Chapter 22: Mr. Crouch goes mad.

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We went up to the Owlery after breakfast on Sunday to send a letter to Percy. Just like Sirius suggested us to do. 

"Um... why are we doing this?" Ryan asked.

"We need to ask Percy if he's seen Mr. Crouch lately." Hermione answered.

"I get that. But why are we going to him?" Ryan asked.

"Because, Percy clings onto Mr. Crouch like a little lost puppy. So he's got to know where he is." Ron answered.

I laughed at that part with a little lost puppy.

Harry decided to use Hedwig, given that it had been so long since she'd have a job. And we watched her fly out of sight through the Owlery Window. Then Harry proceeded down to the Kitchens to give Dobby his new socks.

And just like before, the House Elves gave us a very cheery welcome. Bowing and making us all things again. And Dobby was ecstatic about his present. 

"Harry Potter is too good to Dobby!" He squeaked. 

"You saved my life with that Gillyweed, Dobby, you really did." Harry explained. 

"No chance of more of those eclairs, is there?" Ron asked who was looking around at the House Elves.

"You've just had breakfast!" Hermione exclaimed irritably. But nevertheless, a whole tray of Eclairs  zoomed towards us.

"Yeah, but I haven't had Second Breakfast." Ron countered. "And besides we have Gods with us. We need to treat them with the great respect that they deserve. And the only thing I can think of is to give them a food fit for a God." 

"Are we going to say something to him?" I heard Horus whisper to Anubis.

"It's free food. We'll let it slide." Anubis whispered back.

But I thought of Sirius eating Rats. "We'll also give some to Snuffles." I suggested.

"Good idea." Ron agreed. "Give Pig something to do. You couldn't give us a bit of extra food, could you?" He asked the House Elves who bowed and hurried off to get some more. "Such tireless workers." 

"Well... at least this one's going to Snuffles." Hermione caved in. She looked around then. "Dobby, where's Winky?" 

"Winky is over there by the fire, miss." Dobby answered.

I looked over at the Fireplace too. That poor House Elf was sitting by the Fireplace too. Sitting on the same stool. But she allowed herself to become so filthy that she did not look like herself. He And she clutched a bottle of butterbeer and swayed slightly on her stool, starring into the fire. 

I noticed Pitts walking by. "Pitts, what's going on with Winky?" I asked.

Pitts grunted. "Winky's been drinking on the job." He answered. "She goes through six bottles a day now." 

"Is it strong for her?" I asked as I saw Winky hiccup, and the House Elves disapproving looks as they returned to work. 

"Winky is pining, Harry Potter." Dobby whispered sadly. "Winky wants to go home. Winky still thinks Mr. Crouch is her master, sir, and nothing Dobby says will persuade her that Professor Dumbledore is her master now." 

"Correction." Pitts interrupted. "Pitts is Winky's Master now." 

"Pitts. You think you could be a little nicer to Winky?" I asked.

"Pitts reserves his respect for those who get to work." Pitts replied. "Say what Kassandra Bauer will about Jae Kim. At least he did his work making Food." 

"You're just upset that Jae's not here anymore." I said.

"Yeah, but Jae Kim never Drank on the job." Pitts countered. 

I gave up. Ethan wasn't wrong about Pitts being a stubborn Elf.

I turned to look and see what Harry and Winky were saying. 

"Yeah." Harry said. "We haven't seen him since the first task. The Daily Prophet's saying he's ill." 

Winky swayed and looked like she was ready to cry.

"Master- hic- ill?" And her bottom lip began to tremble.

"Here we go again." Pitts rolled his eyes again.

"But we're not sure if it's true." Hermione said quickly.

"Or he might be a Death Eater in secret." Ryan added. 

Winky did not think that. "Master is needing his- Winky!" She whimpered. "Master cannot-hic-manage-hic-all by himself..." 

"But, Winky. I'm sure he can manage his own housework. Other people do it." I pointed out. "Ethan and Penny have a child now, but they sill manage the house." 

"Winky-hic-is not only-hic-doing housework for Mr. Crouch!" Winky squeaked. And swaying worse than ever and slopping butterbeer down her already heavily stained blouse and onto the floor. 

"Ugh. Pitts just cleaned that!" Pitts yelled.

"Master is- hic-trusting Winky with-hic-the most important-hic- the most secret-" Winky went on.

"Most secret?" I asked. "What do you mean by that?"

But Winky shook her head very hard, spilling more butterbeer down herself.

"Winky keeps-hic-her master's secrets." She told me and frowning at me. "You is-hic-nosing, you is. Being a Thief and all that." And then she threw the Butterbeer in my face. 

"Winky must not talk like that to Kassandra Bauer!" Dobby angrily told Winky. "Kassandra Bauer is not a Thief! It was an old life! And Kassandra Bauer is not nosy! She is brave and noble! Like her brothers!" 

"She is nosing-hic- into my Master's- hic- private and secret-hic- Winky is a good House Elf-hic- Winky keeps her silence-hic- people trying to-hic-pry and poke-hic-" Winky scoffed.

