Chapter 23: Things get Darker.

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"It comes down to this." Hermione declared, rubbing her forehead in frustration. "Either Mr. Crouch attacked Viktor, or somebody attacked both of them when Viktor wasn't looking." 

"Or..." Ryan said pulling out a whole blackboard like a web of theories. "Someone used the Imperious Curse on Crouch and used him to jinx Krum. Or someone could've attacked Krum disguised as Crouch with Polyjuice Potion. Or it could've been a third party member. Which is Slayton come back from the dead! Or... you know what, maybe we should just stick with Crouch attacking Viktor. Because this is already getting too complicated." He decided.

"Thank you." Hermione thanked.

"It must've been Crouch." Ron said at once. "That's why he was gone when Beatrice got there. He'd done a runner." 

But it didn't make much sense. Why would Crouch turn on us, and why now?

"I don't think so." Harry shot down shaking his head. "He seemed really weak- I don't reckon he was up to Disapparating or anything." 

"Hermione. Don't say it." I quickly shot to Hermione. "We all know you can't Disapparate in Hogwarts." 

"Too bad we don't have the body, or we would've found the truth." Anubis commented. 

"Or there's the idea that Krum attacked Crouch, and then Stunned himself." Ryan suggested. "No. That's stupid." 

"And then Crouch evaporated into thin air?" I asked suppressing a laugh.

"Or... he melted like the Wicked Witch of the West." Ryan replied. "Wizard of Oz." 

"Just go through it again, Harry." Hermione advised. "What did Mr. Crouch actually say?"

"I've told you, he wasn't making sense." Harry answered. "He said he wanted to warn Dumbledore about something. He definitely mentioned Bertha Jorkins, and he seemed to think she was dead. He kept saying it was his fault- he mentioned his son." 

"That was on him." Horus noted.

"He was out of his mind." Harry continued. "Half the time he seemed to think his wife and son were still alive, and he kept talking to Percy about work and giving him instructions." 

"And remind me what he said about You Know Who?" Ron asked tentatively. 

"I've told you." Harry repeated dully. "He's getting stronger." 

That didn't come as a shock to me. If Voldemort was getting stronger, it couldn't be good. 

"But he was out of his mind like you said, so half of it was probably just raving..." Ron insisted with a falsely confident voice.

"I don't believe that is the case, Ron." Anubis shot down.

"Can't you leave me with optimism?" Ron asked.

"You can be optimistic. I'll be realistic." Anubis answered.

"He was his sanest when he was talking about Voldemort." Harry added. "He was having real trouble stringing two words together, but that was when he seemed to know where he was and know what he wanted to do. He just kept saying he needed to warn Dumbledore." And then he grit his teeth. "If Snape hadn't held me up. I might've made it in time. Asking all these questions... why couldn't he have just gotten out of the way?" 

"Maybe he didn't want you to get there!" Ron suggested quickly. "Maybe- hang on- how fast d'you reckon he could've got down to the forest? D'you reckon he could've beaten you and Dumbledore there? And Beatrice too." 

"Not unless he's knows Shadow Magic." I answered. "And could Shadow Travel." 

"We need to find Professor Moody." Hermione declared. "We need to find out whether he found Mr. Crouch." 

"But wait. If he had the Marauder's Map on him, it would've been easy to track him down." I pointed out."

"Unless... Crouch was already outside the grounds." Ron said. "Because it only shows up to the boundaries, doesn't-" 

"Shh!" Hermione said suddenly.

Someone was coming. Up the stairs to the Owlery. I could hear two voices arguing.

"-that's blackmail, that is, and we could get in a lot of trouble for that-" 

"We've tried being polite, it's time to play dirty like him. He wouldn't like the Minister of Magic finding out what he did-" 

"I'm telling you if you put that in writing, it's blackmail!" 

"Yeah, and you won't be complaining when we get a nice fat payoff, will you?" 

The Owlery doors banged opened, and Fred and George came across the threshold, freezing at the sight of us.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was just them. 

"What're you doing here?" Ron and Fred asked in unison.

"Sending a letter." George and Harry responded. 

"What, at this time?" Hermione and Fred asked in unison. 

"We all sound funny." Both Ryan and I said. 

Fred grinned at us. "Fine- we won't ask you what you're doing if you don't ask us." He offered. 

Fred held up a sealed envelope in his hands. I glanced at it, but Fred shifted his hand to cover who it was going to.

