Chapter 19: Rub a Dub Dub. Slip Slide in the tub.

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(Kassie P.O.V)

Okay. Taking an Egg with a bath, admittedly doesn't sound like the smartest idea. But Cedric wasn't a liar. I know Cedric. 

Harry also had to figure out how to plan his excursion. I had already vowed to help Harry as much as I could. And if he was going to take Cedric's advice on using the Prefects Bathroom, then I should help him with his stealth. I also advised him to go at night so he had all the time he needed to figure it out.

"Okay. The Prefects Bathroom is the best place I can use to get the eggs answers." Harry was saying. 

"Just watch out for Filch." I advised. "You remember what happened last time you got caught?"

"How can I forget, I was an idiot and forgot the invisibility cloak." Harry answered.

I almost got busted too, but I escaped. 

"Well, I'm not going to forget the Invisibility Cloak this time." Harry decided. "But just to be safe, I'll take the Marauder's Map, too." 

"I could also keep an eye out for you, Harry." I offered trying to be helpful.

"Good thinking. Maybe you should take the map so it doesn't get wet. And at the first sign of trouble... tell me." Harry decided.

"Okay." I said.

On Thursday night, I snuck out of the Dormitory to meet Harry, and we crept underneath the Invisibility Cloak. Ryan was outside to give the Fat Lady the Password. Which was Banana Fritters. "Good luck." Ryan muttered to us as we crept past him.

It felt a little awkward moving under the cloak that night. It fit over Harry and myself, but Harry had the heavy egg with him as well. While I got the easier task of carrying the map. Our movement may have been clunky and slow. But at least the moonlit corridors were empty and silent.

"You know... you don't have to go through all this trouble just to help me, Kassie." Harry whispered.

"We broke into the Library Restricted Section together in our first year." I reminded.

"Point taken." Harry replied. 

And then we reached a statue. "Boris the Bewildered." I read. He looked lost with his gloves in the wrong hands. 

"See if there's a door." Harry said. I looked around and saw a strange door by the statue.

"Is it this one?" I asked. 

Harry saw it. "Bingo. Pine-fresh." He said just like Cedric told him to.

The door creaked open, and we both slipped inside, shutting the door behind us and before pulling off the cloak.

And what I saw inside. Well... I seem to recall Ethan telling me something about this Bathroom. "Let's just say it is so worth becoming a Prefect just to have access to this Bathroom." Ethan said. And I could see why. Given the softly lit candle filled chandelier, and everything made of white marble, including what looked like an empty rectangular bath, so big it looked like a swimming pool in the middle of the floor. And there were also a hundred golden taps standing all around the pool's edges, each with different colored jewels set into the handles. And a Diving Board to boot. It looked exactly like a Roman Bath House. Which they stole from Greece.

Come to think of it. This place reminded me of the bath chambers that I would often hear about at the palace of Minos.

There were long white curtains hanging at the windows; a large pile of fluffy white towels that sat in a corner, and a single golden frame painting on the wall. It featured a blonde mermaid, who was fast asleep on her rock. 

As cool as it was. Something still weighed on my mind. "Now what do we do? Give the egg a bath?" I asked.

"You have a better idea?" Harry asked. He then put one of the Fluffy towels, the cloak, the map, and the egg to me. And put them to the side of the swimming pool sized bath, then he knelt down and turned on a few of the taps. 

And when Harry did, we both realized that it wasn't like a typical bubble bath. One gushed pink and blue bubbles the size of footballs; another poured ice white foam so thick it might've supported our weight if one of us cared to test it. A third sent heavily perfumed purple clouds hovering over the surface of the water. 

It was rather amusing. "Good thing they're aren't Doxy in the water." I commented.

"Why would there be Doxy in the water?" Harry asked.

