Euphony: Surreptitious

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Like what Karma said, Nagisa went to the cafe at 12:30 not wanting to be late.

He waited outside, looking at his phone and glancing around before he heard him.


The bluenette smiled as he looked at Karma running up to him.

He waved back at the red head who panted once he got close.

"Sorry to make you wait! I misplaced my phone while I was doing the instrumentals..."

Nagisa giggled as he looked at Karma's worn out face.

"Its completely fine! I mean, you got here just on time right?"

He said as he pet Karma's red hair as a reward for getting there on time.

Karma smiled widely enjoying the attention.

He grabbed Nagisa's wrist and dragged him away the cafe

"Come on! We need to get to the studio!"


Karma chuckled at Nagisa's confused expression before looking forward and continued dragging him to the location.



Nagisa awed in wonder as he looked around the studio Karma owned.

The red head chuckled at Nagisa's reaction.

He's so adorable

Nagisa ran around at first then went towards Karma and started dragging him

"Come on! Come on! Nagi wants to have a tour"

Karma laughed at that and showed him the rooms of the building.

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After the tour Nagisa was excited to go to Karma's private office.

Basically, its where he creates the instrumentals and lyrics of potential songs, though he hasnt had a permanent singer before Nagisa a lot of his past songs are just lying around
"And this is my 'office'"

Nagisa awed at how beautiful everything was set up.

He looked around and suddenly saw a painting on the wall that caught his attention.

Karma smiled when he realized what Nagisa was looking at and walked towards it dragging Nagisa with him.

A painting of a glistening lake with several trees in the background with a bluenette sitting on a rock in the middle of the water.

"What is this?"

Nagisa asked earning a chuckle from the red head.

Karma pet Nagisa's head before answering

"Its you dumbhead"

Nagisa looked at Karma then to the painting

"This was painted by a famous artist who wanted to make my dream a reality after he saw that interview."

Karma watched as Nagisa kept looking at the painting in awe.

He took this time to quietly step back and grab something under his desk.

"Its so weird that you dreamt about me though... quite coincidental since.."

Nagisa paused when he turned to look at Karma only to see the red head smiling at him with another framed painting in his hand.

Nagisa gasped at the painting. It was him and Karma sitting down in the abandoned building with an amazing view in the background.

Nagisa walked towards Karma and held it in his hand, not noticing how Karma glared at his wrists when the sleeves of his shirt showed the nasty scars.

"Wow... this looks amazing!"

Karma turned his attention towards Nagisa and smiled

"Im glad you like it. I had an artist paint that for me. You can decide where you want to hang it."

Nagisa glanced at Karma and looked around the room.

Once he found a good spot Nagisa gleams happily and skipped towards the entrance.

Nagisa stood there and looked at the top of the door to see a space that could use some decorations.

Karma smirked knowing what Nagisa's thinking about.

The red head walked up to the bluenette and very quickly placed Nagisa's thighs on his shoulders so that he could place it on the wall on top of the door's frame.

Nagisa giggled a bit before placing it perfectly.

Once the bluenette was on the ground he looked at the painting, admiring his work.

"Say, Nagisa. Do you like art?"

Nagisa looked at Karma who continued staring at the painting.

"I-I do but.... Im not that good in terms of drawing or painting to be honest.."

Karma hummed as he now looked at Nagisa.

"But Im in a Concert Club at school. Its like a Light Music Club but we also handle all the arrangements for programs and stuff.. we not only sing and make music but we decorate stages for concerts and special occassions."

Karma hummed again. He may be the same age as Nagisa but he got kicked out of school. He was quite a violent student.

"Lucky you~ you're still in school."

Karma sighed dramatically while Nagisa looked at him confused.

"You're not in school? Did you get expelled or something?"

Nagisa narrowed his eyes at Karma. After talking to the red head for weeks Nagisa knows about his violent tendancies.

Karma laughed and wrapped an arm around Nagisa's shoulders.

"You know me so well Nagi~!"

Nagisa sighed

"Cant be helped with that atittude of yours I guess..."

Karma laughed before dragging Nagisa further in the studio

"Shall we?

Nagisa smiled at him before replying with a quick

"Of course!"

Months have passed and the entire world was exposed to Nagisa's beautiful singing

They cry and rejoice whenever the bluenette is on stage delivering his voice with such grace and elegance.

Karma smiled, content that his songs are being brought to life by such an amazing singer.

But the red head also craved for those lips.
Those soft lips to not sing for the world but for him and only him.

Karma looked down, face palmed and sighed.

He knows those were selfish thoughts but he couldnt help himself, the bluenette has been by his side for months now and he still didnt have the courage to make a move.


Karma looked up at the stage and smiled as Nagisa sang one of his songs to the crowd

That smile on Nagisa's face and how his eyes softens.

-Karma didnt mind if it meant seeing Nagisa with such a happy expression

Karma sighed happily

"Everything is turning out great"


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