Chapter 18: Skeeter's Scoop.

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Every single one of us got up late on Boxing Day. And no, Boxing Day is not for the sport. But I can understand the confusion.

In any case, the Gryffindor Common Room was much quieter than it had been lately, many yawns punctuating our lazy conversations. Hermione's hair became bushy again that next morning. Apparently she used liberal amounts of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion on it for the Ball. I was glad I didn't use liberal amounts myself.  "I might've use a little too much of it, but it's way too much bother to do every day." She said to me. 

Oh yeah, speaking of which, Hermione and Ron seemed to have come to an unspoken argument not to talk about their argument, and they were being quite polite to each other. Probably Anubis gave his Judgement or something. Which was probably why they sounded so formal to each other. Ryan in the meantime continued to be a boyfriend to Parvati. On several occasions, I found both he and her kissing in the corridors. And I also saw Danielle and Beatrice snogging in the hallway at times.

Later that day at Breakfast, Harry had told the others about the conversation we accidentally overheard between Hagrid and Madam Maxine about Hagrid being a Half Giant. Ron sounded shocked by it. 

"You could've told us this before!" Ron commented.

"I thought it was obvious." I replied. 

"Well, I thought he must be a Half Giant." Hermione said. "I knew he couldn't be a pure giant because they're about 20 feet tall. But honestly, all this hysteria about Giants. They can't all be horrible... it's just the same sort of prejudice that people have towards werewolves... it's just bigotry, isn't it?" She asked.

"Sorry. I don't exactly have a high opinion on Giants. They teamed up with Trotsky after all." Ron explained. 

"He must've made them an offer they couldn't refuse." Hermione suggested.

"He did." I said. 

"Still you don't want to make an enemy of their Frost Giant Cousins in Scandinavia." Ron added.

But I couldn't still stop thinking about Cedric and my vision. It was still on my mind. But still, I had a fun night. I took a look at the picture of Hermione, Ginny and myself in our dresses. It made me smile.

As fast as they came. The Holidays drew to an end. I got letters from Ethan and Penny. They were incredibly happy that I had a wonderful time at the Ball. And Ethan of course said that I looked beautiful in that picture, then again, he told me that I looked beautiful even without a dress. Just like Jacob did last night. Mater sent a similar letter. Though they did want to know more about my visions on Cedric dying. They seemed just as nervous as I was that Cedric wasn't backing out. And I had another thing to worry about. Neglected Homework. Oops. 

And another thing was that the Second Task was getting closer and not for nothing. Harry still hadn't solved that whole thing with the egg. I think it was because he was still thinking about Cedric and Cho. Harry was mad that Cho was with Cedric. But I also think he was concerned that Cedric could die. It's... hard to explain. 

And another thing that was going on. It was official. Cedric was now dating Cho Chang.  

"I thought he would date Beatrice." Harry said.

"No. Beatrice is like an older sister to Cedric." I explained. "Besides... she's dating that Girl from Beauxbatons. Danielle." And Beatrice was happy that Cedric was happy with Cho. But that didn't stop Beatrice from keeping an eye on Cedric. 

"What do you think this vial does?" Harry asked. We both picked it up when Snape and Karkaroff were walking and talking. But neither of us could figure out how to make it work. Much less how it related to Karkaroff. But one thing was for certain. Karkaroff was up to something. He had now taken a full effect of avoiding me at all costs. 

As the Holidays kept on rolling I did my homework like I was supposed to. And Hermione had to help me with a lot of it. And before we knew it, we were back in class.

Snow was still thick on the grounds, and the Greenhouse windows were covered in condensation so thick that none of us could even see out of them in Herbology. And none of us looked forward to Care of Magical Creatures much in this weather. Too cold. Although, Ron did say that the Skrewts would probably warm us up nicely, either by chasing them or blasting off so forcefully that Hagrid's cabin would catch fire.

"We'll have the Fire Department on standby." Ryan commented. 

But when we arrived at Hagrid's Cabin, Hagrid wasn't there. Rather, it was a very elderly witch with cropped grey hair and a very prominent chin standing by the front door.

"Hurry up, now, the bell rang five minutes ago." She barked at us, as we struggled through the snow.

"Who're you?" Ron asked. "Where's Hagrid?"

