Chapter 21: Padfoot Returns.

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I came back to Hogwarts after the Second Task was long over with. But I walked back into the Gryffindor Common Room. Ron and Hermione were both alive and well. Which was great. And Harry was also there, grinning. Along with Ryan. Same with Ginny and Neville.

"Harry!" I ran over to him. I sort of felt guilty about leaving during the Second Task without warning him first. "Harry. I had to... I mean with-" 

"I know." Harry cut me off. "Ryan and Dumbledore told us everything. And I'm happy for your family, Kassie. Truly I am." He smiled.  

I looked at the others. "So... you guys... don't mind me leaving the Second Task?" I asked. 

"Kassie. Family come first." Ron replied. "I mean, I would've done the same thing in your shoes to be there for my family. If Bill had met a girl, married her and they had a child. I'd go to his side in a heartbeat." He explained.  

"The Triwizard Tournament may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. But so is this." Hermione said understanding as well.

"So... did Ethan and Penny have a boy or a girl?" Harry asked. 

"I hope it's a girl." Ginny said.

"Ethan and Penny had a boy. They named him Sean." I answered happily.

"As in Sean Patrick Cormag?" Ron asked excited.

"That would be the one." I answered.

"That's really great." Neville claimed. "It's a great name." 

"Thanks, Neville." I thanked. "Thank you all. So... umm... what happened in the Second Task?" I asked.

"Well. The Champions, us, had to swim out and get what was lost. That turned out to be people. For me, it was Ron, for Cedric, it was Cho, for Krum, it was Hermione, and for Fleur it was her sister, Gabrielle. And we had an hour to do it." Harry explained. 

That sounded way too much pressure to me. "And what would happen if an hour had passed?" I asked.

"Then, I would've been penalized, which I was." Harry answered. "Good thing that Gillyweed worked like a charm. Or I would've been toast. Or an Icicle in this case. That water is freezing cold." 

"Gillyweed. Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione banged her head.

"The plot demanded it." Ryan answered.

"Anyway. I was well passed the time limit. But I was successful in getting Ron. And I also saved Gabrielle too." Harry continued.

"Wait... you saved Gabrielle too?" I asked. "What happened to Fleur?"

"She had to fall back. Grindylows got to her." Harry answered. "Even though I was well past the time limit. I managed to score some good points." 

"Some good points?" Ron asked in disbelief. "You're tied with Cedric for the Lead!" 

"He is?" I asked happily. 

"Well, considering that I showed moral fiber... yeah." Harry answered. "Krum may have finished before me, with a Shark Transfiguration, but he's behind us. Fleur was pretty happy I saved her sister. And she said Ron helped. She's in last though. But that wasn't really a big surprise. She said she deserved 0." 

"And who helped Ron, I wonder?" Anubis sarcastically asked. 

That's when I remembered. "Oh Gods. Ron was in that lake too. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." Ron answered. "We're both fine. McGonagall just put us in a bewitched sleep and when we woke, we would be back above the water. So to pass the time, Anubis took me back into my subconscious and we just both waited it out." 

"You waited it out with Anubis?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah. We weren't going to be just in a deep sleep with nothing to do for all that time." Ron answered.

That was a relief. My friends were okay. And Harry had made it through the Second Task.

"So when is the final task?" I asked.

"June 24th. Plenty of time." Harry answered. "Next time I'm in Hogsmeade, I'm buying Dobby a pair of socks for every day of the year." 

"Why's that?" Hermione asked.

"Because I feel like it." Harry answered.

Even though, I had heard all the details in the aftermath of the second task. Other people were more intrigued about what happened at the bottom of the lake. And that was a golden opportunity for Ron to get a share of the limelight. And may I just say that Ron's version of the events changed with every retelling. He kept changing it every time someone asked him. 

At first he gave the truth- Dumbledore put the hostages in a bewitched sleep in McGonagall's office. But one week later, and Ron told a thrilling tale of being kidnapped in which he single handedly defeated fifty heavily armed Merpeople, who had to beat him into submission before trying him up. Something that made Anubis roll his eyes.

And then suddenly. March came. The Weather became drier, but it was windy. and it would skin our faces every time we went outside. There were also delays in the post as the Owls were blown off course. When Athena came with the dates to Hogsmeade form Sirius, half her feathers were sticking up the wrong way. 

"Oh, Athena." I got her feathers back in their order. "I'm so sorry." 

"I think Athena's had enough for awhile." Harry commented. 

I agreed. "Sorry, Athena. You're done till the wind dies down." 

That seemed just fine with Athena. Because her eyes were wide and she looked shellshocked from flying in all that weather.

Harry took the letter. "It's from Sirius. He says to meet him at the end of the road of Hogsmeade Past Dervish and Bangers at Two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. And to bring as much food as I can." 

"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"It doesn't look like it, doesn't it?" Hermione answered briskly.

"I can't believe him." Harry said. "If he's caught..." 

"He'll be fine. He's lasted this long, hasn't he?" Ryan asked. 

"And it's not like the Dementors are swarming all over." I added.

I knew there was a part of Harry that wanted to see Sirius again. Which is why he was giving a lopsided smile as he folded up the letter.

I thought it would be great to see Sirius as well. I wonder how he would feel when he found out that Ethan now has a son. I'd bet he'd love that. 

