Mélamar Ná Adel... (Home Is Behind...)

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Edited: Thursday, March 7th, 2019

Song: Edge Of Night (Pippin's Song)
By: Pippin (Billy Boyd)


Just as I was turning the tv off, the smoke alarm started. My eyes widened. The stove. Chamomile tea in the pot.

I hurried and called 911 the phone back in the kitchen...but I wasn't fast enough. I ended up choking on the smoke. Passing out.

However, I opened my eyes to cream colored walls with marble pillars. The floor was shiny, and marble also.
Right off the bat, I began to panic. Where. Was. I?

"Welcome, child." A soothing voice spoke.
My head swiveled in their direction. It was a female, with long black hair. Which had highlights of grey, she was clothed in a black and grey dress and a dark maroon robe.

"My name is Vairë. This is Mandos."
I stared at her, blinking. Behind her stood fourteen others.
"You, my child are in the Halls of Mandos." She said calmly.

I wanted to laugh. A smile tugged at my lips.
"Excuse me, but I'm where?"
"My Halls." A man dressed in navy blue and black stepped forward. His face hidden. "I'm Mandos. The Judge of The dead, and the Master of Doom." He bowed his head.

"...Nice to meet you?" I asked hesitantly, unsure.

You'll need (once more)-

* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts '
- Example: 'hey guys! Are you excited for this one?'

* Emphasis on certain word(s) will be Without Apostrophes
- Example: hoping I can update again tonight!

* Word(s) Tokien's languages will be translated within Bold asterisks *
- Example: "Mae Govannen" *Well Met.*


Once again, This picture is fan-made and I do NOT own it. It's made by: wolfanita at deviantart.com
The only thing I added, was the description - what the Valar can do.
(I think you can click the Image to enlarge?)

If it's difficult to read, let me know! - Or if you can't see/read the image!
it's highly important for this chapter!

I slowly stood up still unsure if this was real, or fake. I mean come on...What are the chances of meeting the Valar when passed out?

I cleared my throat, nervous. I felt like I was talking to a celebrity. And not just one, but two - twelve others were behind them, also. Where the thirteenth one was, I didn't know. "So, um, do you mind me asking why I'm here?" I asked, looking between Vairë and her husband, Mandos.
From what I could recall Vairë weaved the history of Middle Earth into her tapestries that hung all over Mando's halls. Yes, I researched Middle Earth a lot. To the point where it was imprinted in my brain.

"You, my child are here to change history." Another voice spoke, a male dressed in teal with a dark blue cape. He had silver on the front of his robe and hood. From what I could see, he also had silver hair.
"Change history?" What do you mean?" I asked him.
"My name is Lorien, and a prophecy has been written about you - Kenna."
My eyebrows furrowed "...How can a Prophecy be spoken about me when I'm not even from Middle Earth?" I questioned him.
'I think I inhaled too much smoke...'
"This is no dream, Lady Kenna. You are meant to save my creations. Dáin was never meant to rule. He is a cruel ruler. You must change what has passed." Aulë informed me. How could I mistake him? Creations, the smell of a forge, a hammer. Not to mention the Dwarven clothing.

Looking between the four, Vairë, Mandos, Lorien, and Aulë. I took things in. In the past I had, had very vivid dreams and this...was no dream.

I looked at Mandos "I'm dead, aren't I? You really did bring me here." I spoke, not asking but stating the truth.
"Yes, Kenna we did. It is not yet your time, though we rarely do such a thing we must change the future. Lorien is correct a Prophecy has been written about you - I have seen it."
"What is this Prophecy? May I hear it?" I asked.

"The prophecy was written as this: "When the day comes that the blond one returns, the Valar shall usher forth an age of peace."..." Lorien recited.

One word seemed off... "Wait, you said "returns" I haven't been to Middle Earth nor these Halls."

A dark laugh echoed the Halls along with clapping. I stared in the direction as the Valar's heads turned.
"Well done." A dark, low voice spoke. "You're quite clever. You see, they aren't telling you everything."
The tall, lethal looking figure walked towards me. He was dressed in black from head to toe and had black hair as well.
My eyes narrowed as warning bells went off in my head. He was dangerous...

"What do you mean, exactly?" I asked cautiously.
"Well, for one you will end up back here - eventually. That is how the prophecy starts. Another, well... Lets just say that not all will be as it seems. Keep your eyes and ears open."
"Enough, Melkor!" A redhead that looked much like an elf came forth, ordering.
Melkor bowed his head at me with a sly smile on his face and walked away.
I was officially shaken up.
"Ignore him. He enjoys causing chaos. I'm Nessa pleasure to meet you, Kenna."
"Nice to meet you too..." I mumbled, distracted.

As I was distracted, one of the Valar slipped away...

A few minutes later, she returned with a woman clad in grey, with long flowing black hair. She held a handkerchief to her chest, quietly sobbing.

Vairë led the woman over to me by the shoulders. As she cried, I realized that this was Nienna. The tutor of Olórin, Gandalf. My eyes widened once more in surprise.

She was known for giving strength to those who needed it. And right now, I kind of did. Heck, I was suppose to change history. I felt lost, hopelessly lost.

I knew what they meant by changing history, but how?
Then, Galadriel's quote rang through my mind..."Even the smallest person can change the course of the future."
And that, gave me some confidence. I'd have to hug that quote close when I needed it.

When I refocused my attention back on the present, I saw Nienna standing right in front of me. She saw me refocusing, and hugged me. I felt strength entering my body. I hugged her back, feeling bad that she was crying. I wanted her to stop. But I knew she cried for others - to take their pain away... It still hurt me.