"Well, don't let us stop you." Fred said making a mock bow and pointing to the door.

Ron didn't move. "Who were you blackmailing?" Anubis asked.

The grin vanished from Fred's face. And George half glanced at Fred, before smiling at Ron. 

"It was a joke. My Lord." They assured easily.

"That's not what it sounded like to me." Anubis shot back. 

Fred and George looked at each other, and then Fred said. "It's an internal affair. Nothing that needn't concern you." 

"You realize what Blackmailing is, right?" Anubis pressed. "And I assume you know the consequences for it." 

"It's a joke." George insisted. He then walked over to Fred, pulled out the letter out of his hands, and began attaching it to the leg of the nearest Owl. "You sound almost like Percy for a second. Carry on like this and you'll make Ron a Prefect." 

"No, I won't!" Ron took over again. 

George carried the barn owl over to the window and set it free. He then turned around, grinned and said: "Well, stop telling people what to do then. See you later." When it came to speaking to Ron. They could get away with anything. But they hesitated when it came to Anubis. And then the Twins left. 

"You don't think they know something about all of this, do you?" Hermione whispered to us. "About Crouch and everything?"

"No." Harry answered. "I know the Twins. If it was something that serious, they'd tell someone. They'd tell Dumbledore." 

Ron looked extremely uncomfortable. 

"You okay, Ron?" Ryan asked.

"Well..." Ron said slowly. "I dunno if they would. They're... they're obsessed with making money lately. I noticed it when I was hanging around them- when- you know-" 

"We weren't talking." Harry finished for him. "Yeah, but blackmail-" 

"It's all about this joke shop idea they've got." Ron went on. "I thought they were only saying it to annoy Mum, but they really mean it. They've only got one more year left at Hogwarts. And Fred always talked about how it's time they start thinking about their futures. And they need gold to get started. And didn't want the Gods charity to do it." 

I didn't like the sound of that. Ill gotten Fortune was not a good thing.

And Hermione looked extremely uncomfortable now. "Yes. But... they wouldn't do anything against the law to get gold. Would they?"

"Wouldn't they?" Ron asked, looking skeptical. "I dunno. They don't exactly mind breaking rules, do they?" 

"Yes, but this is the law." Hermione looked scared now. "This isn't some silly school rule... they'll get a lot more than detention for blackmail! Ron- maybe you should tell Percy..." 

"Are you you mad?" Ron asked. "Tell Percy? He'd probably do a Crouch and turn them in. Or worse." He went silent and stared out the window. "Come on. Let's go get some breakfast. I can't think on an empty stomach." 

"That sounds good to me." I said.

After breakfast. We sat through a never ending lesson of History of Magic. As usual. But I don't think it ever went so slowly before. We were so tired we could put our heads on the desk and slept; even Hermione wasn't taking her notes, but was sitting with her head on her hand, gazing at Professor Binns with her eyes out of focus. 

"And in conclusion... The Roman Magic Imperium. The Roman Wizarding Government was established in..." 

Ryan was fully awake though. Probably some help from Horus. But he just kept drawing his Cartoons. 

"Rowan. Is it possible you can be a ghost and sub in for Binns?" I asked out loud.

Finally the bell rang. Thank the gods. And our next class was Defense Against the Dark Arts. And we went there in search of Mad Eye Moody. 

We found him leaving the room. Looking as tired as we were. They eyelid of his normal eye was drooping. Giving his face a more lopsided appearance than usual. 

"Professor Moody!" Harry called as we made our way towards him through the crowd.

"Hello, Potter." Mad Eye growled. His Magical Eye followed a couple of passing first years, who sped up, looking nervous. It must've been the eye. "Come in here." 

He stood back and let us into his empty classroom, before limping in behind us.

"Did you find him?" Harry asked immediately. "Mr. Crouch?"

"No." Mad Eye answered as he limped over to his desk.

"Did you use the map?" Harry pressed. 

"Of course." Mad Eye said as he took a swig of a mysterious drink that I'm pretty sure was not Pumpkin Juice. "Took a leaf out of your book, Potter. Summoned it from my office into the forest. He wasn't anywhere out there." 

"So he did Disapparate?" Ron asked.

"You can't Disapparate in the grounds, Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "There are other ways he could have disappeared, aren't there?"

Mad Eye's eye quivered as it rested on us. 