Shortly after Double Potions, we all felt more cheerful than we usually did when descending the steps to the dungeons.

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle stood in a huddle outside the classroom door with Pansy Parkinson's gang of Slytherin Girls. All of them seemed to be sniggering heartily. And Pansy peered excitedly around Goyle's broad back as we approached. Which was not a good sign at all...

"There they are, there they are!" Parkinson giggled and the knot of Slytherins broke apart. I saw Parkinson clutching a copy of Witch Weekly in her hands, and the girl on the front had vile hair and a toothy smile. 

"Is that your sister or something?" I asked Parkinson. "She's looks just as ugly as you do." 

"You might find something to interest you in there, Granger!" Parkinson announced loudly, and she threw the magazine at Hermione. Hermione caught it of course and looked startled. Just as Snape ushered us inside the classroom.

We headed back to the back table as usual, and once Snape turned his back, Hermione began to rifle through the magazine under her desk. 

"It's all rubbish anyway. Witch Weekly." Ryan was saying. "Most boring thing I've ever read." All of us leaned in to read it, until we found the article we were looking for. And we saw a colored photograph of Harry headed on a short piece entitled: Harry Potter's Secret Heartache.

"A boy like no other, perhaps- yet a boy suffering all the usual pangs of adolescence, writes Rita Skeeter." Should've guessed. "Deprived  of love since the tragic demise of his parents, fourteen year old Harry Potter thought he had found solace in his steady girlfriend at Hogwarts. Greek Born: Kassandra Bauer, the adopted little sister of the famous Auror, Ethan Bauer. Little did they both know that they would shortly suffer yet another emotional blow in a life already littered with personal loss. And that the Poor Princess Kassandra would be stabbed in the back by a girl pretending to be her friend. Just to seduce Harry Potter. And that vile vixen is Muggle-born, Hermione Granger."

Miss Granger, a plan but ambitious girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards that Harry alone cannot satisfy. Since the arrival at Hogwarts of Viktor Krum, Bulgaria Seeker and hero of the last World Quidditch Cup, Miss Granger has been toying with both boys' affections, while also seeking to make sure Kassandra suffers and is left with a broken heart. Krum, who was openly smitten with the devious Miss. Granger, has already invited her to visit him in Bulgaria over the summer holidays, and insists that he has 'never felt this way about any other girl.'

However it might not be Miss Granger's doubtful natural charms which have captured these unfortunate boys' interests. So much so that caused Kassandra to fall to pieces. 'She's really ugly.' Says Pansy Parkinson, a pretty and vivacious fourth year student. 'But she'd be well up to making a Love Potion, she's quite brainy. I think that's how she's doing it!'

Love Potions are of course banned at Hogwarts, and no doubt Albus Dumbledore will want to investigate these claims. In the meantime, Harry Potter's well wishers must hope that it is not too late for him to lead his heart back to Kassandra Bauer. And what a lovely and sweet girl she is. A poor girl. Orphaned on the streets of Greece. Given a wonderful home by Ethan Bauer, and raised as his sister. He truly has a heart of gold to pity the young street rat who was forced to steal to survive. A life that would've led to her execution and food for the crows. And to arrive at Hogwarts and fall in love with the Boy who Lived and steal his heart. But she was too trusting. Which was how Hermione Granger was able to get in Kassandra's head and pretend that she was friend to her and stab her in the back by taking Harry Potter away from her. It's bad enough you have to steal Harry away, Granger! But to do it with Krum as well! That's a new low!' 

"I told you!" Ron hissed at Hermione, as she stared down at the article. "I told you not to annoy Rita Skeeter! She's made you out to be some sort of- of- scarlet woman!" 

I couldn't believe the words that came out of there. "First of all, Harry and I are friends! That's it! And Hermione isn't a backstabber!" I protested.

Hermione stopped looking, astonished and snorted with laughter. "Scarlet woman?" She repeated, shaking with suppressed giggles as she looked at Ron.

"That's what my mum calls them." Ron muttered, his ears going red.

"If that's the best Rita can do, she's losing her touch." Hermione continued. As she giggled as she threw the magazine carelessly to the side. "What a pile of old rubbish." 

"Not as much rubbish as what J. Jonah Jameson tries to do to Spiderman, I suppose." I pointed out.

"The nerve of some people." Horus commented. "Brother, remind us to leave Gossiping out of the next dominant species we make." 

"Duly noted." Anubis replied. "Though it is kind of fun. At least they're not gossiping about the Gods." 

"Do people Gossip about the Gods?" Hermione asked.

"They tried. It didn't end well." Horus answered.

Hermione and I glanced over at the Slytherins, who were all watching us closely across the room to see if Hermione and Harry were upset about the article. I know I was. But Hermione gave them a sarcastic smile and a wave. Ryan started to smirk at Parkinson's expression and Ron and Harry started unpacking the ingredients we needed to make a Wit-Sharpening Potion.

"What kind of J. Jonas-" Hermione started.

"J. Jonah Jameson. He's in charge of the Daily Bugle." I corrected. "He's from the Spiderman Universe. He tries to make out Spiderman and pain him in a negative light." 

"What kind of rubbish does he say about Spiderman?" Hermione asked.

