Chapter One

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A/N: This took so much longer to type up than I anticipated but I finally made it through, I hope you enjoy the first proper taste of the Giambi family :)

"He shoots, he scores! Vincenzo Giambi! For. The. Win!" Vince triumphantly holds his hockey stick above his head.
     "Just wait for someone else to get out on the ice eh?" Sal smacks him upside the head. "You're not getting a single shot past me, and that's if you even get the puck off a Gio," he smirks.
     "Bite me Sal, I'm every bit as good as him."
     "He's going places, you: not so much," Sal jokes.
     I skate over to my brothers that I could hear going at it from across the rink, it's lucky it's past closing and we're the only ones here. Decked out in full pads for a three person game anyone would think we're insane, but it's who we are so they'd have to deal with it. But I play dumb, "What's happening?"
     "This clown is going round, thinking he's better than you," Sal claps Vince on the shoulder with a gloved hand. "How long we got?" Sal pulls his mask down and I answer.
     "Dad said an hour max."
     "More than enough time for me to prove I'm right," Vince taunts.
     "You're dreaming!" I laugh, slamming my mask down and instantly snatching the puck with my stick.
     "No one said go!" Vince complains and comes after me.
     We glide around the ice, Sal and I playing keep away from Vince, and Sal spends a fair amount of the hour in the goal too to let us practice our shots. He's a good goalie; he blocks half my shots and all but one of Vince's. This leaves a bitter Vince at the end when Valentina comes down the stairs to collect us. It's her week to help dad clean up the kitchen in the food bar, it sucks when it's mine or Vince's cause then we don't have the time to play.
     "Hey Val!" Vince calls up from the edge of the rink, waiting for Sal and I to get there, we're taking our sweet time getting off the ice.
     "Hey what?" She replies with sass.
     "I'm better than these two right?" Vince asks, we groan.
     "Better at talking yeah," she smirks, I'm sure she knew exactly what he was talking about, hockey, according to her, all we ever talk about is hockey, and apparently only Sal has some imagination.
     "No, come on Val, you're my twin, you're supposed to pick me," he pulls a puppy face.
     "Ew," she laughs, "Just hurry up guys, dad wants to go now," Val nods.

If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, the ice is it for us, for my brothers and I and our sister Bee, if we don't spend our lives playing ice hockey then it won't be worth it, we play it like we breathe. We're lucky to get the time in the rink that we do because of Dad's jobs. He runs the food stall at our local rink, where our school team practices too, best pizza in Pennsylvania, and that's not just a crack because we're Italian. Our dad works two other jobs too to keep our massive family afloat, but it's cooking he loves, and singing, but no one outside of the family knows that: not that he's ever told us, we've just heard him around the house and he's good.
     We load our gear into the back of the car, dad (his name is Gabriel but we'd never call him that to his face lest we be killed) hands Sal the keys.
     "You want me to drive pa?" He asks, surprised.
     Dad just nods and makes his way to the passenger side door, we're all surprised and the rest of us pile into the back, Val in the middle because she's the skinniest, even though Vince is almost as skinny though.
     With the assumption that because he's driving he gets to pick the music, Sal takes a moment to connect his phone to the speaker, the music comes on and us backseat passengers all groan in unison.
     "This is so old, I'm sick of it," Valentina complains.
     I throw my two cents in too, "This group is so old, they were broken up before I was born."
     "2015 wasn't great, I'll admit-" Sal starts.
     "You were eight," I cut in.
     "Their music lit up my life at a young age, none the less they got back together in 2018!"
     I speak with boredom, "And then they split again."
     "Bite your tongue, that was not a split, it was a hiatus. They to this day, last week actually, continue to sporadically grace us with their God-given talent," Sal preaches.
     "And with that they chose to cover that super old song by Shania Twain," Vince adds.
     "Now I'll admit, I was no fan of hers, but it was a beautiful rendition of that song for their poor daughter who has cancer. So you three can kiss my behind, thank you very much."
     Dad flicks the music off, silence, "Drive Salvatore," he point's straight ahead. Sal does as he's told and no one else says a word.

We pull into the driveway, it's dark and Sal's supposed to wear glasses when he drives at night, but he never does, he narrowly misses the trash cans.
     "Where's Adele's car?" Dad asks because the driveway is a car short.
     "Maybe she's out?" Sal suggests.
     Vince and I are out of the car so quick that I didn't catch dad's response. We can't leave our stuff in the car, Sal goes back to New York tomorrow.
     Val walks over to Dani and Bee who are out here on lawn chairs. Bee's foot, in its cast, it propped up on a cooler and the angle Dani is at really shows off her bump.
     "How was practice?" Bee yells over the serenity.
     "I won," I grin.
     "Shut-up," Vince sulks, stomping into the house, sore loser.
     "And he ain't happy about it," Sal laughs.
     Dad makes his way inside too, of course he said hi to Bee and Dani, and now he'll probably go make sure that Ludo's tucked in and Mati and Rose are on their way to bed, like he does every night.
     "What are you guys even doing out here?" Val asks.
     "Well since I can't sunbathe, I'm moon bathing," Dani smiles.
     "That's not a thing," I frown, I know she couldn't sunbathe because of the baby, and she'd been super peeved about that, like boo-hoo you can't get burnt in the sun for nine months. Not that Pennsylvania is the warmest state or anything, up there is California, where the Ducks live, and my future home Orange County Anaheim.
     "I know it's not a thing Gio!" Dani snaps. "Let me have something for once, let me have something before this baby pops my vagina!"
     Bee sinks down in her seat and the rest of us turn away, "The neighbours watching," Bee snorts.
     "I don't care, I'm pregnant, I'm allowed to be a bitch." She tries to push herself up but it's just awkward to watch so Sal helps her, holding his hands out until she stubbornly takes them. "Yeah that's right, I'm having a baby!" She yells at the neighbours, "Get the fuck over it!"
     "No-no, don't swear," Sal gasps. I have to laugh, he is still that scared of dad, he follows every one of dad's rules to a tee, bar that I'm 99 percent sure he's slept with Greta. I'll be fair though, we're all terrified of dad, you know in the way that we respect him so much that he's got that power that makes us scared because he's our dad, in the most positive way possible. We could tell mom we were too sick to go to school, she'd say "if you're sick enough to ask your dad then you can have the day off," we went to school. Apart from the fear of his wrath and the very likely ultimate grounding, he's a good dad, yeah he works so hard so he can afford our house, but he also works hard to make sure none of his children miss out.
     Still though when dad comes back out, thundering down the stairs Bee throws herself off of her chair, more in my direction than her crutches, so I pull her along as Sal and Val run around the side of the house, we follow, Dani can have this one all to herself, our gift to her.

A/N: Chaos like this is fun to write, with so many characters there is someone who fits into every situation :D

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