"My name is Professor Grubbly-Plank." The Witch answered briskly. "I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher." 

"Where's Hagrid?" Harry and I both asked at the same time.

"He is indisposed." Plank answered shortly.

Indisposed? I didn't like the sound of that. And a soft laughter came from behind me. Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherins have joined us. We keep meeting. And all of them looked gleeful, and not surprised that Hagrid wasn't here.

"This way, please." Plank said before beginning to stride off towards the paddock, where the Beauxbatons Abraxan were staying. We followed her in confusion

"What's wrong with Hagrid?" Harry asked as we hurried to keep up with the Plank.

"Never mind you." Plank replied as if she thought that Harry was trying to be nosy.

"But we just want to know. He's our friend. Is he okay?" I asked. 

Plank acted as though she didn't hear us. She lead us past the Abraxan and to the edge of the forest, where there was a large and beautiful Unicorn tethered.

"By the Gods." I said.

"Oh, it's so beautiful!" Lavender whispered. "How did she get it? They're supposed to be really hard to catch." 

The Unicorn was so brightly white that it made the snow look grey. It pawed the round nervously with its golden hooved and threw back its horned head.

"Boys! Keep back!" Plank barked, throwing out her arm and catching Harry in the chest. "They prefer the women's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front, and approach with care. Come on, easy does it."

Eager, I was in front of the Unicorn. And the unicorn allowed me to carefully stroke itself. That part didn't surprise me about Unicorns preferring a Woman's touch to a Man's. I remembered a tale about the Unicorns. Alexander the Great once came into contact with a Unicorn. The Unicorn once trotted into the possession of his Mater, Olympia. Olympia bonded with the Unicorn. And she showed the Unicorn to her son, Alexander. It wasn't exactly a good relationship at first. But the Unicorn would eventually learn to trust Alexander. Olympia explained it was because women were more bonded with Unicorns. But anyone with a gentle hand could bond with the Unicorn. But those hands wouldn't stay gentle for long. As Alexander moved his empire through Persia. The Greeks took many Unicorns with them to give to the west. The West were fascinated with these new creatures from the East. And as the Greek Empire was replaced with the Roman Empire. Roman Emperors became sold on the idea that Unicorns were the key to immortal life and great power. They theorized that was how Alexander built his empire. They began capturing the lovely creatures and harvesting their blood. But all it ever did was just create bigger monsters. The worst of them being Caligula. He used Unicorn Blood to build his power and reign of Rome. But all that Unicorn Blood he drank, increased his bloodlust and power. He was that crazy. 

But all that could wait. Because I heard Harry's sharp voice from behind me. Something was wrong.

"Sygnómi. Prépei na fýgo." (Sorry. I must go.) I said to the Unicorn. And the Unicorn could understand me. And yes... Unicorns could speak Greek, Persian, Latin, Egyptian, Indian, Gallic, and Chinese. They really got around.

Harry, Ron, and Ryan appeared to have been having stand off with Malfoy. That wasn't anything new though. They had those standoffs all the time.

"Kassie. You might want to take a look at this." Harry suggested. He shoved the Daily Prophet into my hands. Uh oh. It was topped with a photo of a very sketchy looking Hagrid.

Dumbledore's Giant Mistake. 

Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial staff appointments, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. In September this year, he hired Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, the notoriously jinx happy ex- Auror, to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, a decision that caused many raised eyebrows at the Ministry of Magic, given Moody's well known habit of attacking anybody who makes a sudden movement in his presence. Most notably during the Trotsky crisis. Mad Eye Moody, however, looks responsible and kindly, when set beside the part human Dumbledore employs to teach Care of Magical Creatures. Rubeus Hagrid who admits to being expelled from Hogwarts in his third year, has enjoyed the position of gamekeeper at the school ever since a job secured for him by Dumbledore. Last year, however, Hagrid used his mysterious influence over the Headmaster to secure the additional post of Care of Magical Creatures teacher, over the heads of many better qualified candidates. 