"Lots of things. It's different every time. But they all have something in Common. He makes Spiderman a Criminal." I answered.

"There's something funny, though." Hermione said, ten minutes later. "How could Rita Skeeter have known...?" 

"Known what?" Ryan asked quickly. "You mixing up Love Potions?"

"Don't be s-." Hermione caught herself real fast. "No... Ryan. Not that. It's about Skeeter. How did she know Viktor asked me to visit him over the Summer?" 

She blushed as she said that while avoiding Ron's eyes.

"What?" Ron asked, as he dropped his pestle but Anubis caught it.

"He asked me right after he pulled me out of the lake." Hermione explained. "After he'd got rid of his Shark's Head. Madam Pomfrey gave us both blankets and he sort of pulled me away from the judges so they wouldn't hear, and he said if I wasn't doing anything over the summer, would I like to-

"And what did you say?" Ron asked while looking particularly irritated.

"And he did say he'd never felt the same way about anyone else." Hermione continued, looking so red, that she could rival Ares. "But how could Rita Skeeter have heard him? She wasn't there... or was she? Maybe she has got an Invisibility Cloak, maybe she sneaked into the grounds to watch the second task..." 

"And what did you say?" Ron repeated through gritted teeth. Someone is really jealous right now.

"Well, I was too busy seeing whether you and Harry were okay to-" Hermione wanted to say till...

"Fascinating though your social life undoubtedly is, Miss. Granger." Came the Icy voice of Snape right behind us. "I must ask you not to discuss it in my class. Ten points from Gryffindor." 

It looked like Snape glided over to our desk while we were talking. The whole class now looked at us, and I noticed Malfoy flashing his Potter Stinks badge at Harry. 

"Um... this isn't what it looks like." I said hopefully. 

"Ah... reading magazines under the table as well?" Snape added as he snatched up the magazine just to add insult to injury. "A further ten points from Gryffindor... oh, but of course..." Snape's black eyes glittered as they fell on Rita Skeeter's article. "Potter has to keep up his press cuttings..." 

The Dungeon rang with Slytherin laughter, and an unpleasant smile curled Snape's thin mouth. And nothing would make me happier than the rip that Magazine out of Snape's hand and slap him with it.

"Harry Potter's Secret Heartache... dear, dear, Potter, what's ailing you now? A boy like no other, perhaps..." 

I saw Harry's face burned as Snape paused, allowing the Slytherins time to laugh heartily. 

"...And to arrive at Hogwarts and fall in love with the Boy who Lived and steal his heart. But she was too trusting. Which was how Hermione Granger was able to get in Kassandra's head and pretend that she was friend to her and stab her in the back by taking Harry Potter away from her. It's bad enough you have to steal Harry away, Granger! But to do it with Krum as well! That's a new low!" Snape sneered. As he rolled up the magazine to the sound of the Slytherins cackling. "Well, I think I had better separate the five of you, so you can keep your minds on your potions, rather than your tangled love lives. Tyler, you can stay here. You do better on your own without these people messing you up anyway. Weasley, over there, Miss. Granger over to Miss Parkinson, Bauer, beside Mr. Malfoy. And Potter, that table in front of my desk. Move. Now!" 

"There's no love life." I tried to say. But Snape ignores me. And I moved my ingredients over to where Malfoy was. And boy did he enjoy picking on me.

And I could hear what was going on what was being said between Harry and Snape.  "All this press attention seems to have inflated your already overlarge head, Potter. You might be laboring under the delusion that the entire wizarding world is impressed with you." Snape continued quietly. But I could hear what he was saying. "But I don't care how many times your picture appears in the paper. To me, Potter, you're nothing but a nasty little child who considers rules to be beneath him." 

The nerve of that man. "Looks like your boyfriend doesn't have Snape in his pocket." Malfoy taunted me. 

"Shut up." I scoffed at him. 

"So I give you fair warning, Potter." Snape went on. "Pint sized celebrity or not. If I catch you breaking into my office one more time-" 

"I haven't been anywhere near your office!" Harry interrupted angrily.

"Don't... lie... to me." Snape hissed. With much emphasis on the Don't and the lie. "Boomslang skin. Gillyweed." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Harry replied coldly.

"You were out of bed the night my office was broken into!" Snape hissed again. "I know it, Potter! Now, Mad Eye Moody might have joined your fan club, but I will not tolerate your behavior! One more nighttime stroll into my office, Potter, and you will pay!" 

I kept my eyes on my potion. But without Hermione to help me, I really struggled with the notes. 

And that was when I saw Snape show off a vial to Harry. "A Truth Potion. So powerful that three drops would have spilled your innermost secrets for this entire class to hear. The use of it is sadly forbidden. But should you steal from me again, my hand just might... slip... over your Pumpkin juice." Snape warned. 

Snape wasn't bluffing. And he sure was smirking when he found out I failed at my Potion. Again. "Well... Bauer. Once again, this clearly proves how pathetic you are in Potions without someone to hold your hand. I was hoping that 4 years would teach you something. But some people I suppose are just... incapable of learning." He said to me. "Like you. Say what you will about your brothers. At least they learned. You can't."  

I looked down in shame. He was right. 

