Random KaruNagi stuff PART 3!!!

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Karma was merely minding his own business reading a book when all of the sudden someone hugged him from behind.

He turned and see his boyfriend Nagisa giggling up at him.

"What are you doing?"

He asked calmly when in reality the red head was panicking.
All the little things Nagisa does gets him on edge, especially when he uses that adorable face of his, like seriously give the guy a break.

Nagisa continued giggling and replied.

"Im giving you a hug!!!"

Karma looked away in embarrasement.

"Tch. Its gross"

The two were silent. The only thing heard was the rustling of leaves from the trees.

But Karma broke the silence with a quick request that made Nagisa smile even more.

"Can you hug me more often?"
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Nagisa grabbed the note from his desk and read it.

"Dear Shiota Nagisa, I am so glad to have met such a wonderful person such as yourself. Keep being you and please know that you are capturing hearts whether you want to or not. -your secret admirer"

Nagisa kept reading it a few more times in his head before coming to a conclusion

"I have an admirer?"

A couple of days past and everyday Nagisa would have a letter, roses or gifts on his desk, locker, even at his doorstep. Nagisa didnt want to lie though, everything this 'admirer' gives him makes him feel important. His heart skips a beat when he knows that someone out there actually loves him.

But one day as Nagisa was going back to his dorm he saw the cool delinquent guy of the school infront of his door kneeling down and was about to leave a bouquet of roses infront of it.

The bluenette merely looked at him in shock

Was THE Akabane Karma his secret admirer?

Karma placed down the bouquet and as he was about to take out the letter he wrote from his pocket he turned and saw Nagisa looking at him.

Karma's eyes widened and he started sprinting towards the exit.

The next day Nagisa found a letter taped to his door and read it.

"Forget you saw anything yesterday!!! I am definitely not the one who was placing a love letter and some gifts on your desk, in your locker and at your doorstep for the past couple of days!!! Yes, that was truly NOT me... I just kneeled down to tie my shoes and left the bouquet at your doorstep coincidentally, yeah... t-those flowers were meant for y.. my mom!! Please forget everything.

-totally not your secret admirer Akabane Karma"

Nagisa giggled as he read his letter. He was so obvious.

So Nagisa started doing the same Karma did but he wrote down his full name instead of 'your secret admirer'

And after a week of sending each other letters they finally started dating
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Karma walked past a store and glanced at the products on display. He paused and walked back to the store that was selling a necklace with a silver snake with blue jewels on it reminding him of his boyfriend Nagisa.

He went in the store and bought the necklace.

The next day Karma ran up to Nagisa while yelling his name

Nagisa in turn looked behind him and saw Karma running up to him. Nagisa gave him a smile and asked what he needed.

Karma rubbed his neck, he's not a guy who gives out gifts too often so if you find yourself in a situation where he gave you a 'gift' it would either be he likes you enough to give you a gift or it was a troll present. So far only Nagisa recieves genuine gifts from the red head.

Karma took out a small box and opened it, showing Nagisa the snake necklace.

Nagisa gasped and took the gift and wore it.

He gave Karma a peck on the ckeek as a 'thank you'.

Next day

Nagisa was eating lunch under a tree when Karma decided to join him

Karma kept telling Nagisa that he has more presents for his bluenette lover.

It was a blue and red sweater along with a yellow notebook with Koro-sensei's face on it.

Nagisa looked at Karma, smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as gratitude.

Next day

Karma was yet again spoiling Nagisa with presents.

Karma was holding five boxes of presents for the bluenette making him sweat drop while smilling.

Then Nagisa said something that made Karma blush in extreme embarrasement for being caught.

"If you wanted a kiss you could have just asked..."

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Nagisa and Karma has been friends for a couple of months now and they still didnt have the other's number, so Karma decides to take the lead.

"Hey Nagisa-kun"

The bluenette hummed and Karma continued.

"Wanna exchange numbers?"

Nagisa looked at Karma confused.

"Why asking that out of the blue?"

"Well I thought that since we've known each other for months now I think its time we text each other or smthng..."

Nagisa took out his phone and exchanged numbers with Karma making the red head happy.

"Oh and by the way.."

Karma paused before continuing.

"I just wanted to be the reason you smile like an idiot whenever you look down on your phone when I texted..."

Nagisa looked at Karma with a flushed face, but knowing Karma his flirts always has a twist in the end

"And walk into a pole..."

Yep... there it is...

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Karma called out to his friend/crush who was reading a book in the room.

"Lets go home already"

He whined as he shook Nagisa's shoulder a bit.

"Just wait a moment Karma, Im still reading this"

Nagisa replied not even glancing at the red head.

Karma pouted and sat on the seat in front of Nagisa's.

There was only silence in the room, only the sound of the wind blowing, their breathing and the sound of paper turning. But Nagisa suddenly yelped in pain making Karma stand up instantly.

"Are you alright?"

The red head asked in a haste

"I-Its fine... just a paper cut..."

Nagisa replied while biting on his injured finger slightly

Karma did not take that though, he glared daggers at the book as if it would just go up in flames.

"W-well... I'll go to the bathroom to wash it off.. when i go back we'll head straight home, ok?"

Nagisa smiled at the red head before going to the bathroom, leaving his book on his desk with noone to stop Karma for what he was about to do.

Nagisa sighed when he got back and called out to Karma, ready to go home.

"Karma, Im back. Its getting late so we should get goi---!!!"

Nagisa paused his sentence and yelled a bit.

He saw fire on his desk with Karma infront of it just staring at it.

Nagisa ran towards the fire, took off his vest and started to put it out. Luckily he did and he looked at the charred up desk along with a book

"Karma!! Did you set my book on fire?!"

The bluenette yelled as he looked at the now ruined book

"It got you hurt"

Was Karma's excuse making Nagisa sweat drop.
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"Its been so long since I've seen Nagi's face~"

Was Karma's first thought when he saw the bluenette walking towards the classroom talking to one of their classmates.

The bluenette still hasnt notice him so the red head decides to suprise his boyfriend.

He threw away the carton of strawberry milk he had in his hand and started walking towards his lover.

The other students already noticed him but Nagisa was the last one to see him.

Right before the bluenette could look at the red head's direction Karma locked their lips in a kiss.
Suprising everyone.


Nagisa's shocked voice was muffled when Karma suddenly groped him making him gasp.

Karma took the opportunity and shoved his tounge in Nagisa's mouth.

By the time they separated Nagisa collapsed on Karma's chest

The red head chuckled

"Its been so long since we last seen each other!!"

Karma went to the bluenette's ear and said


In a seductive voice, not forgetting to lick his ear lobe.

Karasuma-sensei calmly went to the front.

"You must be Nagisa-san's spouse. You're late you know..."

Karma laughed while saying 'sorry'. Nagisa still a bit brain dead in his arms after the kiss.

The class finally came back to their senses and yelled.


Karma laughed even more at their reaction and winked at them

"The name's Akabane Karma"

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