An alarmingly large and ferocious looking man, Hagrid has been using his new found authority to terrify the students in his care with a succession of horrific creatures. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, Hagrid has maimed several pupils during a series of lessons which many admit to be 'very frightening'

'I was attacked by a Hippogriff, and my friend Vincent Crabbe got a bad bite off a Flobberworm' says Draco Malfoy, a forth year student. 'We all hate Hagrid, but we're just too afraid to say anything. For all I know he could set the Creatures on us with Red Dust.' As everyone knows, Red Dust is a drug that makes any Magical Creature go berserk on it, created by known notorious Magical Creature Trafficker: Derek Slayton. Given Hagrid's recent dangerous activity, it would not surprise this Prophet if Slayton sold some Red Dust to Hagrid himself." 

I shoved that paper away. There was no way that Hagrid would ever deal with that monster, Slayton. How did Skeeter even get that? "That woman is an abomination!" I yelled. "Flobberworms don't even have teeth." 

"Well, I think this should put an end to the oaf's teaching career." Malfoy said. "Half giant... and there was me thinking he'd just swallowed a bottle of Skele-Gro when he was young... none of the mummies and daddies are going to like this at all... they'll be worried he'll eat their kids, ha, ha..." 

"I'll turn you into a Mummy if you don't shut your Gob!" I yelled at him.

"Are you paying attention over there?" Plank asked as it carried over to us. "Girl, what are you doing over there?"

"Dealing with one disgusting creature." I answered while looking at Malfoy. I could now fully see why Ethan and Jacob hate Rita Skeeter. But this was a new fire that was in me.

"I hope she stays, that woman!" Parvati stated when the lesson was over and we all headed back up to the castle. "That's more what I thought Care of Magical Creatures would be like... proper creatures like unicorns, not monsters..." 

"I wouldn't call them monsters..." I said.

"What about Hagrid?" Harry asked angrily.

"What about him?" Parvati asked. "He can still be the gamekeeper, can't he?" 

"That was a really good lesson." Hermione commented as we entered the Great Hall. "I didn't know half the things Professor Grubby Plank was saying about uni-" 

"Look at this!" Harry shouted as he shoved the Daily Prophet to her. Her mouth dropped as she read it. And her reaction was the same as Ron and mine was.

"How did that horrible woman find out?" Hermione asked outraged. "You don't think Hagrid told her. Do you?"

"There's no way." I answered. As much as I loved the lesson about Unicorns, Hagrid did not deserve what was happening to him. "He never even told us, did he? I reckon she was so mad he wouldn't give her loads of horrible stuff about us, she went ferreting around to get back at him." 

"You think she heard him telling Madam Maxine at the ball?" Ryan asked.

"No. We'd have seen her in the garden." I answered. "Anyway, she's not supposed to come into the School anymore. Dumbledore banned her..." 

"Maybe she's got an Invisibility Cloak." Harry suggested. "Sort of thing she'd do, isn't it, hide in bushes listening to people." 

"Like you and Kassie, you mean." Hermione said.

"We weren't trying to hear him!" I pointed out. "And we were talking to Fleur about the tale of the Morgan Brothers the whole time, too!" 

"We've got to go and see him." Harry said. "This evening after Divination. Tell him we want him back... you do want him back?" He shot at Hermione.

"Hermione, please. I liked that lesson. But Hagrid doesn't deserve this." I pleaded.

Hermione sighed. "You're... right. I'm not going to pretend it didn't make a nice change, but I do want Hagrid back, of course I do!" She added hastily as she noticed Harry's furious stare. 

And after yet another rather boring Divination lesson, the five of us left the castle once more and went down into the frozen grounds to Hagrid's cabin. We knocked, only to be answered by Fang's barks.

"Hagrid, it's us!" Harry yelled as he pounded on the door. "Open up!" 

Hagrid didn't answer. We could still hear Fang at the door. But it didn't open. We hammered on it for another ten minutes; Ron even went as far as to bang on one of the windows, but there was no response.

"Hagrid?" I asked.

"What's he avoiding us for?" Hermione asked, once we finally gave up. And also because we wouldn't let Ryan use a battering ram. "He surely doesn't think we'd care about him being half giant?"

"Hagrid is our friend. I wonder what's gotten into him." I said. "Did we do something wrong?"

And it seemed that Hagrid did care. We didn't see him for an entire week. He didn't show up at the staff during meal times, and we didn't even see him doing his gamekeeper duties on the grounds, and the Plank continued to take our lessons. Malfoy gloated at every possible moment you could think of. It took me great effort not to clobber him. I didn't care if it got me detention. 

