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~Third Person POV~

Nine figures snuck into the hotel though the window. The one in the lead was tall, about 6'1 in height, dressed in all black and (F/C) with a masquerade mask of the same coloring. They made a follow me gesture with their hand and the others behind them nodded, understanding the meaning of the gesture. The person in the lead stayed close to the ground, slowly creeping through the hallway with an eerie but determined smile on their face. Then their eyes darted down the hallway hearing voices. They dove behind a trash can blending in with the shadows. The other's followed their example quickly hiding behind something or somehow climbing up and blending in with the shadowy ceiling. Two guests walked past, chating. "Do you think they've caught those hybrids yet?" One asked. "I hope so. I want to go home already." The other responded. They continued walking down the hallway. Once they were far enough away all nine figures came out of their hiding spots. "D*mn. It's not like we wanna be here. We're trapped God d*mnit." One cursed. She was the exact same height as the one in the lead and dressed in all black. Mask included. The one in the lead glared at her with piercing (E/C) eyes. "Can you not curse in front of the children." The leader growled. "Sorry Shadow." She responded. Shadow nodded excepting the apology. "Why did you bring the kids!? This is way to risky!" A male growled. He was tall, same height as Shadow. He was dressed in black and red with a gold and red masquerade mask. "I already told you Red Devil, we can't leave them unattended!" Shadow spat back. A man wearing a silver and gold mask, dressed in black and silver stepped forward. "Let's get moving. We don't want to be caught." He shot a look at the two smaller figures only up to Shadow's knees dressed exactly like Red Devil. "Especially with the children here." He added. "Right." Everyone said while nodding. Another man with an orange and purple mask, dressed in black and orange brought out a few ear pieces. He passed them out to everyone. "Remember whoever finds the target first just listen to him to figure out his plans and how he's keeping us here then run to the meetup spot. The first priority is to make sure everyone gets out of this." Shadow said. Everyone else nodded. She took a knee and pet the children's head slightly. "You two stay close to your father alright?" She questioned smiling kindly. "Yes mother." They both said in unison. She got back up and looked at Red Devil with a glare. "Keep them safe or so help me." She left the threat in the air but he knew to not cross her. He nodded. "Got it Shads. Don't worry. I won't let anyone lay a hand on them." He said with an evil glint in his bright golden eyes. "Alright then." She said sighing slightly. She looked at everyone around her. "Silver. You're with Kitsune." She said. The man in silver nodded and him and the man in orange dashed of down the hallway. "Python stay with Golden." She said. A man dressed in black and blue with a green and blue mask nodded paring up with a girl dressed in black and caramel brown with a matching brown and gold mask. They took off out the window to go in through the roof. She turned to look at the female that looked exactly like her. "I trust you can do this by yourself." She said. Shadow's double nodded taking off down the hallway. She then looked back at Red Devil and the kids. "You keep them safe. I'm trusting you love." She said. He chuckled. "You get caught I'll never let you hear the end of it." He said. She chuckled. "I got it. Just make sure you three get out of here alive. I couldn't stand losing my family a second time." She said her eyes dulling slightly. "That's never going to happen. Now get going we're wasting time." He said. She nodded and ran off tears stinging the corners of her eyes. "Please be okay." She mumbled to herself. 

She eventually found a ventilation shaft and crawled through it. She heard noise from farther down and scoffed slightly. She decided to investigate. She looked down to see a couple. "There's a speech about when we get to go home going on downstairs. Care to accompany me?" The male asked. The female giggled and went with him. Shadow smirked. The speech is downstairs huh? She thought to herself. She punched open the gate and dropped into the room before her body turned into shadows as she followed the couple. They entered a theater area with her not far behind. Shadow quickly took notice to her target wearing a suit and preparing to walk onto stage. She noticed a few of her lesser known teammates already in disguises and blending in with the crowd. Her target walked on stage and tapped the mic a few times quieting the area. "Now, now. I understand all of you must be restless and want to go home. But we are dealing with a great evil that has made it's way into our population. These hybrids are monsters that must be dealt with immediately. And we have tracked them down to this very island. We have put up a barrier that keeps them from using their strange power to escape and now we need your help to capture these monsters. To save our society from them." He said. "That son of a b*tch." Silver cursed. Shadow was able to hear it through the ear piece she herself was wearing. "So that's how they've stopped Shadow's shadow mode." Red Devil mumbled. "I see. This is troublesome." Kitsune growled. "I can't believe this. We have lives we need to get back too!" Python growled fury in his voice. "Yes. And don't they realize we have children we need to look after." Golden said her voice full of worry. "This is bulls*it." Shadow's double growled. "Red Devil how are the kids?" Shadow asked. "They're fine Shads." He responded. A few sighs of relief were heard from the rest of the team. Shadow pulled out her phone and a female with a white and pink mask dressed in black and pink appeared on the screen. "How's that hacking coming along Nav?" Shadow questioned. Nav gave Shadow a salute. "Almost done. I should be finished in about five minutes." She said. "Excellent." Shadow mumbled. "We know the identities of some of these hybrids." The target said as pictures of (Y/N) and Karma appeared on the screen behind him. "(Y/N) Akabane and her husband Karma Akabane are both very powerful hybrids. They are by far the most dangerous out of all of them. If you see one of them get to a safe place and contact one of us. If you see them both together contact all of us immediately." He said. Shadow and Red Devil both growled under their breaths. "How did they know that you two are the most powerful out of us all?" Python questioned. "Doesn't matter right now. What matters is how we're going to get out of this." Kitsune responded. Pictures of Asano, Nagisa, and Itona appeared next. "These three have been spotted with Karma and (Y/N). They are also hybrids but not as strong as Karma and (Y/N). But they are still deadly. The boy with blue hair is Nagisa Shiota. The one with orange hair is Gakushuu Akabane. And the one with silver hair is Itona Horiba. If you see any of these people contact us right away." He said. "At least now we know who they'll be on the lookout for." Python mumbled. "It's strawberry blond." Kitsune growled anger in his voice. Nav was finished hacking and was now downloading data. "Sir, why are these hybrids so dangerous?" A man asked from the crowd. "What is a hybrid anyways?" A female asked as well. "Hybrids are half animal half human experiments. These creatures are nothing but trouble because they let those animistic instincts take over and they forget all about their humanity. They were human once, but they slipped away. And now it is our job to try and save what little humanity they have left. So please if you see them call us so we can help these poor lost souls regain their sanity." He said. "Oh now he's playing the God d*mn hero card. We're perfectly fine just the way we are." Shadow's double spat. "Oh yeah!? If they're so animistic as you say they are how have they avoided capture so far huh!?" Someone shouted from the crowd. A few people murmured in agreement. 