"Well... when my Brother, Ethan was a student at Hogwarts, there was a Doxy Infestation in the school. And Ethan ended it by killing the Doxy Queen, but the Doxy Queen went into the Prefects Bathroom, and Ethan killed it by launching the Queen into a puddle of Doxycide or whatever it was called that was in the pool." I explained.

Harry seemed a little hesitant about getting into that water now. "He cleaned it right after." I assured.

"Well... that's a relief. At least he didn't leave that mess unanswered." Harry replied. 

I took a look at the Map. Filch was nowhere near the Prefects Bathroom. Nor was anyone else. You know, I wonder if Filch ever slept. Maybe that's why he was so grouchy. "Okay... Harry, you're all clear." I turned back to him. Only to see Harry start to take off his pajama shirt.

"Sorry." I quickly turned around. And just kept looking at the map. While also trying not to look at Harry. Well, actually... it was just his shirt that he took off. 

And then I heard a splashing sound from Harry. He must've gotten in the bathtub now. And I could tell because the bubbles were on him now. He also did a couple of swimming laps. It was that big. 

"I thought you were going to give the egg a bath." I reminded.

"I am." Harry said. "But I might as well enjoy this bathtub. You only live once." Oh, so that was how he wanted to play it.

"You little- I know what you're doing." I accused.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You're taunting me." I answered. It was so obvious that he was. He was having fun in that bathtub while I was on guard duty. I wanted fun too.

"No I'm not." Harry replied. 

"Well... two can play at that... game." I declared as I jumped off the diving board. I still had my pajamas on, and Harry still had his pants on. Which was a good thing. Because I'm pretty sure that it would be awkward for both of us if we didn't.

And the moment I did... I could see why the Prefects Bathroom was loved so much. "Well... you're in now. Happy?" Harry asked.

"Very happy." I answered. I noticed that it was so deep that my feet barely touched the bottom. I could see why Harry swam those laps. And it was kind of nice to swim in hot and foamy water with clouds of different colored steam wafting all around us.  

"You're a good swimmer, Kassie." Harry commented.

"Thanks." I thanked as I swam around some more. I was always a good swimmer. When you live in Greece like I did, it's kind of expected of you to learn how to swim. If you needed to make a quick getaway. Which I often found myself having to do. From time to time. "Careful not to make the water boil. That's how King Minos went." I said to Harry. 

"King Minos?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I answered. "When Minos perused Daedalus to Sicily, he was killed by the daughters of King Cocalus. They were students of Daedalus. Minos got killed by boiling water as he was taking a bath." 

"Are you're seriously bringing up this stuff now, as we're in a bathtub?" Harry asked. He then splashed me with some water. So I splashed him back. The water was good thing, not boiling. 

"Just grab the egg. I'm sure we'll figure something out." I told Harry. 

I gave the egg to Harry, who stared at it for a few moments. He soaked it in water, before he hesitantly unlatched it. And sure enough, the horrible screeching filled the bathroom, echoing off the marble walls. "Shut it! Shut it!" I shouted.

And Harry had indeed shut it. And we were both nervous as Filch could've burst in there and caught us both. 

"This is probably all Cedric's plan." Harry commented. "Get us in trouble with Filch." 

"Cedric would never do that!" I protested. 

"I'd try putting in the water if I were you," 

As soon as I heard that voice, I jumped and pulled around. Harry and I could both see the ghost of a very glum looking girl, sitting cross-legged on one of the taps. Moaning Myrtle. She was the one who usually sobbed in the bathrooms.

"Myrtle!" Harry cried out in outrage. "I'm- I'm not even wearing a shirt!" 

"That doesn't seem to bother her." Myrtle pointed to me. "Well... she is Greek after all. And a Bauer." 

But the foam was so dense that Harry shouldn't have been worried.

"I closed my eyes when you got in." Myrtle assured. "I had to close my eyes on one Christmas Eve when Two 7th years named Daniel Bauer and Caroline Bass  came in here. My ears were still good though. And oh boy... did they-" 

"Thank you!" I quickly interrupted. "We get the picture!" That image was now burned in my head.