But a knock on the door turned up. "Enter." Snape said in his usual voice. "Unless your Sikander." 

The door opened. Karkaroff came in. "What's he doing here?" I asked myself.

"We need to talk." Karkaroff demanded abruptly. He seemed so determined that nobody should hear what he was saying.

"I'll talk to you after my lesson, Karkaroff." Snape muttered, but Karkaroff interrupted him.

"I want to talk to you now, while you can't slip off, Severus. You've been avoiding me." Krakoff demanded.

"After the lesson." Snape snapped. 

I couldn't hear what they were saying. But Karkaroff kept hovering behind Snape's desk for the rest of the lesson.  

Finally the bell rang. I just wanted to leave. Get away from that area, and from Snape. So I did.

"You know. I'm getting really tired of that Malaka." I said to the others. And it was as we left the Castle at noon the next day to find a weak silver sun upon the grounds. At least the weather was warmer than it had been all year. I liked Spring. 

"Yeah... he's being a real dick." Ryan agreed.

"You're not kidding. I'm sure Sirius would like to hear all about it." Harry said as he had chicken legs stuffed in his bag. Along with a loaf of bread and a flask of pumpkin juice from Pitts. 

We made our way up the High Street, past Dervish and Banges, and out towards the edge of the village. Although I had never been in this direction before. The winding lane lead out to the wild countryside around Hogsmeade. The cottages were fewer here, and the gardens were larger. It reminded me of home. Especially as we walked toward the foot of the mountain in whose shadow Hogsmeade lay. We turned a corner and saw a stile at the end of the lane. Waiting for us was the large shaggy black dog. Which was carrying some newspapers in its mouth.

"Hello, Sirius." Harry greeted with a grin. 

The Black Dog sniffed Harry's bag eagerly, wagged its tail once, then turned and began to trot away from across the scrubby patch of ground that rose to meet the Rocky Foot of the Mountain. We climbed over the stile and followed.

"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled. But Sirius didn't want to be seen so he led us up onto the Mountain itself. And about a Half an Hour later, we kept following him while also sweating out in the sun. And around the steep winding, and stony path. 

I thought it would go on forever. But then Sirius slipped out of sight, and when we reached the place where he had vanished, we saw a narrow fissure in the rock.

"You've got to be joking." Hermione groaned. 

"You have a better idea?" I asked. 

We all squeezed through the hall and found ourselves in a cool, dimly lit cave. Tethered at the end of it, was one end of the rope around a large rock, Buckbeak the Hippogriff.

"Buckbeak!" I yelled happily. And Buckbeak ran over to me and bowed to me. "I've missed you!" 

Buckbeak squawked to me. After the events of last year, I was so worried about Buckbeak. But Sirius had been taking very good care of him it seemed.

And that's when I heard another sound. The sound of a Cat it seemed. And that was when I saw a massive Cat with six legs arrive inside the cave. It emerged on us. 

"Ah!" Hermione screamed. "It's a Wampus Cat!" She started to make for the entrance to the cave.

"Hermione, relax." I tried to tell her. "It's only Tim." 

Tim the Wampus Cat was a Wampus Cat that Ethan had befriended when he was a 7th year. It was right before Penny got captured.

"You know that thing?" Harry asked.

"Yes. This is Tim. He's a Wampus, my brother befriended." I answered. 

"But Wampus are supposed to be indigenous to America. Why is there one here?" Hermione asked confused.

"It's a long story." I answered.

Tim purred. "But mostly it involves Slayton enslaving this poor creature and putting him on Red Dust and sending him on a rampage. Ethan and Jacob were able to help Tim before any harm could be done." I explained.

"That's awful." Hermione commented. 

Tim tilted his head.

Ron started to reach for his wand. But Anubis stopped him. "Steady, Ron. He's only curious." Anubis said. 

"Do you trust him, Kassie?" Harry asked referring to Tim.

"I do." I answered.

"Then that's good enough for me." Harry replied.

Ryan waved at Tim. 

Tim liked Ryan. He meowed at him. 

Buckbeak nodded to Tim. Those two must've had the relationship. 

Harry however, was looking at the black dog, which had just turned into his Godfather.

Sirius was out of his Azkaban robes, and in different clothes. His Black Hair was longer than it had been when he had appeared in the fire, and it was untidy and matted once more. He also looked very thin. "Harry." He smiled. "You have chicken?" He asked. 

Harry pulled open his bag and handed over the bundle of chicken legs and bread. 

"Thanks." Sirius thanked eating off his food. "Tim's been getting me food. But he mostly gets Rats. Can't steal too much food from Hogsmeade; I'd draw attention to myself." 

Tim meowed. "I didn't mean it as an insult, Tim. You tried your best." Sirius replied. 

"You can understand him?" I asked.

"No. But I can tell what he's saying by his body language." Sirius answered. He then grinned at Harry.

"Sirius, what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Fulfilling my duty as Godfather." Sirius answered, gnawing on the chicken bone in a very doglike way. Guess living off Rats will do that to a person. "Don't worry about it, I'm pretending to be a loveable stray." 

Sirius still grinned of course. But Harry was still filled with anxiety. "I want to be on the spot. Your last letter... well, let's just say things are getting fishier. I've been stealing the paper every time someone throws one out, and by the looks of things, I'm not the only one who's getting worried." 

