The Marshes Christmas holiday.

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Stan leads us to the car that has 2 women and one man inside. He opens the door and waves,

"Hello family."

Their car is big. One of those that have enough space for six people? Yeah, my poor ass hasn't seen one like that before. The front has three places, all of which are taken by Stan's family, meaning we will sit in the back.

"Good day sir, ma'am's," Wendy says.

Oh so she has to show off.

"You're Wendy?" The older woman asks.

Wendy nods.

"Name's Sharon," the woman says.

I just keep my eyes away from everyone while sitting down. Stan sits next to me.

"Alright then. We have a while," Sharon says.

The man says something but in complete honesty, I don't understand it, it sounds drunk.

"Dad, shut up," Stan says.

He's looking at his feet, giving the picture of a person that just can't face his family... which is really sad to notice.

~Time skip~

"Alright then. Wendy. Do you want to take the sofa or be in Shelly's room with me?" Sharon asks.

Wendy laughs.

"I can't go to Stan's room?" She asks.

"If you want to, none of Stan's friends before have wanted to," Sharon says.

Wendy shrugs.

"I don't think I want to nor don't want to," Wendy says.

"It just seems like the obvious thing to do," she continues.

"Alright. It's ten o'clock," Sharon says.

Stan immediately gets up and puts his dishes by the sink. As well as the rest of the family's.

"Okay then, let's go," he says.

Both Wendy and I take our bags and come into his room. Wendy immediately lets her hair down from a bun.

"Oh yes, that's so uncomfortable!" Wendy says.

I roll my eyes.

"Do we need to like... have you go to the bathroom or are you okay with changing here?" Stan asks.

I shrug, as the question is towards Wendy, and get my shirt off. Pants as well before putting on my pjs (which in actuality are my brothers old clothes. By my age, he was a little bit bigger so i have to have them real tight.)

"Well he didn't seem to care," Wendy says.

"If you want special treatment for being a girl, I ain't giving," I say.

Wendy laughs before looking at us.

"Better look away though," she says.

Stan, as a fairly respectful person, turns straight away. I shrug and turn as well. I don't see why but okay!

"Okay," Wendy says.

She has on pj's as well.

"Is it ever weird that most of your friends are boys?" Stan asks.

"No," Wendy says, shrugging.

I laugh. Sharon comes in and gets a mattress from under the bed.

"Whose gonna sleep on it?" I ask.

"I can bring one from-," Sharon starts.

"No no. We're fine," Stan says.

They know something, they share the look my siblings and I do.

"Okay then. Goodnight all of you! Sleep well," Sharon says.

"Yes we will," Stan calls out after his mother has left again.

"So isn't it logical if I take the bed with him? Considering that doesn't look weird," I say.

Wendy literally falls on the mattress without a word of argument.

"It's soft," she says.

I sort of pet the mattress, we both start petting the mattress together eventually.

"What is it with that specific mattress?" Stan asks.

"Hey, don't insult my wife," I say, taking the mattress into a hug.

"Oh no you don't. It's my husband!" Wendy says.

"By all logic, that would be my wife, I know it better than the rest of you," Stan says.

"Um... they are a beautiful and smart mattress," Wendy says.

"Whatever you say," Stan says.

He looks so done as he falls on his bed. Oh i didn't even notice him change at all.

"Goodnight," Wendy says.

She takes the bed stuff next to the bed (Pillow etc) and puts it on the mattress before putting her head against it. I roll my eyes and get on the other side of Stan's bed.

"Hey," I say.

He's face to face with me and I quite literally couldn't say anything else.

"Lovebirds, let me sleep for Salazar's sake," Wendy says.

"Oh Helga. Sure," Stan says.

Wendy laughs from down in the floor. When her laughter dies out, i assume she goes almost straight to sleep. Both Stan and I stare each other in the eyes, waiting for the moment one falls asleep. Although by the 30 minute mark, the house around starts having noise.

"Randy! For fucks sake, you can't always drink!" Sharon says.

Stan sighs. There is the loud noise of a glass breaking, which does actually scare him. I smile at him, hoping to reassure at least a little.

"You fucking bitch!"

Stan's eyes go wide, meaning this is rarer than it looks, or maybe the anger in his fathers voice is scarier than it should be.

"You're fine," I say.

Okay Kenny, take all the nights of Kevin comforting you and you comforting Karen.

"They won't hurt you," I say.

I can't promise that.

"I know that, but each other is a different case," Stan says, quietly.

I take him into my arms as soon as it settles in that his voice is fearful. Poor thing.

"So sorry you have to hear this," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I thought they wouldn't when we have quests but they clearly cannot comprehend the fact some people don't want to hear their shit," Stan says.

He hugs me a lot tighter. I sigh and take him into a hold as well.

"Everything's okay," I say.

I say it over and over again until he seems to, maybe due to tiredness, believe me and close his eyes. His breathing slows down significantly, meaning that most likely he is asleep. I don't like the idea that this is normal for him... it shouldn't be. Maybe it's for me as well but he doesn't deserve it, as the kindest person I know. And as the fighting very slowly drowns out due to the fact I'm about to fall asleep, I finally do.

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