Imbë Masse!? (I'm Where!?)

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Song: If You Could Read My Mind
By: Gordon Lightfoot

Edited: Thursday, March 7th, 2019

You'll need-

* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts '
- Example: 'hey guys! Are you excited for this one?'

* Emphasis on certain word(s) will be Without Apostrophes
- Example: hoping I can update again tonight!

* Word(s) Tokien's languages will be translated within Bold asterisks *
- Example: "Mae Govannen" *Well Met.*


It was the beginning of summer, and I was taking full advantage of it. I had just gotten back from exploring Blackwater Falls. One of West Virginia's State Parks. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't just a little excited for this year. The news said it was supposed to be a good one. Warm, mild temperatures. That was my kind of weather. So, needless to say I had been outside a lot. Especially hiking. Either that, or kayaking. - Usually.

However if one were to burst through my door they would find me digging through my DVD collection searching for The Hobbit. For, I was in the mood for some more Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs. (Amongst other creatures in Middle Earth!)
I decided to randomly pick, closing my eyes I put the three DVD cases on the floor and shuffled them. I chose one.

The Battle Of The Five Armies

I loved them all equally, but this one by far broke my heart.
I stood up, sighing. "I better grab some tissues..."
Returning from the closet, tissue box in hand along with a glass of water I put the DVD in after setting both down on the table next to the chair and sat in my recliner, wrapping a blanket around myself.

The beginning started, people were rushing around Lake Town preparing the best they could for the worst to happen...Smaug. The bell was ringing, the "Master" was making excuses to Alfred saying he had "warned him about making deals with Dwarves." Which, made me scoff.

"You big, fat liar." I muttered to myself.

The Master and his back-stabbers then filled his boat with treasures, not bothering to warn the town like one guard recommended.

"At least he cares." I muttered again, curling my knees up to my chest.

Boats were seen fleeing, Tauriel stared into the distance, a worried look on her face. And I couldn't help but wonder what was on her mind. Was she thinking about the Dwarves? The people and how they had to die before their time, like I was?

"We have no time. We must leave." She walked into Bards house, ordering.
"Get him up." Bofur said, helping Kili.
"Come on, Kili." Fili spoke, sternly. Sounding much like Thorin.

'That's weird... wasn't it  "Come on, Brother." The last time I saw it?' I silently wondered.

"Come on. Let's go." Bofur encouraged.
"I'm fine, I can walk." Kili snapped.
"Fast as you can, young one." Tauriel spoke to Tilda.

'She definitely didn't say "young one" last time...' I thought.

"We're not leaving. Not without our father." Bain protested.
"If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?" Tauriel asked him.
"No, he wouldn't." Bain answered.

By now, I was convinced that the dialogue now changed.

I paused the movie and retrieved the DVD case, looking it over. It was defiantly my case... The inside had my name on it.
Though, how can one movie change?

I got up and called my friend, Sarah. She was another fan of Tolkien and Peter Jackson. We went to all of the movies together, traveled to some cosplays even learned archery together. Yes, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings had infected our lives a lot.

As the phone dialed, I thought on what I would say.
Looking at the tv - the captions read: "Fast as you can, young one."
Staring at it I knew what to say.

Few seconds later, I heard Sarah's voice "Hello?"
"Hey, Sarah. How've you been?" I asked.
"Kenna! I've been alright. Baking at the moment, you don't sound too well. What's up?"
"Do you have your copy of The Battle Of The Five Armies nearby?" I questioned.
"Yeah, it's in it's usual resting place, why?" She answered.
"Well, something is...wrong with mine. I think."
"So, you wish to borrow mine?"
"Not exactly, more like check to see if the same thing is happening." I explained.
"I'm confused, Kenna. What's going on?"
"Well, the dialogue has...changed since I've watched it last. Before you ask yes, I have captions on to make sure."
"I'll put my copy in, hold on."
The phone went silent...
"Where are you exactly on the movie?"
"It started in Bards house with Fili speaking to Kili."
"Okay, I'll fast forward to there and let you know."
"Thank you, let me know what you find." I replied, unsettled.
"Sure thing, Kenna."
"Mine changed, as well...Fili said-"
"-"Come on, Kili." We spoke in sync.
"I swear he said "come on, brother." Last time, last night." Sarah spoke.
"What do you think this means?"
"I don't know, Kenna. But I'd watch and see if you can find any answers."
"I'll do that, thank you again. Talk to you later?"
"Definitely, have fun!"

