A Wedding & A Baby.

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The next morning, I woke up early to a smiling Kendall.

Kendall: You sure you have to go? She whined.

I grinned,
Daniel: Yes, I do. I'll be back home the next morning or afternoon.

Kendall: Okay. So, are you going to invite some of your friends from wrestling?

Daniel: Maybe a few. Like Lexi Kaufman as a wedding photographer.

She giggled,
Kendall: Sounds fair.

Daniel: Good. And you have to prep for your flight to Boise.

Kendall: I know baby.

Daniel: I am looking forward to our wedding.

Kendall: As am I baby.

Daniel: Do you think we could do another wedding when our little one arrives?

Kendall: I don't see why not, but I'm beginning to think that we're rushing the wedding.

I wrapped my arms around her,
Daniel: Babe. If you really feel that way. Talk to your sisters and discuss it with them. I'll back your play no matter what baby. I kissed her as I laid my forehead against hers.
Daniel: I love you babe.

Kendall: I love you more baby.

I got showered changed and grabbed my arena bag and Universal Championship. Then headed downstairs to make breakfast for us as Kendall got a shower in and changed.

After breakfast, Khloe picked me up as I kissed Kendall goodbye and left with Khloe for the airport to catch my flight to Kansas City for Raw and for my last match for a while.

When we reached the airport Khloe accompanied me to my gate.
Khloe: So, are you and Kendall going to have an expedited wedding?

Daniel: Yeah. But she's kind of worried that we can't have another wedding after the baby arrives. And possibly having a change of heart courtesy of it.

Khloe: We'll get everything straightened out by the time you arrive in Boise.

Daniel: Alright. See you in a day or two. I picked up my suitcase and arena bag and Universal Championship before heading to the gate for my flight to Kansas City.

While on my flight, Khloe returned to Kendall's home and helped her pack her bags for her flight to Eagle along with her sister's.

Khloe: Daniel told me all about your plan to have an expedited wedding but your having second thoughts.

Kendall: I'm just worried about doing it again after the baby arrives.

Khloe: I'm pretty sure we can.

Kendall grinned,
Kendall: That's good.

Khloe: So Daniel is going to take some time off so he can be with you when the baby comes?

Kendall nodded,
Kendall: Yeah. I'm happy that he wants to be with me throughout my pregnancy. It shows me he cares. And I know he'll help me and comfort me when I need him to.

Khloe: He's been good for you, supportive, understanding, loving and caring for you and your growing family. But you've also been good for him as well for the same reasons. So we have a flight to Eagle to catch later this morning. With the others. They soon left her home, went to Khloe's, got her bags,went to Kourtney's where Kim and Kylie were packing their suv's with Kourtney's bags. And Kylie's bags along with them. Once they were ready, they headed to the airport to catch chartered flight to Boise and Kris was waiting for them.
When they boarded the plane, they took their seats and talked about the overall theme of the wedding while they were in the air.

I arrived in Kansas City for Raw and retrieved my arena bag from the overhead bin and my suitcase from baggage claim then headed to the front of the airport and was met by a limo sent by Hunter and Stephanie so I would have a direct ride from the airport, to the arena, and back to the airport directly after the show.

When I arrived at the arena, I was more than sure I was going to make AJ look good. When I dropped my stuff off at the locker room then went searching for AJ to talk over the match and it's finish.

I ran into Alexa who I asked to be me and Kendall's wedding photographer. She squealed as she hugged me. Then I ran into Roman, Miz, Maryse, Becky, Charlotte, Corey, Carmella, even Seth. I invited most of them. Then I finally found him and we talked about the match and it's finish.

When we got that worked out. I left him alone in catering and headed to my locker room to get ready for my last title match in WWE. While I was getting I could help but think about Kendall in the white dress she picked for our wedding when I got home.

Pretty soon I was ready for my last title match and I was kinda happy to be taking time off after tonight to focus on me and Kendall's wedding and our baby. And if I know her sister's. It will be a little over the top but spectacular, I just hope they remember that I don't want to draw attention to our ranch.

Raw was on the air and I went to catering and watched the show waiting for my match.

Alexa: Should I be coming with you after Raw?

I smiled,
Daniel: If you want. Although my fiancée's sisters can be a little dramatic. And their mothers a little overbearing and demanding.

Alexa: I can handle it.

Daniel: Alright. Meet me after the show.

Alexa: Alright see you later.

