Random KaruNagi stuff part 4 (???)

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Nagisa sat on his chair

Placed his chin on the palm of his hand

And turned towards the window of the outside world, looking troubled

The sight was dramatic, everyone in class E thought

They heard a sigh from the bluenette adding to the dense atmosphere surrounding him

Very dramatic, the class agreed with each other unknowingly

Just as they left him alone and minded their own business they heard a soft and oddly solemn yet dismayed whisper

"It's hard to find big dick these days"

Everyone instantaneously turned towards Nagisa who continued to look out the window unconcerned

Heck a lot of them thought Karma broke his neck with how fast he turned it

It was silent in the room at first before Kayano slowly and mechanically stepped towards the bluenette

"N-Nagisa.... have y-you been seeing people lately?? Are you perhaps... that?"

'We get that youre nervous Kayano, but atleast be a little more specific'

Nagisa turned towards his friend, confusion written across his face

"What do you mean by that?"


While Kayano struggled to find her words Isogai came to her rescue and asked instead on behalf of the class

"Nagisa... what you said earlier... what did you mean by it?"

Isogai nervously scratched his cheek, though there wasn't anything wrong with what he said he was still a bit embarrassed because of what the bluenette said earlier

"Why? Do you guys want to find big dick too?"

If anyone in the room was drinking water they would have spit it out by now

So instead the majority of them simply coughed in suprise

"N-no!! Why the hell would we?!"

It was Terasaka who started to yell

Nagisa simply looked at him still utterly confused

"That's why I'm asking. Since you guys don't know him"






"Big Dick's a person!?!?"

"Big Dick's a person!?!?"

Instead of screaming it in her head, Okuda screamed it towards Nagisa

The bluenette blinked before guessing why his classmates was suprised

"Oh I see now. Yeah, my foreign uncle Richard nicknamed himself that as a joke but it kinda stuck."

Nagisa scratched the back of his head, giggling at the funny family moments he had with his uncle

"Though, my mother said that my uncle feels dead and alive because of it. I honestly can't understand his way of thinking"

The room was silent apart from Nagisa's cute giggling

Bystanders could practically see the indications of how disappointed and relieved they are compared to the bubbly flower filled mood surrounding the bluenette

The only comment Rio could give to the whole unusual situation was
"Is that why he didn't question how ridiculous your name was the first time you introduced yourself?"

Followed by an equally flabbergasted reply from Karma saying
"Excuse me?"

It was no secret the Nagisa is attractive

I mean look at him

Pretty porcelain face

"His face looks way more beautiful than some white ceramic!"

His silky hair

"Get your adjectives right! Call it luscious that's basically the whole package when it comes to hair!"

His thin waist

"It's actually perversely slender! I guess since you never placed your arms around it before you wouldn't know!"

His wide hips

"It's voluptuous! Makes him look sexy in everything!"

Aswell as his thick thighs

"It's thicc with infinite c's (that I can not write down). Get it right next time."

Even looking into his eyes can suck you in and make you freeze

"Be more damn specific! Depending on the situation, looking into his eyes can force anyone to kneel before him in utter fear or infatuation. Which, by the way, looks very hot either way"



I think you should stop correcting every single word I say

"I think not! I have a right to correct you! Are you sure you're a Nagisa lover?!"

That was when author-kun decided to reevaluate her life choices in loving a fictional character due to the words of another fictional character

That was her excuse when really

It was actually due to her words since she's the one writing this

Life is cruel

It was a random thought Rio had but she had to say it

"If Nagisa were to become an assassin, you reckon he would be someone like Bitch-sensei?"

Sugino couldn't help but join in the conversation

"A honey trap?"

Rio nodded at the athlete before looking at Nagisa who was organizing the shelf at the back of the room, being a good student.

"Looking at him though, he could either attract guys or lesbians"

Fuwa also joined the thought train, she was bored out of her mind earlier and this conversation seemed like it would lead to something interesting

"That's not true! I like him!"

Kayano disagreed with Fuwa who simply chuckled at her confession

"Well I guess if the girl knows him personally sure. But assassins won't have time for that when in missions right?"

It was Yada who spoke this time making Sugino humm

"So the only way to attract someone without being personal is..."

They all nodded at the baseball lovers train of thought


The group looked up as if they saw their imaginations come to life

Nagisa straddling an anonymous man

Knife sitting sensually on his thighs in a knife holster

The two getting hot and dirty before Nagisa finally claims the kill

Karma who kept an ear out to their conversation ever since Nagisa was mentioned stood up

Knowing fully well just what they were imagining in that 5 seconds of silence and promptly started saying


With his hands in an X formation

Instead of walking towards the group however, Karma decided to freely voice out his complaints towards the person they were talking about

"No no no no no no"

And Karma kept doing this until Nagisa actually said something

"I'm not gonna do that so stop annoying me"

"Wait you were listening?!"

Nagisa smiled as he playfuly twirled in his dress, his hair elegantly flowing in the wind along with his skirt

Stopping gracefully as he placed his hands behind his back, fluttering his long eyelashes and giving off a confident yet soft smile with a cute giggle

"..something like that"


Nagisa refused to do any of what Karma has just asked him to do

"Oh come on! You're already wearing the dress"

Karma whined before getting scolded

"And who forced me to put it on huh?!"

Karma smirked. He took out his phone and quickly took a picture of the flustered and angry bluenette in front of him

"It would be a shame if this picture would be to... I don't know.. make it's way towards the inter-"

Before the red head could even finish Nagisa cut him off, yelling that he would do it making the devil smirk

And do it he did

Well tried

Nagisa grabbed the hems of his skirt and awkwardly twirled around

He stopped abruptly, losing his footing a bit, before looking at Karma with a red face before giving him a nervous smile

A loud thud was heard as Nagisa opened his eyes to a now collapsed and nose bleeding Karma


"T-That was better than I i-imagined. Thank you f-for the meal...."


And so, Karma died that day with no regrets

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