"But Sirius, if they had catch you..." Harry went on. 

"You five and Dumbledore are the only ones around here who know I'm an Animagus. And I suppose Kassie's brothers too..." Sirius assured. "How are Ethan and Jacob, anyway?"

"Ethan's a Pater now." I answered. "He and Penny had a baby, back in February. They named him Sean." 

"That's wonderful." Sirius replied smiling and laughing. "Oh, Ethan is all grown up. A family of his own." 

Both Tim smiled and so did Buckbeak as he nodded. They must've been happy that Ethan was now a Pater too.

Harry and Ron were looking at the Daily Prophet. "Hey, guys. Look at this." They showed me two of the Daily Prophets. The First one was about the Illness of Barty Crouch. And the Second was about a Ministry Witch still missing. 

We both looked at the first one. Apparently there was something about Crouch not being seen since November.

"They're making it sound like he's dying." Harry commented. "But he can't be that ill if he managed to get up here..." 

"My Brother's Crouch's personal assistant." Ron told Sirius. "He says Crouch is suffering from overwork." 

"Well... he did look ill, last time I saw him up close." Harry informed. "The night my name came out of the the goblet..." 

"Getting his comeuppance for sacking Winky, isn't he?" Hermione asked in an edgy voice as she stroked Buckbeak, who was crunching up Sirius's chicken bones. "I bet he wishes he hadn't done it now- bet he feels the difference now she's not there to look after him." 

"Hermione's been with it with House Elves, lately." Ryan explained. He then pulled out a huge table of food. "Here, Sirius. Just enough to get through a bit." 

"Thanks, Ryan Tyler." Sirius thanked eating some more food. "Did you say that Crouch sacked his House Elf?" 

"At the Quidditch World Cup." I answered. And I told Sirius about the attack of the Quidditch World Cup. And how the Dark Mark showed up and Winky being found with Harry's wand clutched in her hand. And how Crouch was pissed. After I was done, Sirius was on his feet again.

"This is where you live?" Ryan asked.

"For the most part. I'm mostly just renting out this cave. I admit it's a bit of a fixer upper. But... it'll do." Sirius answered.

"Beggars, can't be choosers." Horus commented.

"Hello, Lord Horus." Sirius greeted. Then he turned to Harry again. "So let me get this straight." He said after a while. "You saw the elf in the Top Box. She was saving Crouch a seat, right?"  

"That's right." We all answered together. Except for Ryan seeing as how he wasn't in the Top Box with us.

"But Crouch didn't turn up for the match?" Sirius asked. 

"No." Harry answered. "I think he said he'd been too busy." 

Sirius paced around the cave in silence. Then he said, "Harry, did you check your pockets for your wand after you'd left the Top Box?" 

"Erm..." Harry had to think about it. "No. I didn't need to use it before we got in the forest. And then I put my hand in my pocket, and all that was in there were my Omnioculars." He answered.

"So... are you saying whoever conjured the Mark stole Harry's wand in the Top Box?" Anubis asked.

"It's possible." Sirius answered.

"Or it could've been taken off Harry in all the chaos with the Death Eater attack." I suggested. 

"Winky didn't steal that wand!" Hermione insisted.

"No one's accusing her of stealing the Wand, Hermione." Horus assured. 

"Crouch is." Hermione replied.

"The elf wasn't the only one in that box." Sirius reminded. "Who else was sitting behind you, besides the Bauers and the Weasleys?"

"Loads of people." Harry answered. "Some Bulgarian Minister... Cornelius Fudge... the Malfoys..." He listed.

"The Malfoys!' Ron exclaimed so suddenly. "I bet it was Malfoy!" 

"Anyone else?" Sirius asked. 

"No." Harry answered.

"What about Ludo Bagman and Murphy McNully?" Hermione reminded.

"Oh yeah..." Harry said.

"Who's McNully?" Sirius asked.

"A Wizard in a Wheel Chair. He was a member of the Circle of Khanna in my Brother's year. Can fill your head with a lot of analytics that make Hermione sound like a simple sheet of paper. He also came out with the strategy for the Siege of Hogwarts." I answered. 

"Hm..." Sirius stroked his chin. "He was there for the Quidditch, no doubt. And he's Circle of Khanna. I think we can safely rule him out. And I don't know anything about Bagman except that he used to be Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps. What's he like?" 

"He's okay." Harry admitted. "He keeps offering to help me with the Triwizard Tournament."

"Does he now?" Sirius asked frowning more deeply. "I wonder why he'd do that?"

"He must've been taking a liking to Harry." I answered. 

"That's what he said." Harry added.

"Hmm." Sirius pondered even more.

"We saw him in the forest just before the Dark Mark appeared." Hermione told Sirius. "Remember?" She asked Harry and Ron.

"He did. But he didn't stay in the forest." Anubis pointed out. "The moment we told him about the Riot, he went off to the campsite. Then again..." He paused. "He could've Disapparated off to who knows where."

"Are you saying that Ludo Bagman conjured the Dark Mark?" Ron asked.

"It's more likely he did it than Winky." Hermione answered stubbornly. 

I didn't think that was the case. Bagman doesn't seem like the type to be a Dark Wizard. He just doesn't give me that vibe. "I don't think so... He doesn't seem the type to do that." I said.

