Part 2 (Doctor Strange)

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I sighed as I sat on my bed, looking around. I'd finally gotten my room situated and my father had gotten used to my presence.

Two weeks here and the only places I know are the bathroom, my bedroom, and the kitchen. This house is so big... what is it hiding?

I decided enough was enough. My father had told me not to wander, but I was too curious to obey. I peeked out of my room to make sure the coast was clear, then moved down the hallway. I got to the first door on my left, opening it. I found a messy bed and desk with papers. I figured it was my father's room and shut the door. There was no sense snooping there. I moved further down the hallway, coming to a pair of doors. I gently turned the knob on one, peeking into the room.

The sight of books filled my eyes. There was a gigantic library! I smiled, knowing I loved to read. I opened the door further, stepping inside.

The library was massive but looked old and outdated. I started walking through one of the aisles, trying to read the bindings, but they were all blank. Eventually, I turned into the next aisle, only to find strange books chained to the shelves. I reached out to take the chain off one of them, but a voice rang out behind me. "What are you doing?"

I jumped and turned on my heel to face him, shocked. He was shorter than my father and a bit heavier set as well. I'd never seen him before and was terrified.

"You shouldn't be in here," he said. "How'd you get in here?"

"I-I walked in?" I asked, confused.

"I mean in this building."

"I live here," I said. "Who are you? Why are you here? What is this place?"

"I am Wong, the keeper of this library," he answered. "Who allowed you to live in this sanctum? You are not a sorceress."

"Sanctum? Sorceress? What's going on? My father didn't mention anything about-" I was cut off by another voice.

"Katelyn," my father commanded. "You've disobeyed me."

I looked at my father, then to Wong. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing. Go back to your room and stay there until I come to get you."

I looked at my father again. "But-!"

"But nothing. Get out, NOW."

I could tell he was serious, so I shuffled out of the library and back to my room.


"You disobeyed me and completely betrayed my trust! I told you not to snoop around!" My father said with frustration.

"I was just curious, dad. I just wanted to know why I was only allowed in three rooms out of the entire house, or whatever this place is. Why are you hiding stuff from me?"

"Because you wouldn't understand, you're too young."

"I wouldn't understand? Try me," I snarled, crossing my arms.

My father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You just wouldn't."

"You'd be surprised, dad. I'm smarter than I look."

"I don't doubt that you're intelligent, but this is far beyond anyone's comprehension."

I frowned, turning my head away. "Except yours, I'm guessing," I muttered.

"Hey!" He exclaimed. "Now listen to me, Miss you're-"

"No, listen to me, dad! In the two weeks I've been here, I've read you pretty well. You're closed off and think you're above everybody else. Why is that?"

"I'm trying to be better about that, Kate, but right now you're not helping."

"I never help, do I? I'm just a burden. I'll go if that's what you want," I said, standing from my bed. "I'll get out of your life and never bother you again."

"Kate, no..." my father said gently. "Please, that's not what I want." He put his hands to his head, then took in a deep breath. Silence fell over us for a few moments.

"I think she's ready," said a voice from the doorway. Wong stood before us, giving my father a look of confidence.

My father looked to him, then to me, his bluish-green eyes meeting my own. He hesitated, then slightly nodded. "Alright. Alright, Katelyn. We have a lot to go over."

I nodded, following Wong and my father downstairs and into the kitchen. My father got two glasses of water and sat in front of me, handing one to me. Wong leaned against the counter as if he was supervising us.

"Katelyn, have you heard of someone recovering from being severely crippled?"

"Not personally, no, but I've heard people going through physical therapy and regaining control. Like walking again after a bad accident."

"No, I mean severe nerve damage. Something that's impossible to come back from."

"Dad, I'm not a doctor. I haven't studied the human body or medical technicalities."

He sighed, putting his hands on the table for me to see. "I was in a bad accident. My hands suffered extreme nerve damage and it seemed impossible that I would recover. I sought out someone, anyone, who could help me."

"You must've got it, because you don't seem to be injured now," I said, examining his hands. "Besides the scars."

"My hands are still injured. They'll never heal, but I use magic to make them work."

"Constantly?" I inquired. "That's amazing. Revolutionary! You know what-"

"No, Kate. You can't tell anybody. Our practice must be protected. It's for the few, not the many. Do you understand?"

I sighed, then nodded some. "I understand."

"Good." He sighed as if he was having second thoughts. He glanced at Wong, but Wong nodded at him to continue. "I can teach you the ways of the mystical arts, but you have to trust me. And you have to obey my command. Are you willing to learn?"

I thought for a moment, then looked into his hazy blue-green eyes. "Yes, I'm willing to learn."

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