Those words spoken, we hung up.
And I was more puzzled then ever...

Before returning to the movie, I made some chamomile tea. Yes, it was a calming tea. What I desperately needed right now.
Hot tea in hand, I sat down with my blanket and hit play.

Bard was in his cell, yelling "Open this door! Do you hear me?"
I felt bad for him. If I were in his place I'd go mad and surely wouldn't be able to take down that beast like he did!

People screamed in horror, Bard struggled even more rattling the bars.

Fili, Kili, Bofur, Oin, Tauriel, Bain, Singrid, and Tilda got into the boat.

"Give me your hand." Fili offered to Tilda
"We gotta go." Bofur urged.
"Quickly now. Hurry." Tauriel spoke, helping them into the boat.
"Brother, come on!" Fili spoke.

'Another change...' I thought uneasily.

My heart hammered, terrified as Smaug lit up the small town.

"Look out! Move it, move it! Come on, faster! My gold, my gold!" The master yelled as they ran into another boat, into the Dwarves, Tauriel and Bards children.

'Why couldn't the Master be a nice person?' I wondered as I blew on my tea, cooling it off.

"We're carrying too much weight. We need to dump something." Alfred stated.
"Quite right..." The Master spoke. "...Alfred."
He then pushed him off the boat, into the water. Making Alfred yell in surprise.
However, Karma quickly caught up with the Master of Laketown...Bard's rope swung around his neck and hung him.

I couldn't help but smile at the Karma, it was a B*tch, but always got those who deserved it. Myself included. Though, it was my friend I must admit...

Bard ended up smiling, too. And breaking free for that matter.

I soon saw him leaping across roof-tops after he broke into the Armory to kill the Dragon.

Switching to the Mountain, Balin comes into view saying "poor souls."

"I agree, Balin..." I whispered to myself.

Soon, however the tea took over and made me fall asleep. I had evidently needed a nap.

Waking up not long before the death scenes, made me sad.
'What a wonderful thing to wake up to...' I thought, sarcastically.

Fili and Kili were searching the tunnels, when a creature roared Fili stopped Kili from searching saying "Kili. Stay here. Search the lower levels. I've got this."
Kili nodded slightly, and walked away.

'Why does it keep changing?'  I mentally screamed at Fili, telling him to stick with his brother.

"Where is that Orc filth?" Dwalin wondered as Thorin paced.

As I continued to watch... I noticed that there was No Bilbo. That changed things Drastically. They wouldn't be warned!
I panicked. "Leave, there's another army coming!" I yelled at the tv, hands gripping my hair.

Drums started, making Thorin and Dwalin turn from their standing positions by the ledge. They hadn't begun to walk away and search for the Durin brothers...They weren't warned by Bilbo. There was No Bilbo.

Azog dragged a struggling Fili to a ledge across from them. Thorin inhaled. Dwalin's fist tightened.

*This one dies first. Then the brother.* Azog spoke, as he stuck his sword through Fili.
He yelled "No, run!"
Kili got to watch his elder brother fall...limp, and dead at his feet.

Tears were in my eyes. Every time it dug a hole in my heart to see the Durin's dead.

*Then you, will die, Oakenshield.*

I grit my teeth.
Soon,  there were bats swarming down from the sky surrounding everything, everyone, except-
'Bilbo for, he doesn't exist in this movie...' Kili is now fighting because of anger, anger at Azog. Tauriel finds Kili right when he's about to be killed. Minutes later, Bolg stabs him through the chest. Tauriel takes Bolg by the neck, and pushes them off the cliff bringing them falling down to another small landing.

By now, my cheeks are a waterfall of tears.

Tauriel barely moves. The Orc gets back up. Legolas has no arrows so he grabs Orcrist from the scabbard and rushes toward his enemy atop a blind troll.

Minutes later, Thorin is facing down Azog with Orcrist in his hand thanks to Legolas.
-when the horn blowing once more...

Thorin has No clue that Kili has died.

Azog starts swinging the big concrete block around attempting to kill Thorin.
They continued to fight, and finally Thorin gained the advantage and was able to throw Azog under the ice using the concrete block as a weight.
However... The Pale Orc could breathe under water.

