice. My hand traveled down to where Shadow had grabbed my shoulder. Her hand was so cold. But just like before it felt relaxing. Like she wouldn't do anything to hurt me at all. I then came to a conclusion. "So anyways there's one more thing I have to ask you two." I said. They're gazes returned to me. "Yes?" They both questioned in unison. I crossed my arms and glared at them suspiciously. "Are you two parents or something?" I questioned. They both flinched and looked away with alarm in their eyes. Karma's face was bright red. "Well..." Shadow trailed off. "Yeah..." Karma said his face as red as his hair. "I thought so. You two give off that kind of vibe." I said with a sigh. Shadow got out her phone and started looking through pictures. "I have a picture." She said holding it out to me. It was a picture of her and Karma smiling brightly, along with two little boys who looked exactly like Karma. Only one of them had black tips in his hair. They both wore matching smiles with their arms slung over eachother's shoulders. The boy on the right was throwing up a peace sign and the boy on the left had his eyes closed. "Awww." I said. Karma chuckled a little bit scratching the back of his neck. Shadow smiled proudly. "I know they're both adorable. But they act like this flame-brain over here so it's almost impossible to deal with them." Shadow said smacking Karma with her other hand. He laughed slightly. "I can't even deny that." He said happily. "Let me guess...These two are Phoenix and Natsu right?" I questioned. Shadow smiled. "Yep. The one on the right with the black tips is Phoenix. The one of the left with his eyes closed is Natsu." She said. 

All of a sudden the door to the roof swung open and Nagisa-sensei along with Asano and Itona came out onto the roof. All of them wore matching glares. "Alright you two. You never explained how you two got kids so explain now." Nagisa-sensei spat. The aura he was giving off was scary but I had seen worse. "Y'know we were trying to have a conversation here." I said putting my arms behind my head with a carefree expression. "Akane, go back to class and work on your assignments please." Nagisa-sensei said. "Hmm." I hummed. I pointed a finger gun at him. "How about no." I said with a wink. For some reason he froze on the spot eyeing the finger gun nervously. Almost every single one of them froze except for Karma and Shadow. Karma suddenly pulled me into a hug. "HEY! WHAT THE F*CK!" I shouted. "I am adopting this child and anyone who questions it dies." Karma deadpanned. Shadow started laughing but everyone else froze at the threat. Meanwhile I was trying to get out of the red haired sadist's grip. "Is it just me...Or is Karma's bloodlust stronger than before?" Nagisa-sensei asked quietly. But I heard it. "Nope. Karma is more for ahead in his P.A. training than any of us. Shadow has been teaching him advanced bloodlust techniques so no it's not just you." Asano explained equally as quiet. "Y'know I can still hear you." I dead-panned. Karma started laughing finally letting go of me. "You two still suck as whispering!" He said nearly falling on his back. Eventually I was shooed off the roof and had to go back to class. 

~Your POV~

Once Akane was gone Nagisa and the others turned the glares back to me and Karma. "Now explain." Nagisa growled. "Oh, don't leave out any details." Itona added getting out his notebook. "Pervert." I hissed slapping him with a shadow. "But seriously what happened?" Asano asked. "This is embarrassing to talk about." I dead-panned, my black blush hidden by the concealer. "I don't care. How? When? And why?" Itona questioned. "Why? Because it was mating season and ya'll two were idiots!" I snapped at Itona and Asano. "Wait it's our fault?" Asano asked gesturing to himself and Itona. "Yes. Yes it is your fault." Karma said. "Though typically Shads just blames nature. However she's pinning it on you this time because it was you two being idiots that even got us in that situation." He growled. 

WHOA! RED AND BLACK BLOOD IS BACK BABY!!!!! SEVEN YEAR TIME SKIP AND I HAVE IDEAS B*TCH! As you can tell I'm very excited. Red and Black Blood was my first x Reader fanfiction and being able to make a squeal for it is amazing beyond compare. Thank you all for reading! And if you found this story before the first one go read the first story or nothing in this story will make a lick of sense. My name is Flame Dragonheart Draco, don't forget to soar high and roar and as always may the stars light your paths my dragon army. BYEEEEE~!               

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