First-time Parent Troubles/First Family Vacation.

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A week after Chione was born, Kendall had to get up every couple hours to feed her or change her diaper. I could tell she was exhausted. So when Chione cried, I told her to go back to sleep and I'd take care of Chione. She smiled as she kissed me before going back to sleep. I went into the nursery and approached Chione's crib.

Daniel: Hey, hey hey. What's the matter little one? I asked picking her up and she quieted down as I walked around the room for a bit. Then I smelled a foul odor.
Daniel: You need a diaper change. I set her on the changing table and changed her diaper and picked her up and got a bottle of Kendall's breastmilk from the diaper bag, sat in a rocking chair and fed her while rocking her.
She fed from the bottle and when she finished, I put the bottle next to the diaper bag, pulled a burp rag from the diaper bag, put it on my shoulder and held Chione to my shoulder and gently patted her back until she burped. She smiled as I tossed the burp rag into the hamper next to the changing table. I held her close to me as I stood up and walked around the room gently rocking her in my arms. She soon fell asleep and I gently put her in the crib and pulled her blankey over her.
Daniel: Goodnight, princess, sweet dreams.

I returned to me and Kendall's room and bed and cuddled close to her.

She grinned,
Kendall: Everything okay baby?

Daniel: Oh yeah babe. She just needed a diaper change and to be fed. She's happy and sleeping soundly.

Kendall: Mmm, thanks for taking care of Chione baby.

I smiled as I kissed her neck,
Daniel: Anytime babe. In fact I'll take care of her at night so you can sleep, you deserve a break.

Kendall: Thank you baby. We fell back asleep and I woke up at six a.m. and got ready for morning chores but I checked on little Chione and she was still asleep. I grinned as I headed out to the corrals and with Connor and the boys. Did morning chores, feeding the cows, horses, watered them and spread straw to bed the stables and corrals, and moved half ton hay bales for easier access for feeding. Then headed back to the house.

I walked into the house and took off my boots. And walked into the kitchen, Chione was in Kendall's arms being breastfed.
Daniel: How are my girls this morning?

Kendall: We're fine daddy. She said smiling.

I got some scrambled eggs and bacon, a fork and sat down with a breakfast drink we developed for our drink line,
Daniel: How about my lovely wife?

Kendall: I'm fine baby. I'm thinking about hiring a nanny for Chione during the day.

Daniel: Okay, let's work on the add today.

Kendall: I really appreciated the break last night, baby.

Daniel: My pleasure honey. I smiled as I continued eating.

After breakfast, and Kendall burped little Chione. We went into the living room and worked on the add for a nanny for Chione. We put that she had to be nice, have some experience taking care of little kids, especially babies and willing to do a face to face interview. It took us

When we posted, we were overwhelmed by the number of applicants for the position. Some even tried to get past the face to face interviews. But when we told them that a face to face was required. Over 70% canceled on us. The remaining 30% were less than stellar interviews and most of their answers were pretty vague. Like they were actively avoiding the question. Pretty soon we were left with no one to be Chione's nanny until we got a surprise visitor.

Talia MacIntyre. Connor's niece who apparently was actually running late because of an exam. She brought baby toys for Chione to play with and she looked familiar I couldn't quite place it for a moment or two,
Talia: Don't you remember me Daniel. She smiled. I was drawing a blank.
Talia: I came here when I was 12 to 13 years old with uncle Connor.

Then I remembered,
Daniel: Little Talia. Of course. You certainly have gotten bigger than the last time I saw you. You were practically thin as a rail, now, your a beautiful young woman. So, I'm guessing Connor told you. She nodded.
Daniel: should have known.

Then Chione giggled as she crawled over to the toys and started playing with them.

Kendall: Chione seems to like the toys you brought.

Talia: I was hoping she would. I'm studying child psychology and child development at Boise State University. How old is she?

Kendall: A couple weeks.

Talia: She looks like you two great care of her.

Daniel: We try and so far we're doing pretty well.

Talia: I'm not doubting that. She looks like you Kendall. With Daniel's eyes.

Daniel/Kendall: Thank you.

Talia giggled as Chione crawled over to her, and reached out to her,
Daniel: That's a first. She's only done that with me and Kendall.

Talia: want me to pick you up? She asked Chione. She nodded.
Talia: Alright. Talia grinned as she picked up Chione.

Kendall grinned as she and Daniel watched Chione interact with Talia.

