Getting one over

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With Wrestlemania fast approaching and the Royal rumble winner Edge deciding on Roman Reigns to face at the grandest stage of them all. I said why not make an impact in the biggest way possible and challenge Edge to a match tonight. I didn't get a response right away but later in the night he did accept my challenge though.
Time skip to match
Announcer- This match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 241 pounds the Rated R Superstar Edge

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Announcer- And his opponent weighing in at 205 pounds the Archer Ethan Bourne

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Narrator POV
Edge and Ethan locked up with neither getting a clear advantage in the start. Ethan irished whipped Edge into the ropes and hit a

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Ethan went for a standing shooting star press but a Edge moved out of the way. Edge picked Ethan up and hit a

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Ethan got right back up but Edge hit him with an

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The rated r superstar went for a Suplex but Ethan reversed it into a

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Ethan locked in a

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Edge quickly turned it into a pinning predicament but Ethan kicked out at one. Ethan ran at Edge but got dropped with a

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Edge went for the cover but Ethan kicked out at one. Edge went to the top rope and hit a

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Edge again went for the cover but Ethan kicked out at two. Edge Irish whipped Ethan into the corner but he caught Edge with a

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Ethan threw Edge to the outside sending him head first into the barricade. While Edge was getting up Ethan hit a

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Ethan whipped Edge shoulder first into the post as the ref started counting. (And thus I activate the ten sin penalty on ten chants during countounts *ding*)Ethan dragged Edges lifeless body over to the barricade and hit a

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The ref was at a count of eight before Ethan threw Edge back into the ring to break the count. Ethan went to the top rope to finish the match but when he went for the shooting star frog splash Edge hit him with a bone rattling

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Edge went for the cover but Ethan got his foot on the ropes. Edge dragged him away from the ropes and went for another spear this time Ethan dodged sending the rated r superstar shoulder first into the post and right into a

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Ethan went into a nonchalant cover thinking it was over but Edge kicked out at two. Ethan quickly went into the

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But Edge transitioned it into a back shoulder slide for a two count. Both men got up as Edge hit the

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Both men were exhausted as Edge went for the cover but Ethan reversed into a small package for a two count. Edge went for another edgecution but Ethan reversed it into a

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for the three count.
That is it for this book. Thank you all for reading this is the last chapter I will ever right on wattpad. Thanks to all the people that I have met over this short period of time I will miss you.  So for the last time ever peace I'm out.

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