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My favourite song ATM is Gorgeous by Taylor Swift. I don't know why I mentioned that. Oh and also, sorry for using the bad guys so much. This is practice for Kyman, so, I mean, I gotta have villains.

I sit at the dinner table. As always, the only clear noises are the music playing and the clock ticking, maybe a neighbour doing something stupid every now and again but it's mostly just the music... it's piano, nice...

"How was work?" Mother asks father.

"The same as always, it's been awfully quiet since the Azkaban breakout," Father says.

Ike finishes his food quicker than any of us even take it.

"Ike. Aren't you going to stay?" Mother asks, louder than I'd like. Sure. It's all fine and all but... as someone with very good hearing...

"Mother, I'd rather not," Ike says.

He pushes the chair back to where to was and gets the dishes into the sink.

"Dear, could you-?" Mother asks.

Before she's even done, Ike starts washing the dishes.

"Thank you," Ike says, after washing the dishes for a few minutes.

He goes out of the room.

"Ike," I say.

"Yeah?" Ike asks.

"Don't forget to smile a little," I say.

"Nothing to smile about," Ike says.

I roll my eyes.

"Just try," I say.

"I will," he says.

His steps go up the stairs and afterwards, absolutely nothing.

"Kyle. How has school been?" Mother asks.

Oh complete shit, my best friends keep loosing memories and our dada professor looks like a missing muggle but with a tan.

"I would assume that means classes. I haven't got a problem," I say.

She nods.
I'm fairly certain most families aren't this awkward. But hey, inbred people are always complete shit... how do I still amuse myself with jokes about inbreeding? I've made them since I learned what the word meant! Which was when I was maybe six.... seven? At most eight. I learned it just after learning about sex which would leave it at seven.

"Is there anything else going on then?" Mother asks.

"A lot," I say.

I keep staring down at the table. I am not hungry.

"I heard you didn't go to quidditch try outs," Mother says, despaired for a conversation.

"I had to do too much with reading to really bother in all honestly," I say.

I shrug.

"Quidditch really isn't that interesting. Quite frankly, I hate the idea that everyone should be obsessed with one game, it's fun but not fun enough to take me away from anything else," I say.

"Can't you be a normal boy for one second? You're 12, all the twelve years olds are obsessed with Quidditch," Father says.

I roll my eyes.

"Father. I cannot exactly be obsessed with something as stupid as that as I have a muggleborn friend that could get the worst treatment in this damned world," I say.

I am about to raise my voice but remember what I was taught and turn quiet immediately.

"What's that about?" Mother asks.

I sigh.

"I might have seen someone alike to the muggle missing," I say.

I take my plate and put it back as I haven't eaten anything.

"Father?" I ask.

"Kyle. Do you seriously enjoy being a hard child to raise or is that just something that comes with it?" Father asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I'm seriously... I cannot raise you correctly. Whatever I do, you end up disrespectful," Father says.

Mother shakes her head.

"Kyle is a darling," she says.

I face my mother.

"A fact you'd know if you had raised him and seen him constantly for ten or eleven years. Sure it doesn't make up for that but I'm sure there is an excuse," Mother says.

Oh shit.

"Excuse me," I say.

I try to leave.

"You aren't going anywhere. We've heard of your behaviour in school," Mother says.

"You were just defending me!" I say.

"Sure but that doesn't make up for the way you act towards your defence against the dark arts professor. Kyle, you've done nothing wrong before you've had a clear chance of saying what you have and haven't done," Mother says.

Are you kidding me?

"Does it make up for the way he treats me and my friends? Does he need a hearing too to be proven to be a fucking monster?" I ask.

"He's a charming man, Kyle," Mother says.

"That's fucking it," I say.

I turn towards her.

"In my defence, which by the law I have, I have the right to defend my actions," I say.

Mother nods.

"I was never taking that away from you," she says.

"You haven't seen the situation, you haven't been able to witness what he is presumably doing to my friends. You have no evidence but a simple sighting from the person I'm accusing and if he truly is accusing me as I'm accusing him, I have more evidence in the court of law and I will not hesitate to make sure of everything before taking it further because there is a clear power imbalance just like there is in this conversation seeing as you both own the place of the conversation and are older and at more important places than me," I say.

I turn again and start walking out the door.

"Kyle, we need to discuss this," Father says.

"No Gerald, we will not discuss this," I say.

I leave out the door and go into my room, writing a small summary of the conversation for Stan and the rest. Only one letter but hey they're all in the same place so that doesn't really matter. Does it now?

"I heard you," Ike says.

"Oh wow. Want a fucking medal?" I ask.

Ike sits down on my bed.

"But... before you send anything, I heard father talking about the Azkaban break, mentioning a fairly huge amount of money with the fact he'll stay away from the case right after. Apparently the head of law might just resign and Father will take the place," Ike says.

"WHAT?" I ask.

"That's the reason I didn't want to stay at the table. I'm not sitting with a corrupt man," Ike says.

"Oh fuck, I should have guessed," I say.

I add it to the letter and send it away.

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