There was also a Hogsmeade trip halfway through January, and Hermione was very surprised that Harry was going.

"Why's that?" Harry asked. "Sirius Black is innocent, remember?"

"I know that." Hermione replied. "I just thought you'd want to take advantage of the Common Room being quiet is all. Really get to work on that egg." 

"Oh, yeah... that. I reckon I've got a pretty good idea what it's about now." Harry said. I could tell he was lying though." 

"Have you really?" Hermione asked looking impressed. "Well done!" 

As soon as Hermione left, I looked at Harry. "You haven't really got that Egg worked out have you?" I asked.

"I'll let you know in 5 weeks." Harry answered. 

"Harry. Let me help you." I offered. "We're friends right? This is what friends should do." 

Harry sighed. "At this point. I'll take all the help I can get. Just... don't tell Hermione." 

"I don't have to tell her everything." I said. 

And that was how on Saturday Morning, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ryan, and I set off through the Cold Wet ground to the gates. 

Right as we passed the Durmstrang ship, we saw Krum emerge onto the deck, wearing nothing but swimming trunks. He was very skinny, but apparently a lot stronger than he looked, because he climbed up onto the side of the ship, stretched out his arms and dived right into the lake.

"He's mad!" Harry cried, staring at Krum's dark head as it bobbed out into the middle of the lake. "It must be freezing, it's January!" 

"It's a lot colder where he comes from." Hermione suggested. "I suppose it feels quite warm to him." 

"Why do you think I'm not bothered by warm weather when it comes at Summer?" I asked.

"Yeah, but there's still the Giant Squid." Ron pointed out. But instead of sounding anxious, he sounded hopeful. 

"He's really nice, you know." Hermione said defensively. "He's not at all like you'd think, coming from Durmstrang. He likes it much better here, he told me." 

Ron said nothing. But Anubis did. "Well... Ron, I'd say you've pulled a complete 180." He commented.

"You know why, Anubis." Ron said darkly. 

"I found an arm under Ron's bed on Boxing day." Harry whispered to me. "It looked like it was snapped off a model figure of Krum." 

"Malaka." I thought.

Ryan shrugged. I kept my eyes peeled for Hagrid on the way down the icy High Street, and nodded eagerly when Harry suggested we go to the Three Broomsticks.

The Pub was as crowded as ever, but with one glance at the tables, I could tell that Hagrid wasn't here.

"Chare Madam Rosmerta." I greeted.

"Hello, little Kassie." Rosmerta greeted back. "5 Butterbeers?"

"Please." I replied. "Have you seen Hagrid around lately?" 

"I haven't." Rosmerta answered. "Though I did see Jacob in here yesterday. He needed a Fire Whiskey after he read the Daily Prophet and Skeeter's article. He's not too thrilled with what was said about Hagrid." 

"He hasn't been in Hogwarts since the end of the Holiday." I said.

"That woman Skeeter really is a bitch. Wouldn't be the first time either. Years ago, she tried to get Zonko's to shut down. Nearly succeeded too. But luckily, Ethan and his friends Tulip and Tonks stopped Skeeter." Rosmerta sneered. "Anyway. Enjoy your Butterbeers." 

I thanked her for that. Then I got the drinks for my friends.

"Doesn't he ever go into the Office?" Hermione whispered suddenly. "Look!" 

She pointed to a mirror behind the bar, and I saw Bagman reflected there, sitting in a shadowy corner with a bunch of goblins. He spoke very fast in a low voice to the Goblins, all of whom have their arms crossed, and looked very menacing.

"What's he doing here?" I asked. "It's not a Triwizard Week." 

I watched him in the mirrored and he looked strained until he caught site of Harry across the bar and stood. 

"In a moment, in a moment!" I heard him say, before coming in our direction. 

"Harry!" Bagman exclaimed. "How are you? Been hoping to run into you! Everything going all right?"

"Fine, thanks." Harry answered.

"Wonder if I could have a quick private word, Harry?" Bagman asked eagerly. "You couldn't give us a quick moment you four, could you?"

"Okay." We all left Bagman and Harry to their conversation. 

"What do you think they're talking about?" Ron asked. 

"Probably Tournament stuff." I suggested. "Guys? What are we going to do about Skeeter and Hagrid?"

"We could pummel Skeeter into next week." Ryan suggested.

