Part 1 (Doctor Strange)

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So here's Kate's backstory, I think. I don't know how good this is gonna be, but here we go.

I took in a deep breath, then knocked on the door. I knew he might not answer. Everything Dr. Palmer was saying was crazy, so she was probably wrong about this too.

After a few moments, I sighed and shook my head, turning away dejectedly and sitting on the steps. "Why me?" I whispered. "Why now?"

"Because the universe willed it," answered a voice behind me. I turned, then stood before the man in blue robes.

"Who are you?"

"I'd like to ask you the same question," he answered. He was six feet tall, about an inch taller than I was. "Why are you knocking on my door?"

"I was looking for my father," I replied. "My mom said his name is Stephen... Stephen Strange?"

The man kept a blank expression. "I'm afraid he doesn't have any children. Your mother must be mistaken." The man turned on his heel to go back inside.

"Wait!" I grabbed his wrist. "Please, my mother said she never told him I was born. She said he broke up with her before she had the chance."

The man sighed. "Come with me." He led me into the building, then shut the door behind me. He led me into a kitchen area, then pulled out a chair. "Sit, I'll get some water."

I sat in the chair, shyly scooting myself up to the table.

Is this even a good idea? What if this man has the wrong idea?

"So, tell me more about your mother," he said, setting a glass of water in front of me. He sat down across from me with his own glass of water.

"Well, she told me that my father never knew about me. She said they were high school sweethearts, but he broke up with her right before college. He told her he couldn't handle a long-distance relationship," I explained. "But she was already pregnant with me at the time."

The man before me listened intently, seemingly genuinely interested. "Continue," he urged calmly.

"My mother passed away a week ago, and ever since I've been trying to find my father. The social worker said I'm too young to live on my own still."

"Where's that worker now?"

"He dropped me off when Dr. Palmer said my father lived here," I said with a small sigh. "Look, if he's not here, I'm just wasting my time. I'll leave you alone."

"Dr. Palmer said your father lived here?"

"Yes, mister...?" I trailed off, not knowing his name.

"Actually, it's doctor. Doctor Strange."

I perked up, nearly spitting out my water. "Dr. Strange? As in Stephen Strange?"

"Yes, that's me," he replied, calmer than ever.

"You're my father, then."

"I don't think so. I never had any children."

"Please, I told you! I was an accident..."

The man sighed, then spoke seriously. "Can you prove that?"

"I can call the social worker, I can take a DNA test, anything!" I pleaded. "You're all I have left..."

"Fine, come with me," he said, standing. He finished his water, then led me outside. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Katelyn," I replied with a small sigh.


I sighed as I sat in the room with Dr. Strange. The results were about to come back. A man walked in with an envelope, sitting at the desk in front of us. He then handed the large yellow envelope to Dr. Strange. "I trust I don't have to tell you what means what, doctor?"

"No, thank you," he replied. He opened the envelope and gently pulled out the papers. His face fell seeing the results, then he stood and nodded. "Thank you."

The man at the desk nodded, then Dr. Strange walked out without another work. I waved goodbye to the man as I ran after him. "Dr. Strange! Wait!" I pleaded. I caught up to him, but he walked faster. I was almost jogging after him as we reached his car. "Dr. Strange!"

"What?" He snapped coldly.

I felt attacked, backing away a little. "So I'm guessing it's a no and I've wasted your time then?" I muttered.

He sighed. "No. Get in."

"Not until I know," I said, not feeling the safest anymore.

"Fine." He handed the results to me. "Do you know how to read them?"

"Yeah, I'll figure it out," I replied, taking the papers. The results all pointed to this man being my father. "So you really are Doctor Stephen Strange then?"

"Yes, I am," he said with a sigh. "Look, I don't know the first thing about taking care of a child." We both entered his car, then he started down the road. "Katelyn, I don't know what life you had with your mother, but I want you to know that my life is not the same. It's actually quite odd... 'Strange' even."

I cracked a smile. "You're very punny."

He chuckled a bit. "Maybe you really are my daughter after all."

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