How Interesting

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Akabane Karma

16 years old

"Of course father. I have already been given the role."

Karma says in a neutral tone as he hands the driver of the limo his bags

"Oh your master has already been established? I see. I'm proud of you son, noone in the Akabane line has ever been deployed at such a young age"

Karma smiled at his father before going back in the car.

No 'farewell's have been exchanged

They are merely servants to be used after all.

For as long as they could remember, the Akabane family is that of a butler lineage.

Children born into the family is taught how to cook, domestic chores, first aid and even fighting

Whether it be offense or defense it is deemed important for a butler to be able to fight for and defend not himself but his master.

They are all to serve nobility after all.

Karma glanced at his watch and took note of the time

"We're on schedule"

It would be bad if he was late to meet his new master

"I just hope they aren't annoying..."

Every butler that is produced by the Akabane line is set to serve one master until the day they die.

There are many horror stories in the family of servants being tortured or took advantage of by their masters.

Sure there are a lot of butlers that either get a master that is nice-

Or even a master that ignores their presence but hey atleast they aren't torturing them

-but many under the family just can't risk it

"Akabane-san, we have arrived."

Karma stepped out of the limo and took in the sight before him.

The first thing he noticed wasn't the large mansion right in front of him

It was actually the beautiful hydrangeas surrounding it.

"I'm suprised you are more interested on the flowers than your new home"

A woman who appears to be in her 40s is stood at the gate

Despite her age she was actually quite beautiful, with her dark blue shoulder length hair.

"Forgive me for oggling Shiota-sama, I just happen to find the arrangement of these flowers well organized and maintained. If you had such a skilled servant under your house then why bother having me at all?"

He wasn't being rude

No not at all

He was just purely curious

Shiota Hiromi couldn't help but giggle while the other servants behind her was glaring daggers at Karma

To them, he was being incredibly rude to their lady

"Because we have no such servant that tends to these flowers"

Karma raised an eyebrow at that

"The one who takes care of these flowers is none other than my dear son"

Hiromi sent a cold gaze towards Karma making him freeze a bit

"Shiota Nagisa"

Karma widened his eyes at his name before chuckling to himself

"Ah I see I see. Well then when do I get to meet him? As his butler I should be by his side 24/7"

Usually, servants are not to be informed who their master is, but Karma being the curious type gathered enough information to know who he will be assigned to.

What he got were merely basic information though, with how tight the security is in hiding the more complex and confidential info about the nobles.

"As expected. You will meet him shortly after we give you a run down of this place along with our rules."

He was then given a tour of the large mansion and was told of what to do and what not to do.

Afterwards, Hiromi quickly took him to a more traditional yet fancy looking house at the back of the mansion.

"This is where my dear son resides in, you will also be living here with him. The closer you two are the better."

The place was actually calming


And spacious

Unlike the mansion which, in his opinion, was way too bright, had too much furniture and fancy decor that it didn't feel open, and the amount of people in it was suprising.

"May I ask some questions before you go Shiota-sama"

The lady smiled at him in response
Telling Karma to go ahead

"Why is my master staying here and not at the mansion?"

Hiromi quickly answered

"He likes it here"

Karma looked at her for a second

"That's it?"

He was taken aback by the lady giggling at his reaction

"I take it you're not satisfied with the answer?"

Without even letting Karma say anything Hiromi continued

"I can't really answer that question as I too have no idea what made his decision to isolate himself from the mansion. The only time I see him there is when he takes care of the plants"

Hiromi smiled at the thought

"We told him to leave it to the servants but he insisted. He asked me for a more traditional home behind the mansion and so we gave it to him. My husband and I love to spoil him"

She giggled again before looking down making Karma look at her with eyes saying to go on.

"Other than tending to the hydrangeas outside he kept to himself. Other than when we check up on him the only other person he has talked to is his private instructor Koro, but even he wouldn't exactly tell us what Nagisa has been up to."

"If work wasn't so hectic we would have had more time together as a family though... teach him what it is to be a noble ouselves instead of Koro."

She kept these thoughts to herself

Karma looked at her with a sorry look

"Is this why you wanted a personal servant under him?"

Hiromi smiled again while nodding her head.

"Being a noble doesn't let you laze around unfortunately. We also wanted someone to keep tabs on our son."

Karma raised an eyebrow

"Why not let this Koro person report to you about him then?"

Hiromi simply shook her head without saying anything

"Ah. She doesn't trust him. And since I'm merely a butler. A servant. I would be punished if it is discovered that I am sending them false information about the young master...."

"That's all I wanted to say. Please be assured and leave Nagisa-sama under my care."

Karma bowed towards Hiromi who smiled gratefully before leaving.

Now then

Karma thought

I guess it is time to meet my master~

The redhead proceeded to explore the house. He didn't ask where Nagisa specifically is since he wanted to find him himself.

"Well, according to several rumors from commoners and servants under the Shiota family, Shiota Nagisa is quite kind hearted and pure. 'Blue hair and eyes to match how calming it feels to be under his presence' they said. I kind of got confirmation from Shiota-sama herself albeit a bit vague."

He kept talking to himself as he walked through the silent and empty halls

"Well I guess I'm stuck with a good kid! Wait he's a few months older than me.... but he's shorter... Well I guess I'm stuck with a good kid!"

He chuckled to himself, practically went through all the rooms during his monologue except for one.

"A room secluded from everything else? This kid really likes his privacy huh"

As Karma opens it he thought of all the possibilities to what lies behind it. He didn't expect to be pinned down almost instantly though

"W-What the f-"

Before he could finish he was met with a knife to his neck

"State your business here"

He looked up to an ice cold glare, the room was dark but his eyes seem to glow

"M-my name is Akabane Karma. A butler sent to serve Shiota Nagisa-sama"

The sudden welcome made him jump and those eyes that looked directly at his made him panic but he managed to keep his cool as he answered to his demand

The boy above him froze a bit before clicking his tongue.

He stood up and took a step back.

"Well then I hope you'll have a swell time here. My name is Shiota Nagisa"

Akabane stood up once the boy was off him before freezing at his statement.

"T-this is Shiota Nagisa?!"

The boy in question turned on the lights of the room letting Karma see his appearance more clearly.

Blue hair tied up in a pony tail

Equally blue sharp eyes

And a small figure

Nagisa glared at him making Karma flinch

"This dude that just pinned me down and took a knife to my throat is the same kind hearted and pure boy everyone talked about...."

Karma thought


Karma instantly kneeled before his master, ready to serve him until the day he dies

"Interesting! He is really interesting"

What Karma hated the most was not an abusive master but a boring one.

And this one

Nagisa held his glare but this time he gave Karma a chilling smile that swnt shivers down his spine.

This one is really interesting

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