"Tempting." Hermione commented. "But no. We have to be smart about this." 

"Well... Hagrid and Dumbledore both said that Skeeter knows who my brothers are. We could go to them." I suggested. I had a good feeling that they wouldn't say no to me.

"I was just going to suggest we kidnap Skeeter and put her in a box and mail her to China." Ryan suggested.

"Um... she could probably apparate." Hermione pointed out.

"Damn it. That's not going to work. Antarctica?" Ryan asked.

"No." Hermione answered. "I say we find that woman again and-" 

"Give her a roundhouse to the face?" I asked.

"No. Not that." Hermione answered.

"I want to give her a roundhouse to the face." I pointed out.

"Same." Harry agreed as he came back to us.

"What did Bagman want?" Ron asked.

"He offered to help me with the egg." Harry answered dismissively. 

"He shouldn't be doing that!" Hermione protested, looking very shocked. "He's one of the judges! And anyway, you've already worked it out- haven't you?"

"Er... nearly." 

"Well, I don't think Dumbledore would like it if he knew Bagman was trying to persuade you to cheat!" Hermione went on while looking very disappointed. "I hope he's trying to help Cedric as much!" 

"He's not, I asked." Harry replied. 

"Who cares if Diggory's getting help?" Ron asked.

"I sort of do-" I said.

But Ron hushed me up. "Uh oh." 

I looked to see what Ron was working at. Skeeter just entered. Today, she was wearing yellow robes, and her long nails were painted in a shocking pink. And as always she was accompanied by her paunchy photographer. They bought drinks and made their way through the crowd, unaware of our deathly glares. Or maybe they were aware and enjoyed it.

"...didn't seem very keen to talk to us, did he, Bozo? Now why would that be, do you think? And what's he doing with a pack of goblins in tow anyway? Showing them the sights... what nonsense, he was always a bad liar. Reckon something's up? Think we should do a bit of digging? Disgraced Ex Head of Department of Magical Sports Ludo Bagman... snappy start to a sentence, Bozo- we just need to find a story to fit-" 

"Trying to ruin someone else's life?" Harry asked loudly. A few people looked around and Skeeter's eyes widened as big as her glasses.

"Harry!" Skeeter said beaming. "How lovely! Why don't you come and join-?"

"I wouldn't come near you with a ten foot broomstick." Harry seethed. "Why'd you do that to Hagrid, eh?"

"Yeah!" I shouted.

Skeeter raised her heavily penciled eyebrows. "Our readers have a right to the truth, Harry. I am merely doing my-" 

"Who cares if he's Half Giant?!" Harry roared now. "There's nothing wrong with him!" 

"And you can listen to me as well!" Ryan also stepped into the ring now.

The Whole Pub went quiet. Rosmerta stared over from the bar, unaware that her flagon was overflowing.

Skeeter's smile flickered slightly, but she hitched it back almost at once. Gods, I hated that smile. She then snaped open her bag and pulled out her Quick Quotes Quill.

"How about giving me an interview about Hagrid you know, Harry? The man behind the muscles? Your unlikely friendship, and the reasons behind it. Would you call him a father substitute? Or you could give me an interview about your friendship with a thief?" Skeeter then turned to me. "How does it feel, Kassandra? To know that you are not in jail and hanged from your neck until death, and instead living like a Princess with the Bauers? Of course... you could still be a thief. Our readers do love a Bad Girl after all."

I looked at Skeeter. Then I grit my teeth. "What part of Leave us Alone... do you not understand?" I asked. 

"You horrible woman!" Hermione accused. "You don't care, do you? Anything for a story, and anyone will do, won't they? Even Ludo Bagman-" 

"Sit down, you silly little girl, and don't talk about things you don't understand." Skeeter replied coldly, her eyes hardening. "I know things about Ludo Bagman that would make your hair curl... Not that it needs it-" She added eyeing Hermione's bushy hair.

"Let's go." Hermione told us. "Come on, Harry, Ron, Kassie, Ryan."

I was happy to get out of there. We left and many people stared at us as we left.

"She'll be after you next, Hermione." Ryan warned in a low voice, as we walked quickly up the street.

"Let her try!" Hermione dared shrilly while shaking with rage. "I'll show her! Silly little girl, am I? Oh, I'll get her back for this, first Harry, then Hagrid, now Kassie..." 

