Chapter 10- "Capture"

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(Unknown P.O.V.)

"What do you mean we found them?"

"The six of them that I have betrayed, Hunter, are right next door."

"Nice work, Hanna."

I smiled and pictured the trouble they were causing next door.  They were probably having pillow fights, eating food, and having fun.  The Authority would not approve of what they consider fun for sure.  Nope, I would make sure the six of them were in line for Hunter tomorrow.  


(Kristina's P.O.V.)

"What happened last night?" I asked.  

Sarah, Abi, D'Mitri , Emma, and Shannon looked at me and smiled.  We started laughing, knowing what happened at the sleepover last night.  There were empty takeout containers on the floor with some food still in them.  There were some half-open soda bottles on the counter along with both full and empty cups.  

We looked like we were maniacs escaping from the forest.  Our hair was all knotted and twisted, and we were laughing at how we all looked.  

"I can't believe all the fun we had last night," Shannon said.  

"Me neither," Sarah spoke. 

I nodded at my friends and we started to get ready for the day.  While Abi was getting ready, Shannon and I picked up the takeout boxes.  Next, Shannon got ready and cleaned up as Emma and I got rid of the soda.  

Eventually, the room was put into order, and it was my turn to shower and get dressed.  The six of us decided to dress nice, but we wanted to do it in our own wacky style.  We decided to base it off of the anime Hetalia: Axis Powers because we wanted to show off our true style.  Since I was declared China, I had an all red suit on with a red skirt.  It looked funny, but I didn't care.  

Sarah was Japan, and she wore an ivory colored dress with red ear rings.  Shannon was Italy, and she wore a nice victory green dress with red nail polish.  Emma was Lichtenstein, and she had on a dark blue top with black pants.  Abi, also known as Great Britain, had a red shirt on with a dark blue skirt.  Finally, D'Mitri  wore a yellow dress with a red necklace, because she was Germany.  

We all looked and felt amazing, because we wanted to make them see who we truly are: people who could careless about what their master plan can be.  Someone knocked at the door, and I opened it to see one very ticked off Hanna.  

"Are you ready to go yet?" She nearly screamed at us.  

"We are dressed according to the Authority's dress code, right?" I retorted.  

Triple H stormed into the room, "No more sleepovers!  We don't know how this room happened, but we will make sure each and everyone one of you is with your parent at all times.  You annoyed not only me, but Stephanie and Hanna as well last night.  It is time to go.  Say goodbye."

We looked at each other as if we had kicked a puppy.  Slowly, each of us gathered our luggage and left the room.  I was the last one to leave because I wanted to make sure no one forgot anything.  Nothing was left behind, not even Sparky and Annie.   

Seth was waiting for me outside the door, and I didn't want to look him in the eye.  I knew he would probably think that I disobey whatever rules Triple H made for any person associated with the Authority.  He'd probably hate me because I was hanging out with his former brothers of the Shield.  Then, he'd probably figure out that I was the one who would put all of these ideas into my friends' heads.  

I was snapped out of my train of thought when he said, "What was your scene from last night?"

I replied, "That was from the Season Five Finale of Supernatural.  The episode title is named 'Swan Song', and that's where the Winchesters' story was supposed to end.  Now, we're on Season Eleven."

"Why did you chose to perform that scene?"

"Because, it talked about everything that I believe in personally.  Family truly triumphs over anything, even destiny itself.  Plus, the ending is where people feel the most feels."

Seth looked at me as we left the Omni Hotel, "How does the episode end?  Doesn't the narrator come back or something?"

"Chuck?  How do you know about the Great and Almighty Chuck?"

"I know from Joey and Jamie."

"Should of known that one was coming," I replied.  

On the way to Nashville International Airport, I pulled up the script to the ending of "Swan Song" and I began reading it aloud.  

(Spoiler Alert!)

"Endings are hard.  Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass.  This is the last Dean and Bobby will see of each other for a very long time.  And, for the record, at this point next week, Bobby will be hunting a rugaru outside of Dayton. But not Dean. Dean didn't want Cas to save him. Every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back. But he isn't gonna do either. Because he made a promise.  So, what's it all add up to? It's hard to say. But me, I'd say this was a test... for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right.  Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?  No doubt -- endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it?"

We pulled into the airport as I finished the monologue ending up for him.  He smiled at me, and I was relieved to see that he wasn't angry.  Seth was alright with whatever message was passed along last night.  

"So that's how Season Five ends?"

"Somewhat.  I can't give that away, that would be a major spoiler alert," I replied.  

"Dang it!  I wanted to know!" He yelled, and we both started to laugh.  

I had to ask him the question that was burning inside of me as we walked to the terminal, "Seth, why do you act so nice towards me one moment, and the next, you act as if you are a puppet on the strings of the Authority?"

He looked at me, shocked at the question I asked him.  Seth wasn't angry at all, but the WWE World Heavyweight Champion didn't know how to reply to my question.  

Once we were almost down to the gate, he had a look with no expression on it, "I don't mean to hurt you.  I'm sorry if I ever did.  I don't want to be with the Authority anymore, because I was the one that screwed over my brothers.  They were my best friends.  I knew the Shield had to break apart sometime, but I didn't want to be the one who had to cause it.  If it was on my terms, we would have to fight for our brotherhood.  Whoever lost would be out of the Shield.  Eventually, we would all lose and the Shield would disband quietly.  Hunter, he....had other plans.  He wanted us to disband immediately, and somebody had to be the punching bag of Dean and Roman.  I didn't want to lose my friends, no my brothers, all for a shot at what?  Conquering the Beast, Brock Lesnar?  Getting attacked by Dean Ambrose?  Going to some stupid meetings, wearing suits?  This is not what I signed up for at all.  I wish I could go back and change the decisions I made.  All I have left is this belt.  Sure, it means I'm the top man in the WWE, but I wanted to get there with my brothers beside me.  Not at the biggest stage of all time stealing it away from my former brother."

"I didn't mean it like that.  I feel bad for asking you.  I'm sorry," I replied.  

"Don't be sorry.  I realized that I have something to work for now.  I will destroy them from the inside out.  I don't care what they want for me.  Maybe, I was the original kidnapped rebel in the first place.  Every time I try to make amends with Dean and Roman, I end up being slaughtered by them or Hunter catches me before I can do anything.  I will get my brothers back, and...thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

Seth smiled as our flight was called to head to Orlando, Florida, "For teaching me that the only thing stronger than fear is hope and love for your family members.  That holds true even if they don't believe you are their brother anymore."

We boarded first, and I smiled the whole entire time.  The spark was slowly beginning to turn into a blaze that couldn't be controlled.  


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