Chapter 11- Small World

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(Kristina's P.O.V.)

The flight was quiet, but I did catch Seth watching the Season 5 finale of Supernatural. He smiled at some of the brotherly moments the Winchesters shared. I decided to do some research on a revolution that was caused by berries and love.

The Hunger Games provided me with some comfort, but it felt like wherever I went, I was being watched. Needless to say, I think I read a couple of chapters and then I gave up.

"We are now landing in Orlando, Florida. Hope you enjoyed your flight and welcome to Orlando," the flight attendant said.

I grabbed my backpack underneath my seat, and Seth slowly got up. I knew what he was going through, but that's just the beginning of being a Supernatural fan. The main characters always die, but they always come back to life. No one understands why this happens, it happens anyway and no one questions the writers. They probably are insane just like the rest of the fandom.

"Why didn't you tell me that happened?" Seth asked me.

"Because Chuck commanded it," I replied.

He started laughing as we walked through the airport. Something told me he had something up his sleeve, but what do I know? I'm just someone who's trying to rebel, but whatever.

We got in the rental car, and it was a Chevrolet 2015 Impala. I think someone is trying to pull a fast one on me, or they are trying to tease me. We drove to the hotel, and I saw my friends hanging out in the lobby in casual clothing.

"Shannon, I thought we had a meeting," I ask her.

"Uhhh...Triple H and Stephanie had a Nashville Night," she replied.

"Then why are D'Mitri and Emma here?"

Emma replied, "Because Hanna was being a butt head and decided to swap with the two of us."

"So, J&J are watching all three of you?"

Shannon replied, "Yup-a-doo-da."

Seth has checked in and he said, "I'll be in the room in a few minutes. I need to talk to your friends about something. We're in Room 430," as he handed me a room key and walked away.

I nodded my head as I watched him walk over to my five other friends. Shortly after, I went up to the room and decided to put on casual clothes. Since we were in Florida, I threw on a pair of shorts and a red t-shirt. My friends still attempted to represent their countries, and as a result, I wanted to blend in as well.

As soon as I was done with that, Seth burst into the room. He had a cheesy grin on his face, and it was only 10:30 in the morning.

"Alright, which one of them did you harm now???" I asked him.

"I didn't hurt them, and I was thinking off the top of my head about something. I asked your friends and they wanted to go with me," Seth started to talk.

"Where are you taking them? Back to the Authority?"

Seth smiled, "No. Do you want to go have a fun day at the Magic Kingdom? I've never been there, and that way, we could 'bond' better."

I smiled, "When are we leaving?"

We immediately left for the lobby, and I was so excited! It has been a long time since I last went to Walt Disney World. The last time I went there, Body Wars was still open in Epcot and Hollywood Studios was called MGM Studios. Once I met up with my friends, we all headed outside, and it looked like Seth was not the only superstar going with us.

The Usos, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and so many others were going with us. They each held up a sign with our names on there. Of course, the six of us were overwhelmed, and a certain sellout had some explaining to do.

Seth smiled at us as he started to give us directions, "The Authority's original plan was to test you guys so they could see where you fit in. Unfortunately, they had a long night in Nashville. Trips sent me a quick message making sure the testing would go as planned. Then I realized that 'Family don't end with blood' and I decided to change the plans up because the Authority is all about breaking apart those strong family bonds. So, I'm canceling the original test. Instead, we are going with some of my former friends that I want to make amends with to Walt Disney World. Specifically, we are going to the Magic Kingdom. Each one of you will be paired up with some of the people I consider to be my brothers or sisters. The purpose is mainly for transportation and making sure you're safe. Once we arrive, have fun and at least let them know you're alive every once in a while. The superstar or diva will have a sign with your name on it. Have fun!"
I smiled because I had the opportunity to get to know some of the other superstars. I also could somewhat act like a normal person and hang out with my friends.

Seth forgot to mention and he started to speak once again, "But, they're all outside. I can't risk the Authority hacking the cameras."

We laughed at him, and I said, "It's fine and thank you."

