Chapter 6: Phantom, Shadow's Legacy

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Shadow was walking alone into the forest one night. Not unusual for the female, but still odd in its own right. She walked deep into a hidden forest clearing, small, but there. And there, she found nine graves marked. Along with two males huddled around four of those graves. She stopped by the fifth first, a small grave since her real one was in a public crematory with the rest of her family. But Shadow wanted one here for her as well since she was a close friend. She sat down in front of her grave, lowering her head. The grave was marked 'Mable' Underneath listing how long she lived, and a small note from Shadow. 'A close friend of all Phantoms and a pleasant person to talk to. She helped us through many tough times, and she will be remembered as an honorary Team Member. Rest In Peace.' It read. After paying her respects she left a small daisy on the grave, knowing that they were her favorites. 

She moved onto the cluster of four graves on the far side that Phantom and Blade weren't at. There Shadow sat in front of them with a sigh. "Hey mom, dad. Dearest siblings of mine." She said with a chuckle. "Hope at least one of you is proud of me for something. Since I know you aren't proud of my chosen occupation." She continued. "Mom I know you'd probably be proud of me for marrying Karma...and having kids. Heh. That's right, you have grandchildren now." She said, focusing her attention on one of the graves. She started laughing a little. "Ember, Storm, I can already hear the teasing." She said, looking at the two smaller graves. She sighed a little, looking at her father's grave. "I know you probably aren't proud of me. Since I didn't take up the (L/N) legacy and instead decided to do something else." Shadow muttered. "And you probably aren't proud of the people I choose to be around. Nor would you approve of Karma and his behavior." She said quietly. "But I don't care. Its my life to live. And you can't make me do anything anymore. Oh, and I know what you've been hiding from me. What you and mom covered up." She said. She glared slightly. "I know I have a twin sister." She hissed. Shadow's eyes softened. "Now the question is how to find her....And about why I don't remember her." She said softly. She got up leaving nothing on the graves. 

She walked over to Phantom and Blade, and the two moved to the side so she could pay her respects and visit with her old team. Shadow knelt down in front of the four graves, smiling but with tears in her eyes as she bowed her head. "Hey guys." She said, their losses still fresh on her mind. "Heart, Forest, you haven't been causing trouble have you? Heh. Who am I kidding, of course you two are." She said. Blade and Phantom chuckled a bit. "Kage, you better be keeping those two under control. Demon Gods know you were the only one in this team that was able to control them." Shadow muttered. Her breath hitched slightly, facing the last grave. "Sensei....I hope you're proud of me..." She said. Tears rolled down her checks as the memory of his death replayed in her mind. But she never let her smile fall despite the falling tears. "Your was heavy. It still affects me even seven years later. I've missed seven of my own birthdays because of how much it kills me on the inside. Then again, I never was one for parties, was I?" Shadow questioned. "So much loss has happened. But with it, the birth of a new team. And I know I have your approval. You were a father to me more than anyone has ever been before. Besides Phantom of course. But your approval means more than you could ever imagine." She said. She smiled brightly. "I suffer from the grief. I'm an emotional person after all. But I keep smiling for you, and every gift you've given me. And I can't possibly thank you enough for letting me be your student, and dragging me into the Assassination Classroom." She laughed a little. "Without you doing that, I might have never met Karma again, I would have never made my team. I would've been the same girl that came out of the lab. Dead on the inside, insane on the outside." She said. She placed a black rose on his grave, red roses on the others. "Rest in peace. For you died as you lived. Teaching, learning, on the battlefield. All of you deserve to rest in peace for eternity. I love you all as if you were my real family. But alas...time waits not for the dead." Shadow said. She stood up, turning away from the graves and facing Phantom and Blade. "I have to face my future, and let go of what grief I hold in my heart, as I'm sure you'd all want for me." She said firmly. 

Blade nodded to Phantom stepping to the side. Shadow knelt before her old leader, drying her tears and maintaining a straight face. "You've come a long way my student. You are not the same little girl that Reaper found all those years ago. You are a grown women, with a family of your own, and a team of Phantoms that you lead." Phantom said. "You are the blood daughter of the (L/N) lineage. But in spirit, you are a daughter to me, and to Reaper himself. And now, you carry the last name Akabane. For you've found someone you truly love with all your heart. A partner for life. And you still have your entire life ahead of you my dear." Phantom said. "This is my final lesson to you, from one leader to another." He continued. He brought out his knife, pointing it at her. "Grieve not for those who lived full and fulfilling lives. Smile for how they lived, and accept that fate has made its call. They all rest in peace now." He said. "Instead, you live for those still with you. And you smile for them as well. As a leader, you must be strong for them. You have a family, a team, and its time you officially come into the role of Phantom Leader." He continued.

