Chapter 17: The Yule Ball.

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There was a ton of workload of Homework given to us for the Holidays, and I was in absolutely no mood to work when the term ended and spent the week leading up to the Christmas enjoying myself as much as possible with my friends. Gryffindor Tower was less crowded now. And it seemed to have shrunk slightly too. Given that the inhabitants were being much rowdier than usual. Fred and George's Canary Creams were selling like Hot Cakes, and people kept bursting into feathers left, right, and center. It didn't take long to treat any offered food from them with caution.  

Snow fell thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The Beauxbatons carriage looked like a large chilly, frosted pumpkin next to the Iced Gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin. They were not edible. 

While the Durmstrang ship was glazed with ice. 

The House Elves were also outdoing themselves with their series of warm stews and savory puddings.

The only person to complain about it was Fleur.

"It is too 'eavy, all zis 'Ogwarts Food." We heard her saying one evening. "I will not fit into my dress." 

"Gods, she sounds exactly like Emily." Ryan commented. 

"Oooh, there's a tragedy." Hermione said snappily. "She really thinks a lot of herself, that one, doesn't she?" 

"Hermione? Who are you going to the ball with?" Ron asked. The truth was that Ron had kept on springing that question on Hermione. Maybe to try and startle a response out of here, or something. Wasn't working.

"I'm not telling you, you'll just make fun of me." Hermione answered.

"You're joking, Weasley!" Malfoy was behind us. "You're not telling me someone's asked that to the ball? Not the long molared Mudblood? Or the Greek Freak?"

"Her name is Kassie and I'm going with her." Harry shot back while clinging to my arm.

"Potter and the Greek Freak. Why am I not surprised?" Malfoy asked. 

I didn't like him. And there was only one way to take care of him. "Chare, Professor Moody." I greeted loudly. 

Malfoy went pale and jumped backward, looking wildly around for Mad Eye, but he was still up at the staff table, finishing his stew.

"Seems jumpy." Ryan commented.

"Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"You better scuttle away before he gets here." I suggested. 

And he scuttled off indeed. As the rest of us went up the marble staircase laughing. 

"Gets him every time." I said. But that was when I noticed Hermione's teeth. "Hermione. Your teeth are different." 

"Of course they are- did you expect me to keep those fangs Malfoy gave me?" Hermione asked.

"No, I mean, they're different to how they were before he made that hex on you... they're all straight..." 

Hermione gave a mischievous smile. "Well... Ryan found me and he offered to put my teeth back to normal. So he did. And he and Horus did their magic. And... Ryan 'may' have shrunk them a little too good." She explained. 

"I tried, Hermione." Ryan apologized.

"No. Don't. I wanted you carry on a little bit more." Hermione assured. "Mum and Dad won't be pleased. I've been trying to convince them to let me shrink my teeth for ages, but they've always wanted me to carry on with my braces. You know they're dentists." 

"Damn it. They are going to kill me." Ryan grunted.

"Ryan, relax. I'll just say to them that you tried your best. They'll understand." Hermione replied. 

"Hey, Athena's back." I said as I saw my Owl at the top of the icicle ridden bannisters, a scroll of parchment attached to her leg. 

"Here, Athena." I insisted. And Athena went to me. "It's for you." I said to Harry. 

"Thanks." Harry thanked. 

Harry took it back to the Common Room to read it. Everyone was too preoccupied to notice him. So he was able to read it aloud to us.

"Dear Harry, 

Congratulations on getting past the Horntail, whoever put your name in that Goblet shouldn't be feeling too happy right now! I was going to suggest a Conjunctivitis curse, as a Dragon's eyes are its weakest point. But your way was better, I'm impressed. Don't get complacent, though, Harry. You've only done one task, whoever put you in the Tournament's got plenty more opportunity if they're trying to hurt you. Keep your eyes open- particularly when the person we discuss is around- and concentrate on keeping yourselves out of trouble.

Keep in touch, I still want to hear about anything unusual.


"His words sound exactly like Moody." Harry commented quietly. "Constant Vigilance! You'd think I walk around with my eyes shut, banging off the walls..." 

"But he's right." Hermione interrupted. "You have got two more tasks to do. You really ought to have a look at that egg, you know, and start working out what it means..." 

"Hermione, he's got ages!" Ron snapped. "Want a game of chess, anybody?"

"Yeah, okay." Harry said. Then he spotted the look on Hermione's face. "Come on, how am I supposed to concentrate with all this noise going on? I won't be able to hear the egg over this lot." 

"Oh, I suppose not." Hermione sighed. And we sat down to watch their chess match.

"Let the Wookie win." I commented.

Our visit to Hogsmeade before the Holidays was certainly crowded. And I knew what I had to do for this one. I went over to Lizzie's shop. And it was a damn good thing too.

The Yule Ball was only days away now. I was going with Harry. But I had one thing I needed to do. Get my dress. And it wasn't like I had a God to help me with my fashion. I had something better. Lizzie Maxson. 

I quickly found myself in Lizzie's shop away from the cold. Some Beauxbatons Girls were giggling to themselves and saying things like about how beautiful they were going to look at the Yule Ball. 

"There you go, Ladies. Come again." Lizzie smiled from beyond the counter. "Hurry up with more fabric, Jacob! We don't want to go out of stock!" She yelled.

"They're coming!" Jacob yelled.

That was when Lizzie saw me walk in. "Kassie!" She greeted with a smile. "Come on over. It's cold out there." Then she screamed over the counter. "Jacob! Your sister's here!" 

I saw Jacob run up the stairs to see me.

"Jacob!" I greeted happy to see him. 

"Hey, Kassie." Jacob gave me a hug. "Here to give a hello to your big brother?" He asked.

"Well... sort of..." I answered hesitantly. "I need your help... with something." I turned to Lizzie.

"What do you need, sweetie?" Lizzie asked.

"Is this about the Yule Ball?" Jacob asked. 

"It is." I answered. "See... I'm going to the Yule Ball-" 

"With a boy?" Jacob asked raising an eyebrow.

"Jacob." Lizzie glared at Jacob.

"Yes. I'm going with a boy. But we're just friends." I said. I wasn't going to lie to my brother about this. "Harry Potter." 

Jacob spat out a drink. "You're going to the Yule Ball with Harry?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

Lizzie glared at Jacob even more. Giving him a stink eye. "No." Jacob answered. "Not bad at all. I guess I'm sort of surprised is all. You're going to the Yule Ball... with Harry Potter. The Boy who Lived. And a Champion in the Tourney." 

"Well... no one really asked me to go to the Ball with them. So I asked Harry." I explained. "He got rejected by Cho Chang. And... I don't know... Jacob. I just had trouble trying to figure out who to ask to the Ball." 

"Kassie... why didn't you say something to me earlier? I could've helped you." Jacob asked.

"Because I was worried that if I did go to you, you probably would've ripped your head out and then proceeded to create a hex around every boy that went within 50 feet of me." I answered. 

"That's an exaggeration, Kassie." Jacob said. "I would only do that if someone ripped your heart out. Do you really think I would let the person who broke my baby sister's heart get away with it?"

"No. You wouldn't." I answered.  

"There's nothing wrong with going to the Yule Ball with Harry." Lizzie assured. "I remember when Jacob and I went to the Celestial Ball together. My Red Dress. His handsome Dress Robes. And how we danced on the floor. His locket on my neck." Her mind began to flutter. "You remember that... right, Jacob?"

"Our first kiss." Jacob said quietly. But then he snapped out of it.

"Do you not approve of me going to the ball with Harry?" I asked Jacob.

"Kassie. I like Harry. He seems a nice boy and everything. But just know that as your big brother. I, and by extension, Ethan, are obligated under the Big Brother laws, to hex him into next year if he hurts our baby sister in any way. And when I get my hands on him if he hurts you, He won't stay the boy who lived for long." Jacob explained. He held out his metal hand to prove it. 

"Oh sure, when you dance with girls, it's fine. But when Kassie dances with boys, it's prepare for war." I commented.

"I'm your Big Brother. It's my job." Jacob explained. 

You know. I had a feeling he would say that. "Here's the thing. People tell me that I need a dress. And I don't... have a dress for the Ball. I was kind of still on the fence about the whole mess." I told them. 

"Understandable.." Lizzie replied. She then looked at me. "Kassie. You're about to go into the Snake Pit. What were you thinking you would wear?" She asked. 

"Um..." I was embarrassed. 

But I didn't need to finish to know what was going to be said. 

"I figured." Lizzie said. "Well... no matter, you came to the right place." She motioned me to follow her to one part of the shop. The Changing Room.

I didn't have my School Robes on me. Just my casual attire. A Jacket, Jeans, and a shirt and boots. "I guess I'm a little nervous is all." I said. "I mean I sort of knew that Ryan was changing and doing whatever. But... I just thought... I don't know. I should've thought about this more. But I was just so depressed about not getting invited to the Ball by anyone. And flunking on Snape's Potion Exam." I tried to say. 

"Oh, Snape is an asshole." Jacob assured. "Don't worry about flunking, Kassie. I did it all the time in Potions Class." 

"Yeah, you probably would've failed out if it wasn't for Duncan getting your crap together." Lizzie said. 

Jacob shook his head. "That is an exaggeration, Lizzie. And you know it." 