"Winky wants to be a Good House Elf? Than Winky will remember that Crouch is no longer Winky's House Elf and GET BACK TO WORK!" Pitts roared.

"You okay, Kassie?" Harry asked.

I spat out some Butterbeer from my mouth. "I'm okay." I assured.

"Good thing it wasn't Hot Coffee, am I right?" Ryan asked. 

But Winky must've passed out then because she slid off her stool and into the hearth, snoring loudly. The empty bottle of butterbeer rolled away across the stone floor. 

"Oh, not again!" Pitts complained. He turned to the House Elves. "Get her Sober! You know what to do." He ordered.

A dozen House Elves came hurrying forward, and looked disgusted. They grabbed Winky and covered her with a large table cloth and tucked the ends neatly, hiding her from view.

"We is sorry you had to see that, sirs and misses!" Squeaked a nearby elf. He looked so ashamed too. "We is hoping you will not judge us all by Winky, sirs and misses." 

"No harm done." Ron assured.

"She's unhappy!" Hermione claimed. "Why don't you try and cheer her up instead of covering her up?!" 

"Does this happen often?" Ryan asked.

"More times than Pitts can count." Pitts answered. Then he turned to Hermione. "House Elves have no right to be unhappy when there is work to be done and masters to be served. Unless you're human. Than it's fun for Pitts." 

But Hermione looked flabbergasted. "Oh for heavens sake!" She yelled. "Listen to me, all of you! You've got just as much right as Wizards to be unhappy! You've got the right to wages and holidays and proper clothes, you don't have to do everything you're told- look at Dobby!"  

I also noticed the House Elves looked at Hermione like she was mad and dangerous. Not their cheery selves. "Can miss leave Dobby out of this?" Dobby requested nervously. 

"Um... Hermione. I think we've overstayed our welcome. Let's get out of here." I said trying to usher her out of the Kitchens. "I'm really, really sorry for the trouble, Pitts. Can you just let me talk to her for a few minutes please? Great! Thanks!" 

And then we left. But not before Harry was able to get more food for Sirius. 

"You know... I don't think those House Elves are really flattered with the whole idea of um..." I tried to find the right words to say to Hermione.

"Communist Revolution?" Ryan asked.

"Basically." I answered. 

"They just need to understand, Kassie. I don't get it. I've tried... everything for them. And it's still coming up short. What is it going to take to give the House Elves their rights?!" Hermione still seemed dead set on her Spew. 

"Um... Miss. Poor Listening Skills! I keep trying to tell you!" Ryan shouted. "They already have their Rights here!" 

"You couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you, Hermione?" Ron asked Hermione angrily. "They won't want us visiting them now! We could've tried to get more stuff out of Winky about Crouch!" 

"I'm pretty sure we couldn't." Ryan said. "Winky did sound dead set on not telling us. Even if Crouch is not her boss anymore. It might take the Gods at this point. And even that might not be enough." 

"Oh as if you care about that!" Hermione scoffed. "You only like coming down here for the food!" 

"Should I step in?" I asked Harry.

"I'm not getting involved." Harry answered.

"Me neither. I think them yelling at each other is just their way of expressing love." Ryan suggested.

"Well... I suppose that is a way." I whispered.

"I don't know about you guys. But Ryan and I are going away from Hermione's Communist Manifesto." Horus said. 

It was a pretty irritable day after that. Ron and Hermione kept spatting at each other over their homework and what not. 

"This is ridiculous." Harry muttered. "You guys want to go to the Owlery?" He asked both me and Ryan. 

"Yeah. I'm getting kind of sick at Ron and Hermione right now." Ryan answered. 

So we all went up to the Owlery and gave the Food to Pig and we were all wondering what next.

"You know. I get what Hermione's trying to do and everything." Harry said. "But... I don't know what to say. Are we going to hear about this whole argument every time?" He asked. 

"Hermione just had to insult the Elves. Didn't she?" Ryan asked. "That or Elves are just not big fans of Communism. Or Socialism. Whichever it is." 

"I don't know." I replied.

"Neither do I. But if Hermione starts making Red Hats for everyone, we're transferring to Beauxbatons." Ryan declared. 

"Come on, Hermione's just going through a phase, guys. By the end of this year, Hermione will have let this all go, and we'll be back to the way things were." Harry assured. 

"So. What to you think the last task is going to be, Harry?" Ryan asked changing the subject.

"No idea. But if it's a Graveyard, I'm throwing it." Harry answered. "And I think Cedric should do the same." 

"You're not kidding." I said. I kept thinking about my vision of Cedric in the Graveyard, dead. And it made me nervous. Now that it was Spring, it was getting closer. We were running out of time.

And that was when we all saw Hagrid in the Courtyard talking with Madam Maxine about something. I was happy to see that Hagrid was back to his old self.  

"Something tells me, we won't be getting another ball. Pity. I would've liked to have danced more with Parvati." Ryan commented. 

"Oh yeah. How are you and her doing?" I asked. 

"Really good." Ryan answered. And that was all we were going to get out of him.