Suddenly, Thorin let out a piercing scream. A sword had gone through his foot. Azog's sword-arm.

Bursting through the ice, Azog wasted no time in putting his sword-arm through Thorin's chest.

More tears spilled down my face.

Though, Thorin - still some strength in him returned the favor and killed the Pale Orc. Glaring at him with all the hatred he could muster.

He laid down next to the frozen waterfall, exhausted. - Dying.

Dwalin found him minutes later. Tears blurred his eyes, his long-time best friend lay on his death-bed.

"Dwalin, Forgive me for what I said in the great hall, my friend. I did not mean it. I would never kill you."
"I know, Thorin. Those were words of Dragon Sickness."
"You said only what a true friend would. Thank you my friend."
"All is forgiven, You are my friend, my King." Dwalin spoke honestly.
"I am so sorry to have put you all through such pain and peril..." Thorin spoke.
"I've always fought along your side, and once more I've done so willingly. Do not think that I haven't done so by choice, Thorin. I would gladly do so again."
"Farewell, son of Fundin. Say goodbye to everyone for me."
Dwalin nodded sadly. They both knew - knew he wouldn't make it.
"Aye, I will."
"If more people valued home above gold...this world would be a merrier place."

Tears leaked down his face. They had been friends since childhood.
"Farewell, Thorin." Dwalin whispered.
Thorin let out a strangled gasp, and his last breath before leaving this world...

I whimpered, crying as I did every time. The dying scenes always got me. I hated it. Though, many scenes and lines had changed. And why? I had no clue.

It then switched to Tauriel and Kili, her crying over him - with his rune stone in her hand.

Thranduil searching for Legolas, "I...cannot go back." Legolas spoke.
"Where will you go?" Thranduil asked.
"I do not know."
"Go north. Fine the Dunedain. There's a young Ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father, Arathorn, was a good man. His son... Might grow to be a great one." Thranduil advised.
"What is his name?" Legolas asked.
"He's known in the wild as Strider. His true name...You must discover for yourself."
Legolas turned to walk away.
"Legolas. Your mother loved you. More than anyone. More than life."

They then departed.

"They want to bury him" Tauriel spoke to Thranduil, looking at Kili.
"If this is love, I do not want it."
"Take it from me. Please." She begged.
Her voice broke. "Why does it hurt so much?"
"Because it was real." Thranduil answered.
She was stunned at his answer. Hadn't he told her it wasn't?
Tauriel kissed Kili, a final goodbye.

Meanwhile, The Dwarves gathered around their fallen King...

It then cut to the part where Balin and the others were saying goodbye not to Bilbo but to Gandalf.

The credits soon followed.

Just as I was turning the tv off, the smoke alarm started. My eyes widened. The stove. Chamomile tea in the pot.

I hurried and called 911 the phone back in the kitchen...but I wasn't fast enough. I ended up choking on the smoke. Passing out.

However, I opened my eyes to cream colored walls with marble pillars. The floor was shiny, and marble also.
Right off the bat, I began to panic. Where. Was. I?

"Welcome, child." A soothing voice spoke.
My head swiveled in their direction. It was a female, with long black hair. Which had highlights of grey, she was clothed in a black and grey dress and a dark maroon robe.

"My name is Vairë. This is Mandos."
I stared at her, blinking. Behind her stood fourteen others.
"You, my child are in the Halls of Mandos." She said calmly.

I wanted to laugh. A smile tugged at my lips.
"Excuse me, but I'm where?"
"My Halls." A man dressed in navy blue and black stepped forward. His face hidden. "I'm Mandos. The Judge of The Dead, and the Master of Doom." He bowed his head.

"...Nice to meet you?" I asked hesitantly, unsure.

This picture is fan-made and in No way belongs to me! It's by: wolfanita at
The only thing I added, was the description - what they can do.
(I think you can click the Image to enlarge?)

If it's difficult to read, let me know! - Or if you cant see the image!
it's important.

(Fact: I learned archery because of The Hobbit)
So, how was the first chapter...?
Tips, comments...etc?
(I had a seizure earlier today so I'm a bit nervous - I'm not as I call - "fully there" in the brain yet 😣)
Oh, I uh...might've had a small seizure while writing, too. -Oops-

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