"You're another who might think about a career as an Auror." Mad Eye told Hermione. "Mind works the right way. And you Bauer. I don't doubt you'll do amazing things." 

Hermione and I were both flushed Pink with pleasure. 

"Well, he wasn't invisible." Harry said. "The Map shows invisible people. He must've left the grounds, then." 

"But under his own steam?" Hermione asked eagerly. "Or because somebody made him?" 

"Or he could've been pulled onto a broom and flown off with him." Ryan added.

"We can't rule out kidnap." Mad Eye growled. "It's what happened to Penny Haywood." 

"So." Ron said. "D'you reckon he's somewhere in Hogsmeade?" He asked.

"Jacob's been combing the village. But there's been no sign." Mad Eye answered. And he yawned so widely that his scars stretched and his mouth revealed several missing teeth. Which I didn't even know Mad Eye had.  

"Now, Dumbledore told me that you five fancy yourselves as investigators, but there's nothing you can do for Crouch. The Ministry will take it from here and be looking for him now. Dumbledore notified them. Potter, you just keep your mind on the third task." Mad Eye informed us.

"What?" Harry asked dumbfounded. "Oh, yeah..." 

"But why?" I asked. "Since when does the Ministry do investigating?"

"If you want honesty. Look to your brothers and the Trotsky incident. The tragedy of Trotsky happened because the Ministry didn't do its job. Now it's doing it." Mad Eye answered.

"As for your task, Harry. This should be right up your street, this one." Mad Eye said, starring at Harry. "From what Dumbledore said, you've managed to get though stuff like this plenty of times. Broke your way through a series of obstacles guarding the Philosopher's Stone in your first year, didn't you?"

"We helped." Ron pointed out quickly. "Me, Kassie, and Hermione helped." 

Mad Eye grinned. "Well, help him practice this one, and I'll be very surprised if you don't win, Potter." He said. "In the meantime... constant vigilance." He took another long swig from his hip flask. He had been doing that an awful lot. "You four." He eye focused on us. "You stick close to Potter, alright? I'm keeping an eye on things, but all the same- you can never have too many eyes out." 

Ryan looked at his eye of Horus on his shirt. "He's not wrong." I head Horus say. 

Sirius returned Harry's owl back the very next morning. It fluttered down beside Harry at the very same moment that an owl landed in front of Hermione, with a copy of the Daily Prophet in her beak. She took the newspaper, scanned the first few pages and beamed. "Ha! She hasn't got wind of Crouch!" She joined in on Harry ready what Sirius had to say about the events that happened. 

To make a long story short. Sirius scolded Harry for going into the forest with Krum. And that he should prepare for the third task and practice plenty of stunning and disarming spells. And a few hexes. And that there was nothing we could do about Crouch. 

"Who's he to lecture me about being out of bonds?" Harry asked in mild indignation. "After all the stuff he did at school!" 

"He's worried about you!" I pointed out. "We all are. I don't want anything bad to happen to you! And that vision of the Graveyard!" 

"I get it Kassie. But I don't think we'll have to worry about a Graveyard for this one. Maybe your warning told the Judges to change things." Harry suggested. "And no one's tried to attack me all year. No one's done anything to me at all-" 

"Except put your name in the Goblet of Fire." Ryan said. 

"I've seen plenty of conflicts in my time. You wait till the pieces are in place, and then you strike. I won't stop you from these risks Harry. But this could be the task they're going to get you." Horus warned.

"All the same, I'd rather not take you over the Duat and weigh your heart, just yet." Anubis agreed. 

"Look." Harry shot back impatiently. "Let's say Snuffles is right and someone stunned Krum to kidnap Crouch. Well, they would've been in the trees near us, wouldn't they? But they waited 'till I was out of the way until they acted, didn't they? So it doesn't look like I'm the target, does it?"

Sometimes. Harry can be really thick.

"They couldn't have made it look like an accident if they'd murdered you in the forest!" Hermione countered. "But if you die during a task-" 

"They didn't care about attacking Krum, did they?" Harry asked. "Why didn't they just polish me off at the same time? This could've made it look like Krum and I had a duel or something." 

"That would be something that Skeeter would've jumped on and blamed Hermione for." I commented. "I mean think about it. Two Boys fight to the death. And all because of Hermione." 

"Yeah. I can totally see her doing that." Hermione agreed.