"No. Hermione is just obsessed the with House Elves!" Ron interrupted me.

"So when the Dark Mark got conjured, and the elf had been discovered holding Harry's wand, what did Crouch do?" Sirius asked again.

"He went to look in the bushes." Harry answered. "But there wasn't any one else there." 

"Then he proceeded to fire Winky." I added.

"Of course." Sirius muttered, and then he paced kind of like Ryan did at times. "He'd want to pin it on anyone, but his own elf...." 

Hold on a second. "Are you saying that Crouch conjured the Dark Mark?" I asked. "Although..." I admitted. "I suppose it adds up. His absences, him going to the trouble of making Winky and not even bothering to turn up and watch. Worked very hard to get the Triwizard Tournament, and then he stopped coming to that too..."  

"My thoughts exactly, Kassie. Just like your Father." Sirius replied.

"I never knew him." I reminded. "But I suppose Ethan and Jacob get it from him, and I've been hanging with them for years." 

Sirius smiled. 

"You sound like you know Crouch personally, Sirius." Ryan noticed.

Sirius's face then darkened. "Oh I know Crouch, alright." He said quietly. "He was the one who gave the order for me to be sent to Azkaban- without a trial." 

"What?" We all asked together. He was the guy?

"You're kidding!" Harry yelled.

"No I'm not." Sirius replied. "Crouch used to be Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, didn't you know?"

"I didn't know that." I answered. 

"So... they send you to Azkaban without trial, but they gave Merula's Parents, who killed Kassie's Dad a trial?" Ryan asked.

"Human Judgment at its finest." Anubis snarled. That's another thing I noticed about Anubis, he hates unfair judgement.

"Oh, right. Sorry Kassie." Sirius said. "He was tipped for the Next Minister of Magic. He's a great wizard, Barty Crouch, powerfully magical- and power hungry." 

"Was he a supporter of Voldemort?" Harry asked nervously. 

"Oh never a Voldemort Supporter." Sirius assured. "No Barty Crouch was always outspoken against the Dark Side. But then a lot of people who were agains the Dark Side... well, you wouldn't understand... you're too young..." 

"That's what my Dad said at the World Cup. And I also have a literal God living inside of me." Ron countered. "So... try us." 

A grin flashed on Sirius's thin face. He would just take that challenge after all.

"Alright, I'll try you..." He walked once up the cave, back again, and said: "Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... the Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." 

"That's how it used to be when Trotsky rose to power." Ron said.

"Well, times like that bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. Crouch's principles might've been good in the beginning- I wouldn't know. He rose quickly through the Ministry, and he started ordering very harsh measures against Voldemort's supporters. The Aurors were given new powers- powers to kill rather than capture, for instance. And I wasn't the only one who was handed straight to the Dementors without trial. Crouch fought violence with violence, and authorized the use of the Unforgivable Curses against suspects. He even put a kill order on Trotsky. Though, anyone that went after Trotsky was killed themselves. But I would say that Crouch became as ruthless and cruel as many on the Dark Side. He had his supporters mind you- plenty of people thought he was going about things the right way, and there were a lot of witches and wizards clamoring for him to take over as Minister of Magic. When Voldemort disappeared, it looked like only a matter of time until Crouch got the job. But then something unfortunate happened..." Sirius smiled grimly. "Crouch's own son was caught with a group of Death Eaters who'd managed to talk their way our of Azkaban. Apparently they were trying to find Voldemort and return him to power. Despite Trotsky's orders for them to go into hiding." 

I did not see that coming. 

"Crouch's son was caught?" Hermione gasped. 

"Yep." Sirius answered, throwing a chicken to Buckbeak. "Nasty little shock for old Barty I'd imagine. Should have spent a bit more time at him with his family, shouldn't he? Ought to have left the office early once in a while... gotten to know his own son." 

"So was Crouch's son a Death Eater?" Ryan asked.

"No idea." Sirius answered. "I was in Azkaban when he was brought in. This is mostly stuff I've found out since I've got out. The boy was definitely caught in the company of people I'd bet my life were Death Eaters- but he might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like the House Elf." 

"Did Crouch try to get his son out?" Hermione asked. 

Sirius let out a laugh as if Hermione had told a joke. 

"Crouch let his son off. I thought you had the measure of him, Hermione! Anything that threatened his reputation had to go; he had dedicated his whole life to becoming Minister of Magic. You saw him dismiss a devoted House Elf because she associated him with the Dark Mark again- doesn't that tell you what he's like? Crouch's fatherly affection stretched just far enough to give his son a trial, and by all accounts, it wasn't much more than an excuse for Crouch to show how much he hated the boy... Still a better Father than Fletcher Snyde though. And then he sent his son straight to Azkaban." 

"He gave his own son to the Dementors?" I asked horrified. Even though I had my family with me. I was always scared that if I did anything wrong, that they would send me to the Dementors. I don't know why, but I did. It always sounded like what the Gods would do if they had children and then tossed them to the side or take pity on them.

"That's right, Kassie." Sirius answered. "I saw the Dementors bringing him in, watched them through the bars in my cell door. He can't have been more than nineteen. They took him into a cell near mine. He was screaming for his Mother by nightfall. He went quiet for a few days, though... they all went quiet in the end... except when they shrieked in their sleep..." 

