Something Missing: Whats your name?

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Because of the way she treats me

Karma raised an eyebrow but saw how Nagisa's eyes darken so he decided not to ask any further

"Thats strange.. I never felt sympathetic towards anyone before...."

Karma thought then remembered something

"By the way you never did tell me your name.. "

Nagisa looked at him for a second before opening his mouth

He wanted this red head infront of him to know his name through his voice but he knew it was a lost cause.

But the bluenette still tried. If he even managed to let out a whimper then that would be the most noise he could ever make in the last 15 years of his life.

With all his strenght and hope he tried to say it. He tried saying his name

Karma saw his attempt and his sadness grew.

Nagisa stopped his attempts feeling two strong arms around him

"No need to force yourself. Just write it on the wall again"

Karma said trying to make his tone as soft as possible for the bluenettes sake

Nagisa looked down before turning to the wall again and started to write, but before he wrote his name he froze

What if someone sees my name and blame me for this mess?!

Nagisa thought looking at the corpses and the now dried up blood.

Sure it was a horrible sight to see, and Nagisa should be scared of this red head beside him, but something inside him urged to trust this murderer. Which was a weird thought Nagisa had.

Nagisa looked at Karma then to his hand. Karma raised an eyebrow.

Nagisa walked up to him and grabbed his hand

Karma tensed up a bit at the touch

H-He's touching me again!!! ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ Δ ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

Then he saw the bluenette write
Shiota Nagisa, you?

Karma mummbled his name under his breath then looked at 'Nagisa' before smirking

"Im Akabane Karma! Can I call you Nagisa?"

Nagisa smiled widely and nodded

Karma returned the smile and grabbed Nagisa's hand

Nagia tilted his head a bit in confusion, which in the red head's opinion was cute as hell.

Karma glanced at the bouquet in Nagisa's hand and said

"You're taking that to your relatives right?"

Pointing at the flowers

Nagisa nodded as a replied

Karma smirked
"Might aswell escort you right! Wont want anyone to hit on you again"
He said with a teasing tone but on the inside he was dead serious, he may have met the bluenette a couple of minutes ago but he couldnt help but feel attached to him

Nagisa blushed a bit and smiled, dragging him to his relatives house,..... After taking a bath and changing since Karma was covered in blood.

Nagisa dragged Karma to a house, he motioned Karma to follow him, the bluenette knocked on the door and a girl with dark blue hair that goes to her shoulders, a white shirt with black along the long sleeves, and a hexagram pendant <---author-kun's avatar

The girl's face lit up and gave Nagia a tight hug

"Nagisa!!!! How are you?!"

Nagisa pat her back as if saying the he couldnt breathe, so the girl raised her hands up and took a step back while laughing nervously

"Sorry, sorry."
The girl glanced at the red head beside Nagia and glared
"And who might you be?"

Karma dismissed the tone of the girl's voice and said calmly

"Name's Akabane Karma.. You can call me Karma I guess"

Karma shrugged

The girl held her glare but looked at the bluenette who tugged on her sleeve

The girl sighed knowing what the bluenette tried to say

"My name's Leah, nice to meet you I guess..."

The red head and the dark blue haired girl shook hands until Leah glared at him again

"If you hurt my dear Nagisa,,, I'll kill you myself"

"Wouldnt think of doing such a thing"

The two shared an evil smile before they felt someon tugging on their shirts.

They looked beside him and saw Nagisa doing.... The puppy eyes

He's so CUTE!!

The two thought before Leah offered them to finally go inside

"So what brings you here Nagisa? Is she hurting you again?"

Nagisa looked down a bit before handing Leah the bouquet

Leah felt happy, whenever their sad excuse of a family member, Hiromi, does some trouble. Nagisa would give them an apology gift.

Leah counted the roses and a confused look was apparent in her eyes

Huh, there are nine roses.... Everytime he gave us flowers it was always ten of them...

Leah simply shrugged it off before going to her room

She came back to the living room where Nagisa and Karma are currently at, she gave Nagisa 3 big sketchbooks along with 3 blue markers

"if you want you can heve these so that you can talk to people more"

Nagisa smiled at her before writing something on the sketchbook

Leah almost cried when she read
Thank you so much for taking care of me, I'm lucky to have you as a cousin
I love you Leah

Leah hugged the bluenette before saying goodbye to him and his..... Uhh.. Friend

Karma and Nagisa was walking around town

"So you got those from her?"
Karma asked pointing at the sketchbook

Nagisa nodded happily which made the red head smile. Suddenly Karma thought of something then stopped on his tracks and Nagisa followed suit.

A/N: sup yall!!! its me author-kun/Leah/the self proclaimed overprotective cousin of the adorable blueberry Nagisa!!!

Nagisa: *writes on sketchbook* too much useless information

Leah: *le gasps* u-useless?!

Karma: *laughs like a maniac* I love how you can just say insults while keeping a straight face Nagi~

Nagisa: *writes on sketchbook* thanks I guess? anyway whats with the keyboard my dear "cousin'?

Leah: oh you mean this?

Karma: aww he looks like an adorable little blueberry!!~

Nagisa: *blushes*

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