"We can always call Duncan down from Hogwarts and he confirm it for us." Lizzie offered getting out some measuring tape. 

"He can't. Because that's not what happened." Jacob shot down.

"Do they have specific Dresses worn for the Yule Ball?" I asked changing the subject. 

"No. You've got to have the dress customize itself." Lizzie answered. "What you need, Kassie. Is something that just screams out... I am Kassandra Bauer." She then thought about it some more. "Hmmmm." She said.

"What?" I asked. 

"Just thinking." Lizzie answered going into her sketch pad. "Your dress is going to make you look really really pretty. That very sweet, beautiful spot and bring out your eyes. But also in a way that screams out you. You know when the Yule Ball got announced, business has never been better. I got so many requests for dresses. We are coming into the cash flow now. But more of that later." 

"You think you'll be able to make a dress in short time?" I asked.

"Kassie. I made a multitude of dresses for the Middle East in 32 hours. With Help from Andre. But that was for multiple people of a party." Lizzie answered if it sounded like I was doubting her skill. Which I was not. 

"Well... that was for a mission we were on. We weren't' there for any festivities." Jacob reminded. 

Lizzie suddenly snapped her fingers. "I got it. I think I have an idea for the style of the dress." She said. "Greek. For your heritage." 

"I'm going to have a Greek Dress?" I asked. Not that I was complaining or anything. It's just that when it came to wearing a dress in Greece. It was always to Larisa and not me. I just wore Rags.

"You're going to have a Greek Style dress." Lizzie confirmed. "Now then... we've got work to do."

"So... um... how much is this going to... to cost me?" I asked seeing as how I already spent my Summer Allowance on Chocolate Sweets, The movie: Batman Mask of the Phantasm, and also this Star Wars Book Trilogy about a new villain called Grand Admiral Thrawn. 

"Kassie. This one's on the House." Lizzie answered. "You're so adorable."

"Well... I'll leave you ladies to it." Jacob then stepped out of the Changing Rooms before Lizzie and I could begin.  

Lizzie would end up making me try on different styles of Greek Dresses. A few of the ones she figured were not exactly keepers. "Not that style. You want to look beautiful." She said at one point.  

"Did you find a color at least?" Jacob asked from outside at a certain point.

"What color do you want, Kassie?" Lizzie asked.

"Well... White." I answered. It was a good color.

"I like it." Lizzie decided. "Now with that being said..." 

I looked at her. "You don't know this yet, but you are going to be the most beautiful witch at that Ball, Kassie. So let's get to work." Lizzie told me. 

She worked on me for a couple more hours. Until finally... She blew a kiss. "Viola! This is it!" She declared. 

I looked in the mirror. 

"Is she done?" Jacob asked. 

"See for yourself." Lizzie answered. 

Jacob walked in. And he looked so stunned at Lizzie's work. What Lizzie had done was make me a long White Greek Dress. Complete with a gold jeweled belt around my waist and my right shoulder exposed. While there was a strap on my left shoulder. Young women liked to do that in Greece. "Oh... God..."

"D-Does it look okay?" I asked nervously. 

"You look beautiful, Kassie." Jacob smiled at me. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Lizzie." He praised.

"That's what I bring to the party." Lizzie replied while kissing Jacob. Then she turned to me. "Now... Harry Potter is going to take one look at you and he'll wish he asked you right away. Put a little makeup on yourself, and you'll be all set." She told me.

I trusted Lizzie enough to know that she would never let me down.

I quickly changed back into my regular clothes, and the dress was placed in a box for me. "Thank you so much!" I yelled to my family.

"Have a wonderful time at the Ball, Kassie! And send both Ethan and I pictures! I want to see them!" Jacob called as I left the Shop.

I guess all that's left to do is wait and see how it goes.

I went back to my Dorm. But not before I saw Cedric and Krum playing Mario Kart on the SNES.

"Come on! Red Shell! Red Shell!" Cedric begged.

"You're about to eat my dust, Cedric!" Krum replied. "Final Lap!" 

Long story short. Krum won again.

"How do you do that?!" Cedric asked. "We need to make this the Second Task at this point."  

Hermione was there to greet me back at the Dorm. I had already changed back into my regular clothes.

"Did you get your dress?" Hermione asked. 

"Yep." I answered. "Right here." 

And when Hermione looked at it, she was stunned. "Oh, Kassie... this is..." And then she stomped her foot. "Oh, why didn't I get my dress from Lizzie?!" 

And now we wait.

I woke up with the sun on my face on Christmas Day. I journeyed down careful not to wake the other girls. To see Harry, Ron, and Ryan already awake and waiting for me.

"Happy Christmas." I said to the guys.

"Happy Christmas." The guys said. 

"Chare, Ryan." I greeted.

"Hey, Kassie." Ryan greeted. "Happy Christmas." He had gone through his presents, which were mostly more Cartoon stuff from his Dad.

I looked at my presents. Hermione got me a Holyhead Harpies sweater. Same with Harry and Ryan. She also gave Ron a collection of assorted sweets.

"What did you get, Harry?" I asked.

"Well, I got a sock from Dobby." Harry answered. "Still more thoughtful than what the Dursleys sent me." 

"What they send you this time?" Ryan asked.

"A new time low. A single tissue." Harry answered sarcastically happy. 

I got a present from my family. One of them was an emblem of the banners of Alexander the Great. Jacob said he found it in a collector's Flea Market. Made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Mater got me some more chocolate. She also gave me a note to enjoy myself at the Yule Ball tonight. And that she loved me and thought I would look so beautiful. She wanted to see pictures too. And what one of the coolest presents I got was from Ethan. It was a size model Greek Trireme. And I loved it. "Thanks Ethan." I thanked. It also had a little compartment that held a Comic Book on Batman called: The Batman Adventures: Mad Love. It told the story about the Joker's henchwoman, Harley Quinn. Who was a cool character in her own right. 

"You must really like Comic Books." Hermione commented. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." 

I also got some presents from Mrs. Weasley, her new jumper. Blue this time. I loved them of course. And also some homemade mince pies. 

I decided to also make use of my Greek necklace with my dress for tonight.

I also got another something from Ethan. In a small box.

"Kassie. I heard that Lizzie helped design your dress. I only thought it fair if I give you something to match it. A little Bracelet. Hope you love it and have a wonderful time tonight at the Yule Ball. You only live once. I remember the first ball I went to with Penny. Speaking of Penny. She's still Pregnant and we're thinking of names for the baby now who we're pretty sure is a boy. Also, tell Harry that if he breaks your heart. I break his everything."

Love your Big Brother, Ethan.

I opened to see a Greek Style Bracelet for myself. But it's style was in a Meander Pattern style. It was silver. Just like the Silver Mines of Greece. I loved it. And at that moment. I felt like I would hopefully look like a Princess to Harry. I didn't want to disappoint him.

We then went to the Great Hall together and had breakfast. We spent most of the Morning in Gryffindor Tower, where everyone was enjoying their presents, and then we returned to the Great Hall for Lunch, which included at least a hundred turkeys and Christmas Puddings. And also large piles of Cribbage's Wizarding Crackers. Hermione advised me not to eat as much, because I wouldn't want to get a stomach ache. I also had some Hot Chocolate with that.

Might be the right call. 

And then we went out onto the grounds in the afternoon; the snow untouched except for the deep channels made by the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students on their way up to the Castle. Christmas always had that effect. Peace and Harmony and Fun.

We also had a Snowball fight, which Hermione watched. Oh well... her loss. 

Ryan had made a fully realized Snow Fort and layed waste to the Weasleys who were on one side. "I am Ryan Cameron Tyler! Pharoah of the Snow Fort!" He declared. 

We were having a lot of fun with it, too. 

"So that's how he wants to go down!" Fred yelled in defiance. "Raise the arrows!" 

He and George readied their barrage of Snowballs. "Fire!" He yelled as a rain of Snowballs fired down upon us.

"Lock Shields!" I yelled to Harry, and Ryan who were on my side. Including Cedric and Beatrice. Even Danielle joined in on the fun. 

We were all ducked and covered.

"Our Snowballs will block out the sun!" Ginny declared mockingly.

"Then we shall have our fight in the shade!" I shot back wanting to sound like Leonidas. "If Xerxes wishes to go through Sparta! He'll have to go through me! Kassandra Bauer! Queen of Sparta!" 

"This is Blasphemy! This is Madness!" George yelled in a fun tone.

"Madness?" I asked. Then I looked at Harry who nodded his head. Then I looked at the Weasleys. "THIS IS SPARTA!" And we unleashed a retaliation Snowball barrage.

The Weasleys then looked at us. "Oh, you are a true fighter, Kassie." George grinned. 

"Greeks are Soldiers." I replied. "Just look at Alexander the Great. And what he did. He conquered the known world at such a young age. Would've done more had he not died from illness." 

"I remember Alexander, you know." Anubis said. "Great man. Great warrior. I remember his speech of the Opis Mutiny." 

"You were there for it?" Harry asked. 

"I'm a God, Harry." Anubis reminded.

"Fair enough." Harry replied.

Finally at 5:00. Hermione took me and Ginny aside.

"Ladies? It's time for the ball." Hermione told us.

"Eh?" Beatrice looked at the time. "Fine. I'll see you tonight, Ced." She said.

"See you then." Cedric waved goodbye.