"You don't want to go upsetting Rita Skeeter." Ron said nervously. "I'm serious Hermione, she'll dig something up on you, just like she did on Jacob, and maybe Ethan. And then there was that one time that Charlie told me how Skeeter nearly got Zonko's shut down-" 

"My parents don't read the Daily Prophet, she can't scare me into hiding!" Hermione went on, while walking so fast that we have had to run just to keep up with her. That last time we saw her in rage mode like that was when she hit Malfoy in the face last year. "And Hagrid isn't going to hide any more! He should never have left that excuse for a human being upset him! Come on!" 

Now we're talking! 

We all broke into a run as Hermione led us all the way back up the road, through the gated flanked by winged boars, and up through the grounds to Hagrid's cabin.

The Curtains were still drawn, and Fang was still barking as we approached.

"So do we have a plan?" I asked.

"Yeah. We get Hagrid to open up his door." Hermione answered.

"Really?" Ryan asked sounding a little disappointed. "Because... I was thinking we could try a little something in the... maul Rita Skeeter with Crocodiles category!" He suggested while he showed a whole pool of snappy Crocodiles.  

That sounded a little dangerous.

"No. No. Let's just go with talking with Hagrid." Harry politely said.

"Aw...." Ryan felt a little sad. Probably because he was really hoping that he could make use of the Crocodiles that he just happened to get. 

"Hagrid!" Hermione shouted, pounding on his front door. "Hagrid, that's enough! We know you're in there! Nobody cares if your mum was a giantess, Hagrid! You can't let that foul Skeeter woman do this to you! Hagrid, get out here, you're just being-" 

The door opened. "About t-" But Hermione stopped very suddenly, because she found herself face to face, not with Hagrid, but with Professor Dumbledore. 

"Good afternoon." Dumbledore pleasantly greeted, smiling down at us.

"Chare, Professor. Is Hagrid here?" I asked. "We kind of want to see him." 

"Yes, I surmised as much." Dumbledore answered. "Why don't you come in?"

"Oh... um... okay..." Hermione decided for all of us.

We went into the cabin; Fang launched himself upon Harry the moment we entered, barking madly and trying to lick his ears. Harry fended off Fang and then Fang got on me.

"Cut it out, Fang." I said playfully. 

But my attitude quickly changed when I saw Hagrid sitting at his table, where there were two large mugs of tea. He looked like a real mess. His face was all blotchy, his eyes swollen, and he had gone to the other extreme where his hair was all over his face. And I mean that literally, like his hair had gotten more hideous than Merula's hair.

"Hi... Hagrid." Harry greeted.

"Lo." Hagrid replied in a very hoarse voice as he looked up.

"Hey, Guys." Beatrice greeted. She was there as well.

"More tea, I think." Dumbledore suggested closing the door behind us. He also drew out his wand, and twiddling it; a revolving tea tray appeared in midair along with a plate of cakes. The tray was magicked onto the table, and all of us sat down. After a slight pause, Dumbledore said: "Did you by any chance hear what Miss. Granger was shouting, Hagrid?"

Hermione went slightly pink, but Dumbledore smiled at her and continued. "Hermione, Kassandra, Harry, Ron, and Ryan still seem to want to know you, judging by the way they were attempting to break down the door." 

"We still want to know you!" Harry pointed out. 

"Yeah. You don't think anything that Skeeter Bitch- sorry, Professor." I quickly apologized to Dumbledore.

"I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said, Kassandra. You and Beatrice." Dumbledore replied, as he twiddled his thumbs and staring at the ceiling.

Beatrice shrugged. "To be honest, Kassie. Yours was probably more tame than the words I used for Skeeter. And what Ethan and Penny said." She said. 

"Come on, Hagrid, what makes you think we'd care for what that bitch wrote about you?" Ryan asked.

Two fat tears slipped from Hagrid's eyes and they fell slowly into his tangled beard.

"Living proof of what I've been telling you, Hagrid." Dumbledore said quietly. "I have shown you letter from the countless parents who remember you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that, if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it. Several of whom were Kassandra's, Beatrice's and Ron's parents."

"Not all of them." Hagrid replied hoarsely. "Not all of 'em wan' me ter stay." 

"Hagrid. It's not Hogwarts without you. You know that." Beatrice pointed out. "And Ethan and Penny would tell you the same thing!" 

"Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time." Dumbledore added peering sternly over his glasses. "Not a week has passed since I became Headmaster of this when, when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"

"Yeh- yeh're not half giant!" Hagrid complained still not budging.

"Hagrid, look what I've got for relatives!" Harry yelled furiously. "Look at the Dursleys!" 

"And look at my older sister, Emily." Ryan added.

"Excellent points." Dumbledore stated. "My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery... Or what about Ethan? When that article about Jacob came out. Did he hide away from people who thought he was cursed as well? Or did he stand his ground and hold his head high and save all of Hogwarts?"

"Hagrid. Please come back." I pleaded. "We miss you, we all miss you." 

"Hagrid. This pity fiesta is over." Beatrice said. "Come back to us." 

Hagrid gulped and more tears leaked down his cheeks and into his tangled beard. 

"I refuse your resignation, Hagrid, and I expect you back at work on Monday." Dumbledore informed. "You will join me for breakfast at 8:30 in the Great Hall. No excuses. Good afternoon to you all." 

Dumbledore left the cabin, pausing only to scratch Fang's ears. When the door closed behind him, Hagrid sobbed into his hands. Hermione patted his arm, and Beatrice transfigured up a tissue for Hagrid. A big one.

When Hagrid looked up with his bloodshot eyes, he noticed me giving him a puppy dog stare that was begging him to come back. And then he covered his face again. "Kassie's givin me the Puppy Dog Stare, isn't she?" He asked.

"Yep." Beatrice answered. 

"Great Man, Dumbledore... great man..." Hagrid said hoarsely.

"Yeah, he is." Ron agreed. "Can I have one of those cakes, Hagrid?" He asked. Leave it to Ron to think about food. 

"Help yerself." Hagrid answered as he wiped his eyes. 

"So, are you going to stop feeling sorry for yourself and get back on your feet?" Horus asked.

"Ar, he's righ' of course- yeh're al righ'... I bin stupid... my ol' Dad woulda bin ashamed o' the way I've bin behavin..." More tears leaked from his eyes, and he wiped them away forcefully. "Never shown you a picture of my old dad, have I? Here..." 

Hagrid then got up and went over to his drawer, where he pulled out a photograph of a short wizard with Hagrid's crinkled black eyes, beaming as he sat atop Hagrid's shoulders. Hagrid was a solid six to seven feet tall, judging by the way the apple tree beside him, but his face was beardless, young, round and smooth - he looked barely older than eleven.

"Tha' was taken jus' after I got inter Hogwarts." Hagrid explained. "Dad was dead chuffed... thought I migh' not be a wizard, see, 'cos me mum... well, anyway. 'Course, I never was great shakes at magic, really... but at least he never saw me expelled. Died, see, in me second year..." 

I knew what that was like. Larisa killed my original parents when I was very young and she took me as a slave. And my Pater in my new family was already gone. I probably started to get a little sad in that, because Beatrice put her hand on me.

"Dumbledore was the one who stuck up for me after Dad went. Got me the gamekeeper job... trusts people, he does. Gives 'em second chances... that's what sets him apar' from other heads, see. He'll accept anyone at Hogwarts, s'long as they've got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren'... well... all tha' respectable. But some don' understand that. There's some who'd always hold it against yeh... there's some who'd always hold it against yeh... there's some who'd even pretend they just had big bones rather than stand up an' say- I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with. An' he was right. I've bin an idiot. I'm not botherin' with her no more, I promise yeh that. Big bones... I'll give her big bones." 

"So... you'll c-come back?" I asked hopeful. 

"I'm back." Hagrid answered. 

"Did Kassie use her puppy dog eyes do the trick?" Ryan asked.

"No. But it certainly helped. Can't really say no to that face." Hagrid answered.

"That's the Hagrid we all know and love." Beatrice commented. 

"Yeh know wha' Harry?" Hagrid asked as he looked at Harry now. "When I firs' met you, you reminded me o' me a big. Mum an' Dad gone, an' you was feelin' like yeh wouldn't fit in at Hogwarts, remember? Not sure yeh were really up to it... an' now look at yeh, Harry! School Champion!" 