"You know, you haven't been to see me for ages." Myrtle also said.

"Yeah... well..." Harry said bending down so we could only see his head. "I'm not supposed to come into your bathroom, am I? It's a Girls' one." 

"You didn't use to care." Myrtle replied miserably. "You used to be in there all the time." 

"It was short term emergency, Myrtle." I countered.

"And besides. I got told off for going in there." Harry added. "I thought I'd better not come back after that." 

"Oh... I see..." Myrtle said, picking a spot on her chin. She was a ghost though... so how would... nevermind. "Well... anyway... I'd try the egg in the water. That's what Cedric Diggory did." 

"Have you been spying on him, too?" I asked. "Do you just come in here and watch Prefects take baths?"

"Sometimes." Myrtle answered. "But I've never spoken to anyone before." 

"And for good reason." I muttered. 

"I'm honored." Harry commented darkly. "You keep your eyes shut!" 

Myrtle kept her eyes shut as Harry took the egg. Harry lowered the egg beneath the foamy surface. And when he opened it, it did not wail. A gurgling song came from it.

"What's it saying?" I asked.

"Let's see." Harry answered putting his head below the water. 

I followed him after taking a deep breath. Now sitting on the marble bottom of the bubble filled bath, I heard a chorus of eerie voices singing from the egg. 

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,

And while you're searching ponder this;

We've taken what you'll sorely miss,

An hour long you'll have to look,

And to recover what we took,

But past an hour, the prospect's black,

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

The two of us both floated back up. 

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Hear it?" Myrtle asked.

"Yeah..." Harry answered. "Come seek us where our voices sound... And if I need persuading... hang on, I need to listen again..." And Harry sank back beneath the water.

"So... Myrtle... what's new?" I asked.

"Nothing much." Myrtle answered. "Still having visions?"

"Yeah." I answered making small talk. 

Then I saw Harry resurface. He seemed to have it memorized. 

"What does it mean?" I asked. 

"I've got to go and look for people who can't use their voices above the ground..." Harry answered. "Er... who could that be?"

I shrugged.

"Slow, aren't you?" Myrtle asked. 

"Well..." I figured. "If the voices can only be heard underwater, it makes sense for them to belong to sea creatures." 

Myrtle smirked. "Well, that's what Diggory thought. He lay there talking to himself for ages about it. Ages and ages... nearly all the bubbles had gone..." 

"Underwater..." Harry thought about it. "What lives in the lake, apart from the Giant Squid?" He asked. 

"All sorts." I answered. "My brother told me of Grindylows, Merpeople also living in the lake." 

"Oooh, very good." Myrtle praised. "It took Diggory much longer than that! And that was with her awake, too-" She jerked her head towards the mermaid with an expression of great dislike on her face- "giggling and showing off and flashing her fins..." 

"That's it, isn't it?" Harry asked excitedly. "The Second Task's to go and find the merpeople in the lake and... and... ugh. That's just great. I'm not a very good swimmer." He complained.

"You didn't learn how to swim?" I asked.

"No. I think the Dursleys were hoping that I would just drown so they didn't bother to give me anything." Harry answered. 

"Malakas." I cussed.

"I don't even know how to breath underwater." Harry added. 

And at that, Myrtle's eyes filled with tears. 

"Tactless!" She murmured.

"What's tactless?" Harry asked. 

"Talking about breathing in front of me!" Myrtle answered shrilly, and her voice echoing loudly. "When I can't... when I haven't... not for ages..." She buried her face in the water.

"Sorry." Harry said. "I didn't mean... I just forgot..." 

"Oh, yes, very easy to forget Myrtle's dead." Myrtle shot back. "Nobody missed me, even when I was alive. Took them hours and hours to find my body- I know, I was sitting there waiting for them. Olive Hornby came into the bathroom..." 

