Exam season.

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"EXAMS ARE IN TWO WEEKS!" Lizzy loudly yells.

She hits her head on the Slytherin table.

"I haven't read at all. Mother and father are going to be really mad!" She says.

I get up from the Ravenclaw table and stand behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She turns to me.

"Wanna read through the exam material? You seem like you're really damn stressed," I say.

Lizzy smiles.

"I...eh. I don't know," she says.

"I'm not forcing you. But company would be nice," I say.

She rolls her eyes.

"I mean, okay. When?" She asks.

"Are you free at any point today? I mean, it's harder on other days," I say.

"I'm always free," she says, smiling.

"Okay then. In an hour?" I ask.

She nods. I wave before going back to the Ravenclaw table.

"That's really nice of you!" Gary says.

I shrug.

"We met over the Christmas, she's a nice girl. So, any of you free in an hour?" I ask.

Craig, very loudly, hits his face in the table.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm free. But are you sure she is looking forward to a huge study group?" Craig asks.

"Why wouldn't she be?" I ask, confused.

"Never, I'm absolutely coming," he says.

Gary chuckles slightly.

"I think I'm coming too," he says.

"When did you become evil?" Craig asks.

"When I wanted to find out if I'm right," Gary says.

"I'm pretty sure you are. Kyle, you're Ravenclaw. Did you not get the clue?" Kevin asks.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

All three shut up.

"Come on! I mean, it's not exactly a date," I say.

"Um," Kevin, very intelligently, says.

"Couldn't say it better," Gary says.

I laugh.

"So Stan, Baahir. Coming to the library in an hour?" Gary asks.

They nod and pass the message down to other Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

~About an hour later.~

"Okay. Is everyone here?" I ask.

"This is... a lot of people," Lizzy says.

"I mean... everyone has exams to go to," I say.

"I'm pretty sure 2/3 of us are dumb. Are you really ready to help us all?" Lizzy asks.

"You're not dumb, you just need a way to read. So. What are you struggling with?" I ask.

"History of Magic," she says.

I take her shoulder to comfort her.

"How about... how do you learn?" I ask.

"I don't," she says.

"Oh okay, I guess. So... a way to do it is," I say.

I take her quill.

"So you could mark important words about chapters here-," I say.

I write 'Goblins' on the first slip.

"So then an important year. Maybe something like... 1820?" I say.

I write '1820' on the next slip.

"I don't think that would work with me," Lizzy says.

"Okay, good that you know what doesn't work. Some other way is to attach these things to everyday. Maybe you eat at the great hall, the food there is made by house elves, you can the attach a fact to that. Anything alike," I say.

She smiles.

"I don't think that'd work either," she says.

"Are you good at something? Do you like... really like something?" I ask.

"Well... I am pretty good at Defence against the dark arts?" She asks.

"Okay. How do you study that?" I ask.

"I normally read it through and make Wendy ask questions about it?" Lizzy asks.

"Okay. Hey, read the Goblin chapter, I'll question you on it when you think you're done with it. Also, I would recommend taking notes on a paper about the most prominent things and reading that through as well," I say.

I give her her quill.

"Got it?" I ask.

She nods, smiling at me.

"Okay then," I say.

Kenny gives me a look of 'the two of us, now.' So I walk outside the library with him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You're awfully touchy with Lizzy. Is there a reason for that or are you just feeling like that?" He asks.

"I'm like that with plenty of people when they're clearly not very good at something. It's to comfort people," I say, shrugging slightly.

"I'm not saying it's wrong, at all. It's really nice of you to comfort them but... Kyle, when it comes to people, I'm pretty good and I can tell that she doesn't exactly think of you in a friendly way," Kenny says.

I shrug.

"I mean, we're twelve. If anything, I don't think it's anything worth being rude for. I'm not a guy to crush on," I say.

"If you're really sure about all that," Kenny says.

"And if she doesn't like me, I would come off as an asshole. I would rather she says that she does like me and if I don't like her then, even the slightest bit, I'll turn her down. But seriously Kenny, we're twelve. Sure like all couples meet here but doesn't mean I'm meant to be with her, at all," I say.

Kenny nods.

"I was just asking if you knew about her feeling and all that, seeing as you invited all of us," Kenny says.

"I don't think she thought I would have it as the two of us alone, I can ask her," I say.

He nods.

"Really, just... remember to be respectful towards her," he says.

I nod.

"I will, of course I will," I say.

I hug him, smiling.

"Let's get back," I say.

We walk back into the library, I sit next to Lizzy.

"Look, Lizzy. You didn't take offence to having so many people here. Did you? I swear, if you did, I didn't know it would and I am sorry," I say.

"Of course I didn't. Who got that into your head?" Lizzy asks.

I look at the guys, smiling.

"So can you ask me things on the chapter now?" She asks.

I take her book and sit on the floor, looking at a few things before turning my head to her.

"Give me the paper," I say.

She gives it to me.

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