Chapter Six

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Okay so old may have been a strong word, I should have said 'not teenagers' because saying the word 'old' got me smacked upside the head, Adele thinks some of them look her age. She's probably right, but there are men of many different ages, and look at that: there are two women, Bee's face lit up. When Bee is all better, her, Vince and I can be the youngest on the team together.
     "It's not what I was expecting but it's kind of cool," I say to my sisters.
     "The coolest," Bee smiles at me.
     "Look Gio, there's someone your age," Adele points out, "Hasn't he got a good head of lettuce?"
     Bee and I turn sharply to look at her.
     "Oh darn it, did I use that wrong?" Adele winces.
     "So wrong," Bee scoffs.
     "No one says that anymore," I inform my oldest sister.
     "Since when?"
     "Forever," says Bee.
     "Like two years, maybe three," I elaborate.
     "Careful Adele, your old is showing," Bee jokes.
     "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I'm going to wait in the stands, if you want help up these steps Bee you better follow me quick smart."
     "I need to talk to whoever's in charge about getting me a try out the second this cast is off," she kicks out her injured leg staying perfectly balanced on her crutches.
     "That'd be me young lady."
     We spin around; again she does very well on her crutches.
     "Hello sir," I nod.
     "Nonsense Giovanni, the name is Greg; I'm the current Captain and Coach." Greg must be about forty, at least, but he knew who I was so that's cool.
     "As soon as I'm fit Greg I'd like to try out too, this cast comes off in a week, little bit of physical therapy and I'm good to go," she speaks boldly and I do admire her confidence.
     Greg smiles, "What's your name?"
     "Bianca Giambi."
     "I'll add your name to the list Bianca Giambi."
     "Is it a good list or a bad list?" She asks.
     He laughs, "Same list your brothers are on Bianca." He turns to me, "Lace up and get on the ice quick as you can boy, I'm looking forward to this," he smiles.
     I do not have to be told twice.

Only a few minutes later Bee is sitting with Adele and I'm on the ice being waved over by Greg.
     "So Giovanni, all you gotta do to be on this team is score a goal on my main man Virgil over there," he points at the goal being blocked by a goalie who I can only assume is Virgil. "Think you can do that Giovanni?"
     "Yeah," I say with fake confidence. Virgil must be some Goalie for him to be the test to get on the team. And everyone's watching, sure I've played in front of crowds and flaunted my skills in front of teammates many a time, but these guys are older and more experienced, this is so much different than all those other times.
     The puck is flicked straight to me as Greg back away. "What no challenge?" I look over my shoulder in Greg's direction.
     "You want a challenge?" Someone asks from the side of the rink, I don't know who.
     "You think it's too easy don't you?" Greg chuckles.
     I shrug, "Kinda."
     "I can promise you there's no trick, score on Virgil and you're in."
     I look over at Bee and Adele in the bleachers; they look as confused as I feel. But if Greg says that all I have to do is score, then that's what I'll do.
     I tap the puck, get it moving, pick up speed, and smack it right over Virgil's shoulder. I got the goal. I turn to Greg.
     He's smirking, "Welcome to the team Giovanni."
     That was too easy, but I don't say that, maybe this team isn't as elite as I'd hoped, but some hockey is better than no hockey. "You can call me Gio," I manage a smile.
     "Alright, let's get practicing then."
     I watch all the other guys and girls skate on, all except Virgil who skates off. I frown, especially as I notice two new goalies on the ice, one for each end, where was Virgil going? He pulls his helmet off as he sits in an ice-side box, he was the kid Adele pointed out, the one my age. My main thought: what cruel parents named him Virgil?

Practice was good, a lot slower than I'm used to but the thrill of being back on the ice tied me over.
     I get a few pats on the back and well done's, it was a really good feeling, they all thought I was great. But I kept turning my attention back to Virgil, why wasn't he playing? If he was the big challenge to get in the team then why wasn't he playing? I just don't get it. So I skate over to him, smacking into the wall with laziness. He jumps.
     "Hi Virgil," I nod.
     He looks up from his phone, "Uh hi-"
     "Gio," I smile.
     "Gio, hi."
     "Yeah, um, quick question, why were you my test to get in then you didn't play?"
     "I didn't play because I'm not any good," he shrugs.
     "Now I'm more confused, but you were the test."
     "There is no test, anyone can get on the team, they were messing with you because you expected a try out." At least he has the decency to look sorry.
     "That's just great," I sigh. I cast a glance at my sisters patiently waiting for me in the stands, and then I turn back to Virgil. "So this isn't a legit thing then?"
     Virgil shrugs, "Legit enough, we compete at least, so... I'm sorry by the way, my Dad's kind of a jerk, acts all nice but it's just a trick."
     "Who's your Dad?" I ask.
     "Captain and Coach, Gregory himself," he chuckles.
     I smile, "Oh wow, you must be real bad if your Dad's the Coach and you still can't get on the team," I joke.
     Virgil laughs, "Tell me about it. You know what's worse is that I was on this team first, I'm on my high school team but I wanted extra practice so I signed up here last year. And then... have you heard of Greg Gibbons?"
     I shake my head.
     "No, of course not, my Dad played one game for the Rangers way back when and still thinks he's all that."
     "Could be worse, my older brother is the back-ups, back-up, back-up goalie for the islanders and he brags about that so-" I laugh, Virgil does too.
     "That is worse."
     "And Kirkly's out for the season so Sal's up a spot."
     "That's right, I forgot about Kirkly."
     "I mean let's be real, most forget about the Islanders full stop."
     "Don't I know it. Who do you follow?" Virgil asks.
     "Ducks, I save my birthday money every year to watch them when they come out here to play the Flyers."
     "Wicked, I support the Flyers, home team man, lucky because I get to go to all their games with my Dad, season pass," he smiles.
     I'm a little jealous of that, but I understand that my family can't afford those kinds of things and that's okay.
     "Gio!" Adele waves me over.
     "Oh, jeez, I better go, see you next week." I approach my sisters with a smile.
     "Ready to go?" Adele asks and I don't know why she sounds sarcastic.
     "No, go get changed Goofball," she laughs.
     Oh right, shouldn't wear skates outside.

A/N: What do you guys think of Virgil? (I'm picturing Jason Dolley if you guys wanted the same mental picture as me :)

Hope you liked the chapter, please vote and comment, it makes my day :)


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