And then Myrtle proceeded to tell us all about how her body was found. And about her brother's wedding. I'll spare you the details about it. 

I was more focused on Harry and what he had to do for the second task. We've taken what you'll sorely miss. Going to take something of value; but what?

"And then of course, she went to the Ministry of Magic to stop me stalking her, so I had to come back here and live in my toilet." Myrtle continued. 

"Well... that's rough." I said. 

"Come on, Kassie. We've got what we need. Let's get out of here." Harry suggested, and both he and I climbed out of the Pool. "Kassie. You're soaking wet." 

"Oh, it's okay. Watch." I replied. And I took my wand and my clothes dried immediately. And then I dried Harry off.

"Thanks." Harry thanked.

"Will you come and visit me in my bathroom again sometime?" Myrtle asked mournfully, as Harry got the Invisibility Cloak. 

"Er... we'll try." Harry answered. "See you, Myrtle... thanks for your help." 

"Bye." I waved goodbye.

Once in the dark corridor, I examined the Marauder's Map once more to check that the coast was clear. And thankfully the dots belonging to Filch and Mrs. Norris were safely in their office. Nothing else seemed to be moving apart from Peeves, though he was bouncing around the trophy room on the floor above.

"Come on. Let's go." Harry whispered.

"Hey, wait." I saw something else as well. Something by Snape's Office. Except it wasn't Snape. It was... "Barty Crouch?"

"Huh?" Harry looked over. I thought Mr. Crouch was too ill to go to work or come to the Yule Ball. So why was he sneaking into Hogwarts at 1:00 am. The Dot moved around and around the room, pausing here and there...

"We can worry about that later. We should get out of here." I whisper.

"You go back. I'll go see what's going on." Harry said to me.

I nodded. "Come with me." I begged.

"I'm right behind you." Harry assured me as he got me out of the cloak. "There's no one in your direction of the Gryffindor Tower. If you stick to the shadows. You'll be fine." 

I nodded. I knew how it worked. So I left.

"It's fine, Kassie." I said to myself. "Harry will be fine." I probably should've taken the egg back with me, but it was a champion thing, so Harry should keep it with him at all times. 

But nevertheless I slipped back into the Gryffindor Common Room. And I waited for Harry to come back. All that time alone had let me try to figure out more of the clue. "We'll taken what you've surely missed?" I asked myself. Was something going to be taken from Harry? And if so... what? The only think I could think of that was in the Black Lake, if the Second Task took place there, was the Sunken Vault. But that wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense. There was no way the Triwizard Judges or whatever they were called would ever consider putting a task in there. Especially since it was the exact same place where Ethan nearly died. 

That Sunken Vault might've been the worst of them all. I remember Ethan telling me stories about that cursed place. Once you enter that Cursed Vault, you relive your worst memories. Much like it was for that one part in the Labyrinth in Ancient Greece. But that wasn't the worst part. The Worst part was what happened after. Ethan had fought Rakepick. And he won. He once told me that Rakepick wanted what was in the Cursed Vaults. But Ethan wouldn't let that happen. The reason he did that was because nobody should ever have what was in there. Not even Rakepick. He could've trapped her and then what? Would Rakepick have escaped? Or would she have been doomed to a fate of forever dammed? Well... I guess she is now. But just then... Iosef Trotsky showed up. And he nearly killed Ethan. That sounded so scary... at least it was to me. And another thing that was scary was the threat on Cedric's life I saw in my visions. Who was that Dark Wizard? Was it Voldemort returned? And there was something else. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this whole Triwizard Tournament then just eternal glory. If it was Karkaroff that put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire, and he was a former Death Eater. It could all be a trap to lure Harry to his death. But there was no way Harry could be pulled out. Nor Cedric. No matter how much I tried.

It makes me wonder how Ethan would've handled all of this. He could've probably managed it much better than I could at any rate. I waited a long time for Harry to come back. And I must've fallen asleep on the couch, because I could feel my arm shaken when I came to.