When the match was up I headed to the gorilla as AJ was already in the ring and waited for my cue. When my music hit I headed out to the ring and after the introductions were made, the match began with me and AJ going for a collar and elbow tie up.

35 minutes into the match, I went for the Branding Iron only for AJ to power out of it and performed a DDT on me and kipped up, got on the apron, waited for me to get up and performed the Phenomenal Forearm and went for the cover and he got the win. He helped me to my feet and we shook hands and raised each other's arms in a sign of respect. I headed to the back and got checked out by the trainer and when he didn't find anything wrong. He let me go and congratulations on my wedding and my impending arrival. I smiled as I headed to my locker room and got changed into some clean casuals and packed my arena bag and headed to the parking lot where Lexi was waiting for me. I opened the door and let her get in first before I did as we were taken to the airport for a flight to Boise.

Meanwhile in Eagle. Connor drove the girls to the ranch.
Which to Khloe, Kim, Kourtney and Kylie was a real impressive operation. Kendall led everyone into the home and everyone chose a room for their stay.
They settled in and hung out with Kendall as she was brewing coffee so they could get some ideas for the wedding in a couple days.

Kris: So what should the theme be for the wedding Kendall?

Kendall: I was thinking of an old west look to it with a modern twist.

Kim: Who's going to be the photographer?

Kendall: A friend of his.

Lexi and I came in after driving to the ranch in a rental car,
Lexi: That's me. Lexi Kaufman. But to some I'm Alexa Bliss.

Kendall grinned: Lexi, I'm Kendall, the bride, these are my sisters, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Kylie and my mother Kris.

Lexi: the woman who doesn't want anything to do with her daughter dating a wrestler.

Daniel: Actually, we came to an understanding.

Lexi: That's good.

Kendall/Kris: That's right. They looked at each other and grinned.

Daniel: Alright, I'm guessing you just started the brainstorming session on a wedding theme. They all nodded.

We discussed themes for the wedding all the way until the early morning hours. We went to bed at 2 a.m. and we were dead tired, but I still got up for morning chores.

I caught up with Connor and the boys as to what's been going on, what's coming, etc. I even checked on Kendall's calf.
And she looked real good next to her mom.

Daniel: Kendall's calf looks like nothing happened. I chuckled.

Connor: Yeah. So, your getting married in a few days?

Daniel: Yeah. We'll be doing it again after the baby arrives. Do you think Rev. Mulcahy will officiate?

Connor: I believe he will. I'll call him.

Daniel: Alright. We'll have to plan ahead for the baby, like a pediatrician, etc.

Connor: What will you do when the baby arrives in terms of your careers?

I sighed as that revelation hit home,
Daniel: Honestly, I don't know. I don't want Kendall to completely step away from her career and you know that I love ranching but also love wrestling. But if I had to give one up. It would have to be wrestling. After the baby arrives, I'm going to be hanging up my wrestling boots permanently. I just can't ask Kendall to stop what she loves to do, even though it probably gets on her nerves more often than not. I chuckled
Daniel: But she's really excited about being a mom and I'm excited about being a dad.

Connor: Maybe she would like to be a full time mom.

Daniel: Maybe. We're planning on starting a business together. The first one being an alcoholic slash soft drink company. She would release wines, champagnes, while also releasing old fashioned sodas for anyone who doesn't really drink alcohol.

Connor: Sounds like a great idea boss.

Daniel: Yeah. And the other. A clothing line. Named after our little one.

Connor: That's genius actually. But have you talked with her about what's going to happen once the baby arrives?

Daniel: Actually, no. But I think we might want to. To see what we come up with.

Connor: Alright.

We continued with the morning chores when Kourtney came out to the corrals,
Kourtney: Daniel, Kendall wanted me to check on you and get you for breakfast.

I smiled,
Daniel: Alright. I'll be in a moment, Kourt.

She smiled as she headed back to the house.

Pretty soon I was done with morning chores and kicked off my cruddy boots, and jeans as a clean shirt and pair of jeans were hanging in the mudroom that I changed into. Once I was changed into them I walked into the kitchen and kissed Kendall's cheek making her smile.

After breakfast, we went over ideas for themes for the wedding. Apparently they agreed on an old west/modern theme. Which kind of made sense since we are going to do a clothing line of comfortable ranch wear, such as jeans, shirt, etc.

When they nailed down a theme they went to work on redecorating things around the house as preparation for the wedding.