Seth smiled at everyone as we all rushed outside. We wanted to go to the Magic Kingdom. Abi was the first to spot the Diva she was with for the day. Abi was with Paige. Sarah was the next person to spot who she was with for the day, Neville. I laughed when I saw the look on both of their faces.

"Relax, they're not going to kill you. If so, just remember who we are, Future Dictators," I told them.

They relaxed a little bit, and they walked off. Two down, four more to go.

Emma looked around for her person next, and she was with Becky Lynch. She knew from the first moment they locked eyes Becky was just as energetic as Emma could be some days.

Finally, it came down to D'Mitri, Shannon, and myself looking around. I saw my mentor holding up a sign for D'Mitri and they left without a word. Shannon found who she was with qucikly, and apparently she was paired with two Superstars: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.

It was my turn to find the person who I was going to be hanging out with today. I looked around for what felt like forever. I wanted to find them quickly, because I didn't want the Authority finding out.

Speaking of the Authority, I missed a certain member who betrayed us a couple of nights ago. I wanted to tell Hanna that she should be here. We would be looking out for each other. She would be trying to teach me the difference between D.C. and Marvel, and I would be the person who is trying to understand. I didn't know what she would be doing back in Nashville, but I wished that her betrayal never happened.

After returning from my thoughts, I finally saw the person who had me. Actually, I had four people watching out over me. Maybe they were just traveling buddies, but it felt like I was better protected. I was with WWE Superstars Daniel Bryan and John Cena, and they were with The Bella Twins.

I introduced myself and we went out to the car. We had a bit of a drive to go, and the Bella Twins challenged me to a sing-off.

Here's how it started, "So, we heard you like to sing. Let's see whose the better singer between the three of us," Nikki spoke to me.

"Bring it on!" I replied.

My response was greeted with smiles from the two guys. John was currently driving, and Daniel was sitting shotgun. I was in the back acting like I was a Baby Russian in between the best bromance in the world. Daniel turned on the song that the Bellas knew by heart, and it was none other than their own theme song. They did a decent job, I'll give them that much. On the other hand, they were off-key a little and their voices cracked a lot.

It was my turn, and I decided to sing along to the song I was thinking of when I was trying to find my group.

It's perfect outside it's like God let me dial up the weather

Got the whole crew here, I ain't seen some of them in forever.

It's one of those never forget it, better stop and take it in kinda scenes.

Everything's just right yeah except for one thing.

You should be here, standing with your arm around me here.

Cutting up, cracking a cold beer, saying cheers, hey y'all it's sure been a good year.

It's one of those moments, that's got your name written all over it.

And you know that if I had just one wish it'd be that you didn't have to miss this

You should be here.

You'd be taking way too many pictures on your phone.

Showing them off to everybody that you know back home.

And even some you don't yeah

They say now you're in a better place

And I would be too if I could see your face.

You should be here, standing with your arm around me here.

Cutting up, cracking a cold beer, saying cheers, hey y'all it's sure been a good year.

It's one of those moments, that's got your name written all over it.

And you know that if I had just one wish it'd be that you didn't have to miss this.

Aw you should be here.

You'd be loving this, you'd be freaking out, you'd be smiling, yeah

I know you'd be all about what's going on right here right now.

God I wish somehow you could be here.

Oh you should be here.

Yeah this is one of those moments that's got your name written all over it

And you know that if I have just one wish it'd be that you didn't have to miss this.

Aw you should be here.

You should be here.

I nodded once the song was done, and they were shocked at how awesome I was! We decided to sing songs, Disney related, of course until we reached our destination.

Even though I thought I got all of my feelings out, I still wanted Hanna to be here experiencing this journey on our side. She should be here.


A/N- Yay! I'm back, and I think this will start a little bit of a mini-story inside of the normal. In order for this to happen, I need your opinions.

What is you favorite ride in Walt Disney World or Disneyland? Most of these places have the same rides, and I want to hear what ride you guys think would be fun for the characters to go on.

Leave a comment below with your suggestion, and it could be used in the future.


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