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My name is Giovanni Giambi and the most important thing for anyone to ever know about me is that one day I will play Ice Hockey for the Anaheim Ducks and then go on to represent the United States at the Winter Olympics. That is my dream, it's a big one, but like my mom always says: "Sogna in grande o non disturbarti a sognare" which basically means: "Dream big or don't bother dreaming."
     My mom has always been a big dream supporter, obviously, but it hasn't been easy, at least not financially. My dad has worked three jobs for as long as I can remember, and my mom works as a nurse when she wasn't off having babies. I have two brothers and nine sisters, and there won't be anymore because my mom threw a literal menopause party, I learnt at nine what menopause was and I wasn't ready for that, no sir. If you want to ask why there's twelve of us, well the simple answer is: we're Italian and we're Catholic, enough said right?
     My brothers and I are by far outnumbered, but it's not so bad, we share one common love, hockey, there isn't one of us that loves it more than the other, it even includes our sister Bee. Our other sisters don't care in the least, maybe Val does, but that'll just be her twin bond with Vince.
Let's crack into my siblings now shall we?
     It all starts with Adele, she's the oldest, she's 28 and she has one kid, Matteo, and a dead husband, I'm not being insensitive, but just saying: he got what he deserved. Adele is a waitress and she is by far the nicest sibling, she can have that title.

Francessca, or as we like to call her, Fran, she's next, she's 26 and engaged to be married to Tom, so far we have no reason not to like him. Fran is a librarian and also currently having another go at her college degree, I have absolutely no idea why she has to try again, I don't know what went wrong the first time she's really smart: or is she.

Salvatore, Sal for short is our oldest brother at 25, he plays hockey and lives back up in New York most of the time (que annoying as heck accent he's picked up), he hasn't made it in the major leagues yet, his coach reckons his girlfriend Greta distracts him too much, I tend to agree. He's a pretty good brother nonetheless, he's always taken Vince and Bee and I to the ice rink with him, and played with us whenever we wanted, but it's hard to miss him because he's home more often than not.

Daniella and Delfina are twins, they're 20, there's that age gap between them and Sal because as rumour has it mom and dad tried out birth control but then felt like they were betraying God so along came the rest of the family.
Dani's also currently pregnant right now, it's under bad circumstances so we're not really supposed to talk about it. She also doesn't have a job and isn't planning on looking for one until she has the baby, she dropped out of college after the, yeah. On a more positive but crazy note, she thinks she's psychic, it's 100 per cent Dela's fault.

Delfina, or Dela, not Deli, she personally thanks a two-year-old me for dodging that bullet. She is still in college, make-up college but apparently that counts. This is not the psychic twin, this the one that plays games and tricks the other one into thinking she's Psychic, the rest of us can't say we haven't messed with Dani either though.

Bianca, Bee does happen to be three years younger than the twins, but we're not 100% sure why that is, if it's because of the move from New York to Pennsylvania in that time or not, we don't know. Bee is 17, so she's still in High School, and she loves Hockey too, she's plays it, she is brutal and unforgiving, she is also the sister I am closest to by far.

I fit in next at 16, everyone calls me Gio and everyone knows I love Hockey, and I don't think there's much else to tell, whenever I can I'm playing Hockey. I mean I like a lot of sports, I'll watch them and I'll play them if I have to, but nothing compares to the thrill of the ice, not ice dancing though, that's so lame.

Next on the list is the other set of twins, a boy and a girl, Vincenzo and Valentina who are 15, the funny thing is that they probably look the least alike of all 12 of us, that's Fraternal though right? We'll be fair though, they both have the same big eyebrows.
Vince is the youngest brother, it's only girls left and he is as Hockey obsessed as I am, he's gonna go pro too but he likes the teams in Pennsylvania, first pick Penguins second is Flyers.

Val is a dancer, she's a cheerleader, she is very girly, loves her make-up and her clothes, hates the hand-me downs but she has 5 older sisters so she really should have gotten over it by now.

Giambi number 10 is Rosetta, she is currently 13 and completely ruthless, no one stands in that girls way of anything. Rose is also very loud and she loves to talk, I reckon she'd be great at debate, I mean she hates to lose but she also hates sports so she needs to find some way to compete but not get sweaty so debate right? But I can't remember if they have debate teams in middle school or not.

Matilde, or Mati as we like to call her is quiet, quite the opposite of Rose, in fact she's so quiet that once when listing off my siblings I forgot her, oops. She hides in her room a lot and reads, and I feel like I don't even know her that well, I think she's pretty smart, and I think she likes poetry, but again I'm not sure.

And last, but not least is Little Ludo, Ludovicia for long, she's 11 and hates that we still call her Little Ludo. Ludo plays a lot of scary pranks, we found our rather recently that even though my voice has dropped that I can still scream like a girl, thank you so much for that Ludo. I personally think she's semi-mentally disturbed but Adele says I shouldn't say that, and I probably shouldn't but there it is.

Now you're probably wondering how can you possibly fit that many people into one house when your dad has to work three jobs? That's why he works three jobs, so that we have a good house, and besides there was only the briefest period of time where mom and dad had all 12 children at home. When Ludo was born Adele turned 18 two weeks later and was off to College not long after that. Needless to say we've always shared rooms, it's a five bedroom house, it's been Sal, Vince and I for about as long as I can remember. We even shared with Val for a short time when her and Vince were going through a separation anxiety thing, it was weird, they were four and they were totally happy to share a bed. Dani and Dela never did that, but they've always shared anyways cause they're girl twins.
     Right now mom and dad have nine of us at home, and one and a half grandchildren too. Fran lives with her fiance Tom which mom and dad totally don't approve of because they're not married yet. As I mentioned earlier Sal lives in New York but he's back visiting so often that Vince and I don't get to remove his bed from the room. And then Dela's at college, she has an apartment with a few friends, two of whom are boys so mom and dad don't know that and they're not allowed to find out. Dani's home because she didn't feel safe at College anymore, and she's keeping the baby... so yeah. Adele came back home too, when her husband died and she brought Matteo with her, her son, my nephew, he's cool, he's like three now and we're training him to like hockey like his awesome uncles.

It might sound crazy but I actually love having a big family, there's always someone to talk to, to hang out with, I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way. And as much as I love my big crazy Italian family, sometimes I'd like a chill on the crazy, just once.

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