Something Missing: Arent you afraid of me?

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Nagisa tilted his head in confusion.

Ever since he met the bluenette the emotions he lost all slowly starts to come back to him.

And so many other emotions

"Hey Nagisa, how come you're not afraid of me?"

Karma looked at him for a second to see his reaction

Total confusion

"I killed a bunch of people infront of you, you got some of their blood spilled on your pure body. Shouldnt you be scared at me?"

Karma flinched when he saw Nagisa give him a big smile

Karma waited as Nagisa wrote something on the sketchbook

"I dont really care if you're a murderer.. Thats what you lost right? your humanity? Its not your fault you're like that, and besides... You saved me from those guys that were annoying me

Personally, I dont know why Im not afraid of you... but I do know that"

Nagisa wrote something on his sketchbook

"I want to be your friend"

Nagisa smiled sweetly towards Karma, who stood there frozen

"A.... Friend?"

Nagisa nodded

Karma's hand made its way to his chest where his heart is

"its beating too fast... And its so loud..
What is this?"

Nagisa walked up to Karma. This time the red head noticed that he has been hiding something behind his back for a while now

"Nagi what are you hiding?"

Nagisa smiled at him before handing him a white rose

"Is this from the bouquet you gave Leah-kun?"

Nagisa nodded happily before writing something on his sketchbook

Its a thank you gift for saving me earlier

Karma looked at him before looking at the flower. He smiled, its the first time he recieved a gift after all.

"Thanks Nagisa"

The two continued walking talking from about their personal life

Nagisa learned how Karma's parents and so called 'friends' left him because of the way he acts and he has been living alone ever since. Killing passerbys when he's in a dark alley from time to time.

Karma learned about Nagisa's abusive mother. Apparently she acts that way because she wanted a girl and got him. This made Karma mad, Nagisa has to deal with not being able to speak but his mother's just adding on his stress levels. The red head's suprised that Nagisa managed to keep himself up for years of his mother's harrasements.


The sun was now setting and Karma wanted to escort Nagisa to his house but the bluenette refused to go.

Karma also didnt want Nagisa to go back to his abusive mother so he thought of maybe leaving him at Leah's house. But then again Nagisa's mother might think that that's the first place Nagisa would go to sooo...

"Hey Nagi wanna come to my house?"

Nagisa looked up at him with sparkling eyes before writing REALLY?! on his sketchbook

Karma chuckled, ruffling his blue hair before saying "of course!"

Nagisa drew a smiley face on the sketchbook 😄 and a thank you on the bottom making Karma blush and dragging him towards his house.


Karma and Nagis made their way to the former's house.
Nagisa gasped at the hou- no,, mansion!!!

Its a literal MANSION!!!!

Nagisa slowly turned his head towards Karma with a face showing am I even worthy of being here?!

Karma laughed at his expression before dragging the frozen bluenette inside.

"So what do you think?"

Ask Karma as he saw Nagisa write AMAZING!!! 😮😀 on the sketchbook

Karma walked to the kitchen and took out microwavable food.

Sure he had a lot of ingredients, spices, pretty much almost everything a chef needs. But the red head doesnt know how to cook. He almost blew up his house once...... that was a fun memory!

As he was about to open the microwave Nagisa came in with his skecthbook. The words I'll cook written on it.

Karma raised an eyebrom before asking if he can really cook

Nagisa nodded, setting down his sketchbook and grabbing an apron.

He wore it and tied his hair to a bun. Karma gasped at the adorable sight.

Nagisa looked at Karma before pushing him out of the kitchen.

Karma kept whining but Nagisa eventually got him outside.

After a few minutes of hearing sizzling and the smell of the delicious food, Karma was now able to get in.

He saw Nagisa placing plates on the dining table then a plate of juicy steak.

Karma drooled at the sight. Its been years since he ate homemade cooking and the food Nagisa made looks as if it's worthy of a 5 star restaurant.

Karma took a seat and so did Nagisa. Karma said a quick "Itadakimasu" before slicing up the steak, watching all the juice of the meat pour out. He looked and saw that the steak was cooked perfectly. He took a small piece on a fork and looked at how the steam emanates from the piece of meat. He glanced at Nagisa and saw that he wasnt touching his food and was looking at him with hopeful eyes. Karma guessed that he wanted to hear his critique.

Karma opened his mouth and took a bite into the piece of steak that was pierced in the fork. He savored the taste and jumped up, slamming his palms on the table startling Nagisa.


Nagisa saw Karma's sparkling eyes and smiled before taking a bite on his meal

"It is quite good"

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