It took a few days but they pulled it off. The decorations were phenomenal, and everything looked spectacular. All we needed were a small group of guests, a couple of matching horses, and the preacher.

Plus we needed someone to give Kendall away. But I had the perfect guy in mind for that job. A day before the wedding I did my tux fitting as Kendall had her dress fitting I met with Tony at his favorite bar.

Tony: Well, thanks for the invite. What's going on?

Daniel: I was wondering if you'd be interested in escorting Kendall and give her away?

Tony: Absolutely.

I grinned alright. We'll keep as surprise for Kendall.

The night before the we was the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Kendall's sisters were going to Strange Love. A club in Boise. While Roman, Seth, AJ and Robby Kendall's only brother, who came with Hayley Bieber who's part of Kendall's bridal party . Are going to the Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club. Seth's bright idea.

Kendall reminded her sister's that she couldn't drink alcohol.
Brandi Rhodes who came at my request to make sure there was a voice of reason if her sister's got out of control. Told her she'd make sure she won't.

I was extremely nervous about going to a Gentlemen's Club for my bachelor party. Mostly because Roman, Seth and possibly Robby would be a bunch of rogues as the night went on. Especially Seth.

Our parties left the ranch at nine, I even took Connor and Tony with us. That way I had guys that wouldn't be completely drunk by the end of the night.

Me and the boys arrived at the Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club at 930 and I walked in with them. And I should have been surprised but I wasn't. Seth and Roman rented out the place for my bachelor party.
They had their best girls working tonight. And Seth let it slip that it was my last night as a free man and that made the girls really pay attention to me.

While I was dealing with a big mouth groomsman. Kendall was having fun with her sister's while Lexi and Brandi mad sure she didn't drink anything with alcohol.
Alot of guys came up to her and asked her to dance.
But Brandi told them she was taken. When they smugly said they didn't see him. Kendall would tell them she was marrying the Outlaw himself, Daniel Boyce the very next day.They ran for the hills.

The girls were sweet but I was not happy about my bachelor party. And everyone knew it. One of the girls wanted to be an artist, another a veterinarian and a few others. The artist, Ztars (Stars)showed me her tattoo on her back she had sketched before making it a tattoo.
I was actually impressed. The detail was pretty awesome. She asked who I was marrying. All I said told her was Kendall's initials. KJ.

Ztars: Well she's a very lucky girl.

I grinned,
Daniel: I'd actually like to think I'm the lucky one.

Soon it was midnight, and my groomsmen aside from AJ, Connor, Tony and myself. Were getting real drunk and belligerent.

Daniel: Alright guys, last call. Let's go. Me,Connor, Robby, Tony and AJ corralled them into the limo and I apologized to the girls and pulled out Seth's 'emergency' cash and started to hand out the money $200 each.
Ztars: Where did you get that?

I chuckled,
Daniel: Picked his pocket. I mean he booked the place so, might as well tip well, right.

The girls smiled,
Ztars: Like I said. Lucky girl. I said goodbye to the girls and left with the boys.

Across town, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Kylie were getting pretty rambunctious and Lexi, Brandi, Hayley and Kendall were barely able to get them in the limo and headed to our home.

We both arrived at the ranch at the same time and I had Tony and Connor put the guys in the barn. Kendall had Brandi and Lexi with the help of Hayley put her sister's in the bathrooms of the house.

Daniel: Looks like you had as much fun as I did.

Kendall: Well I don't blame them. At least between me, Lexi, Brandi, and Hayley. We were able to round them up.

Daniel: True. Well I have to get to bed and so do you. I'll be...

Kendall: Your coming to bed with me tonight. Just make sure you wake up and go do chores early in the morning.

Daniel: Good idea. I grinned.

We all headed to bed and early that morning. As Kendall suggested I woke up and went out to do chores early so I could get ready for the wedding. Kendall woke up and got a shower in, and dried off when she was done before rubbing her stomach and felt a little bump.

Kendall: Your dad and I are very excited to meet you. And we're going to love you with all our hearts. So please be happy and healthy for us.

Then the girls came in and got her ready for the wedding.

After chores I went for a ride to calm my nerves. And when I came back to the stable. The boys got me ready for the wedding.

While Kendall and I were getting prepped for our wedding. Tony's wife Jocelyn and Kris were getting the food arranged as the caterers brought it in. Then Reverend Matthew Mulcahy and Doctor John Pierce came into the house.

Rev. Mulcahy: Hello all. Where's the bride and groom to be.