"But Harry, listen to me. There's a lot of big dark stuff going around. But maybe you should start training for the third task." I suggested. I took a look at my wand. And I had an idea. I never really used it before... but... "And you might need a new weapon of choice." 

There was something about the Hogwarts Grounds that looked so inviting than when we were all forced to stay indoors. But on the plus side. Hagrid did say that he was sorry to me for what he said about that foreigners comment. And he was just so angry about Karkaroff. And he never really saw me as a foreigner. He always saw me as Kassie. I accepted his apology. Water under the bridge, you know. The last few days were spent helping Harry with his magic. Our first step was showing him how to make an energy sword.

"I'm going to be honest, Harry. I've never given a magic lesson before." I said.

"Well, that's comforting." Harry replied. "So... why don't you tell me what your brother taught you about Energy Swords?" 

"Okay. Well, he said to me like the wand was the hilt of a sword." I started.

"Right." Harry took out his wand like he was swinging a sword. "I mean, it's not that hard. I've wielded the Sword of Godric Gryffindor before and killed the Basilisk." 

"So... same concept." I said. Boy I hope I can do this right. "Try to think of a sword appearing. Concentrate." 

Harry took a deep breath. He held his wand like the hilt of a blade. "Sword in my hand." He said. And 5 seconds later. A energy sword came out of his wand. "Woah!" He yelled in excitement.

Ron and Hermione stared in awe at it.

"Harry. I don't believe it." Hermione said.

And I quoted Master Yoda from Empire Strikes Back. "That is why you fail." 

Ryan stepped up. "Ryan, if I may?" Horus asked. 

Ryan nodded. And Horus took over and walked up to Harry. "Anyone can pick up a sword and swing it. The question is if you can wield it." He said. 

Horus took Ryan's wand and made an energy sword of his own. But it was a curved shape of a Khopesh. "Now... let's test your skills. Not here, of course. We'll go outside." 

So we all followed Harry and Horus outside. And they began their duel. "Ready position." Horus instructed.

Harry readied his sword. And Horus swung his sword at Harry. Harry had to block all of it. But he was trying to swing it in all directions. "Hm. That style will only get you so far. You do know how to block, right?" Horus asked.

"Block with a sword?" Harry asked. "Isn't that the shields job?"

Horus sighed. "I see. I guess we'll start with the basics. The Sword acts like in swinging and blocking. You block low, high, and in the middle. And sometimes in a set." He explained. "With me, so far?"

"I think so." Harry answered. 

"Good. Trial by Fire. Begin." Horus said. He moved slower. "Block low." He said.

Harry blocked low as Horus swung at him. "Block High!" Horus barked.

Harry blocked high.

This went on for some time. And the thing was. Horus was teaching Harry how to fight Egyptian Style. It was a mixture of fencing, and also there was a style of hacking and slashing. I didn't know how to fight Egyptian style myself. So I found it interesting. All I knew how to do was Greek Style. And Ethan had a mixture of European style and Japanese style. 

"So it's like using an axe." Harry figured.

"Exactly." Horus replied. "Our style is known for hacking and slashing." 

So as Horus and Harry practiced sword fighting. And Harry's energy sword took the style of the Khopesh blade. We also taught him some battle magic. Not just the stunning spells and hexes that Sirius recommended. We only had a limited time to learn certain spells. But Anubis did teach Harry how to counter dark spells should they arrive. And also some dark spells of his own. 

"Are you sure about this, Anubis?" Harry asked. "I'm sure that Dark Arts are-" 

"There is a difference between Dark Arts and Evil Arts." Anubis answered. "And if you encounter dark magic. You may need to learn some so you'll be prepared. I seem to remember Moody teaching us the Unforgivable Curses." 

"Point taken." Harry agreed. 

Although Ron and Hermione and I trained Harry as best as we could. It was really the Gods who were doing the heavy lifting for Harry. Teaching him in fighting, in battle magic.

I even saw Horus teach Harry more sword techniques. They had finished practicing a set.

"You're getting better. Not at the levels of a warrior. But... I suppose it'll serve you better than on the fly." Horus commented.

"Thanks at the very least." Harry replied. "I mean, I might've missed a few of the summoning charms and some fire balls launched backwards." 

"That'll heal right up." Horus assured. "But you'll have something the other champions won't. You'll have learned what you need for battle." He said. 

"I suppose your right." Harry admitted.