At least at breakfast the next day, Hermione calmed down. At least a little. And Ron's dark prediction of the House Elves spiking Hermione's food out of anger was a false one. 

And when our Owls arrived, Hermione looked up eagerly.

I hadn't gotten a letter from Ethan for sometime. But that wasn't really a big surprise. Sean was a Newborn. They need great attention. 

"Percy won't have had time to answer yet." Ron informed Hermione. "We only sent Hedwig yesterday." 

"No, it's not that." Hermione replied. "I've taken out a new subscription to the Daily Prophet, I'm getting sick of finding everything out from the Slytherins." 

"Good thinking!" Harry praised, watching the Owls above. "Hey, Hermione, I think you're in luck." 

A grey owl soared towards Hermione.

"It hasn't got a newspaper." I noticed. "It's-" 

Oh Gods. The Grey Owl landed in front of Hermione, followed by four barn owls, a brown owl, and a tawny.

"Um... Mione? How many subscriptions did you take out?" I asked.

"As many as she needed apparently." Ryan answered.

"What on Earth?" Hermione took the letter from the Grey Owl. "Oh, really!" She went full red in her face.

"What's up?" Ron asked.

"It's- oh-how ridiculous-" Hermione went on.

"Let me see." I insisted as Hermione handed me the letter. Well, it wasn't a letter, but instead it was a bunch of plastered letters that were cut from the Daily Prophet. 

"You are a wicked girl. Harry Potter deserves better. He deserves Kassandra. Go Back where you came from Mudblood." I read. 

"They're all like it!" Hermione claimed desperately. 

Ryan took a look at the letters for Hermione. "'Harry Potter can do much better than the like of you.' 'You are a wicked girl who stabs poor Princess Kassie in the back.' 'You deserve to be boiled in Frog Spawn Soap.' 'If I ever see you in my presence, I am going to take my wand and shove it up your...' Oh, Gods." Ryan made an expression that told what that meant. He went through more letters. "Oh, these are even worse. Oh." And he made a face with a bad expression. "Okay. Some of these Owls should REALLY be monitored."

Hermione opened up the final letter. "Ouch!" She screamed. And yellowish green liquid smelling strongly of gas, gushed over Hermione's hands, which began to erupt in large yellow boils.

"Yep. Undiluted Bubotuber pus!" Ron said, picking up the envelope and smelling it.

"Ow!" Hermione cried, tears formed in her eyes as she tried to rub the pus away with a napkin, but her fingers were so thick covered in painful sores that it looked like she was wearing thick gloves.

"Hospital Wing. Right now." I suggested to Hermione. "We'll tell Professor Sprout where you'd gone." 

Hermione hurried out of the hall after that.

"I warned her!" Ron commented. "I warned her not to annoy Rita Skeeter, we all did. Look at this one-" He read one of the letters that Hermione had left behind. "I read in Witch Weekly about how you are playing Harry Potter false and that boy has had enough hardship and I will be sending you a curse by next post as soon as I can find myself a big enough envelope."

"Gutless Dogs." I grumbled.

"Blimey. I'd hate to see what the others ones are." Ron said. 

So did I.

Hermione didn't turn up for Herbology. I guess that Pus was very deadly. I wish I knew who it was that sent that letter to Hermione. So that way. I could clobber them into oblivion for hurting my friend. 

At the least, I ran into both Beatrice and Danielle holding hands with each other as Harry, Ron, Ryan, and I walked out of the Greenhouse.

"Oh, Kassie." Beatrice said noticing me as she was done kissing Danielle on the cheek. "Harry, Ryan, Ron." 

"Chare." I greeted.

"Bonjour, Kassandra. Danielle greeted.

"Hi, Danielle. Hi Beatrice." Ryan greeted. 

"Bonjour, Ryan Tyler." Danielle greeted. "What happened to your friend, Hermione?" She asked. "Isn't she... usually with you all?"

"Um..." I started to say.

"Hermione got a bunch of Letters with angry people because of that article Rita Skeeter wrote." Ron answered. "One of them was covered with Undiluted Bubotuber pus. And well..." 

Beatrice could see where this was going. "Ugh. How can anyone believe those ridiculous lives?" She asked.

"I have no idea. People always love the Gossip, I suppose." Ryan suggested.

"I do not believe those lives." Danielle vowed.

"Thanks, Danni." Beatrice thanked. 

"I warned her not to cross Skeeter. And look." Ron said. "Now she's paying the price." 

"Listen. Um. We'd chat more, but we've got to get to Care of Magical Creatures Class." Harry informed.

"Of course." Beatrice nodded. "Oh, do yourself a favor and um... hide any shiny objects from the outside. Trust me on that." 

"Will do." I replied.

And as Harry, Ron, Ryan, and I left  for our Care of Magical Creatures class, we saw the Snake Pack descend down the stone steps from the castle. Parkinson whispered and giggled behind Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyal and with her group of Malakas. She caught sight of us. "Potter, have you split up with your Second Girlfriend? Why was she so upset at breakfast?" 

We all ignored her. They're just words. Yap. Yap. Yap. Yap.