"I must go as well." Danielle said and she left. "No doubt zat Fleur wishes to bombard my face with Makeup." 

"What, you need three hours?" Ron asked as he starred miraculously at us while not paying attention.

"Watch out!" Anubis yelled as Ryan threw a Snowball at him. 

"Do we have to? I'm having so much fun." I complained.

"We have to, Kassie." Hermione answered. "We'll have plenty of fun tonight." She assured. "And we'll do whatever you want tomorrow. How does that sound?" 

"Okay." I answered.

"Who are you going with?" Ron yelled after us.

But Hermione waved as we disappeared into the castle.

"He's not going to be happy when he finds out you're going with Krum." I informed. "You think Anubis knows?" I asked.

"He's the original God of Knowledge." Ginny answered. "Stands to reason he would." 

"But he's not going to tell Ron, is he?" Hermione asked nervously. 

"If he did, Ron would not ask you." Ginny answered.

"Good point." Hermione admitted. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked. 

"We'll head back for our Dorms." Hermione answered. "We'll have to contend with Parvati and Lavender, but..."  

"We can use mine." Ginny offered. "I'm the only 3rd year staying, so it'll be empty. Besides. We should give Lavender and Parvati their space." 

"That works." Hermione shrugged.

"O-Okay." I replied. "So... Parvati is going with Ryan and... I forgot... who is Lavender going with again?" I asked.

"Seamus." Hermione answered.

"Thanks." I thanked.

Ginny led us to her Dormitory. Only to reveal a little bit of a mess. "Sorry, it's a little messy. I meant to clean this place up." 

"It'll do." Hermione assured Ginny. 

"Do you have a dress, Ginny?" I asked.

"Of course." Ginny answered. "I got mine from Lizzie. I had a hard time affording it. Even with the Discounts. Mum and Dad well..." 

Sorry to hear that, Ginny." Hermione looked down. "I would've helped you-" 

"It's fine. Anubis gave me some money to help pay off." Ginny explained. "Good thing about Gods is that Money's not an issue." 

I felt so nervous. My fingers were trembling. And Hermione could tell. "Here. Let me help you with that." Hermione helped me with my makeup and hair to start. I didn't want it to be heavy and so noticeable. So Hermione gave me a thin eyeliner. Bring out my eyelashes. No blush. And some red lipstick. 

The three of us then drenched our hair into Sleekeazy's hair potion. "Better choice than Madam Xeep's Lucius Lock's Solution." Ginny commented. "That product bombed after it was revealed that Xeep was in collaboration with Slayton." 

Ugh, I hated that name. Slayton, I mean.

Anyway. So our hair turned out to be silky, straight, and luscious thanks to the Potion. Hermione used her wand to pull her hair into a sleek bun with stray pieces of hair hanging eloquently around her face.  

"You look so beautiful." I said. And she did.

"So will you." Hermione replied. She then proceeded to make my hair straight and true. Long, behind my head. Like I was a Goddess myself.  

Ginny's hair was straightened and pulled back, making it look so neat. 

I looked in the mirror. But I was nervous. "What if Harry doesn't like it?" I asked. "What if he thinks I look ugly?"

"Then he is the stupidest boy who ever lived." Hermione answered. 

"You do not look ugly one little bit." Ginny commented to me and was grinning. 

Makeup was done. And once Hermione had helped me with my nails, It was time to get in our dresses. 

Ginny went first. Her dress was a cute blue and pink one. She almost looked like a Cupcake. Very adorable. "Lizzie said this would make me look cute." She said.

"And it does." I said happily. Ginny looked cute. Only a fool would question it. 

Hermione got her periwinkle pink dress on, and truth be told, she looked completely different, especially with her sleek hair. She grinned at us as she looked like one of Apollo's Sacred Cattle.

"You're up, Kassie." Hermione informed me. 

It was my turn to go into the bathroom as I tossed my snow clothes aside. My heart breathing heavy. I could feel my hands shaking as I put the dress over my shoulders. It must've been what it was like going to war for the Spartans. Or the first time that one of the Super Heroes put on their suit. Or how Alexander felt as he went to new lands and conquered them. My shoes were not high heels. High Heels hurt. But they were smaller heels and made me only slightly taller. I looked in the mirror. My hair straight and long, makeup on my face. White long dress all smoothed out. I didn't even recognize myself. Every time  I looked in it, I saw myself either in rags, living on the streets. But not tonight. Tonight, I looked like the Goddess, Aphrodite herself had come down to give me her aid. 

I just hoped that Harry would think so. But Hermione may have been right. If he didn't then he was probably the stupidest boy to ever live. Plus I knew that Ethan and Jacob would watch over me if that was the case.

I walked out to see Hermione and Ginny smiling brightly at me. "Do I look okay?" I asked nervously.

"Kassie, you look absolutely beautiful." Hermione commented. "And I'm not just saying that because you're my best friend. You look different on the outside. But nothing changed on the inside. You're still the funny, good looking, and fun loving girl underneath." 

"Just one last thing." I put my bracelets on my wrists, and I also put my Necklace on my neck. I gave Hermione a hug. "Thank you." I was so happy at that moment and I smiled.

"Now, go show Harry what Bauers are like on the Dance Floor." Ginny commented. "I heard tales from Charlie about how Ethan was a dancing machine with Penny." 

We took a series of photos together, and Hermione and I headed downstairs. No doubt the boys were waiting for us. And I didn't like to be late.

I could hear the sounds of the boys talking downstairs. I could hear Ryan pacing. "Okay... I can do this. I can do this." He kept saying.

"Just be you, Ryan. Whatever happens, they can't take that away." Horus assured. 

"Yeah. I know." Ryan replied. He kept breathing in heavy. He must've been as nervous as I was. I didn't come down just yet. I was waiting on the stairs.

"At least you're not wearing what Ron and I are wearing!" Anubis complained.

"It wasn't my idea to look like my Great Aunt Tessy!" Ron countered. "Or smell like her too! This was all Mum could get me!" 

"What happened to the Bonnet?" Fred asked.

"Does Ron not like the Bonnet?" George asked teasing him.

"Oh no." Anubis said. And he sounded so angry. "No! No! No! No! This is where I draw the line!" And he stormed off away. 

"There he goes again." Horus groaned. "You know he's been like that about fashion ever since that whole thing with Khonshu." He sighed heavily. "I miss Tunics. Whatever happened to that?"  

I walked down the stairs. My heart pounding with every step I took.

"Uh... guys?" Fred was the first to notice me walk down. 

"It probably didn't help that Ron tried to fix it himself to no avail." Ryan kept saying. 

"If anything, it made him even more ridiculous." Horus added. "You put one thing on Anubis that feels it insults him and he'll just not like it. Happens all the time." 

"Guys?" Fred tried to get everyone's attention, but now George was starring at me with his mouth open. 

"You can't blame him for trying." Harry said. "Though, I do have to admit that I could totally see the Dursleys trying to put that on me. And not in a good way. Actually strike that, they would make me wear something worse. It only seems right." 

"They won't be laughing when Anubis weighs their hearts on the scale, you know." Horus pointed out. 

"That may be longer than you think." Harry replied. "Knowing my luck." 

"They might get along with my sister though." Ryan said.

"Remind me not to meet your sister, then." Harry replied.

"First to Harry. Emily is in Azkaban. So unless you want to go to Azkaban, you don't have to worry about that. Second, to Horus, a thing about Tunics. Weather is colder in the North. Not like North Eastern Africa where Egypt is." Ryan added.

"It's still a good fashion choice." Horus countered. 

"People in Scotland wear Kilts." George said. "That's kind of like Tunics in a way." 

"Kilts and Tunics are two completely different things." Ryan pointed out.

"GUYS!" Fred bellowed.

"What?" Both Harry and Ryan asked. They went silent as they saw me walk down.

"By Ra." Horus commented. 

"Damn!" Fred and George both commented. "Kassie?" They asked.

Harry was waiting downstairs as I walked towards him. "Chare, Harry." I greeted while my legs were shaking.

Harry looked with his mouth hung open. "Kassie... you look... you look..." He was going to say.

"Hideous?" I asked nervously.

"Beautiful." Harry answered. And him giving a dumb smile. "I mean... really beautiful. Like, who are you and what have you done with Kassie?"

"I'm the real Kassie." I told Harry. And I giggled a little.

"Prove it." Harry jokingly said.

"You crashed a car into the Whomping Willow... and I helped you fight that Basilisk." I replied. "And also, I can do this." I raised my wand to show my energy sword.

I noticed that Ryan looked like a Jazz Musician. With the hat and everything. His Snazzy Jazz striped Coat. And his Neck Tie. And also a badge in the shape of the eye of Horus. "Jazz?" I asked.

"I just really like Jazz Musician style." Ryan answered. "I just hope that Parvati thinks I look fine too." 

"Well... I think you look great, Ryan." I replied. Harry had on a Dress Robes which was black and white. He looked rather handsome himself.

"What happened to Ron?" I asked. "I-I overheard him shouting."

"Oh, Anubis got upset with what Ron was wearing and he stormed off." Ryan answered. 

"Is he coming back?" I asked.

"We have no idea." Harry answered.

But Anubis did indeed come back. And this time, Ron looked so different. More Stylized this time. He wore a sort of more modern style suit. But with no tie. And a Dark Black Cloak covered in Golden Hieroglyphics and a scale on one side. "Now this is more like it." He commented. 

