Chapter Seven

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A/N: This might be the last update of this for a while, I haven't had inspiration for it, I know what points I want to get to with this, but connecting them isn't happening right now. So I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless :)

My first baseball game is the day after homecoming; I don't know why it's starting so late, I thought Baseball was a summer game. Needless to say, bad weekend, bad weekend happening in three weeks. In better news Vince is out of lockdown in six days, more bad news is Val is out too, so more Leah which is never fun. But the best news is that Bee's cast comes off today, we have waited far too long for this, Sal oughta come home in celebration, we haven't seen him in a while.
     Today, while Bee's getting her cast off, I'm home with the Ludo, Mati, Matteo and the jailbirds: Vince and Val. Mom took Bee, Adele picked up another shift and Dad's always working. Everyone else is out doing stuff, but I have no plans, I just want to play hockey but there's no one to play with so we're playing hide and seek.
     I am currently squashed between the couch and the wall covering Matteo's mouth, there is no way I'm not winning this even though I got stuck with the three year old. He's pulling at my hand but his nose is unblocked so I know he can breathe. Ludo's seeking, and I hear a squeal upstairs that is very Vince like, Ludo's found him and scared him in the process, there's always comfort in knowing you weren't found first.
     There's creaking on the stairs so I let out a barely audible 'shhh' next to my nephews ear as a reminder. He's staying quiet, so far so good. I'm sure they must be in the kitchen, we all know that Mati can fit in a cupboard, but I also know that she's behind the curtain in this room. We have a silent pact going on as we speak because no one wants Val to win. A silent pact basically means if one of us is found we don't rat out the other since we're both hiding in the same room, because we're not seeking: Ludo is. That's the kind of game you have to play when there's so many of you and not enough rooms to hide in. It only gets worse at Christmas when we have cousins come over or we're at theirs, of course it doesn't happen as often now that most of us are older, it's just sometimes there are days like today.
     Suddenly the front door bursts open. "Your Sal-vation is here!" He laughs too hard at his own joke, I can't see him but I know that for a fact.
     And now Matteo is saying something under my hand, rather loudly that sounds something like 'Uncle Sal' or at least his interpretation of the phrase. So this child remembers the uncle who's hardly here and yet he called me 'Undtle Vindt' yesterday, like that's 'Undtle Gio' to you thanks.
     Next thing you know Matteo is out of my arms and Ludo's face is in mine.
     "Tag," she smirks.
     I sigh, "Yep."
     "Get ya gear," Sal says the second he sees me, same New Yorker accent we've come to know.
     "I'm looking after Matteo," I point at the kid in his arms.
     "Dani not here?" Sal asks.
     I shake my head, "Visiting Dela."
     "Alright, we'll take Squibby with us," he bounces him. "Bundle him up real good, he'll be right as rain."
     "You can't play hockey if you gotta watch Squibby," Ludo annoyingly, yet wisely pointed out.
     "Fair point little Ludo," he smirks at her frown. "You and Mati can come too."
     "But it's so cold there," Ludo whinges.
     "Wrap up warm then," that's Sal's last word as he takes Matteo upstairs. Also, when did we start calling Matteo Squibby? And why am I still behind the couch?


Vince's face has probably never been as thunderous as it is when Sal and I left the house without him. But that's what you get for fighting on Sabbath.
     We almost forgot Matteo's car seat and I had to take another look at Vince's face when I went inside to retrieve it. I get back to Sal's car, but I can hear it the second I step out the front door, not again. The worst part is that Ludo and Mati are singing along, and Matteo's saying words but they're not the right ones.
    "I wish it was a longer drive, ," Sal tells me with a laugh. "Force you to listen more and see that stinker face you've got on, though I don't understand it, this, this right here," he points to the radio, "This is of top notch quality."
     "If you say so," I give him a fake smile."
     "Suit yourself," Sal replies and to spite me he turns the music up a click and joins in again, he can't sing.
     I shrink in my seat at yet another high note that rings in my ear. Anything too high has always irritated my right ear since I took a head knock a couple of years back, like a baby's cry or a singers high note, I don't know why like maybe something got knocked out of place or something. This band is good, they just get to me on a different level, sorry Sal. I'm not going to tell him that though, I don't need the lecture.
     "So I heard you have a date." I can hear the smirk in his voice, I don't even have to look, I just slam my head back against the headrest which only makes him laugh. I can't imagine the look on my face is pleasant either, especially not when he brings up baseball. Who in the sam-heck has he been talking to?

A/N: If you have a sibling then I'm sure you must know the feeling of them forcing their music on you XD

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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