The Good news was that Hagrid informed us that we were done with Unicorns at last. And was waiting for us outside his cabin. With a fresh supply of crates at his feet. At first, I thought it was another shipment of Skrewts, but to my great happiness... I found myself staring at a collection of Nifflers. Fluffy black creatures with long snouts. Their front paws flat, like spades.

"Nifflers!" I claimed happily. 

"Right yeh are, Kassie! 10 points to Gryffindor!" Hagrid praised grinning. "Yeh find 'em down mines mostly. They like Sparkly stuff... there yeh go, look." 

One of the Nifflers suddenly leapt on and attempted to bite Pansy's watch off her wrist. She shrieked and jumped backwards. "Disgusting creatures!" She screamed.

Well, that explained why Beatrice advised me to take my shiny objects off.

And that was when I noticed a particular looking Niffler at me. "Sickleworth!" I knew him when I knew him.  

Sickleworth crawled up my leg and onto my shirt. I picked him up in my arms and hugged him. 

"Useful little treasure detectors." Hagrid said happily. "Thought we might have some fun with 'em today. See over there?" He pointed to a large patch of freshly turned earth. "I've buried some gold coins. I've got a prize fer whoever picks the Niffler that digs up the most. Jus' take off all yer valuables, an' choose a Niffler an' get ready to set 'em loose." 

"Hagrid? Can I use Sickleworth?" I asked.

"Sure." Hagrid answered.

Sickleworth was always so cuddly. I rubbed his stomach and he loved it. It made my heart melt. 

Ryan also picked up a Niffler. "Well, hello there, little fellow." He said. And the Niffler loved him too. That was how you treat Nifflers. With kindness and compassion. 

"Hang on." Hagrid said looking into the box. "There's a spare Niffler here... who's missing?! Where's Hermione?!" 

"She had to go to the Hospital Wing." I answered. "Long story." I noticed Parkinson trying to listen in. 

And Sickleworth squinted his eyes at Parkinson. 

Let me just say for the record. That it was the best lesson we've ever had. The Nifflers drove in an out of the patch of earth like it was swimming in water. And scurrying back to the student who had released them and spitting gold into their hands. Ron's was very efficient; and soon enough, it filled his lap with coins. 

"He's a natural, Ron!" Anubis claimed.

But not as natural as Sickleworth was. He had a full big lap of coins. 

"Can you buy these as pets, Hagrid?" Harry asked. 

"Yer aunt and uncle wouldn' be happy, Harry." Hagrid answered, grinning. "They wreck houses, Nifflers. I reckon they've nearly got the lot now." He added as he paced around the patch of earth. "I only buried a hundred coins. Oh, there y'are Hermione!" 

Hermione walked towards us with bandaged hands and a miserable expression. Parkinson watched her beadily, but said nothing. 

"Well, let's check how yeh've done!" Hagrid declared. "Count yer coins! An' there's not point trying ter steal any, Goyle." He added as he narrowed his eyes. "It's Leprechaun Gold. Vanishes after a few hours." 

Goyle emptied his pockets, looking extremely sulky. 

Sickleworth proved to be the most successful. And Hagrid gave me an enormous slab of Honeydukes chocolate as a prize. Yes! And Ron got second place and won a Chocolate Frog Card and a small box of assorted cookies. The bell rang across the grounds for lunch, and the rest of the class disappeared. But we stayed back to help Hagrid pack away. 

"What've yeh done ter your hands, Hermione?" Hagrid asked, looking concerned. 

Hermione told Hagrid about the hate mail she received. And the one with the Bubotuber pus.

"Aaah, don' worry." Hagrid assured looking gently down at her. "I got some o' those letters, an' all, after Rita Skeeter wrote abou' me mum. 'Yeh're a monster an' yeh should be put down' 'Yeh mother killed innocent people an' if you had any decency you'd jump in a lake.'" He listed.

"That's insane!" I claimed. While still trying to use Sickleworth for comfort.

"No!" Hermione also claimed outraged.

"Yeah." Hagrid replied. As he heaved the box of Nifflers over to his cabin. "They're jus' nutters, Hermione. Don' open 'em if yeh get any more. Chuck 'em straight in the fire." He advised.

"Hagrid's right, Hermione." I added. And then a thought came to my head. "Maybe I should go tell Ethan and Jacob about this." The could probably set Skeeter straight. Dumbledore did warn Skeeter of who my Brothers were.

"I think you missed one, Hagrid." Hermione said looking at Sickleworth.

"Oh, tha's Sickleworth. He shows up on the grounds from time to time." Hagrid said. "Rakepick's Niffler. But she went rogue and left Sickleworth on his own." His expression got dark. "Poor little fella. Now he goes where he pleases." 

I took Sickleworth and hugged him close. "Come one Sickleworth. I'll get you some food." I offered. "Can I take him, Hagrid?" 

"Knock yerself out, Kassie." Hagrid answered. "He's not my Niffler. He belongs to everyone." 

