Chapter 1: The Trap

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If you guys don't know what is this book about and why I made it. Well, this book is an OC book type that I would like to make for since- ummm....i don't know two years ago or so and I want to share it with people, so here it is now. I barely write in this because of all the tags and requests that I have no time to do this one. I put everyone first before me. But now I will share it with everyone. So enjoy~!

WARNING: Have some cursing, sad thoughts, lots of yelling, things will get a little...overboard..., murder, etc. This story may or may not be sad. So if you don't like being sad...well you can leave and wait for another chapter. Otherwise, please enjoy!



Sekai fell to the floor from the slap. She looked at the one who slapped her on the cheek with horror. The person who slapped her was her "father".




Sekai looked at him in horror and teary eyes. 'No, I-I didn't kill her. Please don't ban me from talking to my sisters. Please have mercy.' she thought in her mind as her "father" is still yelling at her. 

"JUST GET OUT YOU PIECE OF SH*T!!!" Sekai's father yelled as he grabbed a vase from a near table.

Sekai quickly got up and ran to the door. She made out before her father throws the vase and hit her.

Sekai quickly walked to her room as maids and servants looked at her in sadness.

When she made it to her room, she quickly opened and closed the door then locked it. Sekai leaned against the door as she put her hand on her cheek where she got slapped. Tears started to flow down her cheeks. Sekai slid down to the ground while holding her knees together.

She asked herself questions. 'Why was I born as an alice...I didn't kill Mother...Why?...why it's me only...why was I at fault...



When it was dinner, the youngest sister, Yukino and the oldest sister, Asuka, was eating happily. While Sekai was almost finished. Sekai's father and mother were chatting with each other as usual.

Sekai's mother stood up and excused herself from the dinner table. All the sudden, Sekai felt a weird vibe...something bad is going to happen...a rather familiar vibe that she have forgotten about. So she quickly ate her food and left. Her father and sisters were curious about what 's going on.

Sekai followed her mother, but suddenly...she disappeared out of her sight. Sekai lost track where her mother is.

Meanwhile, Sekai 's mother was walking down the hallways and went into a room. Someone was following her. A person with a black cloak. 

Sekai 's mother was looking for something. The person was holding something sharp. It glistens from the moonlight.

Sekai 's mother didn't find what she was finding and turned. When she turned, she instantly ...




got impaled by the sharp weapon.

Sekai 's mother screamed as the weapon penetrated her multiple times.

Sekai heard a familiar scream. "MOTHER!" She shouted as she ran toward the scream.

On the way to the room, the person with the black cloak ran out of the room.

Sekai saw the person running out of the room and ran after it. But however when she ran past the room, she stopped and back up. She turned to the room and saw...




her mother corpse surrounded by a pool of blood. She was penetrated all over her to her was the murder weapon...




a bloody sword.

Sekai widens her eyes and ran to  the corpse.

"MOTHER!!!" She yelled again as she quickly bends down next to her.

Sekai looked next to her mother to see the bloody sword. She was about to grabbed it, but she heard a voice, interrupting her.

"What was all that racket-" Sekai's father paused as he saw Sekai 's mother and her.

He stared at the scene in horror.

"LORINA!!!" Sekai's father shouted as he quickly ran towards the lifeless body. Tears started to flow down his face as he darkened his eyes.

Sekai's father turned and glared at Sekai. Sekai felt a dark aura surrounding her father.

Suddenly, Sekai 's father grabbed Sekai neck and gripped it tightly. "What did you do?..." He said darkly. Sekai looked at him in fear. "ANSWER ME!!!!" Her father demanded. "I-I-I didn't k-kill h-her." Sekai stuttered. Sekai's father gritted his teeth and threw her to the wall. " LIES!!! ALL LIES!!!" He shouted.

Soon after a maid called the police and they arrived with the ambulance. Sekai's father and her sisters went in the ambulance along with Sekai s mother. She tries to get on till her father pushed her out."SEKAI!!!" Asuka shouted her name. Sekai's father guarded the door and shouted "YOU'RE NOT COMING WITH US YOU MONSTER!!! WE WILL DISCUSS THIS LATER!!!" And  shut the door before the ambulance started.

As they left, Sekai didn't stand up. She only cried.

In the next day, the hospital said that Sekai's mother was dead by murder. News spread and many people started to ignoring Sekai. Treating her as trash, a monster, or a slave.

- END -

Sekai was stuck in her room the whole day and as weeks goes by. Every time she goes to school or the headquarters of the Royals, she was last of everything and everyone. 

She even wasn't able to attend her mother funeral the other day. She only looked out of her window as the event happened.

Sekai was now distanced from everyone...




except for one family. The Royal family of Atlanta.


Sekai P.O.V

It was a regular day  in the headquarters of the Royals. As Royals, we have missions every week. Our commanders, Akane and Kaito, assigns us  missions and we immediately get ready for our mission.

"Nagi, there's a problem in North America. It was rather a "rare mystery" or a rumor, we need you to sort out the situation." Kaito commanded as Nagi nods and left.

"Tina, Russia have a spy mission for you. Take Haku and Haru with you." Akane commanded also as Tina, Haku, and Haru nods and give each other's high fives.

One by one everyone has a mission...except...for me...I was always the last one...

"And...Sekai..." Akane said. I looked up at them. Kaito and Akane first looked at each other and looked back at me.

