Family and dragons part 2

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"So let me get this straight," Kyle starts after we've explained.

"YOU found a DRAGON, want to get rid of it but THINK it's DANGEROUS?" He asks.

I nod.

"The wall has runes on it," Stan states.

"What kind?" Kyle asks.

"Bebe said one is 'Room' or something amongst the lines," I say.

"Room? How many are there?" Kyle asks.

"3, the first is room," Stan says.

"According to Leo, the second one looks like this one he saw on a book cover on Diagon alley, it means 'of' apparently," I say.

"'Room of' eh. Are you stupid or something?" Wendy's voice comes from behind me and Stan.

"The legend of... you know... Room of Requirements, I'm guessing someone found it and marked the place it's at," Wendy says.

"Doesn't make sense, the legend says you have to walk the wall three times before anything appears," Kyle says.

"Kenny," Stan says.

I look at him.

"I'm going to propose the dragon is in a room next to the room of requirements, a room that has something it has to protect. Maybe it looks like it's outside because of the dragon needing that to survive," Stan says.

"Stan, you're a genius!" I say.

"What would it protect?" Wendy asks.

"How are you caught up already?" I ask.

"Kyle gave me a short version. Now, let's figure that our," Wendy says.

"But the dragon!" Stan says.

"We're going to do this like this. We need some sort of distraction for it and then we can-," Kyle starts.

I get out the potion.

"Or we could just...," I say.

Stan nods, getting up.

"Let's go," he says.

I make sure the bottle is closed before making a run for it. Obviously, I'm the fastest, soon followed by the rest.

"Keep up," I say.

I get to the dragon nest, looking at it. Kyle, Wendy and Stan get there with me.

"How are we going to get it to stay still enough to put this in?" I ask.

Wendy and Kyle look at each other and point their wands at the dragon. Both of them do the same spell Kyle did with Cartman, judging by the stillness of the thing.

"Put it in, fast. Dragons are good at breaking out of this! And that momma is going to be pissed!" Wendy says.

I (with Stan helping me), get some of the stuff in the dragon. It falls down.

"I'll take left side of the room," Stan says.

"I'll help you out, Stan," Wendy says.

Kyle and I start looking through the right side.

"Wait. Wingardium Leviosa!" I say.

I literally rise the dragon, leaving both Wendy and Kyle rather shocked.

"Move the fucking nest," I say.

All of them start pushing it away, the floor has a small, dark brown, plank on it. It looks far newer than anything else in the castle, so, it's clearly new. Kyle moves it away to find a small book in it.

"This might have regular checkups," I warn as he takes the book.

I put the dragon down-damn, I sound so cool when it's said like that.

"What is it like?" I ask.

Kyle looks very very confused.

"Can anybody read ancient ancient runes?" Kyle asks.

"What now?" Wendy asks.

"Ancient wizards took their writing from their ancient wizards. They are nothing alike and the culture difference is the reason nobody really knows anything about anything before the Egyptian wizards," Kyle says.

"Why do you know that?" I ask.

He shrugs.

"My nan liked blabbering on and on about things she did when she was younger, they went to see caves with these paintings on them with my dad when she was 'Young, beautiful and full of life', anyway, she thought she felt a really strong magical presence and decided to copy one from the wall, the marks look like this, kind of. These are more advanced though, I would call this maybe the last of the culture. Which, according to my nan, was Mayan. I think that's funny, seeing as Egypt was- I'm rambling, aren't I?" Kyle asks.

"I didn't know I signed up for a history lesson!" Stan says, loudly.

"Long story short, this isn't any use to us, seeing as there are no living people that know more than one or two sentences," Kyle says.

"Is your granny one of those people?" Stan asks.

"My nan's dead," Kyle says.

"She didn't sound that old...," I say.

"She actually wasn't. Remember when I said that someone would get killed by a werewolf, if you said the darkest wizards name? Um... my grandpa went again him, even while being slightly old. He died and a couple of weeks later, my nan got eaten by a werewolf, which is pretty common for dark wizards to use as sort of warnings or even just for the fucks of it. One of your family members gets killed by one and then you're pretty much marked as enemies for life. Although my family is so inbred I'm pretty sure we're just fine. Hey, gotta marry your sister if she's cute," Kyle says, laughing at his last sentence.

He has way darker humour than I thought he would have.

"By that logic, as I am your far far far away family," Wendy says.

Kyle laughs.

"Nah, I'm sure Stan would marry you before me, sorry," he says.

Stan takes the book, puts it back, puts the plank on, pushes the nest and look at us.

"Someone's coming," he says.

Now I hear it too. A strong heel on the stone, no doubt coming towards us. Kyle jumps out.

"Broflovski! Dinner is half way through already!"

"Sorry professor! I was in the library but then realised I had something in the Ravenclaw common room. After all, only 3 and a half months to the end of the year, is there not?" Kyle asks.

"Very well, Broflovski. But if I catch you again, I will amuse something is going on," professor says.

"Professor! I'm rather concerned about my results. You talked about making a group for those that aren't doing very well in the potions class," Kyle says.

"...Kyle. There is nothing to be concerned about, you're doing really well," she says.

"Can I please see the practice test we did again?" Kyle asks.

"Very well," she says.

As the heels go further, Kyle winks to us before running after the noise. We all leave to the great hall together, well, without Kyle but otherwise, all of us.

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