I shivered at the thought of it. I didn't want to go to Prison. Especially Azkaban. But I sometimes had nightmares that I was a prisoner in there. They were horrible.

"So, he's still in Azkaban?" Harry asked. 

"No." Sirius answered. "No, he's not in there anymore. He died about a year after they brought him in." 

"He died?" I asked horrified.

"He wasn't the only one." Sirius answered bitterly. "Most go mad in there, and plenty stop eating in the end. They lose the will to live. You could always tell when a death was coming, because the Dementors could sense it, they got excited. That boy looked pretty sickly when he arrived. Crouch being an important Ministry member, he and his wife were allowed a deathbed visit. That was the last time I saw Barty Crouch, half carrying his wife past my cell. She died herself, apparently shortly afterward. Grief. Wasted away just like the boy. Crouch never came for his son's body. The Dementors buried him outside the fortress; I watched them do it."

I started to get a tear in my eyes. To think. That could've happened to Hagrid if we hadn't proved his innocence. It made me scared.

"Still..." Sirius said. "It was a better fate than what happened to Isabella Snyde. Merula's Mother." 

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"It was chaos in the war of R. Azkaban was fully under the control of the Dementors." Sirius explained. "The Ministry just let them keep it. Wasn't much they could do about it. And then Derek Slayton looked for his Red Dust to obey him completely." 

Tim hissed at the mention of Slayton. And for good reason. "Slayton went to Isabella's Cell." Sirius continued. "He found a potential ingredient for his Red Dust." 

"And what happened after that?" Hermione asked. With Ron shooting a glare at Hermione not to ask that question.

Sirius looked away. "Some things, Hermione... are better left unsaid." He answered. 

That was all Hermione needed to understand. 

"But back to Crouch." Sirius continued. "He lost it all. One moment a hero. and they next his son and wife dead, the family name dishonored. Once the boy had dies, people started to feel more sympathetic towards his son and asked how a nice young lad from a good family had gone so badly astray. The conclusion was that his Father never cared much for him. And Trotsky was more of a Father than Crouch ever was to his own son. So Cornelius Fudge got the top job, and Crouch was shunted sideways into the Department of International Magical Cooperation. I even heard Daniel Bauer's name would've been considered for Minister, before he died." 

There was a long pause after that. I didn't know what to say. It was such a tragedy. But seeing as how I was Greek and knew a lot of Greek Tragedies. I suppose for us, it would be called Tuesday. But I also thought about something else. Maybe that was why Crouch overreacted about Winky being found beneath the Dark Mark. It must've triggered some PTSD from his son and the Scandal. I remember now when Ethan learned who it was that killed Pater. And how he got angry. Very Angry. Ethan is scary when he's angry. 

"Moody said that Crouch is obsessed with Catching Dark Wizards." Harry told Sirius.

"Yeah, I've heard it's become a bit of a mania with him." Sirius agreed. "If you ask me, he still thinks he can bring back the old popularity by catching one more Death Eater. Got a little disappointed he couldn't take down Trotsky." 

"And he sneaked up here to search Snape's Office!" Ron added triumphantly looking at Hermione.

"Yes, and that doesn't make sense at all." Sirius said.

"Yeah, it does!" Ron shot back. "Listen, if Crouch wants to investigate Snape, why hasn't he been coming to judge the Tournament? It would be an ideal excuse for him to make regular visits to Hogwarts and keep an eye on him." 

"So you think Snape could actually be up to something then?" Harry asked.

"He so is." I agreed. But maybe that's because Snape's been really nasty lately. More than usual.

"Look, I don't care what you say, Dumbledore trusts Snape-" Hermione broke in.

"Oh give it a rest, Hermione." Ron interrupted. "I know Dumbledore's brilliant, and everything, but that doesn't mean a really clever Dark Wizard couldn't fool him-" 

"Why do I get the feeling that Snape's going to be the death of Dumbledore?" Ryan asked.

"But if that's true, then why bother saving Harry's life in our first year?" I asked. 

"Good point, Kassie." Hermione said.

"I dunno. Maybe he thought Dumbledore would kick him out-" Ron said.

"You're just mad that Snape is a dick." Ryan replied.

As they went on with it, I turned to see Harry and Sirius. 

"What do you think, Sirius?" Harry asked loudly for everyone to stop bickering.

"I think they've all got a point." Sirius answered. "Ever since I found out Snape was teaching here, I've wondered why Dumbledore hired him. Snape's always been fascinated by the Dark Arts, he was famous for it at school. Slimy, oily, greasy haired kid, he was." He added. 

"Tell me about it." I said. "And to think that Penny considered using it for a potion." 

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Nevermind." I said.

"Snape knew more curses when he arrived at Hogwarts than half the kids in 7th years, and he was part of a gang of Slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters." 

Sirius then held up his fingers and began ticking names.

"Rosier and Wilkes- they were both killed by Aurors the year before Voldemort fell. The Lestranges- married couple in Azkaban. Avery- from what I've heard he wormed his way out of trouble by saying he'd been acting under the Imperious Curse. Still at large. There was also Malfoys. Said he wasn't a Death Eater. But let's be real. And there was one more I can name who wasn't a Death Eater but hung out with that crowd. Vos, I think..." 

