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Finally Im done with that pain in the ass knows as Dominik Mysterio. Time for bigger and better things. So time to make my own opportunity.
Kayla- Big E who is next in line for a shot at the intercontinental championship.
Big E- No one right now because no one has stepped. I guess there just to scared to face me.
Ethan- Hold up since you have no competition for the IC title how about I give  you some competition tonight for the title. How you like that.
Big E- Your on.
Ethan- I'll see you later.
Time skip to match
Announcer- This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the International Championship. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne.

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Announcer- And his opponent weighing in at 285 pounds Big E.

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Narrators POV
Big E and Ethan locked up with Ethan putting E in a headlock. E quickly got out of it by hitting a belly to back suplex. E irished whipped Ethan into the corner and hit a body avalanche into a gorilla press toss to the outside of the ring. E went to the outside and smashed Ethan's head into the steel post before throwing him back in the ring. The champ went into the cover and got a one count. E went for the splash but Bourne got out of the way. As both men got up Ethan hit a dropkick but it barely fazed the champ. Ethan went another dropkick but E caught him and turned it into a half crab. Before E could fully lock it in Ethan kicked him off. E went for a belly to belly but Bourne pushed him into the ref. Ethan with the ref down grabbed a chair from the outside and wedged it into the corner. Ethan sent E into the steel chair head first. Ethan got the ref up and hit a

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on E for a two count. Ethan went to the top rope and went for a cross body but E caught him in mid air and hit a

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. Ethan ran right at E but he hit him with a back drop almost sending Ethan out of the ring. The champ followed this up with a biel sending Bourne out of the ring. Outside of the ring E hit a jumping clothesline into the barricade. Big E hit another

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

sending Bourne over the barricade and into the fans in the front row. E grabbed Ethan by the hair and dragged him back in the ring. Big E hit the

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for a two count. E hit the

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but Bourne was to close to the ropes and got a rope break. E went for another but Bourne countered it into a

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reverse ddt. Ethan crawled over to the corner where E tried to hit a corner spear but Bourne got out of the way as E hit shoulder first. With the champ reeling Ethan hit a

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onto E. Ethan followed it up by going to the top and hitting the saving grace for a two count. Ethan ran and hit a

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onto E in the corner. Ethan went for another cover but E kicked out at two. Ethan argued with the ref feeling like it was a three count before turning his attention back to E. Ethan locked in the

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in the middle of the ring. E tired to crawl to the ropes but as soon as he got close Ethan pulled him back into the center of the ring. E finally got to the ropes causing the break. Ethan went for the blackout but E ducked and quickly hit the

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for the three count.
That is it for this chapter let me know what was your favorite part of the chapter. Till next time peace I'm out.

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