"You go supervise the Royal family..." Kaito said. I looked down again and my bangs cover my eyes, darkening it. "Yes, commander," I replied sadly and left.

"Really?" Akane said. "What?" Kaito replied. "Why you gave her that ? She has a bunch of missions to do! People wanted her and only her! Why can't she go and do them?!" Akane frustrated. Kaito kept quiet for a minute and spoke " Because...the incident...she can't be trusted to do them..." Akane only looked down and stay in silence for a while.

Without them knowing, I was behind the door hearing everything they are saying. I,then,  just started walking away yo my "mission" downtown.

It's not like it's a bad job to do. It's basically an everyday 'normal' job. I just wanted to do something exciting, but I have to obey their every order .... I have to be loyal...I have to be like my parents...
But why...
Why do I feel like I am just trash now...
Like they want me to disappear...
I feel like... The message they are telling me is to leave already...
And that moment, I stopped walking. Should I....should I disappear...this can be a chance to find a destiny and escape this tragedy of mine...but I don't know...should I really do it?...' I thought to myself.

I shook my head in disagreement. 'NO! I can't just leave them like this.....but...' I bit my bottom lip. 'it's been weeks and nothing changed...I am still beening treated like this.....Sebastian is still on the loose and trying to hunt me down....I wanted to be free for once....I want a new life.....but where?' All the sudden, I saw three familiar people.




Is that?...Tabase? Amu? Is this a memory?Am I having Deja Vu?

"You should go with us!!!" -Tabase

"I can't...." - Me

"Why?" - Amu

" other friends..." - Me

"...OK...well if you want to leave someday, meet us at ***********,Kay?" - Tabase

"Okay" -Me

And all three of us did a pinky promise and they left. That I guess our last time we even met. I wonder...where are they?...What place they want me to go?..

I immediately snapped out of my thoughts and started walking...I suddenly felt I am being spied on...

-Time lapse-

I finally arrived at the castle. It was in the middle of the city of Alas, Atlanta.

I came in and immediately I been greeted with a hug by a 'certain' hyper princess, Princess Misaki. "Hello Sekai!!!" She said happily as usual. Misaki and her parents known about the 'incident', yet they still the same as always.

"Hello Sekai." Queen Kiogomi calmly said while sitting in the throne with the king, King Kazuo. He greets me with his usual smile. "Ne ne Sekai!!!" Misaki asked excitedly. " Let go shopping for some mechansdise from the commoners!" Misaki added. I nodded in agreement and said " Make sure to wear some casual clothes." Misaki nods and left to her room.

"How are you doing Sekai?" King Kazuo asked. I looked down a bit and replied "....not too good your highness..." He noticed my action and looked at me worrily.

Queen Kiogomi looked at me and stood from her throne. She walked towards me and bend down a little. I looked up and she smile sweetly at me. " How about this, after you done with your shopping with my daughter, we shall talk, alright?"

I first gazed at her. Why is she being so nice to me? I don't understand. They are being so nice to me? I am just a Atlantian...I wonder it's because I am a  her daughter guard...possibly. I nodded in response as Queen Kiogomi got up and went back to her throne.

"I am here!!!!" Princess Misaki announced. "Umm. what did I miss?" She questioned. "Nothing. Anyways, shall we leave?" I said. "Hai!" Misaki said happily as she ran to my side.

We both waved the King and Queen goodbye as we left. 

Author P.O.V

"What are you going to do to Sekai?" King Kazuo asked. Queen Kiogomi smiled and narrowed her eyes to the ground. "I will set her free..." She replied. "How so?"King Kazuo asked.

The Queen kept quiet and opened her mouth. "By repeating her mother path..." she said. 

The King was shocked by The Queen response. "....The same things to those two?..."

The Queen narrowed her eyes to the King. "Yes, but this's going to be different..."

"How would it be different?" The King asked. The Queen glanced out the window. "It depends on her path...I will connect the four gems to protect the tree and the people of Atlanta....Sekai didn't realize what just happen to her..."

The King looked at her with concern. "What are you saying?"

The Queen only looked at him with sadness.

"She got right into a trap..."

The King was surprised by what she just said. "You're saying she got into one of his trap?" He asked.

The Queen nods in response. "He knew what to expect from the very beginning, but he can't just do it himself...I guessing he got help."

"From who?" The King asked. "I have no idea, but it's someone who maybe jealous of Lorina?..." The Queen said. The King smirked and looked at the door. 

"I wonder..." The King puzzled as the Queen looked at him. "I wonder if they can reunite and find the four 'Gem Keepers', when are they ready, or  where can they train?"

The Queen gently smiled at The King. "We may don't know. Like I said earlier about Sekai. It depends on their path. Their alice will guide them through the chain of darkness and others. Certainly, we all know they will be ready. So we shall wait for them."

The King nods in agreement. As they kept talking about the civilization of Atlanta, they didn't know.... they are being watched.

- In the Phone/ Headquarter -

"Got enough info?"

"Yes, quite enough"

"What shall I do next?"

"Keep following Sekai. I need to know where she will go or how will she escape my trap."


hang up

"Well, Sekai. How shall you play the game now?"


 I finally did it! - w - Anyways thank you for reading Wolfies and I hope you like it! BYEEE!!!! > w <

- Wolf out saaaaaan!

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