"Damn, Anubis." Fred and George ginned giving their thumbs up.

"The Gods of Egypt are here to stay and slay." Ryan declared. 

And then his eyes looked up at Parvati. Who looked very pretty herself. Her dress of pin, long dark hair braided with gold, and gold bracelets glimmering at her wrists.

"Ryan." She greeted with a smile and a hand out to Ryan. "You look so stylish." 

"My lady." Ryan greeted back, taking off his hat as he bowed and reaching for the hand and kissing it. "You shine as brightly as Khonshu on a Cloudless night."  

"Why thank you." Parvati replied as she purred like a cat. "Padma will join you in the entrance hall, Ron and Lord Anubis." She also noticed the style of Anubis.

"Good." Anubis nodded his head politely.

"Well... shall we?" Harry asked taking my hand.

"Okay." I answered as we both walked holding hands. 

Hermione saw us outside the Common Room. And we all walked to the Entrance Hall together. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. "Don't mess this up, Kassie. Don't mess this up." I said to myself.

"You'll be fine." Hermione whispered to me. 

We got to the Entrance Hall and by the Gods, it was more packed than the streets of my old Hometown on Market Day. And yes, that was a real thing. Harvest time as Larisa called it. Anyway. The whole area was packed with students who were all waiting for the doors to open at 8:00. Mostly with everybody who had dates from different houses trying to find each other. 

Parvati had found her sister, Padma and led her over to Ron. Padma looked just as pretty as her sister with the same dress. 

"Well doesn't Ron look damper." Padma commented surprised. I don't think she expected Ron to look as good as he did.

"Thank Anubis for that." Ryan said.

"We're going on dates with the Gods of Egypt." Parvati realized. "This'll be a night to remember." 

Harry and I both laughed. "Okay... I'll leave you two to it." Hermione said. "I need to go find Krum. Have fun and don't worry." 

"Okay. Try not to let Ron bring you down." I replied. 

Hermione gave us one last beam, and that was when we saw Beatrice. Her blonde hair waving down. And she wore a Black and White long dress making her look beautiful too.

"Kassie!" She walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Oh, you look absolutely beautiful." 

"Thanks. So I've been told by everyone around me." I sort of blushed.

"Go easy on her, Harry." Beatrice said. "I don't want to have to see you buried under a rock somewhere by Ethan and Jacob." 

"Well... I am the Boy who Lived." Harry replied although I'm pretty sure that he sounded a little nervous.

"Harry. Ethan is the guy who fought Tengu, Oni, those Snake Women, Slayton, a Wampus, trekked through the Mexican Desert and Jungle, is fluent in over many types of battle magic, made it through the Labyrinth, fought the Minotaur and won, fought Giant Scorpions, evaded a Falak, fought the Djinn, and killed Iosef Trotsky a Death Eater criminal that even Dumbledore struggled against." Beatrice listed. "Do you really want to test your luck against him?" She asked. 

"I will be the perfect gentleman to her. You have my word." Harry quickly assured Beatrice.

"Good." Beatrice grinned. "Don't worry. I'm not the one you need to worry about." 

"Well, he is kind of busy at the moment because he's going to be a Pater soon." I pointed out.

"Yeah. Penny is now 7 months into her pregnancy. Her belly is really big now." Beatrice confirmed. "That's what she told me in her latest letter." 

We were coming right into it. In a couple of months, I was going to be an Auntie. And I was only 14.

"So who are you going with?" Harry asked.

"Here she comes now." Beatrice answered.

"Bonjour." I saw Danielle who was coming towards Beatrice in her own Dark Black dress. She looked like something you would see out of a very powerful seductress.

"Speak of the devil." Beatrice said kissing Danielle's gloved hand. Her gloves came to her elbows.

"Well, don't you look absolutely beautiful, Kassandra." Danielle praised.

"Thank you." I thanked. "You look very amazing yourself." 

Danielle grinned. "Well, I aim to please."  

We saw Fleur Delacour passing us, and boy did she looked stunning in her silver grey dress. And she was accompanied by the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Roger Davies. We kicked his Ass last year in Quidditch. He had no answers for Ryan as Beater that year. But Fleur looked at me and gave me a polite nod. 

I looked around. And that's when I saw the Slytherins start to come out of the dungeons. And I bet you can guess who they were led by. Draco Malfoy himself. He wore his dress robes in Black Velvet with a high collar.

"He looks like a Vicar." Harry commented to me.

"What's a Vicar?" I asked.

"Member of the Church." Harry answered. "They marry Muggles." 

"Oh." I said. 

I also saw Pansy Parkinson clutching Malfoy's arm in her frilly dress of pale pink. Crabbe and Goyle were both wearing green and looking like moss colored boulders. But neither of them had partners. They saw us. 

"So let the insults begin." I thought.

"No way. It actually happened. Potter and the Greek Freak together. Were all the good choices taken, Potter?" Parkinson asked.

"No. I just decided to go with Kassie." Harry answered. "Guess you must've gotten a lot of rejections if you had to settle on Malfoy." 

"Which one's beauty and which one's the beast?" Parkinson asked us while she laughed.

"We were kind of wondering the same thing about you." I replied. 

Malfoy then examined Harry while Pansy gasped with her mouth open. "How dare you. You don't even look pretty. You're still as ugly as ever." Parkinson shot back.

"You know, it's incredible, Potter. You could almost pass for a gentleman." Malfoy commented.

"I could say the same to you." Harry grinned. 

I still glared at Parkinson. 

"Okay. We're done here." Harry said. "Have a nice night, Malfoy." He said while taking my hand and we walked away. 

"Don't trip on the slow song, Potter!" Malfoy yelled.

"Are we going to let Malfoy just talk to us like that?" I asked.

"You know Malfoy. Yap. Yap. Yap. Yap." Harry answered. "At least Crabbe and Goyle don't have partners." 

The oak doors opened. And everyone turned to see the Durmstrangs students enter with Karkaroff. Krum was at the front of the party, with Hermione in one hand. 

"Krum and Hermione?" Harry asked. "I didn't see that coming." 

"Neither did I when she told me." I replied.

"She told you?" Harry asked surprised.

"Girl secrets. You wouldn't understand." I answered.  

Then came McGonagall's voice. "Champions over here, please!" 

I readjusted my necklace and walked arm in arm with Harry as we walked to McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes herself of red tartan. She told us to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside; we were to enter the Great Hall in procession when the rest of the students sat down. Fleur and Roger Davies positioned themselves nearest to the doors. 

I got into line with Harry, and I smiled at Hermione who was nervously smiling with Krum. Krum made a slight bow to me. But where we were standing, was very close to Cedric and Cho. And it was very evident that Harry was doing his best to avoid eye contact with Cho at all costs.

"Chare, Ced." I whispered to Cedric.

"Hey, Kassie." Cedric whispered back. And he looked incredibly happy too. 

Once everyone was seated inside, McGonagall told us to get into our pairs with our partners and follow her. Harry and I had our arms locked and we followed. 

"Okay... start on the right foot." Harry said. He took a step.

"Harry. That's you're left foot." I pointed out.

"Too late." Harry said.

The Great Hall went into applause as we entered and began walking towards a large round table at the top of the hall, where the judges were sitting.

The Walls of the Hall were covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy coursing the starry black ceiling. The House Tables were gone and replaced with about one hundred smaller, lantern lit ones, each seating a dozen people. 

I caught site of Draco and Pansy looking shocked by Hermione's appearance. And also Ron and Padma looked sulky and uncomfortable. Except for when Anubis took over Ron. He was there to have a good time. Parvati and Ryan smiled and waved at us. Parvati also gazed at both Hermione and I in unflattering disbelief.

I was kind of busy on focusing on not tripping on my feet. Good thing I wasn't wearing High Heels. And everyone just looked at me and smiled. 

Dumbledore smiled happily as we approached the top table. I also noticed all of the judges, save for Mr. Crouch, whose seat was occupied by Percy.

"Ugh. Percy is here." Harry groaned.  

He was forced to sit next to Percy. But he did grab me a seat so that I wouldn't have to sit next to Percy. Neither of us were looking forward to being lectured on cauldron bottoms all through dinner. 

"Thank you." I thanked.

"I've been promoted." Percy announced when we didn't even say anything. "I'm now Mr. Crouch's personal assistant, and I'm here representing him." Translation: He was a kiss up to Mr. Crouch.

"Why didn't he come?" Harry asked. 

"I'm afraid to say Mr. Crouch isn't well, not well at all. Hasn't been right since the World Cup. Hardly surprising overwork. He's not as young as he was- though still quite brilliant, of course, the mind remains as great as it ever was. But the World Cup was a fiasco for the whole Ministry, and then, Mr. Crouch suffered a huge personal shock with the misbehavior of that house elf of his. Blinky or whatever her name was called." Percy answered.

"It's Winky and she was framed." I corrected.

"You know she was." I said to Harry.

"I know." Harry replied. 

Percy stopped talking after that. 

"So... Harry? Get anything else for Christmas?" I asked.

"Well aside from the tissue." Harry answered. "I also got a sock from Dobby who woke me up in the morning." 

"Sounds nice." I replied clearly not wanting to speak to Percy. 

"Have you had any more visions lately?" Harry asked me in secret.

