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I stare up at the ceiling. I can't see shit, I don't have glasses on after all.

"Kyle!" Wendy yells.

My ears are ringing but I can still recognise her voice.

"Hey," I say.

Immediately, blue eyes look at me. By the context of the darkness of the hair and eyes (because I literally can't make out anything else), it's Stan.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Ky?" Stan asks.

I close my eyes, opening them again.

"Stan. He isn't fully healed," Wendy says.

"He's healed enough! What the hell were you thinking? You shouldn't have tried to help me. Learn to be selfish goddamnit! If I lost you there, I would have made a revival thing and fucking murdered you again! What the fuck, dude?" Stan asks.

"Stan... I'm sorry," I say.

He takes my hand.

"Do you even think? I thought Ravenclaw's were smart," Stan says.

"Stan, please, I can't hear you very well. Don't worry, it's not that I've lost my hearing, I just hear a ringing right now. So can we please do this when first of all, I don't feel like a goddamn log, are unable to see because of the lack of glasses and when I can hear?" I ask.

"Of course... I'm sorry, I just- I was so scared, the healer said that he might have not gotten to you quickly enough and you could have been left with more than permanent injuries and I just... i felt like it was my fault. I shouldn't have gotten you there, I should have stopped you, jumped in front of you," Stan says, starting to cry.

"Sh. It's okay," I say.

I laugh a little.

"Can you hug me? I'd do it myself but I'm scared I'd miss you," i say.

A hand from the other side gives me my glasses. As soon as I get them, I get Stan into a hug.

"You shouldn't even consider saving me! I'm not important enough for you to pull this shit!" Stan says.

I roll my eyes and get my hands around him even tighter.

"You are the most important person in this damn world," I say.

"Am I crazy because I feel okay with my boyfriend having romantic tension with his best friend?" Wendy whispers to Kenny.

"No, I'm fairly certain everyone has romantic tension with these two," Kenny whispers to Wendy.

"Stan, really, don't put yourself down," I say, after listening to this short conversation.

"I'm not! I'm just saying that thinking about it, I matter the least. Wendy and you are smart and Kenny is well you know. I'm just... I'm just here because everything needs the pointless character, every story needs one," Stan says.

"Pointless? You? When?" I ask.

"A lot of times," Stan says.

I laugh.

"Stan, there is nothing about you that's useless. Literally. You're a Hufflepuff, you find things for us. You're awesome, you're selfless, you are moral, you're smart, you're so damn understanding, you're so... you and that's beautiful. That's what you are, beautiful. How much do you need to realise you matter so damn much?" I ask, holding him close.

"Am not," Stan says.

"Shut up!" I say.

I take his face between my hands.

If you say that shit one more time, I will kick your ass. If someone says anything else about you, I will mentally murder them," I say.

He blushes a little.

"O-Okay," Stan says.

I smile.

"I'm sorry, Kenny, Stan. Can you go outside real quick?" Wendy asks.

They nod and leave.

"Hey," I say.

Wendy sighs and sits on my bed.

"He likes you," Wendy says.

"Oh how surprising, he is my best friend," I say, sarcastically.

Wendy laughs.

"No, I mean, romantically," she says.

"He would never cheat," I say.

Wendy nods.

"I know, I trust him," Wendy says.

"What is it then?" I ask.

"I'm willing to step aside if you'd make him happier, Ky," she says.

"I wouldn't, he loves you, I know him and what he feels for you is worth so damn much don't even think about not being with him now. You're so close and I think you're what I want from a relationship... really," I say.

She sighs.

"I don't know. I can be an asshole," she says.

"But he loves you either way. Just between you and me, he can be an asshole as well, if you somehow didn't know that," I say.

She laughs.

"Ky, really-," she says.

"No. I never would. You're both my closest friends. I wouldn't go on a date with either of you if you didn't both give me consent and would truly want it, not want to sacrifice your own happiness for one another's. I know you two are perfect for each other," i say.

Wendy smiles and hugs me. I hug her back.

"If you two are gonna kiss at least ask me first," Stan says, walking in.

"I mean if you want me to do so," i say.

Stan laughs.

"You can do that all you want," he says.

"Wait. What the fuck?" Wendy asks.

Stan laughs.

"Hufflepuff and a younger sibling. I do nothing but share in my life," he says.

"I really don't understand that-," I start.

"Polyamory exists. I'll gladly share her if she wants to," Stan says.

"Oh shit! Yeah, that does exist!" I say.

"I'm kinda into the idea of that actually," Wendy says.

Stan rolls his eyes.

"Me too," Kenny says.

"Because you truly love many people or because you can get laid a lot easier?" I ask.

Wendy sighs, muttering 'boys' under her breath.

"Both probably," Kenny says.

Wendy finally look at us.

"I'm fine with the idea of polyamory as well, seems okay," she says.

The healer gets the other three outside.

"Kyle. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Well my ears were ringing a while ago but that's okay now. I don't actually know if I should feel worse at all," I say.

He nods.

"You might get out soon," he says.

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