Speaking about the future.

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"Hey Ky," Stan says.

I look up at him.

"Teacher told me to get you to talk about your future," he says.

I get up.

"Thank! I completely forgot it was today!" I say.

He laughs.

"Have fun," he says.

I run off into the classroom.

"Sorry, I had studying for the O.W.L.S," I say.

I sit down.

"Kyle, seeing your record-," the professor starts.

Oh god no.

"You're an example. Very clearly. You have great academic success and we think you can do whatever you would like," she says.

I nod.

"What would that work be? The one you'd like to do," she says.

I take a deep breath.

"A healer or maybe a professor," I say.

"Honorable," she says.

"I would never want to work as something like minister, the position is something to be gotten through corruption or skills I don't simply have," I say.

"If you had to choose a main class you'd like to teach, what would it be?" She asks.

"In probability, I'm thinking about history of magic. Quite honestly, I always thought that the oldest wizarding cultures, the ones from Africa, might be some of, if not the most, interesting things to learn or teach," I say.

She nods.

"But honestly, I have other dreams. Maybe the most prominent is healer though, I would love to be one," I say.

"As you probably know, a healer requires N.E.W.T's up to five as E or O. Potions, transfigurations, charms, herbology and defence against the dark arts," she says.

I laugh.

"All of which I believe I'm doing well in," i say.

She nods.

"I do believe you could do this. Your father, however, has mentioned you should go into politics," she says.

"Ma'am! I have a temper but I care, unlike a politician, who is calm and evil most of the time," I say.

She nods.

"True that," she says.

She gives me a paper.

"Here you have it. Thank you for this conversation," she says.

I nod and get up.

"Kyle?" She asks.

I turn to her.

"I'm certain you can do this, if you put your mind into it. You're one of the kindest people I've ever had the honour to be the head of house of," she says.

"Thank you ma'am," I say.

I leave out the door. Wendy drags me into the library.

"What did you pick?" Stan asks.

Wendy nods. Kenny just keeps silent, looking at his shoes.

"Healer," I say.

"You did do Scott some good in that duel," Kenny says.

I laugh.

"You?" I ask.

"I've been thinking about it long and hard and I'm going to the rights of magical creatures. As in politics," Wendy says.

I laugh.

"I'm thinking about the care for magical creatures Professor, I got a laugh and 'of course you could, it's your best subject' from my head of house. Another thing was the department of magical creatures. Because they're so alike, I got the Okay for both," Stan says.

"Ken?" Wendy asks.

"I um.... I don't think they really liked my idea, I want to make a career out of writing books," Kenny says.

"That's awesome!" I say.

"And making my own spells. But I promised to go into potions if that failed," Kenny says.

"It's pretty hard to make spells," i say.

Kenny takes his wand and points it at a plant.

"Soleurium!" He mutters.

None of us expect anything to happen. That's why Wendy jumps when the plant starts having burnt marks all around it.

"Oh why do people keep testing spells on the plants?"

"Is that yours?" I ask.

Kenny nods.

"Holy shit," Stan mutters.

"Isn't that the one Kenny used when he was angry that one time? When he thought Kyle died?" Wendy asks.

"It is. I looked into it more and got it to work," Kenny says.

"Where did the name come from?" I ask.

"Solebat eum uri," Kenny says.

"What?" Stan asks.

"Roughly 'used to burn' from what know," Wendy says.

"Oh wow, that's obvious," Stan says.

"Says the dude whose favourite spell to use is literally call Stupefy," Kenny barks back.

"Let's not do this," Wendy says.

"Another one I have is probably," Kenny says.

He stops mid sentence.

"It's not finished and a little unstable," Kenny says.

"Go on, I wanna see it," I say.

"Stillabuntio!" Kenny says.

Like one book drops.

"That's cool," Stan says.

Kenny laughs.

"Stillabuntio maximus!" Kenny says.

The books drop like rain.

"Oh I swear to Godric!"

Kenny laughs.

"Those are so cool!" Stan says.

"Thanks Stan. I eh... haven't been able to make others. But hey, many people take years to do just one," Kenny says.

I nod.

"That's already really awesome," I say.

Wendy nods. I look into the pile and take one of the books.

"Stan. I completely forgot to ask! Did your family go to the shelter this Christmas?" I ask.

Stan nods.

"Thanks for giving me the place," he says.

"Was he bound too?" Wendy asks.

"If the vow is what you're asking about, yes, I made it," Stan says.

Wendy mutters about it being 'terrible.'

"Three months till O.W.L's," i say.

Stan immediately picks a potions book and goes to reading.

"Shut up! I'm scared of failing this one!" He says.

Kenny sits next to him.

"I'll help you out, Stan," he says.

"Thanks dude," Stan says.

Wendy and I just look at each other like 'those two like each other as well.'

"I'll just put the books back," Wendy says.

"Oh shit," I mutter.

I start helping her out, putting them up.

"Okay, those up there," I say, after the level we can both reach has been refilled.

"Can I climb on you?" She asks.

"That sounds wrong but yeah," I say.

I take her on my back and she fills the shelves.

"You're actually strong!" Wendy says.

I laugh.

"Thanks Wends," i answer.

After the last book, I put her on the table. When I look over to Kenny and Stan, they have the same look Wendy and I shared moments ago.

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