Hate mail continued to arrive for Hermione as the weeks passed and while she was following Hagrid's advice and longer opened them, several people sent Howlers, which exploded at the Gryffindor table and shrieked insults at her for the whole hall to hear. Even those who didn't read Witch Weekly knew about the supposed Harry-Me-Krum-Hermione love whatever it was now. And frankly I was getting sick of having to explain to people that there was no love relationship going one with us. And Harry felt the exact same way.

"I can't take it anymore." Ryan said. He grabbed a bunch of Howlers and shoved it in a noise cancelling box and it all got shredded up. Well... at least that would take care of the Howlers. But it wouldn't stop more from coming. 

"It'll die down though." Harry assured Hermione. "If we just ignore it... people got bored of the stuff she wrote about me last time-" 

"I want to know how she's listening into private conversations when she's supposed to be banned from the grounds!" Hermione said angrily. 

That was when I noticed a little beetle at our table. Which scurried away as Sickleworth chased it. 

Hermione hung back in our next Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson to ask Mad Eye something. Most likely about Invisibility Cloaks. 

Five minutes later, she came back to us, panting. "Well, Rita's definitely not using an Invisibility Cloak! Moody says he didn't see her anywhere near the Judges' table at the Second Task, or anywhere near the lake!" 

"Hermione, is there any point in telling you to drop this?" Ron asked wearily. 

"No!" Hermione answered defiantly. "I want to know how she heard me talking to Viktor! And how she found out about Hagrid's Mum!" 

"Maybe she had you bugged." Harry suggested.

"Bugged?" Ron asked blankly. "What... put fleas on her or something?" 

And Harry had to explain to Ron how Microphones and recording equipment worked. 

"I know how it works." Ryan said. 

"Aren't you all ever going to read Hogwarts: A History?" Hermione interrupted.

"Well, that depends? Are you going to read it again and read specifically the part about House Elves?" Ryan asked. 

"If you keep it up like that, then no." Ron answered. 

"All those substitutes for magic Muggle use- electricity and computers and radar, and all those things- they all go haywire around Hogwarts, there's too much Magic in the air.... except for Muggle Studies class of course." Hermione admitted. "Rita's using magic to eavesdrop, she must be... if I could just find out what it is... ooh, if it's illegal, I'll have her..." 

"Haven't we got enough to worry about?" Ron asked. "Do we have to start vendettas against Rita Skeeter as well?" 

"I'm not asking you to help!" Hermione snapped at him. "I'll do it on my own!" 

She marched back up the marble staircase without a backwards glance. 

"Five Galleons says she comes back with a box of I hate Rita Skeeter badges." Ryan said.

"You're on." Harry replied.

Hermione didn't ask up to help her pursue vengeance against Rita Skeeter, for which we were all grateful for. Somewhat. I wanted to help Hermione. But the Workload was mounting ever higher in the days before Easter. How Hermione could research magical methods of eavesdropping as well as everything else we had to do, I'll never know. I was just trying to get through all of our homework. 

In the meantime. Hedwig didn't return until the end of the Easter Holidays, and Percy's response was enclosed in a package of Eater Eggs that Mrs. Weasley sent. Mine, Harry's, Ron's, and Ryan's were all the size of Dragon Eggs, Hermione's... was smaller than a chicken egg. And her face said it all.

"Your mum doesn't read Witch Weekly, does she?" Hermione asked quietly. 

"Yeah." Ron answered. "Gets it for recipes." 

"Does your Mother or Sister in Law, Kassie?" Hermione asked quietly. 

"No." I answered. "Mater says she doesn't read crap. And Penny did read Witch Weekly, but stopped when they made a controversial article about Ethan." Whatever that thing was, I'll never know. But I assume it had something to do with the Cursed Vaults. 

But that wasn't what I was thinking about. How could Mrs. Weasley believe those ridiculous lies?

"Hey, what did Percy write?" Ryan asked. 

Harry opened it, revealing a short and irritative letter. 

As I am constantly telling the Daily Prophet, Mr. Crouch is taking a well deserved break. He is sending in regular instructions. No, I haven't actually seen him, but I think I can be trusted to know my own superior's handwriting. I have quite enough to do at the moment without trying to squash these ridiculous rumors. Please don't bother me again unless it's something important. Happy Easter.

"Well... he's useless." Anubis commented.

The start of the Summer Term came. And that usually meant that Harry, Ryan and I would be training hard for the Last Quidditch Match of the year. But not this year. This year... It would be the Third and Final Task of the Triwizard Tournament that Harry needed to prepare for. Too bad none of us could figure out what to do. At least until the last week of May, Professor McGonagall held him back in Transfiguration. He would have to go to the Quidditch Pitch at 9 o'clock. And he left us in the Gryffindor Common Room. 

"So... what do we do now?" I asked.

"We stay here." Hermione answered. "There's not much we can do." 

"So. You've gotten further in your war with Rita Skeeter?" I asked. 

"So far... no." Hermione answered. "Say... Kassie. If I remember correctly. Didn't you once say that your brothers had run ins with Skeeter before?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I answered. While Sickleworth was playing with some gold that Horus had conjured up for him. 

"How did they get her off their backs again?" Hermione asked.