"No." I answered. "Thank the Gods." I didn't like it when I had visions. I had bad headaches whenever I did.

I also noticed that there wasn't any food yet on the plates, but instead there were small menus laying in front of us. "We're eating menus?" I asked. I picked mine up. And I noticed that there weren't any waiters.

"I don't think so." Harry answered. 

I mean... it would be pretty awkward. They go into this whole thing of grandeur and not have any food. 

Dumbledore looked carefully down at his own menu, and then just clearly said: "Pork Chops." 

And Pork Chops appeared.

"Oh, we just say what we want and it appears?" I asked.

"I don't know. Give it a try." Harry suggested. 

I looked at Hermione. Half of me wondered if she would throw a fit as this mean more work for the House Elves. But evidently, Spew was the last thing on her mind. And she was in deep conversations with Krum. 

I chose Chicken of course. Because you know, Chicken is good. And I also began to talk with Harry about certain other topics. And I found that he and I had a lot of common interests. I talked with him a little bit about Star Wars. And Harry once told me that he one time when the Dursleys went on vacation or something and left Harry, Harry managed to sneak in a video and watch Empire Strikes Back at one time. "You know, I half expect Imperial Walkers to come in and storm the place." He said.

"Should we get the Snow Speeders with the Cables on Standby?" I asked. 

"Maybe that's the next task." Harry suggested. "Fighting off Imperial Walkers." 

"At least we'll know how to beat them. We have that as an advantage." I replied. 

We continued to eat our food after that. I also listened a bit on Fleur, Krum and Cedric. Krum was talking about all the cool Muggle Studies stuff that Sikander had shown him.

"We don't have stuff like this in Bulgaria." Viktor went on. "I mean Cabal T.V, Video Games, Different Toys. Those movies that Miss. Bauer tells us. It's very fascinating." He said.

"How are you such a pro already?" Cedric asked. "I mean... you keep kicking me at Mario Kart." 

"It's not my fault. You keep selecting Mario." Krum shot back. "Everyone knows that Donkey Kong is the best." 

"Um... actually zit is Yoshi who is ze best." Fleur interrupted.

"I'll vouch for that." Roger agreed.

"Your brain is melted or something. Everyone knows that it's Toad all the way." Cho countered.

"Do you play, Kassie?" Fleur asked me.

"Only once." I admitted. 

"Which Character?" Krum asked.

"Koopa Troopa." I answered.

"I'm more of a Luigi guy myself." Harry added. 

"You mean Green Mario, right?" Krum asked.

"No. I don't mean that." Harry answered almost insulted. "Luigi is not Green Mario. Why does everyone keep saying that? Luigi is Luigi." 

"Yeah... where does that name even come from?" I asked.

"Well whatever you do, don't play with Krum. He cheats every time on the final lap." Cedric advised.

Krum made a confused face. "How do I cheat? How do I cheat, Cedric?" He asked.

"You hit me with a Red Shell right as I make the final turn." Cedric answered.

Hermione was just looking so confused at the conversation we were having.

"Zit is called strategy, Cedric." Fleur countered. "Don't blame Krum because he knows when to make use of his Red Shells." 

"It's called Rubber banding." Cedric shot back.

"Yeah." Harry agreed. "I remember now when Dudley would have some of his friends over and they would play their video games and how Dudley complained that it was the A.I's fault and blame it on Rubber banding." 

"I get ripped off by the Banana Peels." Cho commented. "And when I get in first place, I get hit by the Blue Shell." 

"Ugh." Everyone at the table complained.

"Don't even." Cedric said.

"No." Harry shook his head.

"Stupid Blue Shell." I grumbled.

"Zat is a ripoff." Fleur agreed.

"Yeah, don't go there." Krum smacked his head.

"So... Kassandra-" Fleur started.

"You can call me, Kassie." I assured.

"You and Harry play Quidditch, no?" Fleur asked. 

"We do." I answered. "On the Lions." 

"Kassie's one of the greatest Chasers you'll ever see." Hermione commented. "And Ryan is an indestructible Wall at beaters. You should've seen that game against Ravenclaw last year. His debut match." 

"I'm right here, Granger." Roger said.

"I'm just saying." Hermione replied.

"Well, you and Cho also played very good." Harry pointed out.

"Thank you, Harry." Cho thanked. "But, if we're being real. Kassie was also pretty great at Quidditch herself. Best Chaser I've seen in years." She admitted.

Roger sighed. "I was prepared to fight off the Weasley Twins in that match. But not Ryan. He kept swinging. He kept on coming. I don't know what to say. I just had no answers." He admitted.

Cedric ate some of his Pork Chops. "Well... you both played a great Game." 

"And took down Malfoy and the Slytherins." I added.

"Yeah. That was good." Harry grinned. 

"Kassandra... if I may..." Krum suddenly said.

I looked at him. "I couldn't help you and Harry talking about this Star Wars before. What is that exactly." 

"Yes... what exactly is zis... Star Wars... you two are talking about?" Fleur asked curiously as well..

"Oh, it's a Muggle movie series. About a Long Time ago in A Galaxy Far Far Away. It follows a group of Rebels who are trying to stop an evil Galactic Empire and save the Galaxy. It's also got stuff with Jedi and Planets Blown up..." I then had to explain to Krum what Star Wars was.

"In a nutshell." Harry added. "There's also characters like the Jedi... and the Evil Emperor, and his Right Hand Man: Darth Vader.

"Sounds intimidating." Krum commented.

"He is." I replied. "He choked a guy with the Force through a T.V. And then strangled a guy to death for losing the Millennium Falcon. Then he said: 'Apology Accepted, Captain Needa.'"

"Zat is not nice." Fleur commented.

"I'll have to check it out for myself." Cedric declared. "What do you think, Cho?"

"I'd like to see it with you, Ced." Cho answered.

"How fascinating." Krum commented intrigued.

Finally all the food was consumed, and Dumbledore stood up and asked us to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, the tables zoomed back along the walls, leaving the floor cleared, hen then conjured a raised platform into existance along the right hand wall. There was a set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello and some bagpipes.

I had a hunch I knew who was coming. It was the Weird Sisters who trooped onto the stage to a  wildly enthusiastic applause. They were wall extremely hairy and were dressed in their black robes which were all artfully ripped and torn. 

"Huh. That rumor was true after all." Harry commented.

"I think we're supposed to dance now." I said.

Both Harry and I grabbed each other hands as we made our way and Harry tripped over his robes. Luckily, I had quickly caught him before that happened.

"Harry, have you ever danced with a girl before?" I asked.

"No." Harry answered. "Have you ever danced with a boy before?" He asked me.

"No." I answered.

We were in bit of something here. Neither of us knew how to dance and odds were we were going to fall down.

"Okay, just... stay calm. Let's just take it slow." Harry suggested nervously. "And try not to trip." 

I nodded my head. Harry grabbed my waist. I gripped him close too. The Weird Sisters began with slow, mournful tune. And we all began to dance in the brightly lit floor. The Champions opened with the first song, I guess. I kept staring at Harry the whole time. And Harry, who I'm pretty sure was trying not to look at Cho was keeping his focus on me. Although I do admit that I looked down a couple of times to keep myself from tripping up. It was a slow song at first. But I wasn't tripping.

"Hey, we're not tripping." I noted.

"Try not to jinx it." Harry suggested.

And suddenly I found my feet moving in a certain rhythm. I didn't need to watch what I was doing. I was doing it. 

"I thought you said you couldn't dance." Harry said grinning.

"I didn't think I could. But Plato always said for Greeks that dancing is very spiritual." I replied.

We danced more closely to each other. My heart was still pounding and trying not to mess it up. Spinning around on the dance floor. Harry even twirled me around. I giggled. 

"Kassie. I'm sorry. I should've asked you to come to the Yule Ball with me before all of this..." Harry said.

"It's okay." I replied. "We're here now." 

And soon enough, several other students joined us a few songs later. All spinning joyfully with their partners.

Fred and Angelina spun rather quicker than the music permitted, both giggling hysterically. And I also saw Ryan and Parvati dancing as well. Dancing and Parvati just enjoying herself.

And also Padma and Ron were on top. Or rather it was Anubis. Who knows where Ron was. "Hmmm. This should be interesting." Anubis said. "Though, It's not my preferred choice of music. Whatever happened to the harp in the Ritual Temples?" He asked.

"I'm not disappointing you, am I?" I asked Harry.

"Not at all." Harry answered. Then he laughed. "Hey, Kassie. Look over there." He whispered to me to see that Mad Eye was doing a strange two step with Professor Sinistra who was avoiding his wooden leg.

"Mad Eye Moody dancing?" I asked. 

"Nice socks, Potter." Mad Eye growled as he passed us, his magical eye staring through Harry's robes.

"Oh- yeah, Dobby the House Elf knitted them for me." Harry replied grinning.

"He's a good man, Mad Eye. Sure he can come off a little creepy with that eye, but still..." I commented when Mad Eye was out of sight. 

"You must know him good then." Harry commented.

"My Brothers really know him better." I explained.

And as soon as we heard the final quivering not from the bagpipe, and the Weird Sisters stopped playing, applause filled the Hall once more.

"So... what now?" I asked.

"I think they're turning it up a notch." Harry answered.