Once I felt better, she pulled out of the hug smiling through her tears. "Thank you, Nienna." I spoke softly.

She nodded and walked away out of the room.

"Does she always cry?" I asked the others.

"Most days, yes." Mandos replied.
"They're tears of healing. She weeps for others. Though it doesn't make it any easier...She's like a sister to me." Vairë continued looking at the doorway, where she had gone, sadly.

Mandos put his hand on my shoulder. "Lets talk."
I nodded.
He gently guided me away from the others, to a separate room full of tapestries.
"You've seen how the movie changes, yes?"
"It was your doing?"
'I should've guessed by now...' I thought.
"Yes, indeed it was. Mine and Lorien. I see Prophecies and him Visions. Thus, we have known about you for some time and when to send for you."
"Does Eru Ilúvatar approve?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"...It took some convincing, but yes."
"What must I do?" I asked looking at the master of Death, Doom and Prophecies.
"Several of the Valar will talk to you, and bestow you gifts. Than you will be changed, given clothes, weapons, and a home. Do not think that this hasn't been thought through. However, there is one who knows of the Prophecy. His name is Gandalf."
I sighed. "Well, lets get to it. Not like I can go back..."
He smiled faintly. "You will survive, Kenna."

We walked back into the room where the other Valar were.

"Well?" Vairë asked.
"Let's get started. I hear there's a lot to do?" I spoke.
Several smiles greeted me, one cheered. A male I haven't yet met but have read about...the Valar's Champion perhaps? He was always cheery, and was known to be slow to anger supposedly.

Next to me Mandos grunted. Clearly annoyed at the sound.

A woman, dressed in a vibrant green gown with long brown wavy hair stepped forward. She was standing behind everyone else. She gently grabbed both my hands.
"Brave Kenna, I give the gift of understanding both birds and beasts shall you ever need their help." She stepped away, bowing her head.

Another unfamiliar lady came into the room, dressed in grey and black. Her hair a dark black and was braided down her back. She kept yawning. "Sorry I'm late." She apologized.
"It is afternoon, so it's to be expected my dear." Lorien spoke fondly.
Coming up to me, she introduced herself smiling, "Dear Kenna. My name is Estë."
"Nice to meet you, Estë." I spoke shyly.

"My gift to you, is to heal others. Your most powerful item will be Athelas. You will be able to heal them with Elf-like power. You may not heal them from fatal wounds, but from mild injuries. Good luck, child." Estë stepped away, bowing her head.

Aulë walked up to me, putting his hand on my shoulder, speaking sternly. "It is time to do the rest."
We walked out of the Hall and into another room yet again, this one had tapestries of Dwarves. I recognized several of the Dwarves.

"May I ask if they are alive?"
Aulë looked at me, "They are, Kenna. Have no worries."
I sighed, relieved. "So, where are you sending me? Erebor?"
"No, The Blue Mountains."
"Smaug has attacked, than?"
"Yes, I'm afraid he has."
"Will I still have knowledge of everything that will happen?"
"What is needed, yes. Such as the prophecy, the Dwarves you'll need to know, The dangers to avoid..."
"Now, lets get you changed."
I raised my eyebrow. "Changed?"
"Yes. You can't very well live with Dwarves while being a human."
'So thats what he meant...'
Soon I felt my body start to shrink... Like I wasn't short enough before.
"You are now half-dwarf-half-man. You'll age like a Dwarf, are short as one, eat as one, have the knowledge and love for weapons.
But are as slim as a woman, you will have your menstrual cycle - which can be controlled by herbs, will run as fast as a human, and will have no beard."
My eyes widened with each fact spoken.
This, was a lot of information to take in.

"Now, onto your new clothes and weapons then a home." Aulë spoke, smiling.
"Will I still be able to use a bow?" I asked, curious.
"Yes, however it is not normal amongst Dwarves."
"I'm well aware. It is my favorite weapon though." I informed the maker of the Dwarves.
'I can't believe this is happening...'
Soon I was given new clothes to change into, and new weapons also. Sharp weapons. A bow, sword, two daggers along with bracers that held hidden emergency daggers. 'A little over-board with the weapons, Aulë?'
For some reason, I had the feeling that I was going to be needing these real soon... That this wasn't a mistake.
It was dawning on me that I wouldn't be facing burglars... I'd be facing real, blood-thirsty killers. Orcs. I gulped. Oh what I'd do to save people I didn't even know.

Changed, clothed, and with new weapons... We joined the others.

Silence greeted us.

"I'd like to say thank you. For giving me another chance." I spoke.
"Think nothing of it, it should be us thanking you. You're going to change history, Kenna." Vairë told me.
I smiled at her.
"I'm ready."
Aulë nodded. "When you arrive, address yourself as "Lady Kenna" say that you heard of a Dwarven city located in the Blue Mountains and would like to find a place to stay. Your a healer."
I started to protest, "I don't know how to heal..."
"You'll learn fast with your new gifts."
"I'll try. If it doesn't work, I'll head for Rivendell and stay until they show up."
Aulë nodded "Very well."
"Good luck, Kenna. This ring will symbolize who you are." Vairë spoke.
"Who I am?" I asked.
"It's the sign of the Valar." Mandos clarified.
"Thank you, Vairë."
"You're welcome."
Chanting started, before I knew it... I was on snowy ground. On a stone bridge that over-looked The Blue Mountains.
'Couldn't they have given me a warmer landing?' I thought, looking at the cloudy sky.


Well, this one took forever! But... Try getting into nearly all of their heads (it hurts - I can't get them out!)

Anyways~ How'd you like this one?
...I'm gonna go eat and get some ibuprofen.
I'm 100% positive thats the most POV's I've EVER done.

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