Chapter 29

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I couldn't believe he was here.

Was he following me? Or was he just here by coincidence?

I thought I would never have to see him.

"Class, this is Lotor. He will be joining Voltron High for this year as he is in his final year of high school. Lotor, why don't you tell us about yourself?" my teacher asked, and I ducked my head when Lotor looked at us. 

"Hello", his voice made me shiver, and in a good way, "I'm Lotor. I just transferred from Galra High School for... special reasons, but I hope that you all will make me feel welcome." The way he was looking at all of us told us that he wouldn't like it if we just ignored him. 

"Great. Now, Lotor, please choose an empty seat."

Looking to my right, I saw that there was an empty chair. Oh God, please don't let him sit here.

Apparently, luck was on my side because Lotor decided to sit next to a girl who started to flirt with him. 

Throughout the entire class, I glanced at his direction, seeing if he noticed or even recognized me.

Luckily, he didn't, and as soon as the bell rang, I bolted out of the room. 

On my way, I bumped into Lance, who said he was waiting for me. He didn't question why I was walking so fast and instead, started talking about some assignment that was due in his class but he did not finish. 

During lunch, I tried to look calm, but inside, I was freaking out. What if Lotor cornered me today in school? What if he saw me but decided not to say anything? What if he did the same thing he did in my previous school? I couldn't deal with that; not again.

"Pidge, you okay? You keep on spacing out," Keith said, making me turn to him. I didn't want to worry him, so I assured him that I was fine. Plus, Lotor didn't do anything yet, so I have nothing to worry about. As long as I avoided talking about him.

However, God must've stopped pitying me because, at that moment, I heard Lance say, "Hey guys. Did you see that new kid? I think his name was Lotor. Honestly, he looked like he wanted to kill someone when I saw him."

Hunk nodded, "Oh yeah, him. I was walking in the halls and saw him. It seemed like he was looking for something or someone."

"Haven't seen him, but if he is like what you guys said, he better stay away from me and my Pidge," Keith said, and I blushed. But internally, I was worried.

What if I was the special reason he came here and he was looking for me?


Flashback to Galra High School

The bell rang, indicating that everyone had 5 minutes to get to their next class. Knowing that my class was on the other side of the building, I ran to my locker and got my materials. However, before I closed my locker, something else did.

Turning around, I saw that it was Lotor, the most popular but feared person in the school. He was also the biggest bully. Apparently, when he was in freshmen year, seniors were scared of him. And when he targets a person, he doesn't stop until he destroys them.

Now, I was the target.

"What's up, nerd? Why are you rushing to class? Going to give the teacher a good time so you can keep your grades up?" While his friends laughed around him, I stood there, confused and scared. I didn't even know what he was talking about. I just needed to reach class on time. 

So, I said, "I-I j-just need t-to go to c-class." This just made his friends laugh louder. 

"Wow, not only are you ugly, but you are stupid. How are you in high school if you don't even know what that means? You are such an idiot. Get out of my sight." And with that, he pushed me back against the lockers, making me drop all of my belongings while his friends walked away with him, snickering at me.

Then, he bent down and whispered in my ear, "I am going to make your life living h*ll, ugly nerd. Don't forget that."

And he left me sitting there, crying about what I ever did wrong to him.

Flashback Ended

Since then, Lotor and his friends tormented me every day. Because he was a jock and his parents supported the school, no one did anything. And if teachers saw him bullying me, they just looked the other way.

I hated that place with a passion.

Before going to Galra High School, I actually enjoyed school. Learning always intrigued me, but ever since that place, I was afraid to go to school.

"Pidge? Come on, lunch ended. Better get going to classes before teachers give us detention," Lance said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I saw Keith looking at me weirdly, and instead of making me blush, I frowned. 

As I was getting my things from my locker, I felt a presence behind me. Arms wrapped around me, and I realized it was Keith. 

Resting his head on my shoulder, he asked, "What was up with you during lunch? You were weirdly quiet the entire time."

"I-It's nothing. I was just thinking about... stuff," I said, but Keith didn't believe it.

Turning me around, I saw that there was concern in his purple eyes.

"Pidge, you know that if there is anything bothering you, you can tell me right? I will always be there for you, no matter what the circumstances are."

My heart melted as I nodded. He really was a sweet boyfriend, wasn't he?

Wait... Keith never made anything official between us. Did that mean that our date wasn't important?

Confused, I asked him, "Keith, are you my... boyfriend?"

I saw pink coat Keith's cheeks before he said, "Well, that's actually why I came up to you."

Holding out a KitKat bar, Keith asked me, "My little Pidge, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

I could hear people around us gasped, but I smiled so much it hurt. This was the first time a boy was asking me to become his girlfriend.

Remembering that I had to reply, I said yes. Keith grinned and gave me a big hug before looking at me.

"Come to my house today for dinner. Shiro and Matt can be at your's, but I just want to hang out with my first girlfriend for the first time ever."

Blushing, I nodded, happy. 

Besides the fact that Lotor came to our school, I was happy. 

1. He didn't see me yet.

2. I was officially Keith's girlfriend. And I couldn't ask for more.

Hey guys!

Here is Chapter 29!

So, the thing that was delaying my writing happened today, and so I am glad to say that I will be able to get some more chapter in! They won't be as often as before because I have a lot of work, but after some big tests I have, I will try to update more!

Also, I saw that you guys wanted another chapter, so I squeezed this one in! Hope you enjoyed!

So, Pidge is finally Keith's girlfriend!!!!!!!!!

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