"Kassie." Harry whispered to me. 

"Huh?" I asked waking up. "Where did you go?" I asked.

"Sorry. Things got complicated." Harry answered. "I tried to find out why Mr. Crouch was sneaking around somebody else's office this late at night." 

"And?" I asked. "Did you see him?" 

"No." Harry answered. "The Egg fell out of my hands it opened. One thing led to another. And I'm pretty sure you can see where this is going." 

"Oh, Malaka." I groaned. "Were you caught?" I asked.

"No." Harry answered. "I pulled the cloak over me before Filch could get here. He thought that Peeves had stolen it from me." 

Peeves was that mischievous Poltergeist who loved causing chaos.  

"Anyway." Harry went on. "Snape then came down, and then Mad Eye showed up. It was all sorts of chaos. Long story short. And then Mad Eye shows up. And Snape thinks he's seen the Marauder's Map. But Mad Eye stopped Snape before... Well... you just had to be there for it." 

"But I wasn't." I reminded.

"Well, long story short-" Harry started again.

"Too late." I interrupted.

"So... Moody found out that I was sneaking out but he covered for me. And I told him about Mr. Crouch being on the Marauder's Map. He seemed almost as surprised as I was. And I asked him if he reckoned that Mr. Crouch wanted to look around Snape's Office." Harry recapped.

"What did he say?" I asked now intrigued. 

"He was nothing compared to Mr. Crouch." Harry answered. "And if there's one thing he hates. It's a Death Eater being sent free." 

"Like Karkaroff." I said.

"You're not kidding." Harry replied. "Anyway, Moody asked if he could borrow the Marauder's Map." 

I was shocked. "But Harry, that map is-" 

"He's just borrowing it." Harry assured. "He didn't ask any questions about where I got it from or anything like that. And then he asked me if I thought of a career as an Auror." 

That got my attention. "And what did you say?" I asked. 

"Well..." Harry started to say.

Earlier in that conversation. (Harry's P.O.V)

"You ever thought of a career as an Auror, Potter?" Moody asked me. 

"No." I answered taken aback. I guess I never gave it much thought before.

"You want to consider it." Moody informed me, nodding and looking at me thoughtfully. "Yes, indeed. Ethan Bauer and Jacob Bauer are Aurors. Very good ones too. So was their Father. That's Kassandra's Family, just so you know. Great Aurors. Great men. It's because of Ethan Bauer that Muggles are all standing alive to this day. He defeated Iosef Trotsky in battle. Saved the World and saved Muggle and Wizard Kind. Not many people can say they did that. Come to think of it, I think that Kassandra would make a great Auror herself." 

I thought the same thing about Kassie. Her brothers were some of the most accomplished Wizards of their days. She should follow in their footsteps. But then Moody changed the subject. "So... you weren't just taking that egg for a walk tonight?" 

"Er-no." I answered grinning. "I've been working out the clue." 

Moody winked at me. "Nothing like a nighttime stroll to give you ideas, Potter... See you in the morning..." 

Back to the Present. (Kassie P.O.V)

"So yeah... that's it." Harry finished to me. 

"Do you think you'll consider a position as an Auror?" I asked.

"Maybe I will." Harry answered. "Will you?" 

The truth was I wasn't sure. I knew that my family would be happy if I did become an Auror. But at the same time... Was it something that I really wanted to do? I didn't want to let them down. "Um... Harry. It's pretty late. I think I'm going to go to bed." I quickly said. And I got out of there and back up to my dorm. 

So yeah. That was my night. Get in a bath with Harry, and figure out how the egg worked. I tried going to sleep. But I spent that night thinking about the Egg's clue. I looked over at Hermione. And good thing I wasn't competing in this Tournament, or I might've been screwed. And something told me that Hermione was not going to be happy that Harry hadn't figured out that clue yet. She was going to explode.

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