Chapter 5: The Power Gap

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~Third Person POV~

For a while things were silent after Karma said that. Until finally the red headed male started walking towards the side, slowly. Everyone's eyes widened as more Karmas' followed his movements. Karma was walking with a blank expression as more of him followed. Everyone gasped in shock as Shadow smirked, crossing her arms. Pretty soon Nagisa was surrounded by multiple red headed devils. He stayed calm however as they all continued to circle him. "What the hell?" Akane muttered under her breath. One of the clones charged Nagisa, only to have the blue haired male whip around and slice it with his knife. The clone disappeared into smoke as the rest of them charged Nagisa. Guardian hissed, lashing out at the clones and defending his master. Only to get tackled by Flare. As the two familiars scuffled on the ground the sound of knives clashed. "Found you!" Nagisa hissed. The clones all vanished leaving Karma as he held back Nagisa's knife with his own blood red blade. Karma smirked before Nagisa was knocked away like it was nothing, BY nothing. "What was that!?" Nagisa hissed, recovering midair and landing on the ground. "Bloodlust Pulse. I think you're forgetting that one of my main styles of training was intense Bloodlust Enhancement." Karma responded calmly before summoning fire in the hand not holding his knife. He threw his hand forward as a torrent of flames was unleashed. Nagisa summoned an ice wall to block the fire but it was melted quickly. Nagisa jumped out of the way only to have Karma in front of him in a split second. He received a punch to the face before getting kneed in the stomach then roundhouse kicked in the rib cage. Everyone winced in pain seeing Nagisa fall to the ground. 

The brutal clash continued between the two males. Fire and ice meeting full force on the battlefield. But it was clear that fire had the advantage. "Alright kids." Shadow declared. "Who has the advantage?" She questioned. Everyone was far too in shock to say anything. "Father does!" Phoenix called out. "That's right! Fire beats ice elementally. And Karma has trained and further enhanced his abilities over a time of seven years. He's created new techniques, he has more skills, and he is far better equipped for this fight. Nagisa does not know what to expect. And he's trying to adapt mid fight. One thing to note as assassins kids." Shadow trailed off as Nagisa was thrown to the ground again. "Never go into a fight or mission blind. Know your opponent as well as you know yourself. Nagisa knew Karma back in the day. Your Homeroom Teacher and Karma were best friends even. They trained and laughed together. But Nagisa went off the grid, stopped training with us." She continued. "And the power gap shows." She finished. Karma swept Nagisa's feet out from under him and the male tried to recover quickly only to get a knee to the chin and blasted with fire. The class sucked in a collective gasp of shock. A few flinching and hissing. Nagisa stood back up on shaky feet only for Karma to charge and pin Nagisa down by his neck. "Sorry Blueberry. But this is my victory." Karma hissed. Nagisa breathed heavily as the bloodlust faded out of his eyes. "I...I yield." He muttered. Karma got up and dusted himself off before offering his hand to Nagisa. "C'mon old friend. Let's get you patched up." Karma said. Nagisa hesitated before taking Karma's hand. Shadow walked over before smacking both males on the back of their heads. "OW!" They both shouted. "That's what you both get for fighting like children. And Nagisa, I'll be holding you to that deal. So get your a*s moving and get your stuff packed." Shadow hissed. "Aye ma'am!" Nagisa responded. She turned to look at Asano. "Get over here and get him fixed up." She commanded. Asano walked over before gesturing for Nagisa to follow him. "C'mon bud. Let's get you healed." He said. Nagisa nodded and followed Asano. Shadow clapped her hands. "Alright children! Your new school year starts now! Welcome one and all to the Phantom Classroom. Lets get started shall we?" She questioned. 

~Time Skip, Phantom Household~

Nagisa now sat on the couch of the Phantom Household, being faced down by the rest of Team Phantom. "So...what in the name of the Demon Gods possessed you to challenge Karma?" Itona questioned. "It's this thing called bloodlust. Maybe you've heard of it." Nagisa snapped back. "Oof. Blueberry got bite." (Y/N) commented. Karma shrugged sitting down in a chair. "Well in all fairness, he barely landed a hit on me." He said. "That's the problem..." Asano said, sweatdropping. Caramel sighed a bit, sitting down next to Nagisa. "Hi! I'm Caramel, the new member. Y'know this bunch talks a lot about you. Especially Karma and (Y/N), they both really missed you." She said. "CARAMEL!" Karma and (Y/N) shouted in unison. The female laughed a bit and Nagisa cracked a small smile. "Well considering that I got tackle hugged on the first day they all saw me yeah. I'd assume as much. And nice to meet you." He responded. "Anywho. Forgive me for doing so Nagisa, but I may have summoned, ahem, and old friend of yours." Asano said with a smirk. He then made his way upstairs. "Have fun. She's taking an evening out of her busy schedule to come and see you." He called back. (Y/N) and Karma smirked a bit as well. "Yeah. I think its about time we go play with the kids. Have fun with that Blueberry." Karma said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand as she shadowed them away. Itona and Caramel disappeared as well. Leaving Nagisa sitting there with Guardian draped over his shoulders. Suddenly the door was thrown open and a certain green haired female walked in. "NAGISAAAAAAAAAA!!!" She all but screeched. Welp...this is how I die... Nagisa thought to himself.

Karma and (Y/N) watched the two of them talking from the shadows. Smirking while Nagisa got chewed out and then both of them nearly screaming 'just kiss already' as they made up. Nagisa agreed to spend more time with Kayano and she responded with 'you better' before having to leave. The entire exchange took hours at best. Nagisa sighed before shooting looks at the shadowy corners. "I know you two are watching. You always do." He said. (Y/N) and Karma both stepped out of the shadows. "Still sharp. Either that or we're still predictable to you." (Y/N) said. Karma smirked, walking over and ruffling Nagisa's hair, just as he used to. "Y'know short hair really doesn't suit you." He said. "Pfft. Says the person who still has his Jr. High look." Nagisa responded. "She won't let me change it." Karma responded, jabbing a thumb at the female walking over while sweatdropping. Nagisa stared at the both of them for a bit, tearing up a bit. "Geez. You guys look as if you've been frozen in time the same time..." He trailed off. "We're much stronger than the last time you saw us." (Y/N) cut in. He nodded. She exchanged looks with Karma before sighing. "We haven't changed much, appearance and personality wise. But we have grown. I'm not the same (Y/N) you knew." She said. "Nor am I the same Karma you've known." Karma cut in. They both joined hands. "We're....a little different. A little closer." Karma said. "But...we're still us. We're still the Phantoms. And you still have a home to come back to." (Y/N) assured him. Nagisa smiled a bit. "Geez. You two really haven't changed...not much at least." He said. He hugged the both of them and they hugged back. "Heh...Welcome home Blueberry." (Y/N) said, ruffling his hair. 

They all pulled apart as Nagisa smirked. "Now then, I haven't properly met you guys' children yet. Can I meet them!?" He asked excitedly. Karma and (Y/N) laughed. "C'mon. Lets go see them." Karma agreed. And with that the original core members of team Phantom, came back together once again.                

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