Shadow rose to her feet as Phantom stared at her, eye to eye. "(Y/N) Akabane, Shadow. You have come a long way. You have shown many skills in your Phantom Assassin training, along with all the leadership qualities you posses. You are strong, you are a teacher, and you are the leader of a new generation of Phantom Assassins. And I hope to live long enough to see your team grow and expand even further." Phantom said. He lowered his head a little. "However, my time grows short, and with the passing of Team Phantom Y, a new generation must be named." He said. Phantom dragged the knife across his hand, his red blood pouring from the wound. "From the blood of the old, a new generation is born." He said. Shadow drew her knife and dragged it across her hand as well. Her black blood standing out against her pale pale skin. "And that generation is stronger than the last." Shadow returned. Both sheathed their knives and held out their palms, letting their blood fall to the ground and mix. "With the spirits of Phantom Assassins past, present, and future as my witnesses, I pass the torch of the Phantom Legacy to Shadow. And hereby declare the new generation as Phantom Assassin Generation Z." Phantom stated firmly. 

Phantom knelt before Shadow, Blade following his lead as the full moon high above shone down upon the leader of Gen Z. "The powers of fate have decided, and a new Era is to be born from the ashes of the old." Phantom said. Shadow knelt down as well to her old leader and they shared a moment of silence. Shadow stood, nodding to the other two. "Rise." She commanded, her voice taking on a deeper, more commanding tone than it had ever reached before. Both males did so. She nodded to them both. "You two have done so much for me, and its time I finally stop holding back on what I can do." Shadow said. "The past is something that has always weighed heavy on me. But its time that I let go, and stop restricting myself." She continued. "Grief, depression, guilt, all of it. I need to let go, and focus on the future, for only then can I lead my team properly." She thought back to everything that has happened in the past. Every little detail. Koro-Sensei's death, her time in the Lab, her parents and siblings, everything dealing with Shiro. And she let it go. She breathed out slowly, letting all of those things slip away. And as if magic, she felt lighter somehow. She accepted them, and then let them go. They no longer have any power of her. "I am not the same person anymore. I am Shadow, (Y/N) Akabane. And I will act as such." She smirked a little. "I hereby accept the position as Leader of Gen Z. And I swear to uphold the Phantom Code with every fiber of my being." She said. Phantom nodded to Blade who walked forward with a small case. "This is something I want you to wear with pride my dear. Shadow its time for you to don the trademark of any Phantom Leader. I wore it in my prime. And now I hope you will wear it, and pass it down to the next generation of Phantoms as well." Shadow took the case and bowed lowly to Phantom and Blade. "I thank you both. For being my teammates, and for helping me find my path." She said. Both males smiled, ruffling her hair. "Run along now Shadow. Your husband has probably noticed you're gone by now." Blade said. She chuckled running back to her home. 

And she didn't cast a single glance back.   


Shadow walked back inside the Phantom Household and took care of her wound before heading back to bed. She crawled under the covers and yawned only to have and arm draped around her and to be pulled into the warm embrace of her husband. "Well someone was out quite late, something on your mind?" Karma asked. Shadow rolled over to face him. "Nah...just wanted to go for a walk. Moon is pretty and what not." She said. He chuckled a little, kissing her forehead. "Stop going out at night. This is one of the only times I can have you to myself." He said, pulling her closer. Shadow chuckled a little, nuzzling into his embrace. "Yeah yeah. I know. We should really go on a mission together sometime. Just the two of us. Or get everyone out of the house for a day and spend time with Phoenix and Natsu." She said. "Or I could take you on a date." Karma offered. " know that I just want quality time with you and the kids in my own home." She said. "Yeah I know Shads. You don't like the outside world or human interaction." Karma said with a chuckle. Shadow was slowly nodding off as Karma kissed her forehead again, before kissing her on the lips. "Your so cute when you're drowsy. Y'know that?" He teased. "I'm not cute." Shadow growled, flicking his forehead. "You are to me..." Karma responded. nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck and inhaling her scent. "Hm...Something in your scent is different....I like it." He muttered, starting to nod off himself. Shadow smiled a little as he pulled back, wrapping both arms around her and cuddling her. "Mine." He muttered. "Okay you possessive fire dragon you." Shadow teased back. Karma blushed ever so slightly with a chuckle. "Well its are mine after all." He said. Shadow chuckled. "And you're mine..." She responded, petting his fluffy hair. He started purring a little. "Awwww." Shadow said. "S-shut up its not cute." Karma hissed. "Oh it is most certainly cute." She said. She yawned a bit, pulling the blanket over the both of them. "Night my Strawberry Kitten." Shadow said. "Night Shads." Karma muttered back.             

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