Kris: Kendall's upstairs getting ready with her sister's help.

Jocelyn: And Daniel's in the stables getting prepped with the boys help.

Rev. Mulcahy: Thank you. He headed upstairs and gently knocked. A second later Kim opened the door.
Rev. Mulcahy: Hello, I'm Reverend Matthew Mulcahy. I'm looking for Miss Kendall Jenner?

Kim: She's getting her wedding dress on.

Rev. Mulcahy: I'll try to be expedient. She let him in and Reverend Mulcahy was in front of Kendall. He asked a few questions like what would be her name after her and I were married. What her full name was. And if she and I were doing our own vows or were we going to be doing the regular vows.
Rev. Mulcahy: Thank you for your time.

He left the room and headed to the stables and asked me the same questions. He got the same answers. He excused himself and got prepped for the wedding.

At noon on June 8, 2019, I was at the altar that was put together quickly by my ranch hands. Waiting for Kendall.
She rode up on a white horse and wearing a perfect dress.

I nearly fainted she looked so good in the dress as she grinned under the veil as Tony helped her down off the white horse and presented his arm to her. She took it as 'Beautiful In White' by Shane Filan started playing and Kendall grinned as Tony escorted her to me and when I gently took her from Tony, he kissed her cheek and winked at me as I led her to the altar and Reverend Mulcahy started his usual speech about marriage.
Pretty soon we exchanged rings and I went first when it was time for the vows.

Daniel: Kendall, you know that before you came into my life. I never had a girl of my own. And to be honest, I was fine with that possibility. But I looked over at the front row when I won the Universal Championship and there you were. Sitting with Kylie, I approached you and that was it. Now a month or two later, we're standing in front of friends and family and getting married. And in about nine months. We'll be growing our family at least by one. But I would not change anything or give you or our impending little one up for anything.

Kendall: Daniel, the moment I saw you,  I knew that I made the right choice going to Wrestlemania 35 with Kylie. And when you won the Universal Championship. I could hardly contain my joy. When you approached me as you dabbed a towel on your gashed forehead and introduced yourself to me. I was immediately drawn to you. And you've made my life so much better by being part of it. And like you, I wouldn't change or give you or our growing family up for anything. You mean everything to me Daniel. And I'm sure I mean everything to you. And I can't wait for what the future brings.

Rev. Mulcahy: I don't think there's anything else to say but you may kiss the bride. I lifted her veil and kissed her as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

When we walked to the horse, I got on first and Connor helped Kendall on behind me. And rode off. We stopped at a clearing and Tony and Lexi were waiting for us as they drove to the clearing on a four wheeler.

Lexi: Beautiful ceremony. Okay guys. Choose a spot and let's get this show on the road.

We took pictures for a half hour, looking into each other's eyes, holding each other close, kissing each other and a few silly moments like being back to back and looking at each other, me giving her a piggyback ride. Things of that nature. When we returned home. Lexi took pictures of Kendall and I with her family and our groomsmen and bridal parties. But Connor surprised me by inviting my long lost uncle. Who apparently was back in Menan watching over the family homestead.

Daniel: Uncle Gary? Where have you been hiding.

Gary: Oh, everywhere and anywhere. Just returned to the old family homestead.

Daniel: Alright. I wish I could have visited more often. But. That's just the way it is so. What are you gonna do.

Gary: It's okay. So she's your new bride?

I smiled,
Daniel: Yes she is. Kendall. This is my crazy but loving Uncle Gary.

Kendall: Nice to meet you. But I thought Daniel didn't have any family left.

Gary: Oh he does but I'm the only one left. But I've been spending the last ten years or so being a weary traveler. So. But I'm glad that this wildman has someone to watch over him. Welcome to the family Kendall. You'll learn to hate it. He joked making Kendall giggle.

Kendall: Thank you Gary. Lexi took photos of me and Gary then Kendall and Gary and me,  Kendall and Gary.

After we took a couple more family pictures. The reception started. We had dinner, the toasts, then the couples first dance. We had 'From Here To The Moo And Back' by Kris Kristofferson and Dolly Parton as our first dance song. And to all present, Kendall and I danced like nobody else was even there.

When we cut the cake. We fed pieces of the cake to each other and there was a wedding sideshow going with the song 'Find My Way Back' by Eric Arjes playing with it.

After the reception was over, everyone volunteered to clean up the place. At least the mess.

Kendall and I decided to call it an early night. As I had early morning chores and she wanted to get a head start on our ranch wear clothing line.