And Harry was right. I noticed the song got the Weird Sisters were playing was much faster. But before they played. They noticed me.

"Hey, it's the little Bauer Girl! All grown up!" The lead one noticed. "How are Mr. and Mrs. Bauer?" 

"Doing great." I answered. 

The Weird Sisters played a faster song which I didn't recognize.

"Oh! I love this song!" Parvati shouted.

"It does have that edge on it." Ryan admitted. 

"Music changed too." Horus commented.

Harry and I both decided to dance with Parvati and Ryan. 

"I think I could use a drink." Harry decided over the loud music.

"You okay, Ryan?" I asked. I noticed he was trying to move past his noise.

Ryan put in some noise reducing charm. "Better now. Horus suggested I use this charm for when it gets incredibly loud. I kind of have a bit of a sensory overload sometimes." He explained.

"I'll be right back." Ryan said as he went to go get drinks with Harry. 

"Well... things seemed to have gone good at this dance for you." Parvati commented to me.

"Yeah. Harry's a pretty good dancer." I replied. "And you and Ryan seemed to be doing well." 

"He's so wonderful, he's very funny." Parvati said. "And so talented. I'm glad this all worked out. Could you imagine if I was with Harry instead?" She asked.

"That would be something." I said.

Then Harry and Ryan returned with our drinks.

"Here you are Kassie." Harry gave me my drink.

"Thanks." I answered. "What is it anyway?"

"I have no idea." Harry answered.

I also noticed that Anubis must've been in full control of Ron at that point.

"Thanks for dancing with me, My Lord." Padma thanked.

"Well if Ron was just going to sulk. Then I was going to do it." Anubis replied.

"What's up with Ron?" Harry asked.

"I think he's just upset with Hermione and Krum." I suggested.

"Yeah. He's been like that." Harry replied. "Honestly, I can never figure Ron out. One minute he's jealous, and the next he's perfectly fine. He's always been like this." 

"Yeah." Ryan agreed. And then he looked at the Weird Sisters. "Hey... mind if I-" 

"You do what?" Harry asked.

"Go for it." Parvati egged on.

The next thing we knew was Ryan getting on the stage. The Weird Sisters let him on. Ryan flashed out his jacket. And then he grabbed the microphone spinning it. "I know where he's going with this." The Lead Singer grinned.

"Let's rock this joint!" Ryan declared. He then whispered something into the Weird Sisters ear.


And Ryan took out a guitar. Don't know where he got it from. He then he started to play on it. And it sounded to the tune of Shoot to Thrill to AC/DC.

And all the students began to shout out loud. And the Weird Sisters picked up the tune as well as Ryan began to sing really great I will add.

"I love this song!" I yelled. 

"Ryan listens to AC/DC?" Harry asked. "I never knew that." 

I then saw Parvati giving out a Woo sound. Beatrice gave her thumbs up in approval.

"Shoot to Thrill! Play to Kill! Too many Women with too many pills! Shoot to Thrill! Play to Kill! I got my gun at the ready, gonna fire at will.." Ryan sang out. 

Harry and enjoyed it. We blasted it all out.

Then Ryan took it down a notch with the next song he sang: Take on Me by Aha. "Take on me." Ryan sang. "Take on me! Take me on! Take on me! I'll be gone!" 

"I just really like the 80s." Ryan commented to us.

I saw Dumbledore dancing with Sprout, Ludo Bagman with McGonagall, Madam Maxine and Hagrid were cutting a path through the dance floor. And Karkaroff. Where was he? I also saw Filch dancing with his Cat: Mrs. Norris.

I could also see Fred and George going towards Ludo.

"What do they think they're doing? Annoying Ministry officials like that?" Percy hissed. "No respect..." 

"Percy. It's a dance. Let it go." I told him. 

But Percy went over to talk to Ludo.

"Hey... Kassie? You um... you want to go for a walk?" Harry asked. "Get away for a few minutes?"

"Okay." I answered. I could see that Ryan now had Parvati on the stage and was singing to her. 

"Take on me!" He kept on singing. 

And that was how Harry took me on a walk. The Front Doors were still opened. And Harry and I walked through it. 

"Sorry to take you away from that, I just really wanted to get away from Percy." Harry explained as we walked through the snow.

"I understand." I said. "Percy's kind of a prick. Thinks he's Master of the Universe with his job." 

"Tell me about it." Harry replied laughing.

I laughed back.

"So... having a good night?" Harry asked.

"Yes. It's been fun." I answered smiling. 

"Yeah... fun." Harry said and his thoughts drifted somewhere else.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just a thought in my head." Harry answered. "I didn't want to be a champion you know. Never cared for it. I know people would say that I joined because I'm the boy who lived. But... I don't really... like being called that." 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Harry answered. "I never really liked all that fame and attention. How did your brother do it, Kassie? How did he keep his head cool with all eyes on him?"

"I don't know." I answered. "I met him when he was 17 at first. I don't really know what his life was like for the first 6 years. I wish I knew him for longer." 

"Well... I'm sure he's happy to have you in his life now." Harry replied to me.

We walked a little more in the rose garden and surrounded by bushes; winding, ornamental paths; and large stone statues. 

"Happy Christmas." Harry grinned.

"Happy Christmas." I replied.

I could also see some splashing water which sounded like a fountain. There were people sitting on benches and kissing. I could also see a Carriage shaking. And Harry and I walked past it. And Harry looked in the window to see two people in there, kissing and other things...

"Just keep moving, Kassie. That was my mistake." Harry quickly took me away from there.

We didn't walk any further when we heard an unpleasant voice.

"It's happening again. You know it is!" It was Karkaroff. 

"I don't see what there is to fuss about, Igor." Snape was with him.

"Tell those two to get a room." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Severus, you cannot pretend this isn't happening!" Karkaroff's voice sounded more anxious and hushed. As if he was making it clear he didn't want to be heard. "It's been getting clearer and clearer for months. I am becoming seriously concerned, I can't deny-" 

"What are you up to, Karkaroff?" I asked silently. 

"Then flee." Snape replied curtly. "Flee- I will make your excuses. I, however, am remaining at Hogwarts."

"Flee?" Harry asked curious too. "What are they talking about?" 

Snape and Karkaroff then saw the carriage shake. Wrong move. Snape rushed over with his wand out. "Lumos!" He shouted opening the door. And a couple were suddenly out. "Ten points from Hufflepuff, Fawcett! And the same for Ravenclaw, Stebbins!" 

That Witch and Wizard suddenly found themselves running back into the castle.

"And what are you two doing?" Snape asked as he moved towards us. Karkaroff looked off his rocker as he looked at me. His hand went nervously to his goatee, and he began winding it around his finger.

"We're just walking." I answered. "That's not against the law, is it?"

"Then keep... walking." Snape snarled and he brushed past us. He was always grumpy, but he seemed especially grumpy tonight.

Karkaroff just continued to snarl at us.

"What's your problem?" Harry asked Karkaroff.

"Typical of a Bauer to stick their nose into other people's business." Karkaroff snarled at me. And then he pointed a finger at me. "I've heard about you, girl. Or should I call you a thief?" He asked.

"That was a long time ago." I replied.

"Was it?" Karkaroff asked and he grabbed my arm. 

"Hey!" Harry took out his wand. And my free hand started reaching for my wand too. 

"You'd best take caution, you little brat." Karkaroff threatened. "Your Father left me to the mercy of monsters. And I swore that he would pay. Perhaps I'll find a way to put you in Azkaban as collateral."

"And perhaps I'll put you back in Azkaban if you don't let go of my sister." A voice called from behind. I saw Jacob standing there.

"Jacob." I called in relief to see him.

Jacob walked up to Karkaroff. He stared him down.

"You better do as he says." Harry suggested to Karkaroff. 

Karkaroff let got of my arm. And then he snarled. "Jacob Bauer. I thought you were trapped in a Portrait." 

"I got out." Jacob replied. "Thanks to my brother." 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, the Triwizard Tournament committee wanted Ethan to come to the Yule Ball. One of those Alumni things. Said he was busy. So... I came in his stead." Jacob answered. Then he looked at Harry. "Hello, Harry."

"Hey, Jacob." Harry greeted awkwardly. "We were just getting some air..." He explained.

"We needed to get away from Percy." I clarified.

"Understandable." Jacob replied. He then noticed some shaking in the bushes. "Was he-?"

"He wasn't." I quickly answered.

"Good." Jacob said. Then he turned to Karkaroff. "Now listen here, Igor. I met Kassie when she was on the streets, scared, hungry, and my brother and I made the decision that would change our lives for the better. To take her in as our little sister. So that she could go to Hogwarts and make friends like we did." His tone turned dangerous. "And I swore... to rip apart the limbs of anyone that dared to hurt her or threaten her." And that was a threat right there. "In the spirit of the Holidays, I'll let you run along still intact. But if I ever see you lay one hand on Kassie again. You will find yourself wishing you stayed in Azkaban. Now move."

Karkaroff ran after that. 

"You kids okay?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah. Thanks, Jacob." I answered. "We're going to keep walking now." 

Harry and I continued down the path. 

"I don't like it, Kassie. What's got Karkaroff all spooked?" Harry asked. "And since when have he and Snape been on first name terms?" 

"Karkaroff was a Death Eater that Pater put away. And he knows Snape very well. You don't think that Snape is a Death Eater too, do you?" I asked.