"Vos?" Ryan asked now widening. And his fingers twitching.

"You know that name?" I asked.

Ryan started to breath in heavy. "That's my Mother's Maiden Name." He answered. 

And a knot formed in my stomach. "So does that mean that Ryan's Mater is a Death Eater?" I asked. 

"She sounds like a Death Eater when she yells at me." Ryan answered.

"I'm not sure myself." Sirius admitted. "She hung around that crowd, alright, but I don't know if she was a Death Eater. As far as I know, Snape was never even accused of becoming a Death Eater- not that that means much. Plenty of them were never caught. And Snape's certainly clever and cunning enough to keep himself out of trouble."

"Well... Harry and I discussed it at the Yule Ball that maybe Snape was a Death Eater. He and Karkaroff were talking about something." I said.   

"Snape knows Karkaroff pretty well, but he wants to keep that quiet." Ron countered. 

"Yeah, you should've seen Snape's face when Karkaroff turned up in Potions yesterday!" Harry added quickly. "Karkaroff wanted to talk to Snape, he says Snape's been avoiding him. They also talked during the Yule Ball. And Karkaroff showed Snape something on his arm, but I couldn't see what it was."

"He showed Snape something on his arm?!" Snape asked looking bewildered. "Well, I've no idea what that's about... but if Karkaroff's genuinely worried, and he's going to Snape for answers..." 

It was times like this, that I really wish Ethan was here to help us. But Snape still stared at the wall. "There's still the fact that Dumbledore trusts Snape, and I know Dumbledore trusts where a lot of other people wouldn't, but I just can't see him letting Snape teach at Hogwarts if he'd ever worked for Voldemort." 

"So why are Moody and Crouch so keen on getting into Snape's Office?" Ron asked stubbornly. 

"Well..." Sirius said slowly. "I wouldn't put it past Mad Eye to have searched every single teacher's office when he got to Hogwarts. He takes his Defense Against the Dark Arts seriously, Moody. I'm not sure he trusts anyone at all, and after the things he's seen, it's not surprising. I'll say this for Moody, though, he never killed if he couldn't help it. Always brought in people alive where possible. He was tough, but he never descended to the level of the Death Eaters. Crouch though... he's a different matter... is he really ill?"

"And for that matter, what is he up to?" Anubis asked. "I say we find him and weigh his heart." 

"Or we could get Tim to read his mind." I offered. Knowing that Tim was a Wampus and Wampus were known for their Legilimency. 

Tim was up for it. But it suddenly occurred to me that getting a Wampus into Hogwarts was probably not the best idea. "No, that's probably not a good idea." I said.

Sirius then looked at Ron. "You say your brother's Crouch's personal assistant? Any chances you could ask him if he's seen Crouch lately?" He asked.

"I can try." Ron answered doubtfully. "Better not make it sound like I reckon Crouch is up to anything dodgy, though. Percy loves Crouch." 

"And you might try and find out whether they've got any leads on Bertha Jorkins while you're at it." Sirius added.

"Bagman told me they hadn't." Harry replied.

"Yes, he's quoted in the article in there." Sirius showed Harry the paper. "Blustering on about how bad Bertha's memory is. Well, maybe she's changed since I knew her, but the Bertha I knew wasn't forgetful at all- quite the reverse. She was a bit dim, but she had an excellent memory for gossip. It used to get her into a lot of trouble; never knew when to keep her mouth shut. I can see her being a liability at the Ministry of Magic... maybe that's why Bagman didn't bother to look for her for so long..." 

Ugh. There's always something with these things. I don't know what. All I know is that there is. It's kind of hard to explain. 

"What's the time?" Sirius asked. 

"Half Past Three." Ryan answered immediately.

Malaka. We spent a lot of time in here. 

"You'd better get back to school." Sirius suggested getting to his feet. "Now listen..." He then turned to Harry. "I don't want you lot sneaking out of school to see me, alright? Just send notes to me here. I still want to hear about anything odd. But you're not to go leaving Hogwarts without permission; it would be an ideal opportunity for someone to attack you." 

"To be fair. The only things to attack Harry were a Dragon and Merpeople." I pointed out. 

"I don't care... I'll breathe freely again when this Tournament's over and that's not until June. And don't forget, if you're talking about me among yourselves, call me Snuffles, okay?" Sirius requested.

Snuffles? A little unusual. But I suppose that's life. I could just see it now. Talking about Snuffles. 

Sirius walked with us to the edge of the village with us. But he did it as a Dog. And we walked all the way back. Until we got on the path to Hogwarts. 

"Wonder if Percy knows all that stuff about Crouch?" Ron asked. "But maybe he doesn't care... it'd probably just make him admire Crouch even more. Yeah, Percy loves rules. He'd just say Crouch was refusing to break them for his own son." 

"Percy would never throw any of his family to the Dementors." Hermione protested severely. 

"I don't know." Ron replied. "If he thought we were standing in the way of his career... Percy's really ambitious, you know..." 

"Neither of my brothers would ever do that." I said as we walked up to the Entrance Hall and could smell the delicious food wafting towards us. And then I felt sad for Snuffles. 

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