"Why would Harry need to prepare for battle?" Hermione asked. "It's just a Task-" 

"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum!" Horus said. 

"Huh?" Hermione asked.

"It means: If you want peace, prepare for war." I translated. Yeah. I knew Latin too.

"The language stayed with Rome." Anubis explained. "It's how we know it." 

"Right then." Hermione said. "But how do you know Latin, Kassie?" She asked.

"I had to learn it. It's kind of like a Third Language to me." I answered. "I also know some Egyptian. Not a lot though. That language was introduced when Alexander's General Ptolemy made the Egyptian province his Kingdom. And that dynasty stayed there until Rome took over. And they removed the last of the Pharaohs, Cleopatra" 

"Rome..." Horus said deep in thought. "And Cleopatra..." 

"Horus?" Harry asked. "You okay?" 

Horus was pondering something. "It's strange... what... Binns was talking about before. Ptolemy and Cleopatra. And the Roman Magic Imperium..." He said. Then he suddenly stopped. "Wait... I... I remember now." 

"You remember what?" Anubis asked.

"I remember now!" Horus screamed like it was a triumph of great glory. "The way it happened." And his eyes grew dark.

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"Why we were sealed away and in that Roman Tomb under the Pyramids of Egypt." Horus answered.

"You remember now?" Ryan asked. "Well, what happened?" 

"What did happen, Horus?" Anubis asked. "The last thing I remember of that day was Roman Flags flying over our Temples."

"Oh, they did more than that, Brother." Horus answered. "It all fits!" 

Guess it was story time now.

"After the Romans annexed Egypt, they simply wanted to do more than just rule. They wanted to make sure that Egypt could never rise up in revolt. They wanted to prove that they had the better armies, the better commanders, the better language, culture, and the better Gods." Horus explained.

"Makes sense." Hermione commented. "Rome was always looking to prove they were the best."

"If by the best you mean... the best plagiarizers." I clarified.

"We assumed that after the fall of the Ptolemaic Dynasty that was all they would do. But we were wrong. Rome... wanted more." Horus continued with his tone turning dark. "Our priests were forced to accept annexation of the Magic Imperium-" 

"What's that?" Ron asked.

"The Roman Wizarding Government." I answered. "During the days of the Roman Empire. Remember what Professor Binns said in class?"

"I fell asleep through it." Ron admitted.

"They answered directly to Caesar." Horus said. "The Priests were forced to accept the Gods and abandon their faith to us. Naturally, they refused. But we could not have predicted what would happen next." 

I knew that I was going to regret asking it. "What happened next?"

"It still all feels like a blur." Horus answered. "But what happened next, was a full purge by Rome. Their Magic Imperium. Under the command of one Magnus of House Gracchus, appointed by Augustus Caesar himself, went into Rome with an army of Legionnaires, attacked our sacred temples. And then, sealed us away. Me in my Sacred Jar. And Anubis within his scales." 

I gasped. "Oh, Malaka. The Imperium sealed you away?! That's impossible!" For a human to seal a God away. That was unheard of.

"Merlin's Beard!" Hermione gasped as well.

"So... that's why you were sealed in the Roman Tomb." Ron figured.

"Yes." Anubis nodded his head. "Yes. It's all coming back to me now." He said. "The Roman Legions. With their wands, and their swords. Storming my sacred shrine. Finding my scales, unbalancing them. And them chanting."

"The next thing I knew. I woke up trapped in the body of Ryan here." Horus said. "And the rest, you know." 

"Woah." Ryan commented.

"So let me get this straight." Harry said. "The Roman Wizarding World... sealed you all away. Why?"

"It's all a guess really." Horus answered. "I assume it was to show Egyptians that their Gods were superior to us. And they sealed us away to prove their point. Since Egypt had not recovered and Cleopatra was the last of the Pharaohs. It worked."

"Though, after Rome fell, Egypt was ruled by the Byzantine Empire, then ruled by the Ottomans, then the British, it was only nearly 3 decades ago that Egypt got its independence." Hermione told the others.

"But how was Rome able to use that magic?" I asked.

"They probably figured out a way." Anubis answered. "Rome was always able to adapt to any given situation. Not only would they borrow inventions that others had made. But they would perfect it. Magic it appears was the same case."

"And then our Kingdom was lost for 2000 years. Thousands of years of History, lost to the World, any sense of Magic. The Golden Age... lost in the blink of an eye." Horus sighed.