"It wouldn't surprise me if he was." Harry answered. "He's certainly got the attitude for it." 

"Either way. Karkaroff is up to something. He probably put your name in the Goblet of Fire after all." I said. 

That was when Harry saw a vial. "Huh? Hey Kassie. Take a look at this." He showed me the vial. It had a not scribbled on it. In Greek.

I read it. "Open this vial. It will explain everything. Look in Dumbledore's office." 

"Dumbledore's office?" Harry asked. 

Dumbledore had a lot of weird knick knacks in his office. But what does a vial mean with all of it? 

"Karkaroff knows something." I said. "And we need to find out what. We should go to Beatrice and check it out." 

But then we heard two enormous people who were visible on a stone bench, watching the water in the moonlight. It was Hagrid and Madam Maxine.

"Momen' I saw yeh, I knew." Hagrid said in an oddly husky voice.

Harry and I both froze. "We should go this way." He suggested.

"I agree." I agreed.

But as we both turned around we saw Fleur Delacour and Roger Davies standing half concealed in a rosebush nearby. I started to take a step back but my shoe stepped on a twig that snapped.

"What was zat?" Fleur looked around and saw us. "Oh, it's you." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry. We were just walking." Harry apologized. "We'll go now." 

"Oh, you can stay. We were just about done." Roger insisted.

But that was when I saw Fleur drop something from her dress. It looked like an old photograph. 

"Is zis a date?" Fleur asked teasingly at me.

"We're just friends, Fleur." Harry insisted. "Um.. excuse me..." He was listening in closer to the conversation between Hagrid and Madame Maxine. But I was kind of tuning that conversation out.

I grabbed the old photograph. "Um... Fleur? Is this yours?" I asked handing her the photograph. But not before I noticed there was a young Witch and Wizard in it. The Witch looked just like Fleur and they were with what looked like 2 soldiers from the Muggle Army. 

"Thank you." Fleur took the Photograph. "It is a photo of my Grandmother." She explained. "My Grandfather. And ze Morgan Brothers."

"The Morgan Brothers?" I asked.

Fleur looked stunned at him. "Do you not no ze tale of ze Morgan Brothers?" She asked confused.

"Um... no." I answered. "I lived in Greece all my early life. And I was never told the tale. And Harry over there... He only got introduced to the Wizarding World a couple of years ago. Muggle family." I explained to Fleur.

Fleur then looked at the photo. "Zit is a tale my Grandmother told me many times." She started with her tale. "It was nearly 50 years ago. War had come to my country. Ze Nazis overran our home of France in ze Second World War. Tanks, Soldiers, Airplanes, so much death everywhere. Ironic since zit was Grindelwald who warned us it would come." 

"Yeah. I remember my Grandmother told us about that. She was an Auror at the time. She had joined Theseus Scamander to try and arrest Grindelwald at Paris. Didn't work." Roger interrupted. 

Fleur continued on. "My Grandfather and Grandmother lived for 4 years under zere terrible rule. Zey refused to submit to Nazis. Zey fought back. Doing whatever damage zey could. Zen one day. The United States Non Magic army arrived. Zey liberated our homes. And what my Grandfather was shocked to learn was zat ze U.S. Had two Wizards in their army. Ze Morgan Brothers. Jeff and Sam Morgan. Zey enlisted in ze Non Magic Army. Used ze magic zey had to fight off the Nazis and save our home. Even Beauxbatons gave aid to ze army. Zen... my Grandparents met, ze brothers. Zey worked together to liberate Paris. Wizards and Non Magic working together. To fight a common enemy. My Grandfather and ze Brothers became fast friends. Zey were invited into our Wizarding Homes. Zey ate with us. Zey shared stories with us." House Delacour never forgot our debt to ze Morgan Brothers. And it was because of ze Morgan Brothers zat M.A.C.U.S.A revoked it's Rappaport Laws. Because of zem. Wizards could be seen as heroes and not abominations." 

"Good to know." I commented. "But some Muggles can still be stubborn though." 

"Zey can change, Kassandra." Fleur replied. "Zey can change."

I later joined Jacob back at the Great Hall Entrance. "Hey, Kassie. Where's Harry?" He asked me.

"I don't know. I guess he was still listening in on the conversation with Hagrid and Madam Maxine." I answered.

"Oh, yeah." Jacob grinned. "Those two first met in the Siege of Hogwarts. Always knew they would see each other again." 

"Yeah." I replied. Then I looked at Jacob. "Say... Jacob? If you were invited by the Tri Wizard committee, why didn't you come and sit with us in the Great Hall?" I asked.

"One. I already ate dinner." Jacob answered. "And two... I didn't want to make you uncomfortable and embarrassed."

"Uncomfortable and embarrassed?" I asked in disbelief. "You could never make me feel that way." 

"I couldn't take the chance." Jacob explained. "I may be your big brother, Kassie. But I'm not out to kill your social life." 

We both laughed. "I see you're wearing the necklace." Jacob said.

"Yeah." I replied. "I really love it. Thank you." 

"You had fun tonight, Kassie?" Jacob asked.

"It was very fun. Ryan jumped on stage and started playing Rock." I answered. "And a lot of people commented on how beautiful I look tonight."

"Kassie, you've always been beautiful." Jacob told me. "And you always will be. Fancy Dress or no fancy dress." 

"Thanks, Big Brother." I thanked.

"You're welcome, Little Sister." Jacob replied.

We also noticed Harry come right to us. And he looked stunned at things.

"Harry, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine, Kassie." Harry answered. "I just... um... I kind of overheard Hagrid and Madam Maxine. And Hagrid is a... Half Giant." He dropped that fact like it was a bombshell.

But I just reacted indifferent. I always knew Hagrid was a Half Giant. I thought it was obvious. "Yeah... what did you think he was?" I asked.

"Really... really, tall..." Harry answered sounding dumb.

"It's obvious that he's a Half Giant, Harry." Jacob explained. "Lizzie, Duncan and I came to the conclusion in our 1st year. Anyway... what does it matter? It's all about who Hagrid is. Not what he is." 

"I guess... I just always saw Hagrid as... Hagrid." Harry said.

"Exactly." Jacob replied. 

"Come on, Harry. Let's get back in, I think the snow is falling more heavy now." I suggested.

"Alright." Harry nodded his head.

But not before Jacob stopped Harry. "You got lucky tonight, Harry. You got the most beautiful witch in Hogwarts as your date. And she had fun... so..." Then he started to smirk. "You survive. For now." 

"That's reassuring." Harry replied. "And I don't have to worry about Ethan. Beatrice warned me about all of his accomplishments."

"You do realize that I taught Ethan everything he knows about combat magic, right?" Jacob asked. "And... I didn't teach him everything." 

"Jacob..." I rolled my eyes.

Jacob laughed. "I'm just kidding."  

We went back to the Great Hall shortly after that. Krum was dancing with Hermione. Ryan was now off the stage and dancing with Parvati and Padma danced with Anubis.

Harry and I moved back to the dance floor. "Up for another dance?" I offered.

"What the hell." Harry answered. He looked at Cho and Cedric dancing again. He must've had nothing to lose. So he danced with me. 

"Kassie. Thanks for at least making this night fun." Harry thanked. "I thought I was going to be miserable at first. But you know. It's fun to just spend time with you." 

"Well... glad I could help." I replied. A part of me figured I could at least get Harry and I on a date, but at this point. I just decided to sod it and just have fun with my friend. So I did. 

By the time the Weird Sisters finished their last song. It was midnight now. And everyone had given them a last round of applause and started to wend their way into the Entrance Hall. 

"Let's give a round of applause to Ryan Tyler!" The Lead Singer shouted out.

Ryan got up on the stage and took a bow.

"Good on him." Harry grinned.

"Okay. Cinderella. It's midnight now." I heard a voice from behind me. Beatrice. And Danielle was holding her hand.

"Already?" I asked.

"Yeah." Beatrice answered.

"Oh okay." I groaned. 

"Well, I must be on my way. Farwell, Madame Haywood. Madame Bauer." Danielle bid farewell and then kissed Beatrice on the cheek.

Beatrice blushed and she fluttered a little. "Fun night?" She asked me.

I looked at Harry. "It was nice." I answered grinning. 

"Well. Come on. Let's go up." Harry suggested taking my arm.

I nodded. But as I took my first step...

I collapsed on my knees. It felt like a sharp pain was in my head. 

"Kassie?" Harry asked.

And I had another vision. And this one scared me to my core. It was a Graveyard. Harry was on his back. Clutching in pain. "A Graveyard." And one of the tombstones had a name. Tom Riddle. And in front of them was a man in a dark cloak. He had his wand. Cedric was standing over Harry coming to his defense or something. "Cedric..." I went on. There was a flash of green. And Cedric was on the ground, lifeless.... "...Dies?!" 

I was snapped back to reality. I wasn't in a Graveyard anymore.

"Kassie? Kassie? Are you okay?" Harry had me in his arms.

I looked so shocked and shaky. "Cedric... I saw him H-Harry." I nervously admitted.

"Well what happened?" Beatrice asked concerned. 

"He dies. Cedric was dead." I answered.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Cedric dead?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes. It was in a Graveyard. He died trying to save Harry." I answered. "Beatrice, we have to find him." 

"Have to find who?" Cedric asked walking up to us. 

