Chapter 4: Carrying On

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(Kristina's P.O.V.)

Our last hour together was gone in the blink of an eye. We used it to our advantage by getting in their heads a little bit. It felt like we gave up fighting with violence, but we chose actions that were a daily occurrence in our group in order to feel safer.

We saw the six members of the Authority come back to the tour bus. Lurking right behind them was their other "member", Bray Wyatt. The door unlocked, and they had a look of pure joy on their faces. My family on the other hand, we had the look of fear on our faces.

Stephanie started out, "We have decided who you guys are going to be with until behavior changes. These arrangements are permanent unless something different happens that benefits the company. I guess you girls can think of the people that you go with as your parents. For this first trip, the other members wanted to get to know you better and we decided that we should bond, as a family, on a private flight. After that, we will separate at night so you can bond better with your parent. Also, you will learn how to become what's best for business."

We all nodded in agreement, because what else could we do?? Try and run, well, that's a failure. She then started to introduce the ones that would supposedly become our family.

Stephanie stated, "We will take two of you that deserve to learn from the best. I believe we have D'Mirti and Emma. Now, come with us and we'll see you ladies around!"

D'Mirti and Emma were scared, but they were together. Stephanie McMahon walked away with Triple H following close behind with our friends. We said goodbye to them, but Emma gave us the biggest smile and as she walked out the door, Emma said, "Hello everybody!"

The five of us remaining smiled as we fought back the tears. Then, D'Mirti smiled and said, "Seriously?? You put me with Kitty!"

The next two people that stepped up were none other than J&J Security. Jamie Noble asked, "Would the two that are called Shannon and Hanna please come with us? We are honored to have you."

I looked at my sister and said, "Stay strong, Sammy. At least you'll be with another fan. Remember, hearing Asia on Tuesday is a bad sign. I love you."

She smiled back at me as she held her stuffed animals. She had two of them: a bear named Annie and a dog named Sparky. The two of them walked out with a slight smile that worked to cloak their fears. They walked out, and all that remained of AVS was Abi, Sarah, and me. All that was left of the Authority was Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins, and Kane.

Kane was the first one to speak, and he said, "Sarah? Please come with me."

Sarah just walked away with her head held high. She didn't offer a smile or any expression whatsoever. It scared me, because that's how a person knows if she is scared or not. It was Abi and me that remained, and I didn't want to be with any of them. If I had it my way, I would be watching a movie at home waiting for the popcorn to finish heating up.

What I didn't realize is that Bray somehow managed to sneak by me, and whispered to Abi, "Come with me, and I'll lead you back home."

If she could of, Bray Wyatt would have gotten punched. They walked out, and I was the last one to remain. The only one that remained from the Authority was none other than Seth Rollins himself. I started to walk out of there with him right beside me, but I had fear of what's to come in the future.

"So, Kristina, right? I hope you like the Authority. They have given me a new life, and it looks like you need one as well. That is why I chose you," and there were questions that I didn't answer because I was separated from my family.

Seth Rollins led me to his rental car. The hotel was just a few minutes away, and he kept asking questions that I didn't want to answer. Sure, those questions were simple ones like, "Favorite food? Favorite color?"

After about two minutes of this one-sided conversation, I started to take a glance at the man who would be watching me for......I don't even know how long. He finally stayed quiet, and we pulled up to the hotel just past the 16th Street Mall. The elevator ride was filled with me fighting off the tears, because I didn't know where my family was or what they are doing.

We walked into the hotel room, and it only had one window. Now, a window isn't that important, but to me, it meant something more than that. I turned the television on, and a special show was playing. It was none other than the ending of the 200th episode of Supernatural, and it was the scene where the brothers are deciding their fate. They were deciding what their plan of action would be. They were ready to go back to staring at blank motel walls. I felt the same way about fighting. Then, the Sam and Dean in the musical started out this scene and it inspired me as "Sam" started talking.

"We need to be back on the road, Dean. Doing what we do best--"

"It's just, I don't know anymore."

"Saving people. Hunting things. You know, the family business?"

"You're right, Sammy. Out on the road, just the two of us."

"The two of us against the world."

After that line is said, the actual Sam Winchester said, "What she said."

The prettiest version of Kansas' "Carry On My Wayward Son" started to play. I didn't know where Seth was at, but I walked towards the window. That window had a view of Coors Field, and the game was still going on. I knew that tonight, they would have fireworks, because it was the last home game before the All-Star Break. I started to reach towards the field, but it was so far away yet close at the same time.

I laid down in the bed that I claimed, and I started to watch that same episode again. They were playing it two hundred times in a row. After all, it was the 200th special for Supernatural. The first song of the musical, "The Road So Far," made me sit down and watch the musical play out.

Also, when the lyrics started to say the motto of the Winchesters, Seth came out and said, "That's the worst motto in the world. It's so bad that it doesn't even make sense."

"It's a Supernatural thing. You wouldn't understand it, but if you did you'd probably salt and burn it..." I say to him.

At the moment when the monster gets killed, the fireworks started to go off. They ended just at the end of the musical, and I heard the last lyric of, "Carry On My Wayward Son", being played.

Don't you cry no more.
Carry On.
Seth Rollins asked me as I watched the fireworks, "Why are you so interested in something blowing up?? You're not even there right now."

What he didn't know is that those fireworks and the window meant so much to me. They represented hope and my dreams. They flew higher and higher, until they became a reality. After the display, I offered a small smile to Seth. I didn't care what he thought it was, but it meant something more than that.

It was the smile of a weary person who thought they were doomed. But, it was the smile of that sane person who knew she had to keep hope with her. It would be the only way to save my family.

As I started to fall asleep, I put some music on my phone that would help me sleep. The first song that came on was, "Carry On My Wayward Son," from the 200th episode. I had hope and I wasn't prepared to lose it either.

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