Loose strings

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I don't rid of plot lines, I save them. It's something I'm almost certain most of the people see this cannot tell. Or maybe it's just the fact that my class is always half empty. But hey, ain't nobody reading this so fuck it... I'm so alone.... 😂

Something is going wrong, I'm certain of it. What is it? Why is not one of the others bothered? Is it truly this hard to hear, to see that whatever Kenny saw is being plotted against him?! It's clear!

"Stan?" Baahir asks.

I take a deep breath in.

"Yeah, Baahir?" I ask.

"I just... the new Dada professor has something going on," he says.

"What?" I ask, jumping up at his words.

"He has it out for Kenny," Baahir says.

"What kind?" I ask.

"As Kenny is your friend, I'm certain I can tell you. The professor has dismissed the Slytherins and other Gryffindors before Kenny and when he come out, he's shaking," Baahir says.

"Thanks, Baahir, this is exactly what I needed," I say.

I jump off the bed and run out of the dorms.

What's wrong? What's he doing? What's the conspiracy here? Why is nobody reacting to this shit?

"Watch out!" Someone yells.

"Sorry, ma'am!" I yell after myself, continuing to run towards the dada classroom.

"Hello Stan. What brings you here?" The teacher asks.

"What are you and Kenny doing here?" I ask.

"I don't understand," he says.

"He's fucking traumatised by what happens whenever he's here," I say.

"Has he told you something?" He asks.

"No. Obviously not," I say.

"Then why are you so certain that I'm traumatising him?" The professor asks.

"Because I know trauma, I know what it fucking looks like," I say.

"I'm afraid you have the wrong man," he says.


"You are guilty. Clearly. As you are talking the way you are," I say.

"Hm.. Maybe. But have you stopped to think? The ministry is banning schools from using truth potions and under the new law, you going ahead and doing such will leave you and your friends in Azkaban," he says.

"But I'm certain that if we talk about the seriousness of the situation-," I say.

He laughs.

"How adorable. Are the muggle politics not corrupt then? How beautiful, a boy that thinks our world is fair," he says.

"What-what do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh, little boy. You've stepped up to the wrong power," he says.

"I do not understand, what you mean," I say.

"You, as a child, have no way of going against everything going on. It's a slow corruption, a corruption that surely will catch you. It's a simple cat and mouse, a matter of time. For you see, Mudblood. We admire such loyalty as yours. The dark king would like someone like that on his side," he says.

"The word dark is in what you call him and as you might notice, unless you're colourblind, I don't step in the dark," I say.

"Not quite yet. But someday, your loyalty will bring you down, it'll bring you into all this and I'm afraid you cannot stop it," he says.

"What... what do you do to make Kenny like he is?" I ask.

"The same I'll have to do after this conversation," he says.

There is something rather disturbing about how calm his voice is. It's so chilling it locks in place, as if it were to freeze.

"I-," I start.

Before I can do any move towards the door, he waves his wand. And yet again, I'm frozen. Fuck my life.

"Are you meaning to kill Kyle?" I ask.

He laughs.

"Oh. You are a nosy one. No. I'm not going to kill him yet, seeing as we haven't gotten enough control over the school or ministry to execute such thing. And as you might know, he may be of help, although his so called good heart is going to be a hard one," he says.

He smiles at me. With a simple, he's managed to leave me panicked. Everything in my head is ringing the warning bells, everything in my mind is telling me to run... but I can't do anything due to being frozen in place. I can't let anything happen but at the same time, I know I cannot stop anything.

"You have a sad past. Don't you?" He asks.

"What is that to you?" I ask.

He waves the wand again and, rather painfully, some of my worst memories start showing in front of me. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT.

"Such a sad case. Fighting parents, an abusive sister and a boy with a naive wish to be like all the others. Such a classical past, lots of people have pasts like yours. Kenny doesn't like being shown his abuse, he is quite close to your case but just a little more sibling love," the professor states.

"W-What the hell?" I ask.

"You're just such a poor boy. Here to play the hero. Can you really be a hero when despair can eat you whole, take all you are? Can you be a hero when you can't even save yourself? Has there ever been a hero with less than pure intentions or does that automatically make you evil?" He asks.

"Stop it," I say.

My voice is nearly unbearably quiet, shaky. Normally I can fight this coming out really really well.

"Oh poor boy. Are you going to cry and forget the fact a hero is always the brave one?" He asks.

I take a deep breath as he says it.

"Now, as much as I enjoyed our conversation," he says.

He takes his wand into his hand again.

"Please no," I say.

"Oh don't worry, I'm fairly certain that you can completely forget that this happened. It's all just fine," he says.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

Kyle told me about this... what was it? The thing where you forget everything? I seriously don't remember if it was a legend or not.

"Obliviate," he says, wand pointed at me.

"Oh that was it," I say just before the spell hits me.

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