And I looked at him.

"Kassie, are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Cedric asked concerned as Beatrice held her heart.

"You're not far off." I answered. "Cedric, I need to talk to you, right now!" 

"Well... I need to talk to Harry." Cedric said.

"Cedric is about the Tournament-" I started to say.

"So is this." Cedric interrupted. He lowered his voice not wanting anyone else to hear. "I owe you for telling me about the Dragons, Harry. You know that golden egg? Does your wail when you open it?"

"Yeah. But I think you should listen to what Kassie has to say." Harry answered.

"Well... take a bath, okay?" Cedric said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Harry asked like it was so random.

"Take a bath, and er- take the egg with you, and er just mull things over in the hot water. It'll help you think, trust me. You can even use the Prefect's bathroom. Fourth floor to the left of that statue of Boris the Bewildered on the fifth floor. Password's Pine Fresh." Cedric suggested. "Now Kassie. What did you want to tell me about the Tournament?" He asked.

"Cedric. You can't compete in the Tournament anymore." I answered nervously. 

"Cedric? Is everything alright?" Cho asked walking over.

Cedric just looked at me confused. "What do you mean? I have to compete, Kassie. I'm a champion." 

"No! You can't." I said. "Cedric. I had another vision. A bad one. You were in a graveyard... you were..." I struggled to find the words. 

"A Graveyard." Cedric rolled his eyes. "I think they're going way too creepy on this whole theme-" 

"Cedric if you compete in the Tournament you're GOING TO DIE!" I yelled out loud and made everyone look at us.

"What?" Cedric asked. "I'm going to die?"

"Cedric?" Cho asked now with her face full of concern. "What does she mean?"

"Cedric. In my visions. You... were in that graveyard. You faced off against a Dark Wizard, and you were dead." I explained.

Cedric seemed to think the whole world was turned upside down at this news. "And you saw this in a vision?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered. "Cedric... please. You can't compete in this Tournament anymore. If you do, you could die." I warned him. "I don't want you to die."  

Cedric sighed.

"Kassie's being really scary right now, Cedric. We should go." Cho insisted.

"Hold on a second, Cho." Cedric replied. He then looked at me. "Kassie. Are you sure?"

I nodded my head. "Cedric. I'm not wrong with the future. You know that. And if you do die. It'll be there. It was you that was dead. Please. If you compete further in this Tournament. You'll die." I begged. "Don't do it." 

"Cedric." Beatrice said. "I'm not willing to gamble your life in this." 

But Cedric just looked at the starry sky. 

"Maybe we should talk to Dumbledore about this, and the other Judges." Harry suggested.

"My name is in the Goblet of Fire." Cedric replied. "I'm a champion, it's my duty to compete in this Tournament. And I'll do my duty." 

No. There was no way. Cedric was going to march to his death if he did this.

"Cedric? Are you sure?" Cho asked now concerned. "I mean... if you die..."  

"You will die, Cedric. I saw it, and I don't want you to, but..." 

"I'll be careful and watch my back." Cedric interrupted. "I chose my own fate, Kassie. And I will choose not to die there." He vowed. "If there is a Graveyard. I'll get out of there, immediately. No hesitation." 

"But Cedric..." I said nervously.

"But nothing." Cedric replied. "I can't drop out of this Tournament anyway. I have to do this. You may have your visions, Kassie. But I chose my fate." 

That didn't sound good to me. "Cedric... please... don't anger the Fates." I pleaded.

"Kassie. Everything is going to be okay." Cedric replied and then he and Cho took off without another word.

"You all keep saying that." I noted silently and sadly.

"I'll keep an eye on him." Beatrice assured. "You two should head upstairs." She suggested to me and Harry.

"Come on, Kassie." Harry took me upstairs.

I couldn't get that thought of Cedric dying out of my head. And I could tell that even if Harry probably thought that Cedric was a pretty boy. He would never wish death upon Cedric. 

"Let's try not to think about Cedric dying, okay?" Harry suggested. "I mean, sure I didn't dance with Cho. But it was a fun night." He said looking on the bright side of things.

I nodded reluctantly. I had a fun night. But I wish that vision didn't ruin it. 

"We have to tell the others." I said. Then we saw Ryan and Parvati up the stairs.

"Ryan. You just might be the most honorable men I've ever met." Parvati said and then she kissed Ryan on the lips. And Ryan kissed her back. 

"Glad I could make your night magical." Ryan replied. And they kissed again. 

"He had help." Horus reminded.

"Well thank you for pointing him in my direction, Lord Horus. Thank your brother too. Padma had the time of her life tonight with Lord Anubis." 

"Well... Ron just let Anubis have his body for the night." Horus replied.

That explained a lot about Ron.

"Fairy Lights!" Ryan yelled. The Fat Lady woke with a start and let us inside. "Fat Lady. I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows!" He vowed.

"Hold the Door!" Harry yelled coming in after them and taking me.

We climbed into the Common Room to see Ron and Hermione in the middle of a blazing row. Standing ten feet apart from each other.

"Well, if you don't like it, you know what the solution is, don't you?" Hermione yelled as her hair came out of its bun, and her face screwed up with anger.

"Oh yeah?! Ron yelled back. "What's that?!" 

"Ugh, you really are an idiot, Ronald." Anubis groaned. 

"Either let Anubis take over your body more. Because Gods know he could do a much better job than you and his job is to take people across the Duat! Or... next time there's a ball, ask me before someone else does! And not as a last resort!" 

Hermione then looked at Ryan. "I'm sorry you had to hear that, Ryan." She politely apologized to Ryan and then turned on her heel and stormed up to our dormitory. 

"Well..." Ron spluttered as he looked at us. "Well that just proves- completely missed the point-" 

"You completely missed the point!" Anubis yelled making Ron bang his head on the wall. "Now. Let's have a little chat about points, while we're at it." And then he made Ron go up the stairs to his dorm. 

"I fell in love with Parvati." Ryan told us.

"Good for you." Harry replied.

I looked nervously at the stairs. Hermione looked so upset. "I'm going to go... check on her... Thanks for the night, Harry." I thanked and then went upstairs.

I went up to our dorm to see Hermione in her bed while crying. All that remained of that beautiful confident girl who had my back through everything. And it was important that I talk to her about Cedric.

"Hermione?" I asked. As I sat down next to her. "Something's happened." 

Hermione looked at me. "You're right, Kassie. Something did happen. And that something is Ronald Weasley!" She grit her teeth. "He has to ruin everything! You know what he said to me?"

"No?" I said.

"He told me that I was fraternizing with the enemy. He said that to me! Why?!" 

"He's jealous." I suggested.

"Jealous! If was really jealous, he wouldn't have chosen me as a last resort!" Hermione shot back. Then she took a step back. "I'm sorry, Kassie. I'm not angry at you. Ron just ruined my night. Was Harry at least a gentleman to you?" She asked me.

"He was." I answered. "You and Viktor seemed to have a good night though." 

"It was a great night. Too bad Ron ruined it." Hermione burst.

"Yeah. He's a real asshole. Hermione. We need to talk. Right now. I had another vision. I think my scariest one yet." I told her. 

"Was it about Ron ruining nights?" Hermione asked while trying to rearrange what was left of her hair. "Because I'm sure you don't need your visions to know-" 

"It was about Cedric!" I interrupted. "He gets killed in a Graveyard in the Tournament!" 

Faster than Hermes changing directions, Hermione's attitude changed from anger and rage to concern and confusion. She pulled a full 180 just like that. "Come again?" She asked. 

And I told her about my vision. Everything. And Hermione looked really freaked out. "Well what does Cedric say about it?" She asked.

"He says...  he's a champion and its his duty to compete." I answered. "And that he would take caution but... please Hermione, I'm scared. What do I do?"

Hermione looked down. "I'm not sure." She replied. 

I fell on my bed. "I'm... I can't take my mind off it. You can't defy the Fates and expect to walk away from it." 

Hermione put a hand on my back. "Nothing bad is going to happen to Cedric. I promise." 

Meanwhile... (3rd Person P.O.V)

Voldemort grinned. "The Girl's warnings are falling on deaf ears. It's almost too easy." He read the most recent reports out of Hogwarts.

"She thinks that Cedric Diggory is the target. Poor fool." Fletcher commented.

"Is this true that the Girl tried to warn Cedric Diggory?" Voldemort asked. 

"I heard it from her own lips, sire." Crouch Jr. answered. "She's starting to get suspicious of our plans though." 

"We should strike him now, My Lord." Pettigrew suggested.

"Patience!" Voldemort hissed. "We proceed with the plan. Harry Potter will soon be ours by the end of this Tournament. Even now, the Yule Ball has acted like a trap. The Students are so consumed with each other, they pay no attention to us. Aren't people so amusing?" 

"Very much, My Lord." Fletcher agreed. "I never liked Balls myself. Too overdone. And a waste of time. No matter. Is Harry given his next clue yet?" He asked Crouch Jr.

"He'll have received it." Crouch Jr answered. "Every minute brings Harry Potter closer to his doom. And if that spare champion happens to get killed in the process, oh well." He laughed evilly.

"Is the ritual being prepared, Wormtail?" Voldemort asked.

"As we speak." Pettigrew answered stirring more of a massive Cauldron.

"Excellent." Voldemort commented.

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