Chapter 30

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By the end of the day, I felt like the smile on my face was permanent. I mean, who wouldn't be all smiles once Keith asked them to be his girlfriend?

The look on Katherine's face was hilarious.

In fact, I was so happy that as I was skipping to my locker to get ready to go home, I bumped into something. Or more specifically, someone.

I was just about to say sorry when I saw who it was.


"Hello, Katie," Lotor said, smirking. That's when I realized that everyone around me seemed to disappear, leaving only us two in the hallways. 

"H-hi," I said, backing away slowly. Lotor followed my step, keeping the distance between us the same.

"So, it seems as if you have already made a few friends and a boyfriend in this school. I must say, I am shocked. I thought they would have realized what an ugly, stupid b*tch you are."

I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes when he said that, but I refused to show him that he was affecting me. I had to be strong and stop this once and for all!

"Lotor, I think you need to get your eyes checked. Because you are the one who is ugly and stupid. You had an F in Algebra and you were in 11th grade!" I shouted, surprising him. That's right, I am not the same shy kid you last saw at Galra High. 

"Oh, so little Katie can defend herself. Well, this just makes things even more interesting. Don't worry though, no matter how strong you become or how far away you try to go from me, I will always find you. Remember what I told you the first day this all started. I will make your life living h*ll." And with that, he walked away, leaving me scared like crazy.

What did you get yourself into now Katie? 

Forcing myself to move, I reached my locker, only to see Keith leaning against it, phone in his hand. As soon as he heard footsteps, he looked up, grinning.

"There's my girlfriend," he said, wrapping an arm around me. I blushed as I opened my locker.

"What took you so long? The bell rang five minutes ago," Keith said.

"Oh, I was just talking to my teacher for a few minutes about an assignment we got and lost track of time." That wasn't a lie; I did have an assignment and asked the teacher about it, but most of the time was spent talking to Lotor. 


"Okay then," he said, grabbing my backpack for me. Aww, it hasn't even been a day and he is already so sweet.

I swear I am going to die because of how sweet Keith is being right now. 

"So, do you want to come straight to my house or go to your's first? I really don't care; I just want to spend time with you."

"Um," I thought about it for sometime before replying, "I should probably go to my house. But you are coming with me because you will be breaking the news to Matt and Shiro about how we are a couple now, okay?" Keith looked so frightened I had to stifle a laugh. 

"Oh shoot, I forgot about that. Honestly, I am forgetting to do a lot of stuff when it comes to you. Probably because I'm distracted by how cute you are," Keith said, looking slightly embarrassed. 

I blushed but pinched his cheeks, "You are the cute one when you are embarrassed. I need to start seeing you like this more."

Keith shook his head like he didn't believe me. Anyway, how about we get going? The sooner I tell Matt and Shiro, the sooner my mental breakdown will end."

Laughing, we went to his bike and drove all the way to my house. It seemed that Shiro was inside there because I could hear two voices.

Entering the kitchen, I saw Matt and Shiro sitting down together, laughing about something. They seemed to be getting closer to each other...

"Hey guys," Keith said, bursting their bubble. They separated, almost as if they were caught doing something wrong.


"Hi Keith. What's u- why are you holding my sister's hand?" Matt asked, looking at the reason we came here in the first place.

I looked at Keith, and he looked back with a do I have to do this expression. I just nodded, and Keith groaned, turning back to our brothers.

"Well, you see, um, today, uh, Katie and I, we, uh, started dating?" What the heck? Why is he saying it like he isn't sure? Boys think that they are so confident but in reality, they are scaredy-cats. Look at my guy for example.

Anyway, Matt's jaw looked like it was about to touch the floor and Shiro smirked.

"Pay up Matty boy," Shiro said, while Matt grumbled.

"Dang it! Pigeon, couldn't you have not waited another two weeks?"

Wait a second... what is going on?

"I am confused. What are you guys talking about?" Keith asked.

"Matt and I bet on when you guys would start dating. I said that it would happen sometime this week, but Matt said it would take two more weeks than what I said. So now, he has to pay me 50 bucks. Thanks guys."

I turned to Matt, not believing my ears. "Wait, so if we started dating, you would be okay with it?"

"Yeah. At first, I was like no way, I do not want that little sh*t to date my sister. But I saw how he always looked at you, like he really cared for you, and how you acted around him, being all shy. And he became such a better kid since you came. You should've seen him before," Matt said, and I gave him a big hug. This was going better than I expected.

Turning around, I saw Keith standing still, confused about everything. He looked so cute like that!

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You guys bet on Katie and I dating, and Matt is okay with me dating his sister?" When we nodded, he let out a whoop and took me into his arms, spinning me around.

"Yes! Now your brother doesn't hate me anymore!"

"Hey, I never said that. If you hurt Katie, I will initiate plan Make Keith Suffer 100 Time More Than What He Did To My Sister," Matt said, but Keith didn't look scared.

"Don't worry Matt! I plan to Pidge by my side for a loooong time," Keith said, and I blushed.

"Anyway, are you and Shiro going to his house? Keith and I are going to stay here and watch a movie," I said, and Shiro smirked.

"Ah, the classic Netflix and chill. Keith, I suggest that you don't take that step yet. Matt looks like he wants to kill you," Shiro said, pointing to a fuming Matt, but I was confused. 

"Yeah, we might watch Netflix. I don't know yet. What's so bad about that?" I asked, and Matt looked relieved.

"Oh, sorry, never mind," Shiro said, looking guilty, "We'll just leave now."

Dragging Matt along with him, Shiro waved bye and closed the door, leaving Keith and I alone.

Looking at Keith, I asked him, "What's wrong with watching Netflix and chilling? I have heard many people say that, and they always seem excited about it."

"Pidge, you really want to know?" Keith asked, coming closer to me.

"Yeah, sure."

"It means when a guy and girl have s-."

"Oh, never mind. Let's just go watch a movie. And no funny business okay?" I warned him, and he smirked before nodding.

"Don't worry Pidge. I wouldn't dream of doing that. But can I cuddle with you? Please?" he pouted, making me give in. 

"Fine. But I will choose the movie," I said, turning on the TV.

After 5 minutes, I chose the movie Dr. Strange and sat on the couch with Keith. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to his chest, wrapping the blanket around both of us. This is way better than laying down by myself.

Throughout the movie, Keith kept on playing with my hair or snuggling his head in my neck, making it hard to focus on the movie. 

But I didn't care; I had Keith with me, and that made it all better.

Hey guys!

Here is Chapter 30 after like 100 years of working on it.

So, what did you think of Keith and Katie's "first date" as a couple?

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