"Something about a truce or something like that." I answered. 

"Hm." Hermione said. "I bet they found some dirt on Skeeter herself. Well, I'm going to have to ask them." 

"Provided that you don't get any more hate mail." I added.

And just then more mail came in for Hermione. Hate Mail.

"Oh, come on." Hermione groaned. And she stuffed them all into that container that Ryan had made in case there were Howlers. 

Ryan slammed it all down. "You know. Emily used to work for Witch's Weekly. Tried to squeeze it in good with the boss." He said. 

"Did she?" Hermione asked.

"Yep." Ryan answered. "Perfect place for inflated Egos to work. After she graduated from Hogwarts, she got a job for the department. And of course... Emily's ego was the biggest of all of them." 

And that proved to be her undoing.

"Ryan? Do you ever talk to your sister-?" Hermione asked.

"No." Ryan answered with his head down.

"He prefers it that way. And I do believe that Emily feels the same way." Horus explained.

"Eh, who needs her anyway?" Ryan asked. "Emily was a real bitch who used me for a punching bag at every opportunity. Besides. I got something better. I got Sophie still, even if she's living with my Mother. And I've got Hermione and Kassie."

"Ryan. We're not related to you." Hermione said.

"No. But I consider you girls, my sisters." Ryan replied.

"It's not always about blood to be a family." I pointed out. 

"Fair enough." Hermione admitted.

I then noticed Sickleworth make a motion for the door. He must've detected something shiny. And he went out the Portrait Door. 

"I'll go get him." I said. And I ran after Sickleworth.

"Come on, Sickleworth." I ran after Sickleworth. But I would just have to get him before I got caught by Filch or worse. 

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked following him, as Sickleworth made a mad dash for the hallway. 

And that was when Harry bumped into me. Literally bumped into me. 

"Oof!" We both collided. 

"Kassie? What are you doing here?" Harry asked me. And his voice sounded incredibly desperate. 

"I was chasing after Sickleworth." I answered. "Are you okay?"

"Nevermind that." Harry said. And I couldn't tell what was going on. But the tone of Harry made it sound like it couldn't be good. "I have to find Dumbledore." He told me.

"Why?" I asked as Sickleworth came back to my hands. 

"It's Crouch. I've found him." Harry replied. "And it's not good." And he turned towards the entrance to Dumbledore's office. 

"Sher-sherbet Lemon!" Harry panted. The Gargoyle didn't budge.

"Harry! That Password was two years ago." I reminded. 

"Move!" Harry shouted. "C'mon!" 

"Shouldn't we be going for Mr. Crouch?" I asked. 

"No. Krum is with him, but listen Kassie. We've-" Harry was saying.

"Potter! Bauer!" 

We turned to see Snape. Who just emerged from Dumbledore's Office, looking irritated. "What are you two doing here?"

"I need to see Professor Dumbledore!" Harry insisted. "It's Mr. Crouch... he's just turned up... he's in the forest... he's asking-" 

"What is this rubbish?" Snape asked. "What are you talking about?"

"Mr. Crouch!" Harry shouted. "From the Ministry! He's ill or something- he's in the forest, he wants to see Professor Dumbledore! Just give me the password up to-" 

"The Headmaster is busy, Potter." Snape replied coldly. His lips curling into an unpleasant smile. 

I looked at Sickleworth and had placed him on the ground. But I also flung a shiny coin onto Snape. 

"I've got to tell Professor Dumbledore!" Harry yelled now persistent. 

"Didn't you hear me-" I think Snape was enjoying himself a little too much. But then he felt something on his body. "Ah! Get it off! Get it off!" As Sickleworth moved across on Snape. 

Suddenly, the stone wall behind Snape slid open. And Dumbledore was standing there with his curious expression.

"Is there a problem?" Dumbledore asked curiously noticing Snape's twitching. 

And Sickleworth got the coin. 

"Severus. How many times do I have to tell you, keep your shiny objects close to you. Not on you?" Dumbledore asked slightly amused.

"Stupid Niffler." Snape grunted. He then saw Sickleworth come back to me. "Bauer! Keep your Pet away from my body!" He demanded.

"He's not a pet. He's a companion." I countered. "It's not his fault you have shiny objects on you." 

"Professor!" Harry cried and side stepping Snape. "Mr. Crouch is here- he's down in the forest, he wants to speak to you!" 

I expected Dumbledore to ask questions, but he didn't. "Lead the way." He ordered promptly. "Kassandra. You should come with us. You can keep an eye on Sickleworth more closely." 

"Thank you sir." I took that offer before Snape could give me detention.

"Now what did Mr. Crouch say, Harry?" Dumbledore asked as we walked down. 

"Said he wants to warn you... said he's done something terrible... he mentioned his son... and Bertha Jorkins... and Voldemort... something about Voldemort getting stronger..." Harry answered still panting.

"He did?" I asked nervously. And I thought about my visions in the graveyard. 

"Indeed." Dumbledore said as he quickened the pace.