This caused the phantoms to smile to themselves. Nav then appeared on everyone's phones. "I've got what we need. Activating phase two." She said. The screen behind the target started to glitch out and the logo of the Phantoms appeared on it shocking the crowd. It was a simple logo. Just a snake curled around the feet of two dragons that were rearing up and planting their front talons on a P. "What is up everyone!" Shadow's double spoke into her phone her voice carrying over to the speakers that Nav had hacked. Her voice had been changed to sound a little distorted so they couldn't place it. "We are the one's you know as the hybrids." Kitsune said. "Though we'd prefer it if you use our actual team name. If you don't mind that is." Python said politely. "We are the Phantoms and we're here to give you a message." Golden said her voice full of excitement. The target on stage was panicking telling his men to find us and capture us. "We are being held here against our will by the man you see before you." Silver spoke voice full of venom. "We would leave if you could but we can't get away by normal means because of the blockade." Shadow's double said. "The man you see before you is nothing but a liar who is trying to get you to report us simply so he can continue his brother's experiments." Kitsune said. Gasps of shock were heard. "But hear us now. We will not be captured so easily. We will not let our family fall apart." Python spat. "They're right. We aren't monsters and we aren't animals. We are hybrids. We are half animal half human and we are proud of it. We don't suffer from insanity as the man before you was implying. We enjoy every second of the craziness and silliness that is our team. We won't stand for this selfish man trying to tear us apart just for his own gain!" Red Devil spat. "Isn't that right leader?" He questioned. "Yes." I responded my voice quaking with power. "I lost my family a long time ago because of this man's brother. But I have found a new family within my team. So I made a vow to never lose this family like I lost my old one. So by all means come at us. We are ready. And we've already heard everything we needed to hear." I said. "This was being broadcasted all over the island was it not?" Nav questioned her voice being distorted as well. "That means your lies and trickery has been exposed to everyone on the island." Red Devil said. You could hear the smirk in his voice. The entire team smiled in that moment. "We are Team Phantom. And it's time for you to see what we can do. Ittttttttttttttt's Showtime!" We all said in unison. The logo of the Phantoms disappeared and Nav gave them the signal to 'get the hell outta there'. Shadow and Kitsune went shadow mode and started evacuating the entire team out of there. Once everyone was outside and far away from the hotel they all started making their way back to their hideout. That is until they realized something. One of them was missing. And it was their most important member. "SHADOW!" They all shouted.

Shadow herself had just been cornered be people in suits with tasers. She smiled nervously and subtly reached into her pocket inside her tail coat. "Give it up hybrid!" One spat. She pulled out a smoke bomb and set it off causing the men to start coughing as she shadowed out of their catching up with her team. "Phew." She said with relief. She got slapped a few times and scolded by the others but they were all just happy that she was safe. "Glad I made that smoke bomb before we did this." She said. Red Devil kept shooting her glares as they made their way to the hideout. But Shadow herself, although she hid it well, was scared out of her mind. Because when she first became a hybrid, when they experimented on her, they punished her with controlled shocks. She hated those. She hated them. She thought she ended it all when she finished off Yanagisawa back when she was 17. And yet seven years later. After just seven years and five months of happiness with her family. They were back. Those scientists were back and she was ready to kill them all if she had too. She was free, she had a family, and she was not going to have a repeat of when she was five.        

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