Chapter 9- Sleepover Six

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(Kristina's P.O.V.)

Of all people, Hanna was starting to reflect The Authority. We were only with them for just a few days. I didn't know that they were starting to split us apart already. I was shocked because of just a few days ago, we were all in this together.

Seth spoke up, "I like it."

Everyone who he allied himself with, past and present, looked at him in shock. My mood changed quickly because if felt like that I earned some form of respect with the current "man" in WWE. With his point of approval, other people started agreeing with him. Everyone, except a few people, started to cheer wildly for our reproduction of "Swan Song". I saw the three ex-brothers smiling. Maybe they decided to listen to our message.

For the encore, the six of us that were left started to raise our voices in harmony. We rolled into the 200th episode version of Carry On My Wayward Son to make sure that the message of family not ending with blood got through to everyone who was watching the scene.

Those ex-brothers of the Shield smiled slightly. They knew what our message was going to be. As soon as we stopped singing, the food came. The six of us who remained found our own seats and reflected on the events that just went down.

"I hope our message is spreading to everyone," I whispered to my friends.

Sarah replied, "Yeah. It is spreading, especially with those three over there," as she pointed to the three members of what used to be the Shield.

I nodded in agreement with her. Shannon whispered, "What are we going to do about Hanna?"

My family looked at me for information. I didn't know what to do.

"Keep an eye on her, Shannon. Maybe she's acting out for a reason," I replied.

Shannon nodded in agreement. She would make sure that Hanna was still aligned with us, or she would see how the Authority is bribing Hanna.

We ate in silence, along with the rest of the people in the room. Once Seth finished up, I got up and left.

I hope Shannon figures out what is wrong with Hanna.


(Shannon's P.O.V.)

J and J Security left at the last minute along with the bosses. I walked with Hanna, and she seemed calm about something.

We walked back to the hotel, and I asked Hanna, "Are you okay?"

She replied, "Yes."

It was a quiet walk back to the Omni Hotel. I didn't want to question Hanna a lot until we were away from J and J Security.

We got into our little bedroom, and I immediately grabbed my two best friends who would never betray me, Sparky and Annie.

"Oh my, you guys wouldn't believe the day we've had. It's just, I don't know what to do about Hanna," I spoke to them.

"Are you talking to your stuffed animals again, Shannon?" Hanna asked me.

"Yeah. I needed some help," I answered Hanna.

"What has been going on with you lately, Hanna?" I questioned her.

"Have you ever wanted to be in the spotlight, Shannon?"

"Not really. I'm happy with Sparky, Annie, and me."

"That's what I've found. I've found it with the Authority. They're so much better than what my old family used to be. They're giving me freedom, and all they want is my loyalty. That's not so hard to give them."

I stared at Hanna in shock. I did not want to be in the same room as a traitor.

I asked her, "Are you still apart of our family, Hanna?"

She smirked, "Nope, but you will soon be a part of my family."

I took off out of the room with Sparky and Annie. I made it to the lobby and started to try and calm myself down.

"She didn't mean it like that. No, I do not know why she would betray her friends just like that, Annie. Wait, I can meet with Tina in the extra meeting room. Maybe the others will be there as well."

I found the extra room key in my pocket. Thank goodness I had that at least. I picked up Sparky and Annie and made my way to the meeting place.

Once I made it there, I unlocked the door. They gave us the biggest suite in the world. I could room in here with everyone else.

"Who's there?" Kristina asked.

"I'm here. It's me, Shannon," I replied.

She smiled at me, "Didn't you bring your luggage with you? We're having a sleepover ditch our so called parents party."

"I had to leave the traitor," I replied to her.

"That's what I thought you would do. Do you at least have a way to get back in the room?"

"Yeah, I put my room key in my other pocket. Can you guys come with me, please?"

"Aren't you only five doors down?" Abi asked me.

"Yeah! I'll be right back, and can you please keep an eye on Sparky and Annie?"

I quickly darted out of the room without listening for a reply. I unlocked my original room, and ran into what used to be our room. I grabbed my suitcase, and I thanked my lucky stars that no one was back. They were probably at an Authority meeting or something like that.

I exited the room and made my way back to the hangout. I entered with my room key, and once again I heard, "Who's there?"

"Still me, Kristina. How did you plan this so quickly anyway?"

She just smiled at me, and she said, "I didn't plan it. I just am making it up as I go along."

Only Kristina could plan something last minute and get away with it. I started to laugh a little bit at her.

She started to speak to the group, "I know that tonight might be one of the few times that we can get together like this, and we've got a lot on our minds. Let's act like this is our last ride together. Besides, we get to actually act somewhat normal for once."

Everyone laughed at her comments, but we agreed with her as well.

I think that Kristina is, and should be, the silent leader of the little rebellion we have going on. I know there's only six of us, but soon, there will be more people. Plus, she's kept most of us together since the start of this journey anyway.

But now, it was time to set this thing off and let loose.


(Unknown Hotel Guest P.O.V.)

Next door to us, there was so much laughing and giggling. I swear, those guests were a bunch of five year olds next door. My wife was annoyed by their stupidity, and she was trying to figure out where they went.

When I walked out into the hallway, I saw my room window that let me look outside of the room. The room with the five year olds was not closed properly with curtains.

Quickly, I ran back to my room and startled my wife with the noise I made.

"I found them."


A/N- Yay! Cliffhanger time! Hope you all enjoyed it, and sorry it was so short.

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