"He's not acting  normally." Harry continued, as we hurried alongside Dumbledore. "He doesn't seem to know where he is. He keeps talking like he thinks Percy Weasley's there, and then he changes and says he needs to see you... I left him with Viktor Krum." 

"You did?" Dumbledore asked sharply, and beginning to take longer strides. "Do you know if anyone else saw Mr. Crouch?"

"No." Harry answered. "Krum and I were talking, Mr. Bagman had just finished telling us about the Third Task, we stayed behind and then we saw Mr. Crouch coming out of the forest-" 

"Where are they?" Dumbledore asked, and as the Beauxbatons carriage appeared in the distance.

"Over here." Harry answered moving in front of us. And he found his way to the trees. "Viktor?" He shouted into the silence, and getting no answer. 

"They're not here." I said. 

"They were here." Harry told both of us. "They were definitely somewhere around here..." 

"Lumos." Dumbledore lit up his wand. 

"Harry? What was the Third Task?" I asked.

"It's a maze." Harry answered. "And we've got to go through it. Kind of wish you were with me on this one, Kassie." He joked. "Could really use you." 

A maze? "Why's that?" I asked.

"Well you know, you and the Labyrinth." Harry answered. 

"Well, it was really Ethan who led us through that." I countered while still holding up Sickleworth. 

"Professor Dumbledore! Help!" We heard a shouting from over. It had come from Beatrice.

"That sounded like Beatrice." Harry commented.

We hurried to the sound. And I could see a light in the distance. Coming from Beatrice. Krum was spawned out on the forest floor, and he wasn't moving. And Beatrice was there with her wand pointed at another part of the forest. And no sign of Mr. Crouch.

"Beatrice?" Harry asked. "What are you doing here?" 

"Investigating." Beatrice answered. "Soon as Cedric came back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, he told me he saw Mr. Crouch and he was practically insane. I thought I would investigate what was going on. Looks like I was too late." 

I looked at Krum. "Is he dead?" I asked worried. 

Dumbledore leaned over and gently lifted one of Krum's eyelids. "He'll be okay, Kassandra. He's just been stunned." He said softly. His half moon glasses glittering in the wand light as he peered around the surrounding trees. "Did you see Mr. Crouch at all, Beatrice?" He asked. 

"No. Just Krum on the ground." Beatrice answered.

"Should we go and get Madam Pomfrey?" I asked.

"No." Dumbledore answered swiftly. "Stay here." 

He raised his wand into the air and pointed it in the direction of Hagrid's cabin. I saw something silvery dart out of it and streak through the trees like a ghost of a bird. Then Dumbledore bent over Krum again, and pointed his wand on his shoulder and muttered, "Enverate."

Krum opened his eyes, looking dazed. He saw Dumbledore, he tried to sit up, but Dumbledore made him lie still.

"Viktor? Are you okay?" I asked

"Dazed." Krum answered rubbing his head. "He attacked me. The old man attacked me. I vos looking around to see vare Potter had gone and he attacked me from behind." 

"Lie still for a moment." Dumbledore said softly. 

"Are you saying that Mr. Crouch attacked you?" Beatrice asked. 

And then came the sound of thunderous footsteps. And Hagrid came panting into sight with Fang at his heels. He was carrying his crossbow.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Hagrid's eyes went wide. "Harry, Beatrice, Kassie- what the-?"

"Hagrid, I need you to fetch Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore ordered hastily. "His student has been attacked. When you've done that, kindly alert Professor Moody." 

"No need, Dumbledore." Came the wheezy growl of Mad Eye. I'm here." He limped over to us and leaned on his staff. "Damn leg." He grumbled furiously. "Would've been here quicker... I'm getting too old for this. What's happened? Snape said something about Crouch-" 

"Crouch?" Hagrid asked blankly. 

"Yeah. Him." Beatrice answered.

"Karkaroff, please, Hagrid!" Dumbledore repeated.

"Oh, yeah... right y'are, Professor..." Hagrid replied before taking off with Fang. 

"I don't know where Barty Crouch is." Dumbledore informed Mad Eye. "But is essential that we find him." 

"I'm on it." Mad Eye growled, pulling his wand and limping away into the Forest.

None of us spoke as Hagrid and Fang returned with Karkaroff behind them. Wearing his sleek silver furs, and looking rather pale and agitated.

"What is this?" He cried, seeing Krum on the ground. "What's going on?"

I vas attacked." Krum answered, sitting up now. "Mr. Crouch of votever his name- "

"Crouch attacked you? Crouch attacked you?! The Triwizard Judge?!" Karkaroff roared. He looked like a giant bomb was about to go off. 

"Igor." Dumbledore began, but Karkaroff drew himself up, clutching his furs around him and looked really angry. Sickleworth shook in my arms, and Beatrice kept me behind her. 

"Treachery!" He bellowed pointing at Dumbledore. "It is a plot! You and your Ministry of Magic have lured me here under false pretenses, Dumbledore!  This is not an equal competition! First you take that Greek Street Rat over there in as a student, and let a pathetic family like the Bauers raise a thief as their own!" 

"Hey, back off! Leave Kassie out of this!" Beatrice yelled. 

