Prologue 2: Nightmare

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As I slept, I heard voices of people. It was quite loud, so I gently open my eyes and sit up. I stretched my arms and gazed at the crowd of people surrounding me.

"She's awake," one person said.

"She alive at least,"another said.

"Why is she alone in this beach at such a young age?,"Someone questioned.

The crowd questioned and asked me some questions, then a man came forward and asked, " Are you okay young girl?" I nodded once. " Do you have a family?" He asked again. I was slightly opened my mouth and asked a question, " Where am I?" The man smiled and answered. "Your at a beach in Atlanta. My eyes widen. 'The machine worked' I though. I immediately stand up and fell back down. Two people catch me and asked if I was okay. I answered by nodding. I looked back at the man and asked him anothwr question. "Do you know the Yume family?"

"Yes, are you their daughter?" He replied. "Yes, can you take me there?" I asked. He nodded and lend me a hand. I slowly grabbed it and he gently pulled me up and gave me a piggyback ride on his shoulders.

As we went to the parking lot, I saw a lady drinking something against a police car. The man said " Hey Akane, stop drinking, we have a child here." The lady slowly glanced at me and spit out her drink and immediately throw her drinks toward a trash can. She walked toward us and looked at me. She smiled and said " Aww~, she's a cute one, why is she alone and has ripped clothes?" "I have no idea, but she seems to have been through a lot because she can't walk as well," the man asked Akane. "She lived in the Yume resident," He answered, Akane jaw dropped and her eyes widen.

"KAITO!!! DON'T YOU JUST REALIZE SHE'S THE MISSING MEMBER OF THE YUME FAMILY!!!!!" Akane shouted. I covered ears. Akane noticed and apologize. Kaito looked up at me and widen his eyes of realization. "She is," he said. "Then shall we leave so you can go home, " Kaito added. I nodded without hesitation. Akane whispered something to Kaito ear and he whispered back, then both looked at me. I tilt m head my head in confusion.

Kaito and Akane waked over to the police car and open the door. Kaito set me down and put me inside the car gently. He closed the door and went to the driver seat door and open, then closed the door and put his key then put the stick to reverse then forward.

As we drive, I saw the whole city as normal. ' I guess it did worked' I thought as we turned right down closed to my Uncle mansion and the norther forest, I was a little surprise. ' Why are we going to Uncle mansion?' I wondered. But I may thought my parents are there along with onii-chan, so I stayed silent happily.

I can't help but noticed that Kaito and Akane who have different clothes than what regular cops have. "Why do you guys have different clothes than normal police?" I asked. " Well, we're part of the Royals," Akane answered. "What are the Royals?" I questioned again. " The Royals are people who saves people in Atlanta and outside of Atlanta. We are ore trained than regular cops. we save people lives at least everyday with our lives alices. We can train others even in such a young age like your age, just not as rough if you want to. We can actually let you join if you want, we just need to know your alice, then we are able to train you in your level," Akane added.

I awed of how tough they Royals are, but what kept going through my mind again and again was when she mention about how they save others using their alices and can train others at my age.

Then it hit me... the memories of people who suffered during the war. As I remembered the tragedy that happened I felt that this can be an opportunity. An opportunity to save others lives and became peace. But most opportunity, for others to not experience m past.

The car suddenly stopped, we were in front of the mansion that my uncle lived in. Kaito opened the door for me and carried me in a different way. Akane followed us and we walked together. As we walked, I looked around remembering everything that happened to the mansion and returning reality. I looked forward and sees that we that we are at the front door. Akane ranged the doorbell a few time and waited. We heard footsteps and a familiar voice says " I'm coming." The door opened and right in front of us was my aunt, Aunt Lorina.

My aunt about to greet us then stopped when she saw me. Her eyes stared to watered and covered her mouth in the process. Kaito put me down as I took my first few steps. Aunt Lorina ran closed to me, kneeled down and hugged me as tightly as she could as she digged in my neck. Tears started to form as I never felt this warmth for so long. " Lorina, what's going o-" my uncle came out and saw me. His eyes widen and he kneeled down to touch my cheeks. "It's a miracle!!!" My uncle said as tears started to formed in his eyes.

I looked at my uncle and asked " Where mommy and daddy?" I looked around again and asked as tears started to flow even more "Where's onii-chan?!" They kept quiet for a long time when Kaito broken the silent and said " They are all missing, we sadly can't find them in Atlanta at all, I'm sorry...I believed they are somewhere else or they're dead."

My eyes widen as I turned to Kaito. "No, they can't be, then how far are they, I-I-I..." I started to panicked and turned to my aunt and uncle. "I-I-I'm alone, I'm all alone. Why? Why?WHY?! I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ANYMORE!!!!" I cried at the last sentence. I kept crying and crying as I felt warmth comforting me as I cried in my aunt arms and my uncle hands gentle stroking my head.

I slowly calmed down as I felt as if I wasn't alone and I looked at my uncle and aunt. " Don't worry, we are here for you Sekai." Aunt Lorina said. My uncle came closer to me and ask " We can take care of you for now on. Why don't you call us Father and Mother for now on." I hesitantly nodded in agreement and kept begging hugging Aunt Lorina.

"Well that settled it then. We will take our leave then," Akane said as they walked away and waved us good-bye. "Wait" I said as I let go of the hug and turned to them. They turned back and looked at me. "What is it?" Kaito asked. "Can I joined the Royals?" I asked. Mother and Father eyes widen including Kaito and Akane too. "Umm, I know I said that you can join, but I didn't mean seriously." Akane said. "No, I want to join because I want to protect others, I may don't know what my alice is, but I don't want for people to to be in pain and struck in the darkness like I was," I stated. Everything was quiet, the wind blew slowly." Like I was?..." Kaito curiously asked. "Yes" I replied. Akane looked at Kaito while Kaito stared at me.

My eyes was full of courage, determination, and bravery. Kaito just smiled and turned to Akane then nodded. Akane smiled and both adults looked at me and answered "Sure/why not" My eyes sparkled and I felt so...happy inside. I looked at my 'Father' and 'Mother'. They first turned and looked at each other then smiled. They first turned and looked at each other then smiled. They turned to me and nodded. I finally broke a smile and I jumped up and down in excitement.

Luckily, I didn't tell them my other reason...revenge. Revenge for my people, my reletives, friends, parents, and my brother.

I kept training and training or the rest o my 7 years and become an assassin, but not just an assassin. A warrior to the royal family of Atlanta. King Kazuo, Queen Kigami, and Princess Misaki just like my parents.

During those 7 years, I met many people. People that accept me, people who understands me, listen me, and trust me. I also do the same for them. But also in those 7 years, I was hunted down. One by one, half of my family, friends, and people I cared about and met has died because of me. The culprit of this was the man who destroyed Atlanta and cause the war to happen.

Sadly, one of his plans worked. I lost everything. I was pitied, looked down on, framed, and accused. I tried to tell them that I don't exist in their lives. I am useless, nothing, invisible, and unbareable. So I have enough. If they don't want me to live in their lifes, then so be it. I will find a beginning, a new journey, to start a new life. I will be gone before their eyes. That why I am known as Nightmare.

( Music for today: Drowning in waves of sadness by Soraru )

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