"Well, at least we can take comfort in knowing that you're back now. And we're going to make the best of it." Ryan declared.

"Ryan's right." I confirmed. "We're all glad you're back now." 

"Thank you, young Greek." Anubis thanked. "Besides, this time isn't all that bad. Even if the person I'm attached to is an idiot."

"Hey." Ron protested. "I'm right here." 

I then looked at the time. "Malaka. We're going to be late for Divinations." I told everyone. 

"Alright, Harry. We'll pick it up later." Horus informed. And he surrendered control back to Ryan.

"He's a great teacher, Horus." Ryan commented.

So there we were, Divinations class. But then again, it's Divination, and no doubt Trelawney was going to make some crazy prediction about Harry again. We parted ways with Hermione and began the hike up to the tower. 

"It's going to be boiling in Trelawney's room, she never puts out that fire." Ron said wearily as we climbed up the stairs together.

He was quite right. The dimly lit room was boiling hot. Still being a Greek. I was used to it. Except for the perfume from the fire being more pungent than ever. 

"Hey, Sweetie." Ryan greeted to Parvati.

"Hello, My Pharaoh." Parvati greeted back kissing Ryan. 

I sat in the corner. Yep. That's the way it went. 

"My dears." Trelawney said in her usual tone. "We have almost finished our work on planetary divination. Today, however, will be an excellent opportunity to examine the effects of Mars, for he is placed most interestingly at the present time. If you will look this way, I will dim the lights..." 

She waved her wand, and the lamps went out. The fire now being the only source of light in the room. Trelawney pulled out a miniature figurine of the planets. Which if we're being honest wasn't that great. It was kind of difficult to see what she was saying. But I felt another vision coming. "Of course." I groaned.

This one had the same image of the Graveyard. But there was something else happening now. It was Voldemort. He was standing above Cedric's body. And Harry was starring back at him in a fighting stance. And Mad Eye? What was that about? He was inside a massive crate. Injured.

When I came to. I looked at Ron. "Kassie? Did you just have a vision?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. "Ron. I saw him. Voldemort. He was over Cedric's Body, in the Graveyard. And then there was Mad Eye. He was injured. And in a massive crate." 

"What?" Ron asked. "Mad Eye Moody is one of the greatest Aurors. How could he possibly get injured like that? And who could get the better of him?"

But we didn't have time to think about that. Because Harry was passed out on the floor. He was clutching his scar on his forehead. 

"Harry?" I asked going over to him. Same with Ron.

Harry was clutching in pain. 

"Anubis what's going on?!" Ron asked. 

"He's seeing something that's happened before! In another land." Anubis answered.

"What?" I asked looking terrified at Harry.

"Harry! Harry!" Ron yelled.

And then Harry woke up. The whole class was standing around Harry now. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Of course he isn't!" Trelawney said rather excited. "What was it, Potter? Premonitions? Apparitions?"

"Nothing." Harry said.

"You were clutching your scar!" Trelawney persisted. "You were rolling on the floor clutching your scar! Come now, Potter, I have experience in these matters!" 

Harry must've had a vision like I do. That was what I could describe it as. But he didn't show it. "I think I just need to go to the Hospital Wing." Harry insisted. "Bad Headache." 

Trelawney did not seem so keen on letting Harry go though. "My dear, you were undoubtably stimulated by the extraordinary clairvoyant vibrations of my room!" She claimed. "If you leave now, you may lose the opportunity to see further that you have ever-" 

"I don't want to see anything but a headache cure." Harry interrupted.

He stood up and the class backed away. 

"See you later." He muttered to us. And he picked up his things and headed for the Trap door. Much to the great frustration of Trelawney. Then she snapped her fingers. And went to me. "Miss. Bauer. Follow him. Tell me what he says!" She insisted.

"Why me?" I asked. But Trelawney motioned me to go. So I did. 

"How do I get into these situations?" I asked myself.

I followed Harry straight where he went. He didn't go to the Hospital Wing. He went for Dumbledore's office. That's when he noticed me.

"Kassie? What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Trelawney wanted me to follow you and tell her what." I answered. 

"And are you?" Harry asked crossing his arms.

"Well, I don't have to tell her everything." I answered.

"Thanks." Harry thanked. "I just can't stand that woman. You know?" 