But Karkaroff charged ahead. "Then, you sneak Potter into the Tournament, though he is underage! Now one of your Ministry friends attempts to put my champion out of action! I smell double dealing and corruption in this whole affair, and you, Dumbledore, you, with all your talk of closer international wizarding links, of rebuilding old ties, of forgetting old differences- here is what I think of you! And you, Bauer girl! Here is what I think of your Brother, Ethan, and his whore who birthed him his bastard!" 

Karkaroff spat on the ground at Dumbledore's feet. And in that moment. All Hades broke loose. Beatrice shot Karkaroff with a wind spell. And then pinned him to a tree and letting his hands and feet get hooked onto by branches and then knock him to the ground. "DON'T YOU EVER CALL MY FAMILY THAT!" She yelled.

And I felt my breath with anger. How dare that bastard call Penny a whore and Sean a Bastard! I started to scream out, but it was Harry that restrained me. "Harry! Get off me!" I yelled. 

And in another swift move, Hagrid seized the front of Karkaroff's furs, lifted him and the air and slammed him again into the tree. And I don't think that Atlas could ever match the strength in Hagrid at that moment. 

"Apologize!" Hagrid snarled, as Karkaroff gasped for breath. And Hagrid's massive fist was at his throat and feet dangling in the air.  

"Get him." Beatrice encouraged. 

"Hagrid, no!" Dumbledore shouted, his eyes flashing.

"Professor Dumbledore with all due respect. That son of a Bitch just insulted my Sister and Nephew. He deserves what's coming to him." Beatrice sharply said. 

Hagrid did remove the hand that was pinning Karkaroff to the tree. But Karkaroff slid all the way down and trunked and slumped in a huddle at its roots. 

"I'm aware of that, Miss. Haywood." Dumbledore replied. "Now Hagrid, Kindly escort Harry, Kassandra, and Beatrice back up to the castle." He ordered. 

Breathing heavily, Hagrid gave Karkaroff a cold hard stare. Like he was hoping to turn into Medusa at any rate. "Maybe I'd rather stay here, Professor. And let Beatrice take them..."

"You will take Harry, Kassandra, and Beatrice back to school, Hagrid." Dumbledore repeated firmly. "Take them right up to Gryffindor Tower. And Beatrice to the Kitchens. And you three- I want you to stay there. Anything you might want to do- any owls you might want to send, or anybody you might want to see- it can wait until morning, do you understand?" 

"Yes sir." I answered both nervously and angry. Even though I wanted to tell Ethan so badly about what had happened. Though may Hades have mercy if he found out Karkaroff's exact words.. 

"I'll leave Fang with yeh, Headmaster." Hagrid agreed, still starring menacingly at Karkaroff. "Stay Fang. C'mon, Harry, Beatrice, Kassie." 

"One second." Beatrice walked back up to Karkaroff. And she kicked him right between his legs. And spat right at him. "You would've been safer in Azkaban." She said. 

We marched in silence past the Beauxbatons carriage and up towards the castle. Sickleworth still in my hands. 

"How dare he." Hagrid growled, as we strode past the lake. "How dare he accuse Dumbledore. Like Dumbledore'd do anythin' like that. Like Dumbledore wanted Harry in the Tournament in the firs' place. Worried! I dunno when I seen Dumbledore more worried than he's bin lately.

"Calling Ethan and Penny, and Sean those things as well." Beatrice grumbled.

I nodded my head. 

"An' you!" Hagrid said suddenly angry to Harry. "What were you doin' wanderin' off with ruddy Krum? He's from Durmstrang, Harry! Coulda jinxed yeh right there, couldn' he? Hasn' Moody taught yeh nothin? 'Magine lettin' him lure yeh off on yer own-"

"Hagrid." I said as we climbed up to the entrance hall. "Krum's not a bad man!"

"He wasn't trying to jinx me, he just wanted to talk about Hermione." Harry insisted. 

"I'll be havin' a few words with her an' all." Hagrid said not buying it. "I trust yeh know where yer goin' Bea?"

"I'll see you later." Beatrice replied. "Bye guys. I need to talk to Cedric about this anyway." And she went off. 

"The less you lot 'ave ter do with these foreigners, the happier yeh'll be. Yeh can' trust any of 'em." Hagrid went on. 

"Foreigners? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked a little hurt. "Like me? Ha! Says the man who's getting along just fine with Madam Maxine! A Foreigner!" I shouted at him and running away. 

Saying goodbye was such a relief. Or rather running away with Sickleworth. But I did hear, Hagrid. "Kassie! Wait! I didn' mean-" But I was already out of ear shot. 

By the time I made it up to the Common Room, Hermione, Ron, and Ryan waited for us. 

"What happened?" Hermione asked me realizing how upset I was. "Did Snape give you detention?"

"No." I answered. "I saw Harry and-" 

And that was when Harry came into the Common Room. "He's just upset, Kassie." Harry assured me. And then Harry was the one who proceeded to tell the others what happened. 

I looked at Sickleworth. He offered me a tissue. "Thanks." I said.

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