And then he looked at Harry for a moment. And then proceeded to speak very seriously. "Yeh know what I'd love, Harry? I'd love yeh ter win, I really would. It'd show 'em all... yeh don' have ter be pureblood ter do it. Yeh don' have ter be ashamed of what yeh are. It'd show 'em Dumbledore's the one who's got it righ', lettin' anyone in as long as they can do magic. How you doin' with that egg, Harry?" Hagrid went on.

I wanted to tell him that it all must've been a mistake because Harry didn't even put his name into the Goblet of Fire. But I didn't want to make Hagrid more upset. Particularly after his comment about big bones. And he could use those big bones to pop me like a pimple. 

"Great." Harry answered. "Really great." I knew he was lying though. 

Hagrid's miserable face broke into a wide, watery smile.

"Tha's my boy... you show 'em, Harry, you show 'em. Beat 'em all." 

"That had to be tough, Harry." I whispered to him after we walked away from Hagrid's Cabin.

"You're not kidding, Kassie." Harry replied. "I didn't mean to lie to him. It felt horrible. But what was I supposed to do? Banish the image of the happy expression on Hagrid's face?" He asked.

"I suppose not." I admitted. I wouldn't want to banish the happy expression on Hagrid's face either. "But at least Rita Skeeter won't be writing any more comments on Hagrid anytime soon." I announced that last part loudly.

"What makes you think that?" Ron asked.

"Well... how is she going to write something, if she doesn't have anything to write on and with?" I asked revealing my little secret. I showed them Skeeter's note pad and Quills.

"Kassandra Bauer, you little thief... you." Hermione smirked. 

"Well... if Rita Skeeter finds out you took her stuff, she'll retaliate." Ryan warned. "And not in a good way." 

"Oh, I have a feeling the last thing that Skeeter is going to do is go after Kassie." Beatrice assured. 

"Why's that?" Hermione asked.

"Let's just say... Ethan knows a thing or two about Skeeter himself." Beatrice answered. 

That made me smile. Leave it to Ethan to keep me safe. He was my big brother after all. And I recall Jacob telling me once that Big Siblings are supposed to keep their little siblings safe from harm from outside threats. And Skeeter was sure an outside threat.  

"Um... Harry? So what are you going to do about the egg?" I whispered to Harry.

Harry sighed. "Well, Kassie... Guess I'll have to swallow my pride and see if Cedric's tip is worth something." He reluctantly answered.

"So... you're going to take the egg for a bath?" I asked. 

"I'm going to take the egg for a bath." Harry answered.

Meanwhile (3rd Person P.O.V)

Ethan threw the article of the Daily Prophet in the fire in his house. He straight up hated Skeeter sure, but this took low to a new level for her. Attacking Hagrid like that. Hagrid was one of the greatest man Ethan ever knew. It was never Hogwarts without Hagrid. Ethan knew that. 

"I want to squish that bug, Penny. I want to squish her." Ethan declared.

Penny was on the couch lying down. Her stomach was really big now. She was eight months around. "I hear ya. Believe me. I'd turn her into a bug myself and use her for ingredients for Potions if the baby didn't knock the wind out of my sails." She said. 

Ethan expected that. Penny was really pregnant now. And it showed. "Well, I figured you'd say that. But don't do anything too crazy. You know I want this baby-" 

"I know, E. Just think, we're going to be parents soon." Penny squealed with glee.

"Yeah." And Ethan's mind thought of something else. "What if the baby doesn't like me?"

"Ethan." Penny put a hand on Ethan. "That's not possible. You've just got that charm. It's what drove me to you." She assured. 

"I know... I just want things to go right with raising our child. I know you know that, but, I just need it to go right. I just need to. I want our baby to grow up with both parents through their lives. I want to live in a world where our baby knows his Aunts Kassie and Beatrice, and Uncle Jacob. I want our baby to grow up with a Mum and Dad and see him grow up and go to Hogwarts. I know I had Mum and she loves me... but, it was never the same after Dad died... We all knew it." Ethan explained.

"You want to know what you can do?" Penny asked. "Just be there for the baby." She said. "Love him, if that makes sense. And don't ever stop loving him." 

"With my life." Ethan vowed. 

And that's when Penny started to feel pain. "I think he hears you." Penny suggested feeling the baby kick. 

"Don't hurt Mommy." Ethan told the Baby. "We'll meet soon." 

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