Daniel whispered to Kendall: I think we found our nanny.

Kendall smiled: Agreed.

Daniel: Well, Talia, we think Chione made oir decision for us. We'd like you to be Chione's nanny.

Talia: I'd love to. She smiled.

Kendall: We'll iron out the details later.

Talia: When do I start?

Daniel: Well, you can stay here as we go on a family vacation. Your welcome to have a couple friends over but no parties.

Talia: understood.

Kendall: We'll have a small home built on the grounds for you when we get back. Connor will get the necessary permits.

Talia: So, where you guys going?

Daniel: Maldives.

Kendall: We'll chartering a flight to and from Maldives.

Talia: That's cool guys.

Daniel: We're counting on you to keep the house clean and everything in order. I'll even notify Connor if need be, to check in on you.

Talia: When are you guys leaving?

Kendall: In a day or two. We just need to go shopping for some summer dresses and outfits for Chione. Why don't you come with us, I'm sure Chione would like it.

Talia looked to Chione who was asleep in her arms sucking her thumb.
Talia: Okay. We went shopping for summer dresses and outfits for Chione. Talia was amazing with Chione, keeping her calm,  keeping her entertained. But whenever Chione was hungry, Talia would hand Chione to Kendall and Kendall sat down on a bench with her legs crossed as she opened up the four center buttons of her loose denim button up shirt, and pulled out her breast and started feeding Chione.

After a full day of shopping, we headed back home.

Once we were home, the girls got packed and I changed and headed out to do evening chores and told Connor the good news about Talia being the new nanny and that we would build her a home for her on the grounds for her when we got back, and asked him to get the necessary permits.
He told me he would take care of it. We finished the chores and I headed inside as Connor headed to his home.

I changed out of my chore clothes and back into my casuals to find everything we needed for our family trip to the Maldives. We ran through the rules with Talia one more time.
Then we loaded up the pickup, gave Talia a list of numbers for emergencies. After that was done, we headed to the airport and caught the chartered flight to the Maldives.

On the flight, Kendall played peekaboo with Chione who giggled and clapped. I smiled at the picture in front of me. So much so that I snuck a shot or three of Kendall and Chione playing peekaboo. I even took video with my phone as my video and photo cameras were in the hold. I watched my wife and daughter laugh and play the entire flight to the Maldives.

When we arrived at Velana International Airport. We deplaned, got our duffels, bags, then headed to a  transport station and took a speed boat to the Park Hyatt Maldives Resort. We got checked in and were escorted  to our villa and they had a crib setup for Chione I gave the bellman a 20 dollar tip before he left and we got unpacked and settled in. Then Kendall took Chione to get a bath and changed and fed. I on the other hand just walked out onto the patio and breathed the island air.

Kendall grinned,
Kendall: Such a good girl, aren't you. You excited for the next few days? Chione smiled as she giggled and clapped.
Kendall: Time to put you down for a nap. Chione didn't argue as Kendall put her in the crib, with her little blanket and bear she packed, then after she went to sleep. Kendall Came out and joined me.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled,
Kendall: We deserve this vacation, baby.

I grinned,
Daniel: Your right baby.

For the next few days, we went walking on the beach, around the forested area around our villa. I maxed out three memory cards for both the video and photo cameras. I got amazing shots of Kendall and Chione, Kendall in a beautiful bikini. Chione in a beautiful summer dress for her. I loved my new family. We even took a family picture standing at the back door to the villa leading to the back patio before heading out for the days adventures. Chione wore a different newborn summer dress every day, Kendall wore a different bikini and I wore a different pair of beach shorts every day as well. In fact Kendall and I snuck away on the beach to have a little private time with each other. On the last day we spent every second together. And I didn't know but Kendall had a spare memory cards for pics and video of me with Chione.
Which would explain why my cameras would come up missing from time to time.

After a big lunch. We were taken to the airport to catch our flight back home.

Kendall: Get any shots just for you baby?

Daniel: Oh yeah. Just I'm sure you got a few yourself.

She smiled as she looked to the sleeping Chione in my arms,
Kendall: But we'll put the ones with her in a family photo album. And keep the shots of us. In a separate photo album.

Daniel: Sounds perfect babe.
We boarded the plane,
Daniel: I wonder in what shape our house is in?

Kendall: I'm sure it's still in one piece.

I smiled,
Daniel: We'll see.

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