Everyone left the next day, either on flights to their home or the next Smackdown or Raw event. When the house was reverted back to its usual self. Kendall started getting everything together for our line. The designs, the fabric, even the clothing factory we'd use.
But it didn't take a genius to see she was getting stressed out from it all. So I told her to leave the day after our first ultrasound appointment open. She became less stressed and more excited about what I had in mind.

A few weeks later, at our first ultrasound appointment, we filled out the paperwork and just took a  seat as we waited for our name to be called.
When our names were called we were led to an examination room and not long after Dr Pierce came into the room.

Dr Pierce: Hey guys. My name is Doctor John Pierce. I attended your wedding. Nice ceremony by the way. Okay, any pain or discomfort? Kendall shook her head.
Dr Pierce: Any stress?

Kendall: A little. But my husband turned it into excitement. She smiled.

Dr Pierce: That's good. But be careful. Sometimes even excitement can be bad for the baby. Okay let's get this show on the road.

He put a dollop of ultrasound gel on the wand and her stomach. Pretty soon we heard a heartbeat and saw our baby on the screen. Kendall grinned as she teared up at the image of our little one.
Kendall: She's beautiful.

Dr Pierce: That she is. Well you should be due about December 30th or January 8 of next year.

Kendall/Daniel: Thanks Doc. We said in unison as she cleaned off the remnants of the ultrasound gel off her stomach and we headed back home.

The next day we loaded up the Ford F-150 and just went on a day trip to the family's homestead. It took us close to five hours with repeated bathroom stops. When we arrived. We visited Gary and he gave us a rundown as to what was going on. After the visit we went down by the river and saw grandpa's old drip oil pump. Dad had one just like it except smaller.

Kendall: You ever think of what your life would be like if you didn't become a wrestler?

I chuckled,
Daniel: Yeah very boring and full of pain. Not to mention I wouldn't have met you.

She smiled as we walked along an old ditch bank,
Kendall: You know, I'm so happy that you came from such humble beggings. And it's because of itthat your going to be an amazing dad to our little one.

We wrapped up our day trip with a little picnic by the river. Then headed back to Eagle.

The holidays were pretty significant for us. We got our clothing line out and it was a pretty big hit. By Christmas we released our wine/champagne/ soft drink line. And it was an immediate hit.

We had her sister's and mother over and my uncle for a Christmas party. But I stayed with Kendall whose had maybe four to five false alarms since the second ultrasound appointment which confirmed the due date of December 30th. Everyone had fun at our place during Christmas. All except Kendall who was tired all the time because of the baby bump. I rubbed her back as she got a little stressed out over if the baby would come on time. When the due date came and went and nothing happened, we took long walks, even tried spicy foods and castor oil. And when her sister's visited after January 1st 2020, they teased her which didn't help matters. So I asked Jocelyn to look after Kendall as I took her sister's out to lunch. And told them that I don't appreciate their constant needling and teasing of Kendall. She already has issues worrying about the baby. And she doesn't need to feel any worse. They regretted teasing her and when I paid the bill and took them to our home. They profusely apologized to Kendall, which made her happy.

Then on January 7th, it was finally time. The moment Kendall went into labor, I called Dr Pierce who made a beeline for our ranch. And he brought Jocelyn with him as she was a licensed midwife and nurse. Connor put on some relaxing music for Kendall as I got behind her and rubbed her back to relax her but when her sixth contraction hit I rubbed her back and offered my free hand for her to squeeze, and boy howdy did she.

Dr Pierce: Okay Kendall. Your almost ready. Just a few more minutes, then you can start to push.

When it was time for her to push, she was a real champ through it all. Even though she broke two of my fingers to just get through the pain.

At 1:23 a.m. on the 8th of January,

Dr Pierce: Okay one final push. She screamed as she pushed really hard and we soon heard our baby cry for the first time,
Dr Pierce: Congratulations guys. You have a healthy baby girl. He smiled as I cut the umbilical chord and Jocelyn wrapped our newborn daughter in a blanket and handed her to Kendall.

Jocelyn: Congratulations Kendall, Daniel.

Kendall and I smiled at our little girl.

Kendall: Hey Chione. We're your mom and dad.

Daniel: Hey princess. Welcome to the family.

I filled out the hospital paperwork for Chione's birth certificate and all that went with it.

We just sat on the floor of our bedroom and just cuddled with our newborn baby girl well into the morning.

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