"I figured." I replied. Trelawney wasn't exactly the most subtle Professor when it came to her category. "So what was all that in Divinations?" I asked.

Harry seemed hesitant. "Come on, Harry. I'm your friend, right?" I asked. "You can tell me, I mean... I tell you my visions of the future." 

Harry took a deep breath. "You're right, Kassie." He admitted. "Well... it was Voldemort. I saw him. He was in a room. Wormtail was there. And Voldemort accused Wormtail of making a blunder. But the blunder was going to be repaired. So Wormtail wasn't going to be fed to the Snake. And there was another person there. With Dark Hair, purple eyes. He was readying his wand at Wormtail." 

"Wormtail." I hated that name. He was the reason why Sirius went to Azkaban.

"I had a similar dream happen before the Quidditch World Cup." Harry went on.

"You saw... Voldemort?" I asked. 

"Yeah." Harry answered.

"I had another vision, Harry." I told him. "While you were out cold. You confronted Voldemort in the Graveyard. You stared him down. Cedric was still dead but..." 

"Say no more." Harry got the gist. "Come on. I think it's high time I talked to Dumbledore. Whether he wants me to or not. And right now. I might need a fellow voice." 

Harry led me to the Stone Gargoyle guarding the entrance to Dumbledore's office. "Now how do we get in?" I asked. "We don't know the password." 

"Right." Harry remembered now. "Sherbet Lemon." He said hopefully. 

The Gargoyle did not move. 

"Okay." Harry said staring at it. "Pear Drop- er- Licorice Wand. Fizzing Whizzbees. Drooble's Best Blowing Gum-" He started listing.

"Snape is a Dick!" I yelled

That wasn't it. "Uh... Open Sesame! Tech Support! Room Service! Look out! You're about to be crushed by a Bad Comedian! Cockroach Cluster!" 

And the Gargoyle sprang to life and jumped aside. 

"What?!" I asked in disbelief. "The Password is Cockroach Cluster?" 

"I was kind of hoping it would be Snape is a dick." Harry commented. 

But we hurried through the stone gap and stepped onto the first floor of the spiral staircase, which moved slowly upwards as the doors closed behind us, taking us to the polished oak door that was Dumbledore's office.

And I could hear voices coming from the other side, and I could hear them all.

"Dumbledore, I'm afraid I don't see the connection, don't see it at all!" It came from Fudge. "Ludo says Bertha's perfectly capable of getting herself lost. I agree we would have expected to have found her by now, but all the same, we've no evidence of foul play, Dumbledore, none at all. As for her disappearance being linked with Barty Crouch's!" 

"And what do you think happened to Barty Crouch, Minister?" Came the voice of Mad Eye.

"I see two possibilities, Alastor." Fudge replied sharply. "Either Crouch has finally cracked- more than likely, I'm sure you'll agree, given his personal history- lost his mind, and gone wandering off somewhere-"  

"Well... he must've wandered off too fast." I heard the voice of Ethan come. 

"If that's the case, Cornelius." Dumbledore said calmly. 

"Or else- well-" Fudge stuttered. "Well, I'll reserve judgement until after I've seen the place where he was found, but you say it was just past the Beauxbatons Carriage? Dumbledore, you know what that woman is?"

"I consider her to be a very able Headmistress- and an excellent dancer." Dumbledore answered. 

"Dumbledore, come!" Fudge said angrily. "Don't you think you might be prejudice in her favor because of Hagrid? They don't all turn out harmless- if, indeed, you can call Hagrid harmless, with that monster fixation he's got-" 

"Sounds more like you're racist." Ethan countered rather angrily. "Sure Hagrid may have a fascination with Magical Creatures that are more aggressive than others, but they're only called monsters because you've chosen to call them that. And Madam Maxine has proven time and again to be on our side. Same with Hagrid. Or did you forget that during our battle with Trotsky?" 

"I not more suspect Madam Maxine than Hagrid." Dumbledore said calmly. "I think it is possible that Ethan is right and you are prejudiced, Cornelius." 

"Can we wrap up this discussion?" Mad Eye growled.

"Yes, yes, let's go down to the grounds, then." Fudge said impatiently. 

"Whatever. I've got to get back to Penny before Sean misses his Dad again?" Ethan replied.

"No, it's not that." Mad Eye informed. "It's because Potter and Bauer want a word with you, Dumbledore. They're just outside the door." 

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